the affairs of the heart

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Jul 2, 2013, 4:15:25 AM7/2/13

the affairs of the heart

the affairs of the heart

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 09:30 PM PDT

A senior citizen
He was bashed up in love affair
By the woman's boyfriend
The senior man died in hospital

The affairs of the heart
Age has no barrier
The crime of passion
Jealousy brings death

The boyfriend should ask his woman
Why she has affair with an old man?
Sowing aggressiveness brings no joy
Now look at the boyfriend facing a murder charge

An older man will feel sky high
When a young woman wants him
He forgot to ask the woman no baggage please
In love affairs there is always a heartbroken story

Musical Prelude: Thick as a Brick

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 10:00 PM PDT

The "A Great Talent Leaves" series will take a short break. Only covered was the talented Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop's days in Bank Negara and Abrar.

In Part 1, Nor Yakcop ended his days supposedly as a knowledgeable financial man but acknowledged as only mere talent by PEMANDU and TERAJU. However, he is not leaving. In Part 2: Continued presence , the concern is he will continue to wiled his presence at Khazanah.

Part 3: Bounty to Hunt dispell views that the series have ulterior motive related to recent developments. He has been on the "hitlist" for a long time, and like any bounty hunter, we never give-up.

Many do not understand and appreciate the destruction caused by Nor Yakcop. So we start the revelation on the foreign exchange loss and Abrar to enable others to understand the psyche of this reckless and conniving man.

Part 4: Rogue trader talks about his humongous loss trading in currency. RM16 billion loss represents negligent and reckless, not to mention busting the law and rules. He continued the same trait at Abrar.
In Part 5: Forgiven sins, covers about his indiscretion at Abrar.

It seems he is forgiven. If so, is he forgiven just because he helped solve financial crisis of 1998/99? Is his consultancy worth RM16 billion, closing one eye over CBT, breach of statutory and fiduciary duties, mismanagement of public fund, positions, accolades, and continuing his recklessness?

Is it worthy when those suggestions he gave on Selective Capital Control were not his ideas but that of a local University professor and believed to be modeled along China? Which forex trader do not know of the Chile experience? 

There are still his days as Special Adviser, then as Minister and those many strange deals.

Already, the comments for the series are already sliding. It could mean readers are bored or the point has got through already or something else.

Before writing this series, we were discouraged by few people. We cannot relent because this is about the truth.

If this is what it takes to convince others and those in high places that Nor Yakcop is not supposed to have anything to do with government any more and he has been more destructive than his so-called contribution, so be it.

That is why we are that lone voice as Another Brick in the Wall struggling for the values we believe in. It does not matter what other's think and feel. More so, we've reached the age where we do not fear anyone but Allah.

We are not as easily compromised. This is not just another brick but a thick one:

Thick as a Brick

by Jethro Tull

Really don't mind if you sit this one out.

My words but a whisper -- your deafness a SHOUT.
I may make you feel but I can't make you think.
Your sperm's in the gutter -- your love's in the sink.
So you ride yourselves over the fields and
you make all your animal deals and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.
And the sand-castle virtues are all swept away in
the tidal destruction
the moral melee.
The elastic retreat rings the close of play as the last wave uncovers
the newfangled way.
But your new shoes are worn at the heels and
your suntan does rapidly peel and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

And the love that I feel is so far away:
I'm a bad dream that I just had today --
and you shake your head and
say it's a shame.

Spin me back down the years and the days of my youth.
Draw the lace and black curtains and shut out the whole truth.
Spin me down the long ages: let them sing the song.

See there! A son is born -- and we pronounce him fit to fight.
There are black-heads on his shoulders, and he pees himself in the night.
We'll make a man of him
put him to trade
teach him
to play Monopoly and
to sing in the rain.

The Poet and the painter casting shadows on the water --
as the sun plays on the infantry returning from the sea.
The do-er and the thinker: no allowance for the other --
as the failing light illuminates the mercenary's creed.
The home fire burning: the kettle almost boiling --
but the master of the house is far away.
The horses stamping -- their warm breath clouding
in the sharp and frosty morning of the day.
And the poet lifts his pen while the soldier sheaths his sword.

