Tengku 'celup' Adnan, awak menjadi dungu seorang diri cukup, jangan berterusan mendungukan orang lain...

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xBlog ☪ Magificent Sociopolitical Blogs

Jun 27, 2013, 7:04:15 PM6/27/13
to people-ar...@googlegroups.com

Tengku 'celup' Adnan, awak menjadi dungu seorang diri cukup, jangan berterusan mendungukan orang lain...

Tengku 'celup' Adnan, awak menjadi dungu seorang diri cukup, jangan berterusan mendungukan orang lain...

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 12:23 PM PDT


Kelmarin saya tergamam apabila Menteri di JPM Menteri menyatakan di Dewan Rakyat tentang dakwat kekal mengandungi pewarna makanan yang dibenarkan.

Hari ini saya terkedu apabila Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan pula menyatakan Malaysia tidak perlu menggunakan dakwat kekal dalam pilihan raya kerana negara ini bukannya seperti "negara dunia ketiga" lain.

Saya kira kedua-dua kenyataan menteri tersebut terkeluar tajuk. Isunya ialah mengapa dakwat kekal yang digunakan oleh SPR dalam pilihan raya yang lalu tidak kekal, bukannya perlu atau tidak perlu menggunakan dakwat kekal? Saya kira soal harapan rakyat untuk melihat dakwat kekal seperti yang dijanjikan tetapi tidak kekal adalah isu besar yang perlu dijawab oleh menteri yang bertanggungjawab dan SPR. Oleh itu, kenyataan menteri di atas adalah satu jawapan yang pada saya menggambarkan bukannya negara kita dunia ketiga, tetapi komen pemimpin kita yang kelas ketiga.

Buat apa kita membandingkan negara kita dengan dunia ketiga yang lain? Jika kita kahu bandingkan pun, dari segi sistem pengundian, negara kita masih jauh mundur ke belakang. India dan Indonesia menggunakan dakwat kekal, tetapi tidak ada kecelakaan yang menimpa pengundi mereka. Sebaliknya yang berlaku ialah sistem pilihan raya mereka dilihat demokratik, adil dan memenuhi aspirasi rakyat. Itu yang kita mahu—satu pilihan raya yang telus dan ada integriti supaya tidak timbul kontroversi seperti sekarang ini. 

Jika kita mahu bandingkan sistem pilihan raya kita dengan di negara maju, kedudukannya adalah jauh panggang dari api. Di negara maju, sistem pilihan rayanya adil dan bebas, medianya bebas dan pengurusan pilihan rayanya baik. Di negara maju, mereka tidak lagi menggunakan dakwat kekal, tetapi menggunakan sistem biometrik. Apakah kita mampu menjadi seperti mereka atau telahpun mencapai tahap seperti mereka?

Baiklah, jika kita tidak mahu gunakan dakwat kekal, saya mahu cadangkan dalam pilihan raya yang akan datang, kita gunakan mesin mengesan cap jari. Penggunaan mesin ini baik kerana selain dapat mengesahkan identiti pengundi, mesin ini juga secara automatiknya dapat menolak mereka yang cuba untuk mengundi dua kali. Mengapa timbulnya persepsi adanya pengundian dua kali ini? Ini kerana keraguan kepada senarai pengundi SPR? Bilakah SPR dapat menyelesaikan persepsi rakyat yang negatif ini?

YB pemimpin, tolong selesaikan isu dakwat kekal ini dengan baik. Tolong jangan berikan jawapan yang berterusan mendungukan rakyat. Setakat ini, saya lihat jawapan pemimpin adalah sama seperti pengail yang mengail, tetapi memilih menggunakan umpan yang tidak dimakan ikan. - Mohammad Agus Yusoff

 Menteri UMNO otak taraf dunia ke-3, Adnan Tengku 'celup' kata dakwat kekal tak perlu...

Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor berkata "Kita tak perlukan dakwat kekal pun. Untuk apa? Kita bukan negara (dunia) ketiga, kita ada kad pengenalan yang boleh dikenal pasti. Dakwat kekal ini pembangkang yang minta di Parlimen dan kita setuju dan ikut,"

Tambahnya lagi, Malaysia juga tidak memerlukan dakwat kekal seperti "negara dunia ketiga" lain.-malaysiakini

Adnan Tengku 'celup'- We don't need indelible ink...

Malaysia does not need to have indelible ink as part of its electoral process because we are not a "third world country", Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said today.

NONESpeaking to reporters outside of the Dewan Rakyat, Tengku Adnan (left) said that the indelible ink was only agreed upon in the Parliament because "the opposition wanted it."

"They wanted it, so Parliament agreed. But having too much of chemicals in the ink is not good for the health of the people," he said.

"In India, it lasts for one or two months, it is not healthy," he added.

"The chemicals were reduced because the government cares for the people," Tengku Adnan stressed.

He added that the system with identity cards is good enough for the country and it does not specifically need indelible ink as well.-malaysiakini

rayfire - In contrary we don't need third class level Ministers like you belittling our intelligence with your creative cover up actions! Ink was not requested by Opposition but Bersih did. The only served purpose for is to hoodwink the people into thinking that EC was in compliance with some demands of Bersih and of course to enrich some highly protected crony

Anonymous$&@? - True, Malaysia is not a third world country, at least the rakyat is not. But the problem here is that we have third world mentality government running the country, not to mention a minority government. That why we need all the tools available to make sure election is not high jacked by this minority government and its EC lap dogs.

