The Dead Crow by A Samad Said

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Jun 23, 2013, 4:20:21 AM6/23/13

The Dead Crow by A Samad Said

The Dead Crow by A Samad Said

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 09:52 PM PDT

He saw a dead crow
in a drain
near the post office.
He saw an old man
gasping for air
and a baby barely able to breathe
in a crowded morning clinic.
This land is so rich.
Why should we suffer like this?

I want clean air
for my grandchildren.
I want the damned fools
to leave the forest alone.
I want the trees to grow,
the rivers run free,
and the earth covered with grass.
Let the politicians plan how we may live with dignity,
now and always.

the memory of pictures

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 10:23 PM PDT

I watch the ripples in the pond
The lines running away from the edge
It will never flow back
It just stays in my mind

Time gone nothing I could do
It is just a passing today still to run
Tomorrow is a hard day to know
What will it be I can't tell

The wind blowing along
The echoing of the rustling leaves
Some fall waving its freedom
Leaving the tree wanting to be free

The gazebo like structure
Near the pond the bird watchers sing
The bird cages hanging up to the poles
Listening to the birds maybe tweeting sad songs

Life still goes on
I know it will be
Leaving the scenes
The memory of pictures

a women speaker in the house?

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 10:42 PM PDT

Women to the fore
Will they be there for a change?
The political landscape should
The soft touches to our nation troubles

The men have ruled for decades
Instead of climbing high to the sky
We find we have parasites around the roots
Leaving big holes sprewing the bad luck

The country seems running shadows
The shadows of the other emerging tigers
We are far back behind our economic leap
It is Bee Anne never wakes up to challenge

Now it is the time
There should be a woman speaker in the House
The soft touches wake up the men
Of the economic enemies at our doors

Tabung Bantuan untuk Kampong Melayu Sibu terakhir

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 10:17 PM PDT

Satu kebakaran besar melibatkan 500 buah rumah berlaku di Kg Dato Sibu pada beberapa hari lepas pada Jun 19hb.

Kampong Melayu Sibu terakhir ini kini ranap dan penduduk memerlukan bantuan. Satu Tabung telah ditubuhkan dan kami menyeru sumbangan dan derma untuk membantu diselamatkan Kampong Melayu Sibu terakhir ini..

Menurut blog Satu Destinasi [baca SINI], Kampong Dato' merupakan perkampungan Melayu terawal di bandar Sibu.

Kampong ini menunggu masa untuk bakal pupus seperti mana Kg Nyabor dan Kg Pulo yang kini cuma tinggal sebagai nama Jalan Kg Pulo.

Di Kg Palo lah tempat kelahiran pejuang kemerdekaan Sarawak Rosli Dhoby. Sayangnya Rosli Dhoby hanya diingati di Sibu sebagai hanya sebuah jalan di tepi Dataran Bandar Sibu.

Kampong Dato' terletak di tepi Sungai Rejang yang berderet kelihatan kilang pembiinaan kapal. Terletak di hujung bandar Sibu di tepi padang besar Dataran Bandar Sibu, kampong ini bersempadan dengan pembangunan terbaru Sibu seperti Hotel Paramount.

Pelan pembangunan  bandar Sibu bakal meliputi Kampong Dato dan juga Kampong Nangka dalam Dewan Undangan Nangka.

Ekoran satu kebakaran besar-besaran tiga hari lepas yang telah menghanguskan 500 buah rumah. kebakaran, bakal hilang terus ciri-ciri kekampongan Melayu aslinya ekoran

Memang kampong ini hanya menunggu masa untuk tunduk kepada tuntutan kemajuan dan bakal dimajukan pembangunan yang sedia ada menjadi pusat komersial baru bandar Sibu.

Tiada pula tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan ada usaha sabotaj seperti yang dilakukan oleh devevloper di Semenanjung untuk pindah paksa penduduk dari kawasan setinggan.

