Bila Anwar memperlekeh Annuar...

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Jun 26, 2013, 7:03:07 PM6/26/13

Bila Anwar memperlekeh Annuar...

Bila Anwar memperlekeh Annuar...

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:22 AM PDT

Keghairahan Ahli Parlimen Ketereh, Tan Sri Annuar Musa mencelah ketika perbahasan Titah Yang di-Pertuan Agong oleh Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, akhirnya terkena diri sendiri.

Beliau pada mulanya bangkit mempersoal ketidaksepakatan Pakatan Rakyat ekoran gagal mengemukakan satu logo mewakili ketiga-tiga parti dalam PRU13 lalu.

Bagaimanapun dakwaan beliau itu terus dibantah oleh beberapa ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat termasuklah Ahli Parlimen Kuala Langat, Abdullah Sani, Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua, dan Ahli Parlimen Sepang, Hanipa Maidin.

Mereka mengutuk Annuar Musa kerana tidak mendapatkan maklumat yang betul sebelum membuat tuduhan.

Sehubungan itu, Anwar menyindir Annuar yang hanya mendapat maklumat daripada Utusan Malaysia.

"Yang Berhormat Ketereh ambil maklumat daripada Utusan!

"Dua tahun setengah Pakatan Rakyat mengemukakan pendaftaran Pakatan Rakyat sebagai satu parti, sampai sekarang tidak diluluskan," tegas Anwar sambil menepuk meja dan diikuti tepukan barisan ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat.

Bagaimanapun Annuar kelihatan tersengih-tersengih setelah diejek oleh barisan ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat.

Sebelum itu, Annuar beberapa kali bangun mencelah dan beliau kelihatan seperti tidak berpuas hati dengan Anwar Ibrahim.-harakahdaily

 Dua menteri miliki ijazah palsu...

DAP hari ini mendakwa dua menteri kabinet memiliki sijil ijazah yang palsu.

MP Serdang Ong Kian Ming mendakwa, kedua-dua menteri tersebut memperolehi ijazah dari "kilang ijazah" di Preston dan Wyoming, Amerika Syarikat.

"Adakah ini transformasi apabila ada dua menteri yang mempunyai tanggungjawab yang besar terhadap  pembangunan modal insan dalam negara kita?

"Ia sangat mengecewakan kerana pada hari pertama Parlimen bersidang, rakyat Malaysia perlu menerima hakikat yang Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak telah melantik dua menteri yang memiliki ijazah palsu daripada institusi yang menjadi pengilang ijazah," katanya dalam sidang media di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Ong mendakwa, seorang dari menteri tersebut memiliki ijazah bacelor dari Chartered Institute of Business Administration (Ireland), Teoranta dan ijazah sarjana dalam pentadbiran perniagaan dari Preston University.

Katanya, beliau tidak menemui apa-apa laman web yang dimiliki Chartered Institute of Business Administration Ireland.

Preston Universiti pula sememangnya dikenali sebagai universiti yang palsu, dakwanya.

Seorang lagi menteri berkenaan, dakwanya memiliki ijazah kedoktoran dalam pentadbiran perniagaan dari Golden State University di Wyoming.

Menteri tersebut juga memiliki ijazah sarjana dalam pentadbiran perniagaan dari Universiti Terbuka Komanwel yang berpusat di kepulauan Virgin, dalam jajahan Britain, dakwanya. 

"Kedua-dua institusi ini disenaraikan sebagai universiti yang tidak tidak bertauliah dan ijazah yang tidah sah oleh kerajaan negeri Oregon dan Maine," katanya.

Sehubungan itu, Ong berkata, kedua-dua menteri tersebut perlu meletakkan jawatan bagi melindungi integriti dan kredibiliti kabinet yang diketuai oleh Najib.-malaysiakini

Two ministers have 'fake' degrees...

Two cabinet ministers have “fake” degrees, DAP’s Serdang MP Ong Kian Ming has alleged.

Speaking to reporters during a press conference outside the Dewan Rakyat today, Ong said that the two ministers have degrees from degree mill universities in Preston and Wyoming, both in the United States.

NONE“Therefore, to entrust two ministers with serious responsibilities on human capital development is most ironic for a prime minister who has made transformation as his clarion call,” he said.

Ong (right) said that it is "disappointing" that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has appointed two Ministers with two "dodgy" degrees each from institutions which are alleged "degree mills".

According to Ong, one minister holds a Bachelor's Degree from Chartered Institute of Business Administration (Ireland), Teoranta and a Masters in Business Administration in Preston University.

"Not only could we not find any website belonging to Chartered Institute of Business Administration (Ireland), Preston University is a well-known bogus university," he claimed.

The other minister, he claimed, holds a Doctor in Business Administration from the Golden State University in Wyoming.

'Unauthorised schools, invalid degrees'

Ong claimed that second minister had obtained his Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the Commonwealth Open University which is based in the British Virgin Islands.

"Both of these institutions are listed down as unauthorised schools and invalid degrees by the state governments of Oregon and Maine in the United States," he said.

Ong said that the both these ministers must immediately be asked to resign by Najib in order to protect the "integrity and credibility" of Najib's cabinet.

NONEIn an immediate reaction, Human Resources Minister Richard Riot (left) - one of those named by Ong as being a minister with a 'fake' degree - has refuted the allegations by the DAP parliamentarian.