Odin - Adnan, you are right only but only in saying that Malaysia is not a Third World country. It is not. It is lower than that. When a country has in its cabinet thieves, rapists, sex maniacs, philanderers, adulterers, paedophiles, con men and similar denizens of the sewer, it is one in the Bottom-most World. Speaking of which, who was it that was involved in Lingamgate? Wasn't it a certain Tengku Somebody? And isn't he still in the rats-and-cockroaches-infested, foul-smelling kitchen cabinet?

Multi Racial - Malaysia is a third world not because of it's infrastructure but more so of their politicians like Ku Nan. If you remember the case, he was involved in the Lingam case where in broker a deal between the Chief Judge and Lingam. In spite of that he was chosen to by UMNO secretary general, he was nominated as UMNO candidate for Parliamentary seat and he was selected as a minister. As you can see, we have a tainted guy who have not clear his name but honour with such high position. That is why we need to check every detail especially election where you know what these people are capable of. We need indelible ink, not because of Malaysians but more so of the crooks among the politicians Malaysians do not trust.

Good men - This corrupt judge fixing idiot still thinks he is living in the 80s and can talk rubbish, without anyone to answer back. I don't think he even knows how to use the internet except to surf for porn.

Lebih baik SPR gunakan kunyit pada PRK Kuala Besut nanti bagi menggantikan penggunaan dakwat kekal yg telah menelan belanja jutaan ringgit tapi cuma kekal sebelum dibasuh.. Kunyit ni boleh tahan 4-5 hari. Harganya murah dan tak perlu belanja jutaan ringgit. Lagi pun pembekalnya ramai...Babas,
Lingam,Allagapa,Gemini,Adabi,Adami,Suria Spices dll...


TPPA - it is MALAYSIA that would get sued, and government cannot justify saying Malaysian companies also have the right to sue other countries.

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 04:15 AM PDT

In Parliament, when discussing the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), in particular the Investor protection clause/section/chapter which empowers investors, i.e. companies including also shareholders to sue nation States, like Malaysia.
 “investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) demands becomes exposed to international arbitration at a tribunal such as the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). This means that the investor sues the government of that country
The government's response, is that it also allows Malaysian companies (and investors) to similarly sue other countries.

Investors, companies and shareholders sue and they sue countries. If it is companies being sued, Malaysians need not be worried BUT here it is Malaysia that gets sued - so why should Malaysia, i.e. the people of Malaysia, bear the RISK and the cost of millions and maybe even billions of Ringgit. 


The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) is in USA - and how many Malaysian companies really be able to afford to commence an action in the US. There are only certain lawyers, most in the US, and they charge a lot. Cost of travel and board in the US for the claimant/defendant and witnesses - maybe not just one trip but several trips - and this is why cost is very high.

If the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) was in Malaysia,  and proceedings are in the country being sued, then it would be much cheaper - but it is NOT. I acted for a Malaysian company that commenced action against a multinational company, but the agreement provided for arbitration in Switzerland, but the medium sized Malaysian company just could not afford to go fight for its rights in Switzerland - the cost of travel, board and getting witnesses there. There is also the factor of time and 'convenience' when it comes to witnesses.

AUSTRALIA is an example of a country that has said NO to these Investor protection clause/section/chapter in the TPPA - they are smart, but Malaysia is not following suit.

Australian Parliamentary Commission’s stance is that no new Bilateral Investment Treaties (hereinafter referred to as ‘BIT’s) entered into by Australia will contain an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) clause normally calling for international arbitration.  
 “Australia’s refusal to consent to ISDS in the TPPA is a significant step towards limiting the encroachment of international trade agreements into our national health policy space and retaining our sovereign right to regulate significant areas of public health policy.” - Gleeson, Tienhaara and Faunce in their 2012 article in the Medical Journal of Australia.
In what possible situation would these foreign investors be able to take  Malaysia to the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)? 

* If Malaysia changes its employment policy like:-

a) Abolition of the 'Contractor for Labour System' requiring all companies/businesses to directly employ workers - making everyone that works in a factory the employees of the factory. If this results in additional expenses for the factory that affects the income - the company or it shareholders would be able take action.

b)  Abolition of short-term employment contracts for workers insisting that all workers must be employed as regular wmployees until retirement age.

c)   Creates a law requiring all companies to pay their workers Cost of Living Allowances (COLA) at a certain rate, 

d)   Sets the Minimum Wage, i.e. the basic salary entitlement of workers in Malaysia to RM1,500-00

Health Policy

a)   Sets a higher standard on employment impact assessment, or require mandatory environmental and/or health impact assessment of companies. 

b)    In a bid to control cigarette smoking, creates a new law limiting the sale of cigarettes to only a limited specified outlets. as is already happening in Europe.

c)     Require all cigarette packets to be made less attractive - say change the colour of the packet, take up more space in the packet for health risk warnings, or even ban the smoking of cigarretes in cities and towns (Remember Philip Morris took action against Uruguay for requiring 80 per cent of their cigarette packs covered with health warnings and also for only allowing one variant of cigarette per brand, and they took action against Australia  due to Australia’s law to introduce plain packaging of cigarettes in the year 2012 under similar investor protection clauses in Free Trade Agreements.) see earlier post - By signing FTAs with Investor Protection Clauses, Malaysia has failed Malaysians

...the List goes on and on.