And the youngest of the family is moving with authority.
Building castles by the sea, he dares the tardy tide to wash them all aside.

The cattle quietly grazing at the grass down by the river
where the swelling mountain water moves onward to the sea:
the builder of the castles renews the age-old purpose
and contemplates the milking girl whose offer is his need.
The young men of the household have
all gone into service and
are not to be expected for a year.
The innocent young master -- thoughts moving ever faster --
has formed the plan to change the man he seems.
And the poet sheaths his pen while the soldier lifts his sword.

And the oldest of the family is moving with authority.
Coming from across the sea, he challenges the son who puts him to the run.

What do you do when
the old man's gone -- do you want to be him? And
your real self sings the song.
Do you want to free him?
No one to help you get up steam --
and the whirlpool turns you `way off-beam.

I've come down from the upper class to mend your rotten ways.
My father was a man-of-power whom everyone obeyed.
So come on all you criminals!
I've got to put you straight just like I did with my old man --
twenty years too late.
Your bread and water's going cold.
Your hair is too short and neat.
I'll judge you all and make damn sure that no-one judges me.

You curl your toes in fun as you smile at everyone -- you meet the stares.
You're unaware that your doings aren't done.
And you laugh most ruthlessly as you tell us what not to be.
But how are we supposed to see where we should run?
I see you shuffle in the courtroom with
your rings upon your fingers and
your downy little sidies and
your silver-buckle shoes.
Playing at the hard case, you follow the example of the comic-paper idol
who lets you bend the rules.

Come on ye childhood heroes!
Won't you rise up from the pages of your comic-books
your super crooks
and show us all the way.
Well! Make your will and testament. Won't you?
Join your local government.
We'll have Superman for president
let Robin save the day.

You put your bet on number one and it comes up every time.
The other kids have all backed down and they put you first in line.
And so you finally ask yourself just how big you are --
and take your place in a wiser world of bigger motor cars.
And you wonder who to call on.

So! Where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday?
And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you though?
They're all resting down in Cornwall --
writing up their memoirs for a paper-back edition
of the Boy Scout Manual.

See there! A man born -- and we pronounce him fit for peace.
There's a load lifted from his shoulders with the discovery of his disease.
take the child from him
put it to the test
teach it
to be a wise man
how to fool the rest.

We will be geared to the average rather than the exceptional
God is an overwhelming responsibility
we walked through the maternity ward and saw 218 babies wearing nylons
cats are on the upgrade
upgrade? Hipgrave. Oh, Mac.

In the clear white circles of morning wonder,
I take my place with the lord of the hills.
And the blue-eyed soldiers stand slightly discoloured (in neat little rows)
sporting canvas frills.
With their jock-straps pinching, they slouch to attention,
while queueing for sarnies at the office canteen.
Saying -- how's your granny and
good old Ernie: he coughed up a tenner on a premium bond win.

The legends (worded in the ancient tribal hymn) lie cradled
in the seagull's call.
And all the promises they made are ground beneath the sadist's fall.
The poet and the wise man stand behind the gun,
and signal for the crack of dawn.
Light the sun.

Do you believe in the day? Do you?
Believe in the day! The Dawn Creation of the Kings has begun.
Soft Venus (lonely maiden) brings the ageless one.
Do you believe in the day?
The fading hero has returned to the night -- and fully pregnant with the day,
wise men endorse the poet's sight.
Do you believe in the day? Do you? Believe in the day!

Let me tell you the tales of your life of
your love and the cut of the knife
the tireless oppression
the wisdom instilled
the desire to kill or be killed.
Let me sing of the losers who lie in the street as the last bus goes by.
The pavements ar empty: the gutters run red -- while the fool
toasts his god in the sky.

