PM Has To Change His Advisors

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Jun 13, 2013, 4:28:43 AM6/13/13

PM Has To Change His Advisors

PM Has To Change His Advisors

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 12:39 AM PDT

Folks,  the bungling is starting to accelerate. I think the Boss Man is really losing touch. Please do stop and take stock. Fire the advisors. Before its too late fire the advisors.  We are going to lose PRU 14.

We thank Allah that  1Malaysia is officially dead. I think the Kedai Rakyat 1 Malaysia (KRIM) the BR1M and anything else related to 1 Malaysia are all officially dead as well. 

Did you know that just one of the PM's advisors Omar Mustapha Ong (who is very, very wealthy and getting wealthier by the day) was behind this 1 Malaysia idea.  
I heard the same dunggu was also behind the "I Love PM" idea.  Here is a picture of the guy :

This same guy was the founder of Ethos Consultancy. There is a very long story behind Ethos Consulting. In Malay, you can say that they are 'kon-sultan'.   You can read more about this guy here.

In case you are wondering about his background, he is in the same category as 'Khairil Khir Johari". They trace their roots to an offspring of the Wali Songgo and some deviant Orang Asli. (Just joking ok). Here is a more contempory picture of Omar Ong. This is what recurring dreams of Tuanku Abdul Rahman our first Yang Di Pertuan Agong can do to a man.

We thank Allah that no one proposed the "I Love Rosmah Too" idea. 

Imagine this campaign 'I love PM and Rosmah'.  We would have most certainly lost Lahad Datu to the Jamalul Kirams.  The British would have lost the Falklands to Argentina as well. 

To the PM's sycophants, this is nothing personal. It is just a very stupid thing to do. And many people were already warning the PM about this.  (Sycophants sounds like 'psycho-pants' doesnt it? It actually means the 'cium buntot' people).

If you cannot understand this point, then picture this - I know many people love this Blog too, but imagine the arrogance if I encourage people to carry placards saying  'I Love OSTB'.  Now can you understand? Even if you are the PM, you dont do such things. It is childish and silly. People laugh at you.

(By the way, to digress sikit, the latest poll I am running 'Do you agree that UMNO should postpone elections for the top positions in the party?' has now exceeded 1139 hits in just 24 hours. 1083 people - 95% of respondents - DO NOT AGREE that there should be no contest for the top UMNO positions. That is a huge percentage.  And I dont think anyone is going to vote more than once in this Poll - once at Starbucks, once at home, once at the office and once at the mamak shop.  The numbers are real and they reflect what the people think. And many of my readers are Malay and also UMNO/BN. So PMO people, please do not bury your head in the sand. You will get buried.) 

Here is more poor advice the PM has been following. Today's front page in The Star said this : 

"Qualified foreign business investors and fund managers will be able to obtain multiple entry visas for up to five-years as part of efforts to attract more talent and investors to spur the country's economy, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Thursday. "

Fund managers? I say Mr PM since when does a fund manager spur the country's economy? 

George Soros is a Fund Manager lah. Since when do 'one night stand', 'wham bam thank you maam' fund managers like George Soros spur anyone's economy?  You want to give George Soros and his fund manager boys FIVE year multiple entry visas? What for?

They will come here, jack up the KLSE and then sell and pull out all their money from the Bursa Saham. That is what they want to do. They are financial speculators. Our Bursa will then collapse.

We want DFI or Direct Foreign Investment where foreigners bring technology, capital and expertise to set up industries and value added businesses in the country. That will move us up the 'higher income nation' status.   Buying and selling shares on the stock market is NOT foreign investment.  

And the punasihat who are advising the PM about this are probably the same guys who also bet on the stock market themselves or manage funds as well - the financial speculators. And we have many of them now around the PM, especially those crooks in Khazanah Nasional Bhd

We are simply opening the country for the financial speculators again. PRU 14 nanti kita akan kalah.

Let me make a suggestion - there is no need for multiple entry visas for fund managers. My suggestion is cancel their visas

If they want to buy and sell shares on the Bursa, tell them to place their orders through local stockbrokers. They do not have to be here personally to buy and sell shares.  Havent they heard of the telephone? Or email? Or Facebook? Or Twitter? Or Skype? Malaysians can buy and sell shares anywhere in the world. Just go online and sign up with a million stockbrokers on the Internet. (Just search "Buying and Selling Shares on the Internet"). 

Via the Internet you can even buy and sell shares on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in South Africa.  Apa susah sangat? 

My suggestion is please give multiple entry five year visas to any foreign investor or foreign expatriate worker who has a Masters or PhD degree in any scientific or engineering field to enter the country on work or for investment. Isnt that a better idea? 

We want real, high value, technology based foreigners to come and work in Malaysia. Not the financial speculators and other George Soros type crooks.  

Here is another bungle reported in the Berita Harian today :

Perdana Menteri menegaskan, peraturan ‘ketetapan-sendiri’ itu bertujuan memastikan pengamal media sosial lebih bertanggungjawab terhadap maklumat disampaikan, sekali gus mengelak perpaduan masyarakat pelbagai agama dan bangsa dirosakkan oleh maklumat palsu. 