Ia pun bukan amalan di Sarawak yang aman dan pelbagai kaum hidup dalam harmoni.

Namun begitu, seorang rakan blogger Taiping Mali sini yang mana lama tinggal di Sibu dan beristeri orang Sibu mengesyiaki ianya adakaitan dengan keengganan mangsa kebakaran untuk berpindah, 

Bandar dominasi diduduki oleh orang Cina kaum Foochow dan orang asal Melayu, Iban dan kaum-kaum lain telah diensut sedikit demi sedikit luar dari bandar hingga kini penempatan orang asal adalah sejauh 15 km dari bandar Sibu.

Sejak tahun 2010 Sibu telah mula mengalih sokongan dari BN kepada DAP di mana DAP berjaya memenangi pilihanraya kecil tahun 2011 dan mempertahankan kerusi Parlimen tersebut di PRU lepas.

Kawasan bandar terus dikuasai DAP pada Pilihanraya Negeri tahun 2011.

Isu yang tidak memauskan hati penganut Kristian menjadi bahan kempen utama DAP untuk mengubah sokongan rakyat Sibu dari BN. Kini ianya bakal berterusan diguna untuk menumbangkan sokongan rakyat kepada BN di Sarawak. 

Adakah ini berlaku akibat penguasaan politik DAP di Sibu dan sokongan padu orang Cina?

Mom Survey Says: Three Is The Most Stressful Number Of Kids.

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 08:36 PM PDT

When it comes to kids, three is the magic number... for stress.

Mothers of three children stress more than moms of one or two, while mothers of four or more children actually report lower stress levels, according to an exclusive survey of more than 7,000 U.S. mothers released Monday. Call it the Duggar effect: Once you get a certain critical mass of kids, life seems to get a bit easier.

On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most stressed, the average mom in our survey puts herself at 8.5. What’s stressing moms out? Plenty, from money worries to balancing the demands of work and home to feeling like her husband is sometimes just another big kid demanding attention. But the big secret of mom stress is that a lot of it comes from within: 75 percent of mothers said they stress more about the pressure they put on themselves to be “perfect” than they do the pressure or judgment they get from other moms.

You always hear about the mommy wars, but I feel like we’re judging ourselves more harshly than anyone else,” says Jill Smokler, 35, “Scary Mommy” blogger and author of “Motherhood Comes Naturally (And Other Vicious Lies).” And she should know from stress: She has three kids, and totally agrees that it’s the most stressful number.

Going from one to two was an easy, breezy transition,” says Smokler, a Baltimore mom whose children are 5, 7 and 9. “Two to three, everything was turned upside down. I do not feel like I have it together. You only have two hands! Just crossing the street and not being able to physically hold all their hands I find tremendously stressful.”

More stress nuggets from the online survey of 7,164 U.S. mothers, conducted the week of April 17 by and Insight Express:
  • 46 percent of moms say their husbands/partners cause them more stress than their kids do.
  • 72 percent of moms stress about how stressed they are.
  • Biggest cause of stress: 60 percent say it’s lack of time to do everything that needs to get done.
  • 60 percent of moms say raising girls is more stressful than raising boys.
  • Nine out of 10 moms stress about staying fit and attractive.
Dr. Janet Taylor, a psychiatrist in New York and TODAY contributor, said mom stress is a problem she sees daily in her practice.

Moms are acutely aware of the fact they do not have the time to take care of their own needs,” Taylor said. Forget reading a book, exercising or fun hobbies: Some moms barely have time to shower.

Before you’re a mom, you take that for granted,” Taylor said. “When you are a mom you just don’t have the time.”

She laughed when she heard that having four or more kids was less stressful than three. She’s a mother of four, including a set of twins – and agrees with the survey findings.

There’s just not enough space in your head” for perfectionism when you get to four or more kids, Taylor said. For example, she recalls with her fourth child she didn’t bother with things like obsessively covering all the outlets with safety plugs. “It just gets to be survival!” she joked. Plus, she thinks moms hit a groove once they get past the outnumbered phase of having three kids and into the seriously outnumbered territory of four or more.