For the investor, if Malaysia does anything that will cost them monies, affect their market and/or reduce their income/profits, they would more likely than not take Malaysia to  the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), and it would be rakyat's money that would be spend fighting this case, and paying the compensation ordered - which would be millions, even possibly billions of Malaysia Ringgit.

So what, if Malaysian companies can sue - for even when they win and get millions, it will not come back to us, the rakyat or the Malaysian government.


If any foreign investor or company wants to sue Malaysia, they can very well do so in Malaysia, and Malaysian law shall apply.

The concern with 'investor protection clauses' is that it takes the situation in the country when it comes in for business - There would be a stagnation in the improvement and the quality of life of Malaysians, for any improvement that would affect businesses would put Malaysia at risk of being 'sued' for milllions...maybe even billions. Our better future would be lost?

The biggest problem with the TPPA is that we, Malaysians, have not been able to view it - and I certainly do not trust the government who has less than 50% support of its people signing such an agreement that will affect me and my fellow Malaysians for a very long time.

Recall that when Malaysia went ahead and earlier signed the World Trade Organization Agreements and those other Free Trade Agreements, Malaysians lost so much...

We lost the right to determine that there be a certain percentage of Malaysians in the upper management of these companies/businesses - lost the 'technology and skill transfer to Malaysians'

We lost the right to require foreign companies to use a certain percentage of Malaysian-made products and components - which was there before.

We were bound by Copyright laws, and whilst our government only highlighted CDs and VCDs - it had a serious impact on medicines - no more were we able to generic medicines as in the past - we were now forced to buy medicines at a higher cost - hence now Malaysians have to go repeatedly every month to get their medicines - no more like before when we got all medicines needed until the next doctor's appointments

The Malaysian government claims that it has had consultation with various persons and organisations - but alas it is not with the rakyat. For a proper consultation, we need to have access to the FULL Agreement.

Why don't Malaysian government just publish the Draft TPPA - and let us get the comments of the people. Use the Prime Minister's FB or some internet. Also make available the comments of the various persons - MP Charles Santiago, Third World Network, MTUC,...etc. Let people have sight of all comments and views. In fact the proposal of MP Charles Santiago today that the government sets up a Parliamentary Select Committee on this is not a bad idea -this Select Committee would then be mandated to get the views of Malaysians...

Malaysia, do not sign yet another agreement that would cause HARDSHIP and SUFFERING to Malaysians now and the future.

Remember, there really is no need for any FTAs or TPPA, because foreign investors would still come open their businesses and factories in Malaysia...


'We won't sign TPPA if price of medicine increases'
PARLIAMENT The Malaysian government is dead set against any extension of intellectual property rights involving medicine in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), which may see the prices of generic medication skyrocket.

parliament pc jeyakumar and mustapha 171208 04"On patents involving the price of medication... we are adamant, we don't want the current regime to change; we will defend existing policies," International Trade and Industry Minister Mustapa Mohamed (right) told the Dewan Rakyat during question time this morning.

"If we don't agree, we can choose not to sign. We will protect our national interests. If we don't agree with some of the terms, we will not proceed," the minister pledged.

Mustapa said this in reply to a supplementary question from Anuar Musa (BN-Keterah), after answering the original question from Charles Santiago (DAP-Klang) on concerns about the impact of the TPPA on Malaysia's sovereignty.

On fears that the TPPA framework would allow foreign companies to question the  policy decisions of a sovereign government like Malaysia’s,  Mustapha gave his assurance that Malaysia's involvement in the agreement would not limit the government from protecting its sovereignty.

'Malaysians firms too can sue foreign governments'

Pointing oput that similar provisions in other free trade agreements were already in force and with no adverse effects, Mustapa argued that such an arrangement worked both ways and Malaysian firms too could sue foreign governments.

The minister also gave his guarantee that the interests of Malaysian small and medium enterprises would also be protected and not squandered in negotiations for the TPPA.

He said the government had met with all stakeholders to get their views and input and he also gave his assurance all that further consultations continue as negotiations for the agreement developed.

medicine health pills and tablets and capsulesHowever, Mustapa said it was not necessary to table the entire agreement to Parliament first as he believed past consultations and those planned in the future with stakeholders would provide enough input for the government to gauge and protect the nation’s interests.

However, he admitted that it would be impossible, in a democratic country, to get 100 percent agreement on anything that is done, though he was sure that the government had "majority support" for what it aimed to achieve in the TPPA.

He is appreciative of all criticism and suggestions on the trade pact sent to him as these have helped to strengthen their arguments and widen their scope of discussion.

"What is important is that the benefit are more than the costs involved. All actions have bad and good consequences. That we cannot deny, but the important thing is that it is more good than bad," Mustapa argued. - Malaysiakini, 27/6/2013, 'We won't sign TPPA if price of medicine increases'

Do surf the net, and read more about what others are saying about the TPPA. 



