Black 505 June 22 – Our Date with Destiny

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Jun 21, 2013, 7:03:00 PM6/21/13

Black 505 June 22 – Our Date with Destiny

Black 505 June 22 – Our Date with Destiny

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 06:10 AM PDT

Bad faith is not a good start to the exercise of executive power. What more from those who have no legitimacy. Federal Territory Minister Tengku Adnan Yaakob has been busy barking out orders as to when and where the people may gather for our fateful rally. Collectively, they are making it extremely difficult to hold tomorrow’s rally at Padang Merbok even though we have bent backwards to accommodate them. That is bad faith writ large.

We know that this arrogance of power is the result of power being usurped. They have come to power not by popular vote but by a combined process of decades of gerrymandering and outright systematic fraud.
Yes, indeed we have been mild and we have been patient. The people have exercised extreme self-restraint so far. Instead of taking to the street, the people have only held rallies and peaceful assemblies to show their anger, protest and disappointment. They want justice of course starting with the chair and deputy chair of the Elections Commission stepping down and an overhaul of the electoral system. Is that too much to ask? As T.S. Eliot would say in situations like these: RESIGN, RESIGN, RESIGN.

Having robbed us of our electoral victory, the UMNO-BN government has also committed a long list of wrongdoings – arresting innocent protesters, prosecuting activists and opposition leaders under the Peaceful Assembly Act, threatening to revoke passports, etc. The list is just too long to enumerate. At the same time, incitement to racial hatred and fear mongering is given free reign. The culprits among whom are a former Prime Minister and an ex-senior judge are going about it with impunity aided by UMNO’s main media organ.

We won the elections but UMNO has used the Elections Commission to steal our victory. They have cheated the people. They have violated their rights. And now the police are being instructed to issue unwarranted threats of prosecution if we proceed with this rally.

To the people, let me say this:

Ignore these threats. It is your constitutional right to assemble peacefully. Your lives cannot be dictated by the police, or UMNO or the Prime Minister.

Tomorrow marks our 15th Black 505 rally. It is your right to demand that the Election Commission heads step down for the widespread fraud. The ink was not indelible and that itself is a crime but tomorrow’s rally will leave an indelible imprint in our history. Your children and my children and the future generations to come will remember it.
They will remember that in spite of the odds, the obstacles and the pitfalls along the way, we soldiered on. They will remember that hand in hand we walked through the storm – peace loving Malaysians from all races and backgrounds young and old united in seeking and demanding fairness, justice, and what is rightly due to us.

History has shown that leaders who hold on power through illegitimate means will sooner or later be brought to justice by the power of the people. This is a power drawn from the inalienable rights conferred by the Constitution. They cannot take these rights away from you because they are fundamental to a nation governed by the rule of law. The UMNO-BN government is not your master and cannot determine your future.
By the will of God, the future of this nation lies in your hands. So, when tomorrow comes, let us all be there to make our date with destiny.

Anwar Ibrahim
21st June 2013

Secara tak rasmi polis akan membantu mudahkan penganjuran perhimpunan Black 505...

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 04:37 AM PDT


PKR, penganjur utama perhimpunan 'Black 505' mendakwa pihaknya telah dimaklumkan secara tidak rasmi bahawa pihak polis akan membantu memudahkan penganjuran perhimpunan di Padang Merbok esok.

Dalam kenyataannya, pengarah strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli yang juga ahli parlimen Pandan mendakwa tindakan itu dibuat selagi peserta perhimpunan tidak memusnahkan harta awam.

"Saya merakamkan sepenuh penghargaan terutamanya kepada Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi, ACP Zainuddin Ahmad yang banyak membantu, termasuk kesudian beliau untuk duduk berbincang dengan saya dan rakan-rakan Pakatan Rakyat (walaupun terpaksa dibatalkan akhirnya)," kata Rafizi.

Bagaimanapun, ketika dihubungi sebelum ini bagi mengesahkan satu laporan berita berhubung perkara yang sama, Zainuddin hanya menyebut mengenai tindakan yang akan diambil mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman.