"As a responsible minister, I am duty bound to explain. I strongly rebut this statement," he said at a press conference in the parliament lobby.

He added that he had acquired his degrees from the University of Hertfordshire, London, and not where Ong had claimed.

Viewing the allegation as "serious" and "defamatory", Richard noted that as the statement was made outside of Dewan Rakyat, he is instructing his lawyers to look into the matter.

Asked if he is going to sue Ong, Richard only said that he is "leaving it to my lawyers".

Malaysiakini is withholding the name of the other minister pending their reply regarding the allegation.

By-election critical for Pakatan, says Anwar...

The looming by-election for the Kuala Besut state seat in Terengganu is "critical" for Pakatan Rakyat, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said today.

NONESpeaking to reporters outside the Dewan Rakyat today, Anwar, however, noted the challenge that would await Pakatan in order to wrestle the state seat away from Umno, as the late Umno assemblyperson, Dr A Rahman Mokhtar (left), had won the seat in the May 5 general election with a 2,434-vote majority against PAS' Napisah Ismail.

"Umno has a pretty impressive majority for the seat, but I'm sure PAS and PKR will work together to challenge for this seat," he said.

When asked whether it was too soon to talk about a by-election given that Rahman had only passed away early this morning, Anwar agreed but at the same time stressed that the seat was up for grabs.

"Yes, yes, it is (too soon). I wish my condolences and hope his soul is blessed. But there is a seat that is empty.

"I'm sure PAS will have a meeting soon to decide about this matter," he added.

Should Pakatan Rakyat win this state seat, it could lead to a hung state assembly in Terrengganu.

Currently, BN has 17 seats to Pakatan's 15 in the state.-malaysiakini


IGP Khalid Abu Bakar must be charged with abuse of power & conspiring to cover up a most heinous murder

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:12 AM PDT

LANDMARK CASE: IGP found liable for covering up Kugan's "murder", abuse of power

The mother of Kugan Ananthan, a 22-year-old car theft suspect who was brutally beaten to death by his police interrogators, has won a landmark case against the government, the Inspector General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar and two others.

In delivering his judgement, High Court judge VT Singham minced no words, lambasting the IGP and the government for failing to ensure Kugan's safety.

The judge also found Khalid and the late Subang Jaya police chief Zainal Rashid Abu Bakar guilty of trying to cover up the cause of Kugan's death while lauding N Surendran, a human rights lawyer who had fought for a second post-mortem to be carried out.

"The court has found all defendants liable as per our claim. The court found that Kugan died as a result of the assault and battery and detained inflicted while trying to extract a confession," Latheefa Koya, the lawyer for Kugan's family, told reporters outside the courtroom.

"It also found he was detained unlawfully. The first defendant and third defendant (Khalid and Zainal) are found liable for covering up the incident and also found liable for misfeasance in public office (abuse of power). As for the second defendant (V Navindran), the judge actually referred to all the police witnesses and he found them to be unreliable and their stories untenable and they could be liable."

[Read the full report here.]

Another Victim of PDRM's "Ku Klux Klan"?

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Sebuah syarikat S'pore yg. tak berpengalaman bekal dakwat kekal setelah dapat pinjaman 7 juta dari...

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 04:47 AM PDT


Pakatan Rakyat mengancam untuk mendedahkan nama syarikat yang membekalkan dakwat kekal kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya sekiranya suruhanjaya itu masih enggan berbuat demikian.

“Kita sudah siasat, kita tahu. Jangan tunggu terlalu lama atau kami akan dedahkan,” kata Rafizi Ramli (PKR-Pandan) yang mencelah sewaktu ucapan ketua pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Beliau mendakwa siasatannya menunjukkan bahawa kontrak untuk membekalkan dakwat kekal tersebut dianugerahkan kepada satu syarikat Singapura.

Rafizi seterusnya mendakwa bahawa syarikat berkenaan tidak mempunyai pengalaman dan dana – malah terpaksa membuat pinjaman dengan seorang ahli perniagaan untuk mendapatkan modal RM7 juta bagi transaksi tersebut.

MP Pandan tersebut berkata demikian susulan celahan oleh Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) yang membangkitkan mengenai satu jawapan menteri bahawa suruhanjaya itu tidak boleh menamakan pembekal dakwat berkenaan atas sebab keselamatan.-malaysiakini

Menteri: Dakwat kekal guna pewarna makanan...

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim hari ini menjelaskan bahawa bahan kimia yang digunakan dalam dakwat kekal pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 digantikan dengan bahan pewarna makanan.

"Tiada kandungan bahan-bahan kimia digunakan dalam dakwat tersebut sebaliknya ianya digantikan dengan penggunaan bahan-bahan pewarna makanan yang diluluskan. 

"Tarikh luput dakwat kekal adalah dalam tempoh empat bulan dari tarikh ianya dikilangkan. 

Ianya diimport daripada negara luar," katanya dalam satu jawapan bertulis kepada MP DAP Segambut, Lim Lip Eng. 

Shahidan juga berkata tahap ketahanan dakwat berkenaan berbeza mengikut individu.

Ia bergantung kepada usaha yang dilakukan oleh setiap individu untuk menghilangkan dakwat kekal berkenaan, katanya.

Beliau juga menyatakan bahawa Kementerian Kewangan meluluskan sebanyak RM400 juta bagi kos perbelanjaan pilihan raya yang lalu.