The more children you have, the more confident you become in your parenting abilities,” Taylor said. “You have to let go… and then you’re just thankful when they all get to school on time.

Taylor’s children now range in age from 19 to 25, and while she says the stress differs from the hands-on parenting years, it always remains. “Now I get stressed out by things like, my oldest has a job interview and my youngest is in the middle of finals,” she said. “I’m on the other side… hopefully you can feel like you’ve prepared them well.”

A daily stress level of 8.5 on a scale of 10, the average that moms in our survey report, takes a toll on mind and body, Taylor said. She recommends her stressed-out patients try this exercise: Take five minutes and draw a pie chart showing how you actually spend the hours in your day. Then flip the paper over and draw a pie chart of what you’d like to be doing. Pick one of the things that’s on chart two (what you want), but not chart one (the reality), and figure out a way to make it happen.

You have to be able to say no to your kids, to your spouse, to your friends sometimes,” Taylor said, explaining that many women find that part really hard. “Instead of making the perfect lunch for your kids, go for a walk by yourself. Even if it’s just 10 minutes, take some deep breaths and focus on what you need.”

Karen Hobert Flynn, 50, said saying "no" to some kids’ activities is one sanity-saver as a mom of many. Her four boys now range in age from 11 to 16, and she and her husband both work in demanding jobs – he as an attorney, she for the grassroots lobbying group Common Cause, which often requires her to travel to Washington, D.C., from her home in Middletown, Conn. Her rule has always been: One after-school activity per child.

You can do Boy Scouts or a sport. We didn’t do five sports. We said ‘no’ to intense travel teams,” she explained. And she said it didn’t limit her boys; they’re all playing competitive team sports at school now.

Having four has its advantages, she said. Each child has a built-in playmate; they tend to pair up so no one is left out. And her backyard is always full of kids, even though they have far from the fanciest swingset in the neighborhood.

We have a critical mass. Kids in the neighborhood would want to come here because it’s an immediate party,” she said.

For her and her husband, going from one child to two was a big adjustment; transitioning from two to three, “you’re outnumbered,” and adding a fourth child was “not as big a jump.”

She says she keeps stress at bay by staying organized, connecting with other moms, cultivating good babysitters, relying on her husband – and of course, not taking life too seriously, even in the midst of teenage drama.

We laugh a lot,” Flynn said. “It’s a lot of fun.”

Courtesy of

DAP, PKR and Pas MPs stepping down for Anwar?

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:00 PM PDT

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Sunday Lite : One Million Protesters

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:00 PM PDT

Folks dont believe the news reports that only 15,000 or 10,000 people turned up yesterday. Easily one million people turned up. Here are some pictures of the million protesters yesterday.

 It was shoulder to shoulder. Hardly space to stand.

In some places it was teeth to teeth.

To avoid the heat and haze some had no choice but to drink from the river. Below here is a close up shot.

These were all the pictures available at Press time.

(Gambar) Tajuk Utama Berita Harian

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 05:32 PM PDT

(Gambar) Tajuk Utama Berita Harian

Black 505 Rally A Flop: DAP The Crowd Puller, Not Anwar

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 05:17 PM PDT

Hantu Laut

The distressed politician

As I have said in my earlier post 'will it fizzle out before it started' the expected happened.Anwar blamed the haze for the poor turnout.

It's not the haze, people are tired of listening to the same thing, the repetitious bashing of BN and the EC. An overdose of anything will have dire consequence.Even an overdose of vitamins can make you sick, or die

Dengarnya ada berita baik untuk negara, betul ke?

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 03:14 PM PDT

Waktu dan zaman berubah. Ia juga membawa perubahan kepada keadaan sesebuah negara termasuk politiknya sendiri. Negara kita tidak terkecuali dari melalui perubahan ini. Tidak mungkin keadaan sekarang mampu memberikan satu kerajaan yang benar-benar stabil dan berkesan.