"Polis akan mengambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap mereka kerana tidak mematuhi undang-undang APA (Akta Perhimpunan Aman). Lain-lain, tiada komen. Terima kasih," katanya melalui SMS.-malaysiakini

Black505: Penganjur sambut baik kerjasama polis

Black 505 esok aman, bukan himpunan tentera Sulu

Police will facilitate Black 505, claims PKR...

The key organiser of tomorrow’s ‘Black 505’ rally, PKR, said today it received unofficial notification from the Dang Wangi police district headquarters that police will facilitate the rally.

This is on condition that the rally participants do not damage public property, party strategy director Rafizi Ramli said in a statement this evening.

“I wish to thank Dang Wangi police chief Zainuddin Ahmad for his assistance, including his willingness to sit down and discuss with me and my Pakatan Rakyat colleagues (even though the meeting was called off),” he said.

However, when asked to confirm a news report on the same matter earlier today, Zainuddin told Malaysiakini via SMS, “Police will take action against those who do not obey the Peaceful Assembly Act. Anything else, no comment. Thank you.”

Earlier today, before receiving the purported unofficial notificatio from the police, Rafizi told Malaysiakini that leaders of tomorrow's rally have been told to "play by ear" during the event because the organisers have yet to receive any official indication on how the police would react to it.

Rafizi said the Pakatan and NGO leaders involved in the rally had been asked to attend a meeting with the Dang Wangi police district chief Zainuddin Ahmad yesterday.

However, the meeting was called off at the last minute because Zainuddin was summoned to a meeting at the Bukit Aman police headquarters, and rally organisers have not heard from the police since then.

NONE"If we are allowed to proceed peacefully to Padang Merbok, I think we would know by noon tomorrow, and within two hours we should be able to set up the whole sound system (at Padang Merbok).

"Otherwise, I think the gathering will probably take place over the whole area (just outside the police cordon) and there will be a few points where speeches will be made. A mobile loudspeaker system will be available," Rafizi said when contacted today.

Asked what would happen if the police ordered the crowd the disperse, Rafizi said a decision would be made by the rally leaders, including PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and Sungai Petani MP Johari Abdul, on the spot.

The rally tomorrow, to protest against alleged electoral fraud and misconduct in the 13th general election that was held on May 5, is scheduled to begin at seven gathering points around Kuala Lumpur.

These are Pekeliling, PAS’ headquarters at Jalan Raja Laut, Sogo Shopping Centre, Hotel Lok Ann on Jalan Sultan, the National Mosque, Brickfields and Universiti Malaya.

300,000 people expected to take part

Protesters will start gathering at noon, then leave their gathering points from 2pm and are expected to arrive at Padang Merbok at 3pm. The  rally is expected to conclude in time for Maghrib prayers at 7pm.

Rafizi said some 300,000 people are expected to take part, with some 2,000 rally marshals and a medical team of about 55 persons mobilised to facilitate it.

Half of the rally marshals would come from PAS’s Unit Amal (Welfare Unit), while PKR’s Youth Wing and NGO volunteers would add 500 each to the number.

In a separate statement later, he said medical camps would be set up at Padang Merbok, Dataran Merdeka, the National Mosque, Sogo, and Dataran Maybank.

They will backed by four ambulances and five motorcycles, as well as life support equipment such as automated external defibrillators and intravenous drips. 

He urged members of the public to SMS information regarding medical emergencies to 010-277 2072 with the following information:
  • Nature of the emergency and the number of the persons affected.
  • Exact location of the emergency.
  • Phone number of a contact person at the site of the emergency.
The Pandan MP also advised participants to bring bottles of water and handkerchiefs, in case the haze in Kuala Lumpur worsens.

The Air Pollutant Index (API) in Kuala Lumpur has stayed at a ‘moderate’ level through much of this week, according to the Department of Environment’s website.

In addition, Rafizi said, members of the public should head for the toilets whenever possible as it is not certain whether there will be enough toilets available at the venue.

NONERafizi said the people could also expect at least 20 ‘usual suspects’ to speak at the rally, including Anwar, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, Bersih co-chairperson A Samad Said (left), Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) leader Badrul Hisham Shaharin and representatives from Anti-Lynas and pro-oil royalty groups.