Lim kemudiannya menjadikan jawapan bertulis itu sebagai satu bahan jenaka apabila menulis di Twitter bahawa dakwat kekal kini "boleh dimakan".

NONETulisan berkenaan mendapat perhatian pengguna Twitter lain yang turut berjenaka dan bertanya kepadanya sama ada dakwat itu "sedap hingga menjilat jari."

Sementara itu, dalam satu jawapan berasingan, Shahidan berkata kos penggunaan dakwat kekal itu adalah sebanyak RM6.9 juta.

Kos itu meliputi kerja-kerja mereka bentuk botol dakwat khas, berus, kotak botol dan membuat bancuhan khas dakwat memandangkan ia tiada di pasaran, katanya dalam jawapan bertulis kepada MP DAP Seremban, Anthony Loke.

"Kos tambahan lain meliputi kos pengangkutan, pembungkusan serta penyimpanan dakwat kekal adalah sebanyak RM200,000 menjadikan jumlah kos keseluruhan sebanyak RM7,100,000.

"Pada masa ini SPR tidak bercadang memaklumkan maklumat pembekal dakwat kekal kepada umum atas sebab keselamatan," katanya.-malaysiakini

SPR: Dakwat kekal guna pewarna makanan, 'hingga menjilat jari'

Hooooray!!!!! Rakyat Malaysia kena tipu lagi...Pengerusi SPR pula nanti akancakap..."Saya tidak akan letak jawatang..." pasai kalu letak jawatang...sapa nak bayaq gajinya RM23 ribu sebulang...

Name ink supplier or we will, says Rafizi...

Pakatan Rakyat has threatened to reveal the name of the company that supplied the 'indelible' ink to Election Commission if the commission continues to refuse to do so.

"We have already investigated, we know. Don't wait too long or we will expose," interjected Rafizi Ramli (PKR-Pandan) in the Dewan Rakyat during Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim's turn at debating the royal address today.

He alleged that his investigations have shown that the contract to supply the 'indelible' ink to the EC was given to a company owned by a Singaporean.

Rafizi (right) further claimed that the company which had neither experience nor funding, had to resort to taking a loan from a Kampung Baru businessman, to get the RM7 million capital needed for the transaction.

The Pandan MP was responding to an earlier interjection from Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) who mentioned that in a written answer to him from the Minister in The Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim, the commission cannot reveal the name of the 'indelible' ink supplier because of security reasons.

Adding fire to the argument, Anwar then remarked that the EC should do well to heed the reminder as Rafizi was the one they had used to highlight the “cow” issue, which involved the toppling of a federal minister.

The same hunting license, joked Anwar, is already given to Rafizi on the EC indelible ink contract matter.-malaysiakini

No chemicals, only food colouring in EC's ink...

The Election Commission (EC) has said that there were "no chemicals" in its indelible ink that was used for the 13th general election.

In a parliamentary written answer to Lim Lip Eng (DAP-Segambut) today, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim said that all the chemicals in the ink were replaced by food colouring.

NONE"No chemicals were used in the ink, they were instead replaced with food colouring ingredients which were approved," the short answer read to a question as to why the ink did not last seven days as initially promised.

"The durability of the ink is subject to the efforts taken to wipe off the ink by individuals," the reply said.

NONEIt also said that a test conducted on EC officials and media personnel on May 2 "proved" that the ink worked the way it was supposed to.

The EC has previously said that silver nitrate was used in the ink and was supposed to last seven days.

However, many individuals have complained of being able to easily wash off the indelible ink within hours of being applied.

Lim later laughed at the parliamentary reply in his Twitter account, noting that the indelible ink was now "edible" based on the reply.

One netizen who was bemused by the reply later tweeted in response, cheekily asking if the ink was "finger licking good".

Supplier’s identity secret for ‘security reasons’

Meanwhile in a separate reply to another DAP MP, Anthony Loke (DAP - Rasah), Shahidan (below) stated that the cost for the use of indelible ink during the May 5 polls was RM6.9million.

NONEReading out the answer prepared by the EC, the minister said the amount also covered the costs for designing special ink bottles, the brushes, the boxes as well as the cost for the unique ink mixture, seeing as how it was not available in the market.

“Other additional costs consist of transport cost, packaging and storage, about RM200,000, making the total costs RM7.1million,” Shahidan said in the written reply.

He added that at this time, there is no plan to reveal information on the indelible ink supplier to the public for “security reasons”.-malaysiakini

Indelible ink was actually food dye,was 'finger licking good'

daniel - What security reasons are the cheating EC and the stupid minister talking about? The general elections are over so who or what are they protecting? The MACC should make this RM7million a high priority investigation noting that TBH was interrogated overnight and died over a measly RM2k accusation. Or the suppliers are being protected because the EC is planning to buy some more edible ink from them?


Haze displays malaise

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 02:32 AM PDT


If the world needed further proof that Malaysia’s BN regime preys while the rakyat pays, it’s this latest outbreak of so-called haze.

NONEBehind its smoke-screens and shadow-plays, this ‘crooked’ government, like its counterpart in Indonesia, couldn’t give a damn about the well-being of its citizens as long as its members and cronies are free to continue in their corrupt and otherwise criminal ways.

In fact these crooks are so contemptuous of the people that the Indonesian Environment Minister, Balthasar Kambuaya, had the gall to initially accuse Singaporeans of being “cry-babies” for complaining of the suffocating smoke.