So come all ye young men who are building castles!
Kindly state the time of the year and join your voices in a hellish chorus.
Mark the precise nature of your fear.
Let me help you pick up your dead as the sins of the father are fed
the blood of the fools and
the thoughts of the wise and
from the pan under your bed.
Let me make you a present of song as
the wise man breaks wind and is gone while
the fool with the hour-glass is cooking his goose and
the nursery rhyme winds along.

So! Come all ye young men who are building castles!
Kindly state the time of the year and join your voices in a hellish chorus.
Mark the precise nature of your fear.
See! The summer lightning casts its bolts upon you
and the hour of judgement draweth near.
Would you be
the fool stood in his suit of armour or
the wiser man who rushes clear.
So! Come on ye childhood heroes!
Won't your rise up from the pages of your comic-books
your super-crooks and
show us all the way.
Well! Make your will and testament.
Won't you? Join your local government.
We'll have Superman for president
let Robin save the day.
So! Where the hell was Biggles when you needed him last Saturday?
And where were all the sportsmen who always pulled you through?
They're all resting down in Cornwall -- writing up their memoirs
for a paper-back edition of the Boy Scout Manual.

So you ride yourselves over the fields and
you make all your animal deals and
your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick.

- Jethro Tull

The Financial Services Act

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 09:30 PM PDT

BAFIA is no more; long live the FSA (excerpt): Financial Services Act 2013 and Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 Come Into Force The regulatory and supervisory framework of Malaysia enters a new stage of its development as the Financial Services Act 2013 (FSA) and Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 (IFSA) come into force on 30 June 2013. The FSA and IFSA is the culmination of

Commission of Inquiry on Lahad Datu... in the Philippines?

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 09:38 PM PDT

Former Indonesian vice-president Jusuf Kala has said it loud and clear. 

Regarding the Lahad Datu intrusion, Jusuf said he believes former Philippines president Joseph Estrada, who is also an ally of Anwar, is involved.

He also said that a large Philippines-based company was providing Malaysia's opposition pact with monetary assistance.

“I know for a fact that there has been intervention

the ornamental fish breeders

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 09:30 PM PDT

The ornamental fish breeders
The decades into the trade
On a land not their own
On a day an eviction notice came

In the Duck Village
The housing developer came
With his plan and approval
A housing schemes will begin

The heartbroken breeders
The years they forgot to buy the land
What were they thinking then?
It is better to own a piece of your own

Now they want to appeal
An alternative land to rear fishes
These fish breeders should group together
Lease or buy land to do business

When you squat on a land
The years don't count to your advantage
You will be always at the mercy of the landlord
Now the eviction notice knocked on the doors

Sultan Tegur MCA

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 04:28 PM PDT

Nurul Izzah: Pastikan negara dapat seperti dijanjikan TPPA

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 07:03 AM PDT

Alfian ZM Tahir | July 1, 2013
Tubuhkan sistem yang lebih berstruktur dan wujudkan kumpulan khas bagi memastikan perjanjian TPPA ditepati.

PETALING JAYA: Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai, Nurul Izzah Anwar menekankan struktur yang lebih kukuh seperti yang dihasilkan oleh Amerika Syarikat yang menubuhkan Kesatuan Dagangan untuk dilaksanakan dalam Perjanjian Perkongsian Trans-Pasifik (TPPA).

Naib Presiden PKR mencadangkan supaya mewujudkan satu kumpulan khas untuk meneliti perjanjian TPPA dan memastikan negara mendapat apa yang dijanjikan daripada perjanjian tersebut.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika menghadiri satu forum anjuran Blindspot pada malam khamis lepas. Forum tersebut dihadiri oleh beberapa ahli politik dan dari badan bukan kerajaan (NGO), antaranya Adun Hulu Klang Saari Sungib dan bekas Pengerusi MAS Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman.

Bagaimanapun, Nurul Izzah menyoal adakah Malaysia mampu melakukan perkara yang sama. Ini kerana analisa kos faedah (CBA) yang dijanjikan oleh Kementerian Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) masih belum diterima.