Some recent great NIAMAH!!! Moments.

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:41 PM PDT

That's right! Fight for justice. Defend your right to remain stupid.

I just read from the Internet that Malay Consultative Council president, Ibrahim Abu Shah was quoted as saying....

'Abolish meritocracy in education and return justice to Malay students. Today, meritocracy has created Chinese supremacy. There is nothing to benefit Malay students.'

This makes me wonder why my Malay brethren do not get upset when they are constantly insulted by people who are supposedly their leaders.


Here! Go suck on it. It's edible.

So now we're told that the indelible ink that we had painted on our fingers during the GE13 was just food dye. Edible ink was what it was all along. Perhaps someone in the Election Commission's purchasing department can't spell. How many millions did we spend buying this food dye? Quite a lot kan? And I am sure that there's a lot left over too. So where it's all going to go? Think about it the next time you bite into your pasar malam dodol or enjoy your ice-cold glass of grape juice or sarsparilla or air mata kuching. Enjoyssss!!!


This is funny. The Elections Commission also insists that the edible ink...sorry indelible ink also contained silver nitrate and not just food colouring. But it was reported that the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Shahidan Kassim had told Parliament that no chemicals were used in the indelible ink; only “approved food colouring”. Minister say one thing EC fler says something else. So what else is new in Malaysia eh?

Hiyah typical la. Fuck up already but still fuck us in the end. Food dye the minister said so just when you thought you could at least suck your fingers they tell you it will kill your ass if you do. 


1Sarawak blackout: Kuching, other towns plunged into darkness

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 06:03 AM PDT

No, not another post-election rally, but a major power failure in many parts of the state. Two Kuching residents have confirmed with me that their areas have been hit by a power shortage, about an hour ago. One of them, blog reader JJ, said he heard that the whole state including Dalat near Sibu had [Read more]

Apa lagi alasan Pengerusi SPR selepas ini?

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:00 PM PDT


Jawapan Shahidan Kassim di Parlimen mengenai dakwat kekal yang sebenarnya hanya menggunakan pewarna makanan benar-benar memeranjatkan semua pihak. Ia seperti pukulan maut untuk SPR. Setelah SPR bertegang urat mempertahankan isu dakwat kekal yang banyak dipertikaikan sebelum ini, tetapi dengan jawapan Shahidan ini, kita rakyat Malaysia seperti diperbodohkan mengenai dakwat kekal itu.

Malah ramai yang mengeluh, ini rupanya bentuk Malaysia tanahairku setelah 56 tahun merdeka.

Penggunaan dakwat kekal yang didapati tidak kekal dalam pilihanraya lalu menjadi isu besar kepada rakyat. Setelah rakyat yang mengundi mendapati ia tidak kekal sebagaimana yang digembar-gemburkan oleh SPR, ramai yang bising mengenainya. Ramai yang membuat laporan polis mengenainya demi untuk mempertahankan proses demokrasi, termasuk seorang anggota tentera yang kemudian dikenakan tindakan di peringkat jabatan atas perbuatan yang sebenarnya berniat murni itu.

SPR pula begitu pantas mempertahankan kekekalan dakwat itu setiap kali ia dibangkitkan. Kononnya ia sudah diuji dan ketidakkekalannya adalah kerana ia tidak digoncang sebelum diguna. Kononnya kalau digoncang betul-betul, ia akan tahan lama. Petugas yang mencalit dakwat diletakkan kesalahan kenapa dakwat itu mudah luntur.

Kemudian apabila ia terus dipertikaikan, SPR memberi jawapan lain pula. Kononnya bahan kimia yang digunakan iaitu nitrat perak dalam dakwat itu terpaksa dikurangkan atas nasihat Kementerian Kesihatan. Seorang timbalan menteri yang juga Ketua Penerangan UMNO, Ahmad Maslan, turut bercakap dengan hujah yang sama.

Namun kemudian SPR dimalukan pula apabila Menteri Kesihatan berkata pihaknya tidak pernah mengeluarkan laporan mengenai pengurangan nitrat perak dalam dakwat itu.

Apabila is terus dipertikaikan, SPR lalu menubuhkan sebuah jawatankuasa untuk menyiasat mengenai perkara itu untuk mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang berlaku. Agak menghairankan, mereka yang menyediakan dakwat kekal itu, mereka juga yang mengujinya, mereka juga yang mempertahankannya tetapi akhirnya kerana tekanan rakyat, menubuhkan jawatankuasa pula.

Namun untuk mengaku kesilapan, jauh sekali. Rakyat pula terus keliru.

Sementara rakyat di bawah terus bercakap mengenai dakwat kekal yang tidak kekal ini dan mempertikaikan kewibawaan SPR, isu ini sering saja tenggelam timbul. Tetapi rakyat hairan dengan jawapan dolak-dalik dan tidak konsisten SPR mengenai isu ini. SPR seolah-olah memberi jawapan ikut sedap mulut saja dan bukan berdasarkan fakta sebenar.

Dalam ertikata lain, jawapan SPR seperti hujah politik seorang Ketua UMNO Cawangan saja layaknya.