However, he said, the exact number of speakers would be difficult to determine at this time.

“The way we have done it so far is that at any time and every time, we would just grab anyone and they would just speak. In our past experience, in the (‘Black 505') rally we had in Kelana Jaya, 31 speakers were featured,” he said.

Asked about the plan of a group of NGOs to camp at Padang Merbok until the new Parliament convenes on Monday, Rafizi said he could not comment on the issue because Pakatan Rakyat had never discussed it.

SAMM, which leads the group, plans to hold a protest outside Parliament House, which is close to Padang Merbok, on that day.-malaysiakini



PKR: Wan Ahmad’s criticism shows he is pro-BN

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 11:39 PM PDT


The Election Commission (EC) deputy chief in calling the opposition hypocrites for swearing in as MPs has shown he is partisan towards BN, said PKR Youth.

NONEYouth chief Shamsul Iskandar (left in photo) said as the EC is required to be non-partisan, Wan Ahmad Wan Omar has proven to be unfit for his post and should resign.

“We have the EC deputy Wan Ahmad who rightfully should be non-partisan and independent.

“By issuing the comment as he has, it shows what we have claimed before this is correct, that EC is headed by leaders who side with a particular party,” said Shamsul at a press conference today.

“We consider it is wrong for a civil servant to show bias and support towards the ruling coalition BN, and he is not fit to hold the EC leadership that should be independent.”

Yesterday Wan Ahmad criticised Pakatan for allowing themselves to be sworn in as MPs despite claiming that the 13th general election was rife with fraud.

Earlier however, BN leaders had also criticised Pakatan for mulling calls to boycott Parliament claiming the opposition would be irresponsible to their voters.

Exco: Kenyataan NC UiTM ‘dangkal, memalukan’

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 11:37 PM PDT


Seorang anggota Exo kerajaan Pulau Pinang menyelar Naib Canselor Universiti Teknologi Mara Profesor Tan Sri Dr Sahol Hamid yang didakwa mengeluarkan kenyataan tidak bertanggungjawab apabila mengakui secara terbuka bahawa universiti tersebut menyokong BN dan Umno.

Exco Kerajaan Pulau Pinang Dr Afif Bahardin yang juga exco AMK Pusat berkata kenyataan Sahol itu juga “memalukan, dangkal serta menjatuhkan reputasi UiTM” sebagai sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi di negara ini.

“Sebagai seorang ahli akademik yang bertanggungjawab mengetuai pentadbiran dan pengurusan UiTM, Dr Sahol Hamid tidak sewajarnya mengaitkan nama UiTM dalam mencahirkan dukungan politik beliau terhadap Umno-BN.

“UiTM sebagai sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi seharusnya dilihat berwibawa dan tidak memihak kepada mana-mana parti politik,” kata lulusan UiTM dalam jurusan perubatan itu.

Naib ketua AMK Pulau Pinang itu mengulas kenyataan Sahol dalam dalam wawancara yang disiarkan oleh Utusan Malaysia semalam, yang secara terbuka mengakui bahawa institusi pendidikan yang dipimpinnya menyokong BN dan Umno.

Beliau berkata hanya parti pemerintah itu dapat menjamin masa depan bumiputera dalam negara ini termasuk di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Why call in the army for Black 505, asks PKR

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 11:36 PM PDT


PKR has slammed the Internal Security and Public Order Department’s statement that the army is standing by to help the police in handling the Black 505 rally in Kuala Lumpur tomorrow.

“Unless provoked, all the recent rallies held were peaceful and orderly and none of the rallies reported any unwanted behavior.

“The proposal for the Armed Forces to intervene seems to question the incompetence of the police force.

“We are sure the KL police are more than capable to handle a peaceful crowd.

“It seems the ruling party has once again put together a plot to scare and instill fear in the rakyat who are determined to go out this Saturday and make their demands,” said PKR vice-president Tian Chua in a statement today.

He reminded the authorities that the rally was not a political one, but “a rally for the rakyat by the rakyat who has been let down, especially by the Election Commission (EC) who has failed to maintain a free and fair elections in Malaysia”.