Baik dari pihak kerajaan dan pembangkang, roh politik yang sebenarnya secocok dengan kehendak rakyat dan negara sudah tidak dapat di perkasakan lagi. Tidak mungkin kita akan mengalami satu keadaan yang pernah kita alami dahulu jika keadaan sekarang berterusan berlaku.

Ramai rakyat yang berfikir, dan ada juga pemimpin yang mencari jalan penyelesaian terhadap kecelaruan politik negara kita ini. Tentunya penyelesaian itu terbit dari pemikiran manusia yang insaf dan tekun mengamalkan introspeksi terhadap kecelaruan ini. Yang berfikir dengan bertanggungjawab akan sentiasa mencari kaedah untuk memperbaiki keadaan negara dan diri sendiri.

Di akhir-akhir ini ada kedengaran usaha beberapa pemimpin dikalangan ahli-ahli Parlimen yang tidak berpuas hati dengan keadaan yang ada sekarang ini dan formula baru nampaknya sudah mula bertunas. Samada ia akan berjaya dilakukan, itu juga adalah ketentuan dari Tuhan Maha Esa. Seperti biasa keresahan dikalangan pemimpin-pemimpin serta ahli-ahli legislatif itu akan membawa perubahan dan gerak ini diharapkan adalah gerak yang diredhai Tuhan.

Kedengaran yang mereka bersungguh-sungguh mahukan perubahan ini dilakukan sekarang juga dan sambil itu melakukan transformasi yang sebenarnya yang diperlukan oleh negara dan rakyat. Jika gerakan ini menghasilkan perubahan kepada negara ia perlu mendapat sokongan semua pihak agar impian rakyat untuk hidup dalam ‘environment’ politik yang baru dan kesejukan siasah negara dapat dirasakan semua.

Kita mahukan sebuah negara baru, seperti yang selalu disebutkan oleh blog ini. Kita mahukan dasar yang baik perlaksanaannya. Kita mahukan imej rasuah yang tertempel kepada kerajaan hari ini dihapuskan dan ‘stigma’ BN itu rasuah, rasuah itu BN wajib dilenyapkan.

Imej ini tentulah datang bersama dengan manusia yang memimpinnya. Seperti yang blog ini selalu tekankan, tiada siapa dikalangan ahli-ahli kabinet sekarang berkemampuan untuk membawa perubahan ini kerana mereka semuanya terlibat dengan isu rasuah ini, setidak-tidaknya dalam erti kata ‘collective responsibility’ jemaah menteri itu.

Ia mesti dilakukan oleh pemimpn yang dipilih rakyat yang tidak terlibat bersama kabinet sekarang dalam semua keputusan ‘collective’ itu. Memilih gantian dari mereka yang berada dalam barisan kabinet dan MT UMNO sekarang ini tidak akan ada perubahannya. Selalu blog ini menyatakan dengan tegas yang mereka ini datang dari satu acuan yang sama.

Apabila kerajaan baru itu dipimpin oleh seorang yang tidak berada didalam kabinet yang mempunyai ‘stigma’ buruk itu, sekali gus imej dan pandangan serta persepsi rakyat itu akan berubah. Perubahan ini perlu dilakukan dengan kadar yang segera sebelum kita berpecah dan berbelah dalam semua hal kehidupan bernegara. Jika perubahan ini berlaku secara yang disebutkan dan dicadangkan ini maka kita agak pasti negara kita akan dipandang dengan lebih tinggi oleh masyarakat antarabangsa.

Jika Najib menjadi isunya sebagai Perdana Menteri yang terlemah ia tidak boleh diperbaiki. Tetapi beliau boleh mengubah imej serta persepsi rakyat terhadap beliau dengan mewariskan kepimpinan negara kepada seorang yang bertanggungjawab dan beramanah. Meninggalkan nama yang baik bukan semestinya melalui hasil kerja yang baik tetapi juga dengan memberikan tanggungjawab negara kepada orang yang lebih berkemampuan dari beliau itu juga adalah tindakan meninggalkan nama yang baik buat beiau.