Sehubungan itu, Najib menegaskan, tidak akan ada lagi penulis ‘tidak bernama’ dalam blog atau portal seperti sekarang bagi memastikan mereka lebih bertanggungjawab terhadap tulisan masing-masing.

The PM has announced that anonymous Blogs will not be allowed.  I think this is another terrible idea. The reason why the Internet is so successful and has been so useful to many people, especially those who live in societies which have so many things to hide, is because of the anoynimity that the Internet provides.  Now you want to take away this anoynimity.

We already have enough laws in Malaysia to go after people who sow hatreds and commit crimes via the Internet. The MCMC and the Police can trace such people on the Internet anytime. Anonymous or not, they can be found.  The existing laws are more than sufficient to deal with this problem.

And it will not work. Anyone can go to the Intetnet Cafe, or use the free WiFi at Starbucks, the mamak nasi kandar, the kopi tiam, on any university campus, the KLIA and a thousand other places which offer free WiFi and no one can trace you. 

So what is the big deal about banning anonymous blogs when there are a thousand ways of overcoming such silly rules. Mr PM you are just making enemies with no good returns from this action. Satu perbuatan yang tidak akan berbaloi

Forcing people to give up anonymity is looking for trouble. I see another 500,000 votes gone there Mr PM. You are really going to lose the PRU 14.  Somehow I get the feeling that your advisors are really out to kill you with all this really no-brainer advise.  I think they are seriously conspiring to sabotage you. 

Every time he makes statements like these - the PM's popularity sinks down even further. Dato Sri, who is giving you all these strange and unpopular ideas? They are out to sabotage you. Change your team before its too late.

And here is the final bungle by the Gomen for today. This is from The Star :
  • Scramble for Raya tickets on the cards
  • A late scramble for bus tickets is on the cards for those planning the balik kampung trip for the coming Hari Raya period unless express bus companies get their way.
  • The companies want to raise their fares by 30% and have chosen not to sell advance tickets for July and August until they get Government confirmation over an increase.
  • The move, if approved, will see a bus ticket from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Baru costing about RM40 instead of the usual RM31.10 

I say - what has happened to Pemandu, Pemudah, SPAD and all the other outfits that were set up just to avoid such things from happening? What about the Ministry of Transport? Who is responsible for this?

Folks recall that I was against the Minimum Wage Policy? I wrote again and again against it. Now this cry for higher bus fares is 100% one of the results of that Minimum Wage Policy. 

The country is not ready for Minimum Wage because there are huge disparities between our workers' productivity  depending on which part of the country they are in, or which part of the country they come from and also depending on which racial, language and religious group they belong to.  

Jangan marah but in business and in the real world all these things matter. I live in the real world and I hope that you will also join me in the real world. Please stop living in La La Land.

This is why the Euro-currency zone is collapsing in Europe. How can Spain and Greece which suffer 20% - 30% unemployment and lower productivity "enjoy" usage of the same currency note as super efficient Germany? It wont work. That is why Germany is now "bailing out" Spain and Greece.  

Here is another way to explain it : if you are a touirist to Europe, say you brought USD100 for shopping. You can exchange the USD100 for the same amount of Euros all over Europe. That same amount of Euros buys different amounts of goods and services in highly productive Germany and lower productivity Spain and Greece.  Now imagine the lower productivity workers in Spain and Greece (suffering 30% unemployment) enjoying the same Minimum Wages as the highly productive German workers. Mana boleh? Tabley. They do not have the same levels of productivity to enjoy the same Minimum Wages. Something will crack.

But here is the real effect. Minimum Wages causes price inflation which will eventually negate or wipe out the desired effect of the Minimum Wages. This is what is happening now. Now the bus operators are screaming that the bus ticket prices have to go up. 

I wrote many, many times that Minimum Wages will cause the price of things to go up. 

I also predicted that we will see the negative effects of the Minimum Wages policy three to six months after it was implemented. The Minimum Wages came into effect six months ago in January 2013. It is now June 2013.

In our jewellery business, our suppliers started charging higher workmanship charges (upah) starting February, March and April. Since the Minimum Wages was implemented, the jewellery factories, their suppliers and distributors all suffered higher salary costs, labour costs and all other costs. Office boys, van drivers, lorry drivers, manual workers, toilet cleaning ladies all were paid higher salaries. All this increased their cost of production. 

To recover these higher costs they have raised their prices to me - the retailer.  As a result I - the retailer-  have also had to raise the prices of my jewellery pieces (Oops - now you know the secret !!)  

It is called 'pass through costs'. As business people, traders and merchants we 'pass through' the higher costs to you - our dearest and beloved customers and consumers.  Eventually you pay the higher prices. This is also called "price inflation".

This is what is happening to the bus fares. The bus operators also suffer higher costs caused by Minimum Wages. They have no choice but to recover their higher costs or they will go bankrupt. They have no choice but to charge higher ticket prices. 