There should also no longer be an issue about the rally being held at Padang Merbok, he further pointed out, as the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) had also postponed their Olympic Day Run, scheduled for Sunday, due to the haze.

The event had been one of three reasons furnished by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) in refusing to allow the use of Padang Merbok for the rally, as it claimed OCM needed the field on Satarday to prepare for the next day’s run.

So, Chua urged Ahmad Zahid, who previously assured that the ‘Black 505′ rallies can proceed if it complies with Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, to respect the rakyat’s rights “instead of treating the rakyat as outlaws for standing up for their rights in their own country”.

He warned the government that “many more” rallies will follow unless the demands of the rakyat are fulfilled.

‘Jail reckless bankers’: Failed bosses could also lose right to claim bonuses for up to ten years …

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 11:01 PM PDT

New criminal offence to tackle ‘shocking and widespread malpractice’ No British bankers jailed since financial crash began in 2007 Source of news (by Ruth Sutherland) here. The bosses of failed banks should face jail or lose the right to claim bonuses for up to ten years for ‘reckless misconduct’, a report recommends today. The new […]

Smog alarm: Singapore’s index surges past 400, Johor still hazardous

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 11:12 PM PDT

Update: At 2.00pm, Singapore’s 3-hour PSI reading dipped to 245, still at a very unhealthy level. Not looking good: Singapore’s 3-hour PSI index has soared to an alarming 401 at noon, while Kota Tinggi (314) and Pasir Gudang (323) in Johor were also at hazardous levels an hour earlier. “Many people are not working here [Read more]

Large trees from Brook Road site removed

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:45 PM PDT

Update: Just heard from MPPP that work has now been stopped. A few majestic trees have been uprooted from a private site along Brook Road to make way for a luxury property development project. View Larger Map According to an eyewitness, the trees were initially relocated to the edge of the site, but just as [Read more]

ALERT: Incinerator to be built in Taman Beringin, Jinjang

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 10:10 PM PDT

This seems to have slipped past the radar: An incinerator capable of burning 1000 tonnes of rubbish daily is slated to be built in Taman Beringin in Kepong. View Larger Map The 1.7ha site is to be located next to the Taman Beringin solid waste transfer station. An EIA is required. But how independent will [Read more]

Anwar takes fight to be PM from Padang Merbok to Washington

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:50 PM PDT

Tomorrow's Padang Merbok "blackout 505" protest against the GE13 results is just a start of efforts by his friends and supporters to help realize Anwar Ibrahim's lifelong dream to be Prime Minister of Malaysia.
Din backs Anwar but admires Najib
Next week in Washington, The East West Center is organising an "aftermath" forum featuring two Malaysians including Din Merican and former US Ambassador to Malaysia John Malott. Both don't need much introduction, of course, but the East West Center failed to mention that Dato' Din and Malott are two of Anwar Ibrahim's tightest buddies. 
Info on the second speaker, Hui Hui Ooi, is originally from Malaysia and now attached with the Brent Scorcroft Centre on International Security. 

Those hazy things they say about The Star ..

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 08:06 PM PDT

Hazy Malaysia, from NASA's sat
I must comment that today's lead article on The Star Online does make the largest English-language daily read like a DAP mouthpiece. 
Ngeh's quotes h e r e
It's a  piece about (ultimately) how the advanced people think we should not be felling our trees (like they used to do), quoting NASA and all, but the fact that the MCA-owned newspaper has found it fit to publish the article - as a lead story, too! - when only a DAP chief is being quoted (well, the NGO dude doesn't count, really), automatically puts the authorities in a not-so-good light. Which I'm sure wasn't The Star's intention, or wazzit? 
Surely here's a government spokesman (not just from the Perak MB office, perhaps the Prime Minister's Department?) who would and could comment on the matter and in the even that the reporter is too lazy to get one, the editor should have run the NASA story as it is and get politicians from both sides to comment later. Basic journalism.
Well, I'm just saying but with all the things they have been saying about The Star's political posturing and what-not, this article does make me want to wonder ..
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