Seorang panelis lain, Dr Rosli Yaacob menerangkan bahawa perjanjian TPPA adalah kerangka konsep dari NAFTA (FTA antara AS, Kanada dan Mexico).
Oleh itu, kesan kesan negatif daripada konsep NAFTA tersebut bakal dirasai oleh Malaysia sendiri.

“Maka kita boleh menjangkakan kesan-kesan negatif yang boleh berlaku di bawah perjanjian TPPA ini berdasarkan beberapa pertikaian dan litigasi yang telah berlaku dalam perjanjian NAFTA tersebut” ujar Dr Rosli.

TPPA adalah penjajahan Amerika

Manakala, Prof Nazari Ismail yang juga pensyarah di Universiti Malaya berkata, suasana perniagaan di saat ini sedang merudum akibat dua ciri utama – syarikat yang besar dan hutang yang banyak.

Beliau juga menyanggah pandangan bahawa TPPA ini adalah penjajahan Amerika kerana rakyat Amerika sendiri sedang merana akibat polisi TPPA.

“Punca utama masalah ialah sistem yang salah yang bertunjangkan industri kewangan. Apa yang perlu ialah perubahan kepada sistem yang menjadi konteks perniagaan sekarang,” kata Nazari.

Wakil ketua perunding Malaysia J.Jayasiri yang dijemput untuk sesi soal jawab pula berkata beliau akan memastikan perjanjian ini bakal membawa manfaat kepada Malaysia.

Beliau menambah, adalah penting untuk semua memahami isu ‘paten’ untuk harta intelek.

Forum tersebut bertujuan untuk memastikan bahawa perjanjian TPPA akan mengutamakan kepentingan kedaulatan negara dan kebajikan rakyat lebih dari apa apa manfaat perdagangan.

Turut dibincangkan adalah perjanjian TPPA harus melalui penelitian daripada parlimen atau jawatankuasa khas parlimen dan bukannya dibuat oleh kabinet.

the line of shadows

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 06:06 AM PDT

The line of shadows
Along the corridor of power
They don't seek the light
They know what they will become

Under the walls of darkness
They will seek their own fate
They sealed it with bad intentions
The world of corruption and greed

No doubt they play along
The semblance of truth for a price
The religious fervour they ring
It is always empty drum without beats

The line of shadows
The camouflage of the truth
The people know the intentions
They want to plunder for their own

love affairs

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 06:07 AM PDT

Love affairs
It happens all the times
In the world of humans
The interaction will link

The work of the Devil
He never stops his bidding
He will try to make it easy
In the affairs of the hearts

Wives and husbands
When age comes into play
They are worried of declining libidos
They try to hook to the young

The single lovers
They jump from one to another
Leaving a trail of broken links
Never want to look back...

Then crimes of passion
Somebody has to suffer
Bodily injuries or death
When you walk the wrong path

Love affairs
Know the truth
It never brings peace of mind

The Devil will try to make you cry

Anwar Beware Egypt:No More Rallies Please

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 03:21 AM PDT

Hantu Laut

The Arab countries are not yet ready for an open, modern and democratic society. They need "iron fist in a velvet glove" regime to maintain political stability.

The Arab Spring applauded by the West as the way to go for greater freedom and democracy have brought more harm and miseries than good to the Arab world. Regime change through violence and bloodshed is catalyst for more

Michael Jackson Spent $35 Million To Cover Up Molestations Of 24 Boys, According To Secret Explosive FBI Files.

Posted: 30 Jun 2013 09:05 PM PDT

Michael Jackson paid $35 million in hush money to at least two dozen young boys he sexually abused over 15 years, it has been alleged.

Sunday People has published explosive ‘secret FBI files’ suggesting the King of Pop groomed and molested children from at least 1989, despite his insistence he was just spending time with them.

The damning files claim the deceased popstar was a 'pedophile' who watched porn while assaulting a boy, molested a famous child star, fondled a child’s genitals in his private cinema and groped another child whose mother wasn’t ‘bothered’ by it.