Dengan jawapan Shahidan di Parlimen bahawa tiada bahan kimia digunakan dalam dalwat kekal itu, sebaliknya hanya pewarna makanan saja, Pengerusi dan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR sepatutnya menghantukkan kepala masing-masing ke dinding jika mereka faham erti wibawa dan integeriti. Ini benar-benar memeranjatkan dan jelas bahawa pelbagai jawapan yang diberi selama ini bohong belaka. Ahmad Maslan pun turut menjadi pemimpin yang berbohong kepada rakyat.

Sudahlah hanya pewarna makanan yang digunakan, kos pembelian dakwat kekal yang menececah RM7.1 juta turut menjadi isu. Kalau hanya dakwat yang menggunakan pewarna makanan, bagaimana boleh harganya mencecah semahal itu?

SPR kini tidak boleh berdolak-dalik lagi. Jawapan Shahidan di Parlimen lebih dipercayai berbanding pelbagai hujah SPR di sidang media. Kewibawaan SPR sebagai pengendali pilihanraya yang bebas dan adil sudah berakhir. Rakyat berhak mempertikaikan pelbagai isu mengenai pengendalian pilihanraya oleh SPR memandangkan untuk menguruskan hal yang begitu mudah seperti dakwat kekal pun, mereka tidak mampu melakukannya dengan baik.

Rakyat juga hairan kenapa dakwat kekal di negara kita menjadi begitu kalut sedangkan penggunaannya di India dan Bangladesh tidak pernah timbul masalah dan sudah digunakan sejak puluhan tahun lamanya. Jika susah sangat, import saja dakwat yang sama yang digunakan di kedua-dua negara itu!

Dalam hal ini, memang tiada alasan lagi untuk Pengerusi dan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR mempertahankan diri mereka. Sudah sampai masanya mereka secara sukarela mengundurkan diri dan meletakkan jawatan. Tidak perlulah berdolak-dalik lagi mengatakan perlantikan mereka atas perkenan Yang Dipertuan Agong dan memaksa berundur kononnya mempertikaikan peranan dan perlantikan baginda itu.

Terus mempertahankan benang basah hanya mengeruhkan lagi keadaan. Letak jawatan dan biar orang lain yang lebih berwibawa memimpin SPR. Memandanfkan pilihanraya kecil Kual Besut akan diadakan tidak lama lagi, sebaiknya mereka mengundurkan diri sebelum pilihanraya itu berlangsung.

Ternampak sekarang, dengan pelbagai kemelut ini, merekalah yang sebenarnya sedang mencemar nama baik Yang Dipertuan Agong, sistem demokrasi dan Raja Berperlembagaan di negara ini dengan jawapan dan hujah yang entah apa-apa dan ikut sedap mulut saja mengenai dakwat kekal yang dipertaikaikan oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:00 AM PDT

That is the infamous proverb. Persons in the inner circle of the powers that may be must not only be clean but be seen to be clean. That is what a special committee of Delivery Task Force (DTF) Anti-Corruption NKRA has decided to have for all aides to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers.

27 June 2013| last updated at 12:21AM

MACC to vet special officers

By HARIZ MOHD | ne...@nst.com.my
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A MINISTER’S GATEKEEPER: Move to ensure good governance, transparency

KUALA LUMPUR: ALL special officers to cabinet members will be required to undergo a vetting process with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and the police to ensure good governance and increased transparency.

In a statement, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Paul Low said this was among the matters discussed during a Delivery Task Force (DTF) Anti-Corruption NKRA (National Key Result Areas) meeting yesterday.

The meeting was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

“The role of a special officer is an important one in some cases as he or she acts as a gatekeeper to the minister, and is privy to highly-confidential information.

“In order to ensure good governance and increased transparency, it was agreed during the meeting that all special officers to cabinet ministers will be required to undergo a vetting process with the MACC and police.

“It will also be a requirement for special officers to declare their assets annually to the prime minister, their respective ministers and MACC chief commissioner.

“By putting all these measures in place, opportunities for misconduct will be minimised,” Low said.

The meeting was also attended by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala, Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa and MACC Chief Commissioner Tan Sri Abu Kassim Mohamad.

Another important decision made by DTF was the approval for the appointment of International Advisory Board members to MACC.

Board members would be tasked to provide advice and review the NKRA initiatives specifically for MACC’s transformation, Low said.

Members of the board would include high-profile individuals from the Hong Kong and New South Wales Independent Commission Against Corruption.

“The intention of the board is to benchmark MACC’s performance to be on a par with international best practices and to improve international perception towards MACC.

“Although the government has covered much ground in its fight against corruption, more can and will be done, to improve governance and integrity via DTF.”

DTF is a governance structure implemented under the Government Transformation Programme in order to ensure proper monitoring and execution of initiatives.


No longer the incidence where two Political Secretaries of a Cabinet Minister were arrested independent of each other for separate corruption charges and later be charged in a criminal court. Nor rumours about Special Officers of the Prime Minister building a million Ringgit home.

The decisions they transmit of behalf of their bosses also should be verified if they are of advantage to some ‘interested parties’ or personal beneficiaries.

Do not give anyone any reason to doubt the transparency and integrity of the current administration. That is something so easily rumoured everywhere, at any time. They should focus on their work instead ‘fire-fighting’ rumours.