Tindakan mengaku kelemahan dan memberikan kepimpinan negara kepada seorang yang berkebolehan untuk memperbaiki keadaan negara itu sendiri adalah pengorbanan yang sangat besar kepada rakyat dan negara. Tindakan itu juga adalah tindakan mulia demi untuk rakyat dan negara.

Beliau akan diingati oleh generasi yang akan datang sebagai seorang pemimpin yang berani melakukan tindakan untuk kebaikan dengan berkorban kepentingan peribadi beliau sendiri. Begitu juga kepada Muhyidin Yassin dan rakan-rakan kabinet yang lain. Mereka juga akan turut dikenang oleh generasi yang telah menyokong usaha rakyat untuk merubah dan menghindarkan negara dari terjerumus kedalam politik yang kacau bilau.

Jika berlaku perubahan ini, maka kita tidak lagi bersusah payah memikirkan tentang tindakan rakyat berhimpun ke sana ke mari sambil berbalas-balas tuduhan diantara pihak-pihak yang berbalah sekarang ini.

Saya tidak tahu sejauh mana kebenaran apa yang kita dengar itu. Tetapi jika Tengku Razaleigh lah orangnya yang disebut-sebut menjadi pilihan untuk diberikan tugas memperbaharui semangat negara dan demokrasi kita serta rakyatnya, ia merupakan berita yang amat memberangsangkan oleh banyak pihak dinegara ini.

Dari sudut psikologinya sahaja negara akan menganjakkan imej dan stigma negatif negara yang sedang kita alami sekarang ini kepada imej yang baru yang memberangsangkan. Apa yang sangat perlu bagi negara sekarang ialah lonjakan persepsi yang baik untuk memulakan kerja dan tanggungjawab mengtransformasikan negara dengan semangat baru dalam ‘ambience’ siasah yang baru.

Bermula dengan semangat yang baru dan suasana politik negara yang baru, maka mudahlah kita mengalihkan tumpuan rakyat yang sedang berbalah sesama sendiri di negara ini kepada penantian baru bagi mereka. Lantas lebih mudahlah rakyat bersatu serta memberikan sokongan kepada kerajaan baru dengan doa serta restu yang menyeluruh dari rakyat jelata. Suasana politik baru inilah faktur besar yang akan menyatukan rakyat yang sedang berbalah ini.

Dalam perjumpaan-perjumpaan saya dengan semua pihak setiap hari jelas apa yang kita dengar sekarang sudah terbina harapan menggunung yang sangat-sangat mereka tunggu dan nanti-nantikan, iaitu sebuah negara yang bersemangat baru.

Blog ini bersama yang ramai dibawah ini amat teruja untuk menulis lagi tentang isu ini lagi dalam posting-posting yang akan datang. Kerana apa blog ini teruja untuk menulisnya? Kerana nama yang disebut-sebut itu adalah nama yang sangat cocok dengan keperluan negara yang inginkan pembaharuan itu.

Tengku Razaleigh merupakan seorang ahli politik yang veteran disamping seorang teknokrat dan 'planner' pembangunan yang telah meletakkan asas ekonomi negara dizaman kegemilangan beliau. Hanya politik dalaman UMNO semasa itu yang telah mengenepikan beliau dari arus perdana politik negara. Beliau dikenali diperingkat antarabangsa dan pernah mempengerusikan setidak-tidak tiga institusi kewangan antarabangsa yang berbeza fungsinya dalam satu masa yang sama.

Diantaranya ialah Bank Dunia yang beribu Pejabat di Washington, Bank Pembangunan Islam yang beribu Pejabat di Jeddah serta Bank Pembangunan Asia yang beribu Pejabat di Manila. Hanya politik dalaman UMNO sahaja yang menyebabkan beliau diketepikan sejak tiga puluh tahun dahulu sehinggalah sekarang.