Jackson family lawyers have to date insisted the star has only paid off the family of Jordan Chandler, 13, who he allegedly abused in 1993.

However a sleuth hired by Anthony Pellicano – a celebrity private eye Jackson allegedly hired to make the pedophilia claims go away – has claimed Jackson was a ‘serial child predator’ who paid out scores of children he allegedly abused at his Neverland Ranch.

Sunday People says it has evidence to back the investigators claims.

When Anthony Pellicano was investigated in 2002 for bugging Hollywood stars, the FBI seized his files, including many about Jackson.

These included case files CADCE MJ-02463 and CR 01046 which Sunday People claims it has access to.

The files were allegedly not passed on to prosecutors in Jackson’s controversial 2005 molestation trial.

The shocking revelations come after Jacko’s daughter, 15-year-old Paris, recently tried to kill herself by slashing her wrists.

In further scandal, his family is also trying to sue gig promoter AEG Live who they claim hired Dr Conrad Murray who prescribed Jackson his last fatal drug dose.

AEG Live denies hiring Murray, who is currently serving a four-year jail term for involuntary manslaughter.

The investigator, who spoke to Sunday People on the condition of anonymity, said he decided to finally come forward after Jackson’s former child friend Wade Robson revealed he was abused by Jackson.

Australian-born Robson, a dancer and choreographer, recently launched a major lawsuit against the Jackson estate, saying he was regularly molested at Neverland in the 1990s.

While Pellicano is now in jail for racketeering and wire-tapping, his investigator told Sunday People he was hired to help dig the dirt on Jackson and make potential problems disappear.

He claims Jackson was obsessed with child porn and preyed on the sons of friends.

The investigator said he kept copies of FBI documents naming 17 boys - including five child actors and two dancers – Jacko targeted for abuse.

These included a European boy and the sons of a screenwriter.

The sleuth said at least three boys were paid to stay silent, with the family of a famous film actor given about $596,300 not to talk to the media.

He said a Neverland maid was allegedly paid $2 million after accusing her boss of molesting her son, while another woman who knew her son was being assaulted ‘turned a blind eye to it because if it didn’t bother him, it didn’t bother her’.

The files on the alleged victims were reportedly compiled when lawyers drew up a list of ‘potential threats’ to Jackson’s image in the early 1990s, when he was on a world tour.

But after the father of Jordan Chandler publicly claimed his son had been abused, other similar accusations began flooding the media.

Chandler was paid a hefty sum to stay out of the limelight.

His [Jackson’s] actress friend Elizabeth Taylor encouraged him to hire Pellicano ­because she had used him to stop dirt on her drug problems being released in the media,’ the investigator, who spent two years on the case, alleged.

'Pellicano had links to key figures in the US media and made them dance to his tune.’

'With the help of people like Pellicano, the world and his fans never heard what took place at Neverland over 15 years.’

While Jackson was found not guilty of abusing a 13-year-old boy in 2005, the private eye insists the boxes of evidence he helped to collect showed ‘Jackson was a serial child predator’.

The investigator said he didn’t come forward to upset Jackson’s children, but to finally make public that authorities have shocking information on the dead star that has never been released.

He went on: ‘The FBI had all that information long before Jackson’s 2005 trial. I’m surprised this evidence never came to light’.

Then again, if the pay-offs were successfully executed, no one would have spoken’.

At the time, Jackson was on a world tour, battling drug addiction and planning his next CD and future’.

If these files had been released then, Jackson’s career would have been over. But he was the King of Pop and spending the equivalent of a year’s royalties was worth it to keep him on his throne. With the help of people like Pellicano, the world and his fans never heard what took place at Neverland over 15 years’.

However long-time Jackson lawyer and friend Brian Oxman said he thought only Chandler had been paid off, but admitted the ‘gift list on Michael’s income tax returns was astounding’.

Courtesy of Daily Mail
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