But of course what Singaporeans, Malaysians and a great many Indonesians are actually choking on are the noxious clouds of corporate and official corruption.

The whole world knows, and has for years, that the haze is not just the product of ‘burning-off’ by a ragtag bunch of small farmers, but wholesale illegal clearance of what’s left of Sumatra’s peat forests by the managements of massive palm-oil plantations.

And that many of these environmental vandals are so-called government-linked corporations which the respective ruling regimes involved are coy about naming because they and their cronies are the principal beneficiaries.

Thus the newly and allegedly fraudulently ‘elected’ Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has responded to the haze by retreating into an apparent daze, leaving his so-called Natural Resources and Environment Minister G Palanivel, to try and quell the bad-publicity blaze – which Palanivel finally did after dithering for days, but only fanned the flames by doing it on Facebook instead of facing the people in person.

Cough-up names, gov’t told

With Najib himself later finally emerging from his strategic daze, or perhaps overseas holidays away from the haze, to emit one of his customary smoke-and-mirrors remarks to the effect that “all ministries and agencies involved in haze disaster management at the federal, state and district levels must plan and take the needed measures to ensure safety and public health is protected.”

NONEAnd according to BN mouthpiece ‘news’ agency Bernama, he added that “the guidelines on the actions to take to manage a haze disaster were already in place and that all relevant agencies must discharge their duties accordingly.”

In other words, it was nothing but Najib’s customary discharge of gusts of hot air, as to “plan” and “take measures” to protect public health and safety would require the naming, shaming and prosecution the many corrupt BN-crony companies responsible for the people’s annual choke on their smoke.

Of course the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore all know very well who the culprits are, but are maintaining a breathless silence in order to protect the guilty deny their own complicity in this atrocity.

But the truth may soon emerge from the fog of obfuscation, as there are growing calls for the BN regime to cough-up the names of the companies causing the haze.

The most definite of these demands to date has come from Malaysian NGO Memacu Arus Perjuangan (MAP), whose deputy president Ally Harzan Hashim has given Environment Minister Palanivel a 48-hour ultimatum to name the Malaysian companies involved in the ongoing haze crisis, or else.

According to Malaysiakini, a lawyer for MAP, Ahmad Jufliz Faiza, has said that if the minister fails to reveal the name of the offending companies, the group intends to bring the government to court for failing in its duty of care to Malaysian citizens.

Another MAP lawyer, Patrick Dass, “questioned whether the government had vested interests in the companies involved, judging from its inaction although the haze has been a recurring problem for about 15 years.”

Ally Harzan was quoted as saying that the MAP has “several suspects,” and is working with Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) and environmental NGOs in Singapore and Indonesia for confirmation on which companies are involved.

And Ahmad Jufliz added that “we know the names of the companies, but we have to confirm this. That is why we request the government through the minister to give us the names, while we are also liaising with other NGOs to get their names.”

BN regime ‘failed to deliver’

Meanwhile, Malaysian Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam has stated that Indonesia must act quickly against those responsible for the haze situation even if it involves Malaysian companies,” but added in typically hazy BN fashion that there is “no evidence” of the involvement of such Malaysian involvement.

And the ever-BN-friendly ‘news’ agency Bernama has reported that the Association of Plantation Investors of Malaysia in Indonesia (Apimi) has denied that any Malaysian-owned companies are involved in the haze situation.

Though there must be very few Malaysians remaining who are prepared to take any BN-connected spokesperson at his or her word, given that the regime has denied any involvement in literally countless scandals from all the massive financial and electoral frauds that have occurred under its watch to the hundreds of suspicious deaths suffered at the hands of its police and anti-corruption commission (MACC).

The regime has also conspicuously failed to deliver on a single, solitary one of Najib’s promises to “transform” Malaysia into the “world’s best democracy” with “zero tolerance of corruption” and fair and equitable treatment for all.

NONEAnd despite Najib’s alleged eagerness to unite Malaysian society, much has been made lately both by him and other BN mouthpieces likeUtusan Malaysiaand former Court of Appeal Judge Mohd Noor Abdullah of the alleged “betrayal” of the Malays by Chinese Malaysians who voted for the opposition in the recent general election.

A claim that is an attempted diversion from the fact that it is BN itself that is the malaise that betrays Malaysians of all races and creeds, including and even especially Malays, as both evidenced and symbolised year after year after year by this accursed, killer haze.

Tai-chi-ing Ph.D, Piggy & Piracy

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 01:30 AM PDT

FELDA Global Ventures Holdings (FGV) Bhd held their AGM this morning. Several prickly issues raised in the bloggosphere for public consumption were brought up against the Board for clarification.

It must be noted that FGV Chairman Tan Sri Isa Samad performed brilliantly, doing what the fictitious British civil servant Sir Humphrey Appleby do best; addressing to questions and queries without giving an actual answer and explanation.

One of the shareholders Kamaluddin Singah raised the three prickly issues related to incoming FGV CEO Pradeeb Kumar n.k.a. Emir Mavani very boldly;

1. Pradeeb Kumar n.k.a. Emir Mavani doubtful Ph.D in ‘Government Reforms’ from Warnborough University.
2. The discount given on the 50,000 tons sale of RBD Palm Olein to pig rearing company of Kunming, China Yunnan Huijia Co. Ltd.
3. The acquisition of 11,500 hectares of land in Papua New Guinea at exorbitant prices.