*Updated 2200hrs

Special officer to MB Selangor Mohd. Yahya Mat Sari is sentenced to two years in the gaol and two strokes of whipping for committing an act of corruption bare;y three months into the Opposition Pact’s rule of the wealthiest state five years ago.

Published: Thursday June 27, 2013 MYT 7:45:00 PM

Selangor MB’s former special officer gets two years and caning for cheating

SHAH ALAM: The High Court sentenced Mohd Yahya Mat Sahri, former special officer to Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, to two years in prison and two strokes of the whip for cheating the president of Kumpulan Darul Ehsan BhdDatuk Abdul Karim Munisar five years ago.

Mohd Yahya, 44, was charged with deceiving Abdul Karim into believing that the Pakatan Rakyat secretariat was seeking sponsors for the party’s 100th day celebration.

Judge Datuk Abdul Alim Abdullah meted out the sentence after allowing the prosecution’s appeal against the Sessions Court’s verdict which acquitted and discharged Mohd Yahya, 46, of the charge in May 2011.

The judge however allowed a stay of execution pending Mohd Yahya’s appeal at the Court of Appeal and set bail at RM15,000 with one surety.

On May 20 2011, Sessions Court judge Azhaniz Teh Azman Teh had acquitted and discharged Mohd Yahya on the basis that the prosecution had failed to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Mohd Yahya faced a further charge of inducing Abdul Karim to hand over RM50,000 in sponsorship for the event at the Gardenia Coffee House, Quality Hotel, on June 4, 2008.

He was charged under Section 420 of the Penal Code which carries a jail sentence of up to 10 years, whipping and a fine, upon conviction. A total of 28 prosecution witnesses, including Abdul Khalid, and eight defence witnesses testified throughout the proceedings. – Bernama

Turf war in FGV

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:30 AM PDT

Isa Samad, finger-blocking Sabri 
While I share Annie's confidence that Sime Darby is in good hands, having a politician at the helm of a GLC can be a bane. Isa Samad, the Umno veteran, is fast becoming one at Felda. His haste to put Emir Mavani Abdullah as CEO-designate seven months before the current one steps down has raised eyebrows and, unfortunately for Emir, opened a can of worms.  
Now, apparently, there's a social media war taking place between pro-Umno bloggers. In one corner, you have Big Dog stripping Emir naked (and, in his latest post h e r e, biting Isa into pieces); in the other, you have others gunning down the existing CEO, Ahmad Sabri, to the ground in typical assassin fashion ie go after the wife (Sabri must go and retire from FGV).
It's all a lot of fun to read, but it also makes Felda a laughing stock. My advise to Isa, stop bringing politics into FGV. You now know that your man Emir is not a Dr Emir as claimed, question is how do you fix it? Telling the AGM that Emir hadn't know he was going to come back to Malaysia to serve is so lame. 
Anak Felda also

Khairil, anak Felda
p.s. There are several "anak Felda" in the top management of FGV. What, people like Khairil Anuar Aziz and Zakaria Arshad are not qualified to be CEO of the company their parents helped create with their blood, sweat and tears, izzit? 

The Tourism Ministry is curious about the new theme park

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:36 PM PDT

The Eye draws 3.5 million visitors  annually
New Tourism Minister Nazri Aziz hasn't made any public statement on the so-called Malaysia Truly Asia theme park they want to build near Parliament and the National Monument, but he will (have to). Blogger Apanama's latest revelation is that the 26.3 ha park will wash away too much of our heritage. It's hard to make economic sense of it, too.
The office that houses the ISIS office, for example, was the official residence of the Dewan Rakyat Speaker. Between 1959 and 1964, the House Speaker was Noah Omar, the grandfather of present PM Najib Razak. Noah was also our delegate to the UN General Assembly in 1958. He addressed the world body twice: the first time on apartheid in South Africa and the second on the plight of Palestinian refugees, both of which have remained central in Malaysia's foreign policies till today. 
Noah (right) at theSpeaker's home, about 50 years ago
(pic taken from The Thee Swans by Fawzia Abdullah)
But history isn't the only reason why the ministry's officials are going around asking questions about the theme park. 
If it's supposed to be a major tourist attraction as claimed, their new Minister would want every claim to be backed up by details. "It won't be business as usual, if you know what I mean." And as Apanama has lamented, there's very little anybody know about the project. For all you know, the theme is a front - an excuse - for the developers to build high-end condos and colossal commercial havens for the benefit of a few. 
The claim that foreign tourists will now need to spend just 2-3 hours at the theme park to know Malaysia and to love Malaysia is also a worrying - even disturbing - prospect as far as tourism is concerned. "Do these people know what they're doing? We want tourists to stay 2-3 weeks here so they spend money, lots of money. If they only need 2 or 3 hours, Singapore and Thailand will say thank you very much to us as the tourist will spend more time with them instead of with us."
Me, I think we need to avoid building another white elephant like the mini-Asean village
Not "business as usual" under Nazri ..
(or is it mini-Malaysia). If we really need to have one, then it certainly does not need to be in the heart of the city and at the expense of one of its last gasps of green lungs.
Learn from the Londoners. When they wanted a world-class tourist attraction, they built the Eye. They didn't touch a grass at Hyde Park or Kensington or any of the city's gardens and green lungs because they knew they wouldn't get near any of it. Since 2000, the London Eye has been attracting some 3.5 million visitors a year. 