Teruja pula blog ini untuk menulis tentang pemimpin yang sedang menjadi sebutan ramai sekarang ini. Insyaallah, kita berjumpa lagi

Michael Jackson May Be The Only Human Ever To Go 2 Months Without REM Sleep, Expert Says.

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 09:08 PM PDT

Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.

Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM -- Rapid Eye Movement -- sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.

Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert testifying at the wrongful death trial of concert promoter AEG LIve.

If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according to an opinion by Czeisler.

Lab rats die after five weeks of getting no REM sleep, he said. It was never tried on a human until Dr. Murray gave Michael Jackson nightly propofol infusions for two months.

Czeisler -- who serves as a sleep consultant to NASA, the CIA and the Rolling Stones -- testified Thursday that the "drug induced coma" induced by propofol leaves a patient with the same refreshed feeling of a good sleep, but without the benefits that genuine sleep delivers in repairing brain cells and the body.

"It would be like eating some sort of cellulose pellets instead of dinner," he said. "Your stomach would be full and you would not be hungry, but it would be zero calories and not fulfill any of your nutrition needs."

Depriving someone of REM sleep for a long period of time makes them paranoid, anxiety-filled, depressed, unable to learn, distracted, and sloppy, Czeisler testified. They lose their balance and appetite, while their physical reflexes get 10 times slower and their emotional responses 10 times stronger, he said.

Those symptoms are strikingly similar to descriptions of Jackson in his last weeks as described in e-mails from show producers and testimony by witnesses in the trial.

Jackson's mother and children are suing AEG Live, contending the company is liable in his death because it hired, retained or supervised Dr. Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. They argue the promoter pressured Dr. Murray to get Jackson to rehearsals, while failing to get Jackson help despite numerous red flags warning that he was in trouble.

AEG Live lawyers contend it was Jackson who chose, hired and supervised Murray and their executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous propofol treatments administered in the privacy of Jackson's rented mansion.

A very long question

Czeisler is back on the witness stand Friday to answer a question that was asked just as court ended Thursday. Jackson lawyer Michael Koskoff asked his expert what may also be a record breaker in a trial -- a 15-minute-long hypothetical question.

He was asked to render an opinion based on a long list of circumstances presented so far in the trial about Jackson's condition and behavior, including:

-- That Murray administered propofol to Jackson 60 consecutive nights before June 22, 2009.

-- That Murray began to wean Jackson from propofol on June 22, 2009, and gave him none of the drug on June 23.

-- That a paramedic who tried to revive him the day he died initially assumed he was a hospice patient.

-- That show producers reported Jackson became progressively thinner, paranoid and was talking to himself in his final weeks.

-- That the production manager warned Jackson had deteriorated over eight weeks, was "a basket case" who he feared might hurt himself on stage and could not do the multiple 360 spins that he was known for.

-- That show director Kenny Ortega wrote Jackson was having trouble "grasping the work" at rehearsals" and needed psychiatric help.

-- That Jackson needed a teleprompter to remember the words to songs he had sung many times before over several decades.

-- That show workers reported the singer was talking to himself and repeatedly saying that "God is talking to me."

-- That Jackson was suffering severe chills on a summer day in Los Angeles and his skin was cold as ice to the touch.

AEG Live lawyers objected to the question because the information about Murray's nightly propofol treatments was derived only from the doctor's statement to police after Jackson's death. The judge previously ruled that statement was inadmissible. It was a ruling made earlier in the trial when Jackson lawyers objected to AEG's use of Murray's statement that he believed he was Jackson's employee, not AEG Live's.

The statement could be used if Murray, who is serving a prison term, is brought into testify. But that is unlikely since the doctor has said he would impose his constitutional protections against self-incrimination as long as the appeal of his conviction is pending.