In summing things simply, Isa Tai-Chi-ed all these prickly questions in defense of Mavani.

On the unaccredited Ph.D, Isa said “When he did this course, he was working overseas and didn’t know that one day he will work in Malaysia, to face if there would be questions raised”.

On the sale to Yunnan Huijia, “We sell oil to anyone”. However, he conveniently avoided to explain on the USD 20 per ton discount given.

On the acquisition of the plantation and lopsided deal that is not beneficial to FGV, Isa coyly said “We will investigate whether or not is is done in accordance to the procedures set”. This is a very serious matter as one of the Invest Committee member volunteered to act the middle person on the deal.

What Isa said basically implying that it is alright to earn unaccredited qualifications, especially when one is abroad even though one day one eventually would want to come back and work here.

It is no mystery why Isa had to be defensive about Mavani; it was his own choice of ‘approved board member’ to be featured to replace FGV Group CEO Tan Sri Sabri. Isa had personal quest to oust Sabri from FGV late last year.

What is baffling is Isa treating shareholders as if they are ignorant of these irregularities within FGV, considering that FGV is now a public listed MNC. All of that Humprhrey Appleby drama was done infront of 3,000 shareholders assembled in PWTC this morning.

The AGM this morning is not reflective of the ‘Transformation Agenda’ that FGV is supposed to be heading. Especially not how Isa as the Chairman handled it, when his own choice of ‘transformer CEO’ is plagued with so many allegations of dubious deals.

*Updated 1800hrs

ADUN UMNO/BN Kuala Besut meninggal dunia...

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 01:24 AM PDT

azlanSeorang anggota Exco kerajaan negeri Terengganu Dr A Rahman Mokhtar meninggal dunia hari ini, tujuh hari selepas dimasukkan ke unit rawatan rapi di Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah.

Laporan Bernama menyebut, A Rahman, 55, meninggal dunia pada jan 10.18 pagi ini akibat kanser paru-paru di hospital berkenaan di Kuala Terengganu.

Laporan itu memetik kenyataan Pengarah Kesihatan Terengganu Datuk Dr Anwa Sulaiman yang mengesahkan perkara itu.

"Pagi ini keadaannya semakin kritikal sehingga terpaksa menggunakan alat bantuan pernafasan dan disahkan meninggal pukul 10.18 pagi ini di HSNZ," katanya Anwa seperti dipetik Bernama.

Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Kesihatan, Wanita dan Masyarakat negeri Terengganu itu meninggalkan seorang balu dan empat anak.

Jenazah dijangka  dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam Masjid Teluk Bayu Kuala Besut selepas solat Zohor hari ini, lapor agensi berkenaan.

Satu pilihan raya kecil dijangka akan diadakan ekoran kematian ADUN Kuala Besut itu, yang meninggal dunia hanya beberapa minggu selepas pilihan raya umum 5 Mei.

Dalam pilihan raya tersebut, A Rahman menewaskan calon PAS Napisah Ismail dengan majoriti 2,434 undi.

Kawasan berkenaan terdiri daripada lebih 17,000 pengundi, yang mana 99 peratus daripadanya terdiri dari pengundi Melayu.

BN berjaya membentuk kerajaan negeri apabila berjaya meraih 17 daripada 32 kerusi yang dipertandingkan.-malaysiakini

Dalam masa 14 tahun sejak Pas menang di Kuala Besut 1999, telah berlaku penambahan pengundi di Dun ni lebih 7000. Dan daripada jumlah 7000 ni, Pas hanya mampu menarik 28% dan selebihnya 72% menjadi pengundi tegar Umno. Tugas berat menanti jentera PR pada PRK Kuala Besut dlm masa 2 bulan dari sekarang. 

Jangan tidor yer .. jangan terlalu yakin ok!... kalau nak menang jangan dok pong pang pong pang jer......gerak kerja kena jalan dari sekarang ....f/bk

Terengganu rep dies, first by-election expected...

Kuala Besut assemblyperson Dr A Rahman Mokhtar passed away today at the Critical Care Unit (CCU) of Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah in Kuala Terengganu.

A Rahman, from Umno, is also state Terengganu exco member for Health, Family and Community development.

He died at about 10.18am today, after having been warded at the hospital’s CCU for the past seven days.

National news agency Bernama reported today that the 55-year-old, who hails from Pulau Perhentian and who was yesterday reported to be in a stable condition, died from lung cancer. 

His body will be buried at the Teluk Bayu mosque in Kuala Besut, this afternoon.
He leaves behind a wife and four children.

azlanA Rahman was first elected in 2008 where he defeated Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh of PAS by 2,631 votes.

On May 5, he won against another PAS candidate - Napisah Ismail - with a majority of 2,434 votes.

With his death, less than two months after the conclusion of the 13th general election on May 5, the country is expected to face its first by-election.

His remains will be taken to Masjid Teluk Bayu in Kuala Besut for prayers, and where he will later be laid to rest.

The constituency has a total of 17,679 votes for the May 5 general election.

Kuala Besut is seen as an Umno stronghold, but in 1999, Nik Muhammad Zawawi had managed to win the constituency for PAS when it took over as the state government.

The BN-led state government, under Menteri Besar Ahmad Said, is in a precarious position as the state has 32 state seats, of which 17 was won by BN and 15 by PAS.