Kes Menteri Dalam Negeri menumbuk muka Amir Bazli Abdullah didengar pada Ogos 26 ini...

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 12:33 AM PDT

Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (gambar) menggunakan semua ruang undang-undang untuk menghalang kes saman terhadapnya didengari di mahkamah.

Mahkamah Persekutuan pagi ini menolak permohonan menteri dalam negeri itu yang cuba mendapatkan kebenaran merayu terhadap keputusan mahkamah lebih rendah mengatakan kes saman itu perlu dibicarakan.

Saman itu difailkan oleh Amir Bazli Abdullah terhadap Ahmad Zahid yang dituduh menumbuk mukanya pada 16 Januari 2006 di Kelab Rekreasi Country Heights di Kajang, Selangor.

Amir Bazli mengalami patah hidung (kecederaan kekal) dan rosak kekal di bahagian sebelah kiri mata.

Lima orang Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan yang diketuai oleh Tan Sri Md Raus Sharif mengatakan persoalan undang-undang sudah selesai.

"Mahkamah Tinggi memutuskan bahawa kes itu perlu dibicarakan dan Mahkamah Rayuan mempunyai pendapat sama," kata hakim itu.

"Biarlah ini dibicarakan di mahkamah dan biarkan mahkamah membuat keputusan. Dia akan mempunyai ruang untuk merayu kemudian."

Md Raus kemudian menolak permohonan Ahmad Zahid dengan kos RM5,000. 

Semasa kejadian itu dikatakan berlaku, Ahmad Zahid merupakan timbalan menteri penerangan.

Dalam satu kenyataan tuntutannya, Amir Bazli berkata, kira-kira jam 10 malam pada 16 Jan, 2006, dia berada di sebuah stesen minyak di Bangi apabila ejen defendan mendekati dan mengugutnya. 

Mereka membawanya secara paksa ke kelab rekreasi Country Heights di Kajang.

Terdapat, plaintif menyaksikan Ahmad Zahid dengan menantunya bernama Hisham dan anak lelakinya yang dikenali sebagai KK. Terdapat juga beberapa yang lain bersama mereka.  - malaysian insider

Karpal gesa AG dakwa Zahid Hamidi...

MP Bukit Gelugor Karpal Singh menggesa peguam negara mendakwa Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi atas tuduhan menyerang dan cubaan membunuh anak guamnya, ahli perniagaan Amir Bazli Abdullah, dalam satu kejadian pada 2006.

Karpal berkata, tiada tempoh masa ditetapkan untuk peguam negara menjalankan pendakwaan itu.

"Jika anda melihat keadaan kecederaan Amir Bazli Abdullah dan laporan polis yang dibuat ke atas Zahid, orang akan tertanya-tanya mengapa tiada pendakwaan dijalankan.

"Ini menunjukkan sifat semulajadi di negara ini (tidak mengambil tindakan),” katanya.

Sementara itu, peguam Gobind Singh Deo pula menuntut penggantungan jawatan Zahid sebagai menteri sebelum saman tersebut didengar di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam, yang dijadualkan diadakan pada Ogos.

“Saya juga akan membangkitkan perkara ini di Parlimen,” katanya.

Zahid Hamidi to answer assault suit...

Umno vice-president and Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's bid to strike out an assault suit filed against him by a businessman was thrown out by the Federal Court today.

Court of Appeal president Justice Md Raus Sharif, who headed a five-member bench, dismissed Zahid's application for leave to appeal before hearing submissions from Zahid's lawyer Shamsul Bahrin.

Shamsul Bahrin pointed out that the issue at hand refers to trespassing against a person. However, Karpal Singh, then the lawyer acting for Amir Bazli, interjected and pointed out that the points of law were not filed via a notice of motion. 

The judges found that the points of law that were to be presented to the court were not done properly, for this was not done through a notice of motion but through submission.

"The matter has not gone through trial at the High Court in Shah Alam and you are not deprived of an appeal process. Let the trial proceed in the High Court.

NONE"If we were to allow such application before the appeal proper, it will hold up other cases," Justice Md Raus said.

With this ruling of the highest court in the country, the civil suit by businessman Amir Bazli Abdullah (left in photo) against the home minister will begin in the High Court in Shah Alam on Aug 26.

Besides Justice Md Raus, the other judges in the hearing are Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Richard Malanjum and Federal Court judges Abdull Hamid Embong, Suriyadi Halim Omar and Zainun Ali.

Amir Bazli, who had known Ahmad Zahid’s daughter, in his statement of claim alleged the minister, his son-in-law and others took him from a petrol station near Bangi, while he was filling petrol, sometime in early January 2006 to Country Heights, Kajang.

There they assaulted him with a hard object, resulting in his nose and skull being fractured.

“As a result of the beatings my left eye was swollen, and I could not open my eyes properly,” he said in his statement of claim.

Ahmad Bazli also claimed that Ahmad Zahid had threatened to kill him on that night and asked him to be placed in a gunny sack and said  we will tanam (bury) you.

He was kept in Ahmad Zahid’s house until 2am before being released.

As a result of the injuries, he spent two weeks seeking treatment and subsequently he lodged a police report over the incident.