Jackson lawyers could clear the way for use of the statement by withdrawing their objection, something they are now considering.

Koskoff told the judge that his expert would testify that Jackson's symptoms perfectly matched what he would expect from someone who had been given long-term propofol treatments.

The jury is likely to hear his answer Friday.

A lecture on sleep
Jurors appeared quite interested as Czeisler lectured them Thursday on his sleep research, including an explanation of circadian rhythm -- the internal clock in the brain that controls the timing of when we sleep and wake and the timing of the release of hormones

"That's why we sleep at night and are awake in the day," he said.

Your brain needs sleep to repair and maintain its neurons every night, he said.

Blood cells cycle out every few weeks, but brain cells are for a lifetime, he said.

"Like a computer, the brain has to go offline to maintain cells that we keep for life, since we don't make more," he said. "Sleep is the repair and maintenance of the brain cells."

An adult should get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to allow for enough sleep cycles, he said.

You "prune out" unimportant neuron connections and consolidate important ones during your "slow eyed sleep" each night, he said. Those connections -- which is the information you have acquired during the day -- are consolidated by the REM sleep cycle. Your eyes actually dart back and forth rapidly during REM sleep.

"In REM, we are integrating the memories that we have stored during slow eyed sleep, integrating memories with previous life experiences." he said. "We are able to make sense of things that we may not have understood while awake."

Learning and memory happen when you are asleep, he said. A laboratory mouse rehearses a path through a maze to get to a piece of cheese while asleep.

A basketball player's area of the brain that is used to shoot a ball will have much greater slow eyed sleep period since there is more for it to store, he said. They shoot better after sleep.

The Portland Trailblazers consulted with him after they lost a series of East Coast basketball games, he said. He was able to give their players strategies for being sharper when traveling across time zones.

He's worked with the Rolling Stones on their sleep problems, he said. Musicians are vulnerable since they are traveling across time zones and usually "all keyed up" to perform at night, he said.

Czeisler developed a program for NASA to help astronauts deal with sleep issues in orbit, where they have a sunrise and sunset every 90 minutes.

Other clients include major industries that are concerned about night shift workers falling asleep on the job, the CIA, Secret Service and the U.S. Air Force, he said.

Jackson lawyers argue that AEG Live should have consulted a sleep expert like Czeisler for Jackson instead of hiring Murray -- a cardiologist -- for $150,000 to treat the artist.

The trial ends its eighth week in a Los Angeles courtroom Friday. Lawyers estimate the case will conclude in early August.

Courtesy of CNN

the sky full of haze

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:11 AM PDT

In the morning sun
The day begins for some
The light of today
The sky full of haze

The office workers hurry
Quickly go to the office
Why want to breathe the bad air quality?
In the office the comfort for a time

The sun practically shadowed
By the smog hovering in the sky
The dogs and cats running along
They don't seem affected by it all

The hot day in the sky
The smoky smell in the air
Some never learn about air pollution
They think it is a campfire of fun

No Title For This Blog

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:32 AM PDT

the poor will never run

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:19 AM PDT

The poor will never run
They have no assets just their souls
Learning, earning and carrying work
Dreaming about the day of the light

They don't have the luxuries
They don't have the easy lives
They live by day tomorrow is hard to say
Every moment they stake their claims

Along the way some may lose their lives
Never know the steps of luxurious comforts
They may have the knowledge some will make it
Along the road of hardworking souls

The poor will never run
The marginalized too will never hide
The righteousness will stake its place
In the world where evil minds work

Sibu Fire Disaster Fund

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 01:35 AM PDT

SIBU: A bank account has been opened for the public to channel donations to the victims of a fire in Kampung Datu here last Wednesday.

Donations can be made to the account no. 11090011389059 at CIMB Bank in the name of 'Jawatankuasa Bencana Kampung Datu/Kampung Hilir', said a spokesman of the committee, Hamden Merais.

Hamden said people who wished to donate in kind could do so at the
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