Hence, with A Rahman's passing, BN is left with a simple majority of one seat following the vacancy.

If Pakatan wins, it would lead to a hung state legislative assembly.

Elections would have to be called within 60 days after the Terengganu speaker has informed the Election Commission over the vacancy.

According to Bernama, EC will hold a special meeting to set the by-election date for the seat after receiving an official acknowledgement on its vacancy.

EC deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar said at the moment EC had not received any official letter from the state assembly speaker and was expecting to receive it shortly.

"After that, the EC will issue an official statement when the special meeting will be held," he told the news agency today.-malaysiakini

Inna Lillahi Wainna Hi Roji'un...Al Fatihah

Pengumuman: Seminar Pemikiran Ustaz Fadzil Noor (29/6, Alor Setar)

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 12:18 AM PDT

Bagi pihak penganjur program
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Can Umno’s ‘over-dominance’ be broken? Is the Pakatan up to the game?

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 10:06 PM PDT


Many governments in the world have established some sort of democracy and Malaysia has her own peculiar version which cannot be branded with any particular name.

It is not even a Malaysian version of democracy per se but purely and totally – it is UMNO’s own version of democracy. And sad to say, Prime Minister Najib Razak’s party knows little about the subject, hence the great controversies and boorish clownishness.

What UMNO has done to “democracy” is not to practice it but to institutionalize the facades of democracy, including regular multiparty elections to give the appearance of being a democratic country. These multiparty elections have never been free or fair, resulting in the formation of an authoritarian government.

Many people – within and outside Malaysia – may take these democratic facades for real. Many others, however, do not. More than anyone, the Opposition parties and candidates here who have suffered the worst consequences of the cheating know very well that the present government is only playing a game and not practicing legitimate democracy or democratic elections.

A new era of adversity where courage must be the first quality

It is time to call a spade a spade. It is time for those in the Opposition who say‘but what can we do’ to stand aside and make way for people with stronger gumption. For example, you may have been brave in the past and went to jail for so and so, but are you brave anymore – NOW? Or has your gut grown thick and fat like those in the UMNO-BN?

Such a question may seem rude, but it is a very legitimate one for Malaysian voters to ask. As we often slam the Umno-BN, perhaps it is now timely to cast the spotlight on the Pakatan and what does it have to offer Malaysians in the face of a rabid Umno-BN, even more arrogant and dangerous now that it has ‘won’ another 5 years in power.

Boils must be pricked and pus must be expelled otherwise gains made in the past few years will be lost and we become like the past generations – silent because we were afraid when we came face to face with ‘danger’!

Old dogs and new tricks

Lim Kit Siang, Karpal Singh and Hadi Awang are towering figures in the Opposition and have been so for decades. With all due respect, when it comes to broken electoral promises, surely these three would have to account for the most number since they have never been able to wrest the federal government and thereby implement their dreams and visions for the people. Looking at the situation objectively, theirs is actually a pretty horrendous track record. 30, 40 or perhaps even 50 years of not being able to realize their goal. Why should Malaysians, if they seriously want change, continue to choose these leaders then? These guys could not do it after so many decades, and the chances are, unless they revamp their mindset, Malaysia will continue to be governed by the Umno-BN.

Do Malaysians really want ‘Ubah’? If so, they had better stop wearing rose-tinted glasses and confront the fact that some of their revered leaders have in actual fact never managed to perform at all. The question begs – did Umno-BN rule Malaysia since 1957 because they were strong or because the Opposition until 2008 was weak? Malaysians must pick winners, if change is truly what they want. Of course, this is not easy and we could jump from the frying pan into the fire. But we still move – whether forward or backward, there is still motion. Life and strength still flow in our veins and limbs, and with a bit more courage, we can get to our goal. The worse option is to stay comatose, trapped in loss, stuck in defeat.

Pakatan has to continue playing the game but they have to change their game plan. Otherwise, it is tantamount to allowing themselves to be cheated over and over again. And that is a mark of insanity.

It is also a mark of cowardice and bad faith with voters who supported Pakatan because they wanted a change in government. What would help and are really needed most are fresh ideas to be get the county moving forward and not round and round in circles.

The drastic responses from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim and the Pakatan Rakyat in the immediate aftermath of the recently-concluded 13th general election marks the start of an era to break the impasse and shatter once and for all Umno’s dominance. This is a tack that Pakatan leaders must hammer through and ferociously!

Right direction but not yet there

For the first time in Malaysia’s history, the Opposition had dared to say no. Anwar and Pakatan voiced their rejection of the election results. They mobilized their followers to protest the fraudulent electoral process and its outcomes via the Black 505 rallies. But have Anwar and Pakatan succeeded?

So far, the desired outcome of their actions has not materialized but they must not give up. Umno-BN has still formed the government. On the first day of new Parliament session, Umno-BN continued to cheat with the election of the Speaker. Prime Minister Najib Razak made a laughing stock of himself by forcing his own reps to sign a so-called secret ballot so that all would toe the line and vote a controversial toady back into office.

It was also ironic that as the re-elected Speaker was pompously calling for ‘change’ in his acceptance speech, 32 youth activists were roughed up and arrested by the police just outside Parliament. In other words, nothing has changed. Democracy has not deepened or widened. It may have shrunk even further following GE13.