He is seeking the costs of his treatment, special, general, exemplary and aggravated damages and costs of the action.

Ahmad Zahid filed counter-claim

Ahmad Zahid, then a deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, claimed in his defence that they did not taken Amir Bazli and he had came to their place on his own free will.

He denied punching Amir Bazli and claimed the injury was a concoction. He further denied causing serious injury to Amir Bazli’s face and did not leave a scar or even a mark.

The Umno vice-president further denied uttering the words that he would bury Amir Bazli and described it as scandalous. He also claimed it was false that he and his son-in-law had confined Amir Bazli.

Ahmad Zahid further claimed that his daughter is married to another person, and that Amir Bazli had abducted her and the couple’s two year-old child.

He claimed the incident had led to false publication of what actually transpired as it had been highlighted in several portals and Chinese newspapers.

Ahmad Zahid is seeking damages for causing considerable distress, libel, general damages for libel and other relief deemed fit by the court.- malaysiakini

Karpal urges AG to charge the home minister...

Veteran lawyer and Bukit Gelugor MP Karpal Singh has urged the attorney-general (AG) to charge Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi for assault and battery, and attempted murder of his client, businessman Amir Bazli Abdullah, in 2006.

NONEKarpal (extreme left in photo) said that there is no time frame for the AG to prosecute, and that it could do so.

"If you look at the nature of Amir Bazli Abdullah's injury and the police report lodged against Zahid, one is left wondering why there was no prosecution done.

"This shows the nature in this country (in not taking action)," he added.

Meanwhile, lawyer and Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo has called for Zahid to be suspended as a minister pending the hearing of the civil suit at the Shah Alam High Court, which is scheduled in August.

"I will also raise the matter in Parliament," he said.

“I have written to the AG over this as it is a serious matter that requires prosecution. However, he declined. It is still not too late. This shows the nature in this country (in not taking action) when people in high places are involved,” he added.

He said this is a clear-cut assault and battery case as there was enough evidence from Amir Bazli.

Karpal said today’s decision means that the matter will go for a full trial and the court decided that the suit is not frivolous.

“They (Ahmad Zahid’s lawyers) have tried to strike out the suit at the High Court and it was dismissed, and they tried it again at the Court of Appeal and again here.

“Let the matter go to a full trial,” he said.

Whatever it is, Karpal declared that Ahmad Zahid is not fit to continue as a minister.

‘Suspend Zahid’

Meanwhile, lawyer and Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo has urged that Zahid be suspended as a minister pending the hearing of the civil suit at the Shah Alam High Court, which is scheduled in August.

“I reiterate my urging to the prime minister to suspend Ahmad Zahid as the home minister pending trial. I will also raise the matter in Parliament,” he said.

“The allegations against him are serious in nature and they extend beyond assault,” he said.

In reading out Ahmad Bazli's police report, Gobind said Ahmad Bazli was slapped, punched and hit with a hard object and they even threaten to cut off both his hands.

Even Ahmad Zahid, he said, allegedly threatened to put Ahmad Bazli in a gunny sack for the businessman to be buried, until this was stopped by the minister’s wife.

“These are serious allegation and the PM must explain why he sees it fit to have Ahmad Zahid remain as the home minister,” he said.

The Puchong lawmaker said, look at the A Kugan case where the judge found against the police and (present inspector-general of police) Khalid Abu Bakar.

Yet, he said, Khalid was promoted to become the IGP.

“The court has said something against the IGP. Yet he remains. I do not understand the PM, is he out in the woods, not being able to see the implications of his actions (to maintain them).

“We will have a home minister going for trial for something this serious soon. I reiterate my urging to remove him, or otherwise the PM should explain in these circumstances why Ahmad Zahid should remain as a minister in his cabinet and home minister.”

Amir Bazli said the extent of the injury to his left eye as a result of the 2006 assault, had resulted in him having blurred vision till today, and he also showed his dented forehead following the fracture.-malaysiakini


Crunch by-election looms in Terengganu

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 01:10 AM PDT

Yesterday, a Terengganu Umno state assembly member passed away, paving the way for a crunch by-election. The BN holds 17 seats in Terengganu to Pakatan’s 15. So if Pakatan wins in the by-election, it will be 16-16 – a hung assembly. In which case, the BN may be asked to show if it can command [Read more]

UK minister exposes the banking fraud

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 12:08 AM PDT

Noted: *March Against The Banks In South Africa Source: here Filed under: Awakening, World Watch Tagged: banking fraud

IGP, Home Minister, Umno, EC feel the heat

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 04:07 AM PDT

Yesterday it was the IGP who was on the wrong end of a High Court decision when he, as the then Selangor police chief, was held responsible for the death in custody of A Kugan. High Court judge V T Singham courageously held that IGP Khalid Abu Bakar was responsible for Kugan’s death in a [Read more]

Malaysians let down by ‘indelible’ ink scandal

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 09:35 PM PDT

Batu Kawan MP Kasthuri Patto sums up the fiasco surrounding the so-called indelible ink that was easily washed away by many. The scandal gives us a glimpse of the real state of the Election Commission today and how public confidence in the institution has nose-dived. This is Kasthuri’s take on the ink saga: The issue [Read more]
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