Meanwhile, the Black 505 rallies seem to have lost steam despite clear evidence of public support. No doubt, the crowds are no longer so large but obviously, if you have attended one or two such ‘ceramahs’, you won’t want to go again unless there are new issues or speeches to hear. So the right medicine is not to dump the rallies but to ask, what new strategies can we apply to keep the public interest intact? Actually, if the crowd size tapers down to sustainable levels, that’s fine because there may be another 5 years to go before the next general election, so don’t throw away this powerful and precious early momentum.

Also, has there been enough ‘outreach’ to all the towns in the country yet? Who is really losing interest here – the Pakatan leaders or the people? Who is feeling the fatigue? Why are there no efforts to galvanize public interest with new issues? Why zero search for new tacks to keep the flame burning? Also, why are only PKR and PAS involved and not DAP?

Does ‘Ubah’ stop with GE13 campaigning? What happens at GE14?

In the May 5 general election, DAP won the most seats with 38 versus PKR’s 30 and PAS’ 21. Most of their wins also came with thumping majorities. But is DAP really so strong? They should not forget that most of their wins came from Chinese-dominated seats which they insisted on and exerted enormous pressure on PKR and PAS to yield to their candidates. The fact is the Chinese are already pro-Opposition and there is no need to ‘convert’ their thinking. Maybe this is also why DAP leaders are reluctant to take risks and get nabbed for attending the Black 505 rallies. Instead some have even behaved like their Umno counterparts and actively contributed to the scaremongering over the event.

Let’s not forget that it is what the voters want that counts, not the DAP, PAS or PKR leadership. The Chinese ardently want change and if they don’t get this from DAP and Pakatan, they will look else where. So scrap the hype and thanksgiving rhetoric. The core electoral promise has already been broken. And to make it worse, it looks like the DAP leaders have no intention to stick their necks out to stop a repeat electoral robbery. It seems they just want to have their 5 years of being a Member of Parliament or state assembly-person. They want to stick to the safe and narrow path, immerse themselves in rhetoric but without carrying the burden of output. If this is so, at GE14, why should Malaysian Chinese vote for them again? They might as well stick with the mousy, greedy and selfish MCA. As for the Malays, it is odd but DAP is to most of them what Umno is to the non-Malays – something that the Pakatan leaders should take note of.

Pulling wool over the people’s eyes: Fighters needed in the Opposition ring

It also seems like Pakatan may be experiencing a dose of ‘over success’ among its ranks. It is obvious that the pretty boy and girls of the Opposition, and a good example of these are in the DAP, seem to care more about the frills and fuss of being in Parliament, no? They certainly seem to hanker  for the high government posts, the power-dressing that befits their double-barelled qualifications, the chauffeur-driven cars and plush-carpeted corridors of power.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with that. Just don’t do it in the political space – especially that which belongs to the Opposition. In the Opposition ring – particularly in a semi-dictatorship like Malaysia -fighters are needed. Really tough ones. So like their counterparts in the MCA, DAP boys and girls should move on to the corporate scene where they can make more money although they won’t enjoy so much fame. But stop wasting the precious 5-year mandates of the people. Do not repeat the non-achievement of the elder leaders and keep Malaysia forever floundering in Umno’s ever-increasingly vicious cycle.

The acid test is simple. There is nothing hazy about this. For example, what is the point of raising motion after motion on the haze? What real or concrete result can Teo Nie Chieng or her rival Wee Ka Siong from MCA achieve here other than a fleeting puff for themselves? Face it, even Singapore strongman Lee Hsien Loong and his dad Lee Kuan Yew are powerless to reduce the haze in their precious republic.

Malaysian Opposition leaders should be honest and ask themselves – do the people want them to keep pointing out corruption case after corruption case, one cheating scam after another, haze year in and year out but at the end of the day be the same powerless people unable to make a real or concrete difference? We see Pakatan leaders at risk of failing in their primary duty, we believe they may lose sight of the main goal because of their desire for the fluff, and a good example is Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa who was apparently so terrified of being left out from Parliament that he broke party line to attend a briefing that was boycotted by the rest of the Opposition.

Really, what is the point of being in the fight if the Opposition is only making the motions of trying to win the federal government. Just yesterday Pakatan could not even stop Najib from cheating again in the secret ballot for the Speaker. And yet some of the Pakatan MPs have brazenly and a tad arrogantly declared their ‘priority’ to ‘solve’ the issue of the haze and to ‘combat’ the even more complex matter of corruption!

Seems to us that all the Umno-BN needs to do is to just threaten arrests, label an issue or event illegal and that’s the last you see of some of these so-called “brave but at the same time kiasu” leaders from the Opposition! We say why should Malaysians vote for ‘kiasu’ leaders at all – be they from the Pakatan or the BN?

Round and round in circles

It takes a lot to be called a hero but what Malaysians need and deserve are heroes in their Opposition. This is the sad fact of politics. So do wake up, Pakatan. Also, wake up Malaysian voters. There is no doubt the so-called drastic responses that Anwar had tried to initiate are vital.

To stay relevant, some in the Pakatan – and they know who they are – must look at new strategies and stop the hot gas and rhetoric to mask their sheer political cowardice – no one is fooled! Look in the mirror and stop tricking themselves and the people. All Tony Puas in this world could never stop the corruption in KLIA2 or in the ministry of defense if they continue to keep their heads buried in the sand!

Instead, the cheating and corruption only increases because as Tony and his Pakatan colleagues including Rafizi Ramli holler out the Umno-BN’s worst secrets, it is not in the least bit scared! Umno-BN leaders don’t care at all because they know – as proven in the past 5 years – that Pakatan can blow the whistle as much as they like but they can’t do anything more than that. So who wins then, and who loses? The answer is pretty obvious – Umno-BN gets the illicit cash, Pakatan gets the publicity, the people lose.

Really, the time has come to stop being ‘clever children’. Political prodigies are a waste of time. Malaysia is near bankruptcy and no one has time for ‘smart-alec’ stories that yield no concrete results in the end.

So what can Pakatan do?

Pakatan will have to go back to basics and try to learn from the examples of other countries that managed to shake off the shackles of political dictatorships.

Let’s have a quick look at just one. Let’s go to South America and take a look at Brazil where the citizens have marched on the streets, blocked roads and halted traffic in more than a half-dozen cities, including Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasilia, as well as swarming past the Congress and Presidential Palace  because of a hike in transport fares from 3.00 to 3.20.

We highlight this example because like in Malaysia, the ruling politicians in Brazil only defend their own interests, wasting public funds and unlawfully enriching themselves while the various law enforcement officials are known to be equally as corrupt. However, the economy is active. Money is easy to earn and the ordinary people there can still manage to get a small slice of the economic pie. Hence, it is easy to close an eye on the new government which had inherited the sound economy from ex-President Lula. But the new government, like Najib’s, has failed to sustain real or developmental growth and has to keep on spending without having priorities in order to hide the truth from the people.

If the Brazil protests were just about transport fares, few would be taking notice. But the fare increase was merely the last straw –there were so many issues  that had outraged the Brazilians. Ultimately, it all boils down to “their dissatisfaction and total disbelief in politicians.” This was why the protest became so massive – enough to pressure a real solution, if not a complete change in government.

Sense of urgency vital

Street protests are not the only way. Sometimes, street demos are counter-productive because they make the ruling regime more authoritarian, resolute, vigilant and inventive in maintaining the status quo. Unless massive enough, street demonstrations are seldom enough to constitute a serious threat to the regime’s survival.

At the moment, the Black 505 peaceful gatherings are not a threat and cannot spark any immediate governmental changes. But they sure make a helluva  statement. And with the right approach and development, Black 505 can be used to harness enormous public support plus an all-important sense of urgency that is still sorely lacking despite Malaysia being in a really precarious position – socially, democratically and economically.

The lesson to take home from the Brazilian example is that the focus of their protests was on “collective grievances”, not just about transport fares. For the Black 505 gatherings here, the focus was on the “common grievances” suffered by voters due to the lack electoral reforms and the frauds perpetrated during the election. The scope of Black 505 can easily be expanded because the chest of wrongdoings of the UMNO-BN is too deep and way too wide.

And another key point is that the Black 505 must retain its core feature of being a peaceful gathering. Given the amiable nature of the Malaysian people plus the good track of the rallies held so far, this should not be beyond the organizers.

Mass civil pressure exerted peacefully, with dignity and regularly can achieve dramatic results. There is no need for the violence of the Arab uprisings to bring about change here. All it takes is for Malaysians to keep repeating their demands to the government in a very VISIBLE way – stop the nonsense. Enough is enough!

How to fight a ‘law unto itself’

In Malaysia, where Umno is dominant, it is almost impossible to change the government through the ballot box because of the past gerrymandering by unscrupulous people including Mahathir Mohamad and even Abdullah Badawi.

However, the Umno legacy of “collective grievances” inflicted onto the rest of the country may in the end be its own undoing. This is the crucial common denominator that unites 51% of Malaysians against them.

The second tie is the social media network that helped to communicate down the line the latest developments and happenings in the Opposition, uniting it with the people of the county and the rest of the world.

Without freedom of speech and a free press, the Umno-BN government could take any action or make any laws it wants unobserved by its own people and the outside world.

It is ironic that in GE13, Pakatan has won 7 more seats and taken 51% of the popular vote while Umno-BN has slid further. Yet over the next 5 years, the going will be tougher for Pakatan than for Umno-BN.

The call is very clear for greater courage from the Pakatan. It not yet time for it to rest on its laurels and to ‘enjoy’ the fruits of its hard work yet. Otherwise, Malaysians voters will dump Pakatan in GE14 for not doing enough to fulfill their primary request – which is to take over the federal government and make real, broad-based, structural reforms to save this country.

The test before the Pakatan MPs as they doll themselves up to take their oaths at Parliament is far greater than for Umno-BN, which by now is practically a law unto itself and therefore lawless. Umno leaders have managed to get away scot-free despite all the outrageous tricks and stunts they pulled the past 5 years.

So Pakatan MPs, especially the ‘boys and girls’, please get savvy and learn ‘guerrilla warfare’ real fast because you will now be fighting a completely lawless and amoral entity.

Foto Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Semasa Pembukaan Sidang Parlimen Ke-13

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 09:37 PM PDT



Foto oleh: Republika Online

Local burning aggravated smog in Muar, Port Klang

Posted: 25 Jun 2013 08:41 PM PDT

Two of the towns worst hit by the recent smog were Muar and Port Klang. The general consensus was that they bore the brunt of the smoke billowing in from Sumatra – but local plantation burning in Johan Setia near Port Klang and in Mukim Air Hitam near Muar may have aggravated the smog. View [Read more]
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