So this is the end result of Minimum Wages. The workers may get higher Minimum Wages but now they also suffer higher prices of goods and services. So at the end of the day it is back to square one. Pi mai pi mai tang tu juga.  At the end of the day, the workers still do not have enough  money in their pockets. 

Folks, the Sarawak State Elections are due in just over two years. If the BN loses support in Sarawak then you know that PRU 18 is lost. 

By that time it will be too late for the PM to change his advisors. By that time it will be even too late to change the PM. The PM better change his advisors now. 

Anyway here is an image of Tuanku Abdul Rahman, our first Yang Di Pertuan Agong.  Try not to dream of his image too much ok. Blind love can blind.

Tidak siapa yang berkuasa tanpa sokongan menyeluruh orang Melayu

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 12:17 AM PDT

Saya mendapat banyak pandangan yang agak berlainan dari apa yang kita dengar dan pandangan yang berbeza ini selalunya tidak diutarakan kepada saya melalui komen-komen dalam blog ini. Mereka memberikan pandangan dan komen itu melalui e-mail.

Biasanya komen-komen yang datang melalui e-mail itu lebih jujur kerana mereka memberikan hujah dan alasan yang mencukupi dan tiada setakat melemparkan komen marah dan berselindung di sebalik ‘anonymous’. Mereka menghujahkan isu dengan panjang lebar tidak kira samada hujah mereka itu bertentangan dengan pendapat saya atau sebaliknya.

Banyak kali juga mereka memanggil saya untuk bersama-sama mereka minum petang atau pagi dan mereka adalah dikalangan yang serius dalam memberikan pandangan. Secara kasarnya ramai yang masih berpendapat yang Pakatan Rakyat masih belum bersedia untuk menjadi pihak ‘alternative’ walaupun dikalangan yang memberikan pandangan itu adalah mereka yang cenderung untuk menyebelahi Pakatan Rakyat.

Apa yang menyebabkan susahnya menundukkan BN itu, dan apa pula yang membuat usaha menundukkannya itu tidak mustahil? Jawapannya mudah. Susah untuk menundukkan UMNO itu kerana jika UMNO itu tidak melakukan kesalahan dan menunjukkan kelemahan yang nyata, ia tidak senang untuk di kalahkan oleh mana-mana pihak yang lain.

Isu yang menjadi masalah bagi UMNO sekarang ialah pimpinan UMNO kini sudah hilang hampir keseluruhan wadah perjuangan mereka dan tidak lagi mengekalkan ‘attribute’ asal kewujudan parti itu. Tidak keterlaluan jika kita katakan UMNO itu sudah tidak lagi menyerupai UMNO sebenarnya. Yang tinggal kepada UMNO itu hanyalah sijil  pendaftaran parti itu dan pada namanya sahaja.

Kepimpinan UMNO yang terlalu ghairah untuk memajukan negara sebagai sebuah negara yang maju yang begitu deras sejak hampir tiga puluh tahun dahulu telah melalaikan banyak nilai baik yang selama ini menjadi kekuatan dan ketahanan parti itu. Dalam keghairahan untuk mencapai kemajuan fisikal, kepimpinan UMNO telah melalaikan pembangunan nilai dan etika kehidupan sebagai rakyat timur.

Rakyat dididik untuk mengejar pembangunan fisikal semata-mata justeru menjadikan mereka rakyat yang materialistik yang keterlaluan. Rakyat telah melupakan nilai asas serta etika kehidupan sebagai seorang Melayu dan sekali gus menghilangkan identiti Melayu itu sendiri.

Jika identiti bangsa itu telah hilang maka ia memberi makna yang bangsa itu akan hilang secara beransur-ansur, manusia berbeza-beza dengan identiti masing-masing. Apabila identitinya berubah, maka ia akan merubah segala-galanya dan dalam jangka masa yang panjang Melayu yang sudah hilang identitinya itu tidak akan menyerupai Melayu itu lagi.

Oleh yang demikian kita tidak boleh lagi merasa hairan kenapa UMNO tidak lagi menjadi parti yang kuat kerana ia yang sepatutnya memimpin bangsa Melayu itu, sudah tidak lagi memimpin Melayu yang mempunyai identiti asal tadi. UMNO sedang memimpin bangsa Melayu yang baru. UMNO juga yang menyebabkan Melayu itu berubah kerana selama ini UMNO tidak menumpukan untuk mengekalkan identiti asal Melayu itu.

Malahan ada pimpinan dalam UMNO berpendapat ‘attribute’ yang ada pada Melayu itu adalah penghalang kepada kemajuan bangsanya. Mereka tidak nampak betapa majunya orang Jepun tanpa menghilangkan identiti mereka sebagai bangsa Jepun dengan identiti asal mereka. Begitu juga dengan bangsa Thailand. Tidak hilang identiti bangsa mereka sambil memajukan bangsa mereka selari dengan kemajuan bangsa-bangsa maju yang lain didunia ini. Menghilangkan identiti dan nilai bangsa itu sebenarnya bukan kemajuan.

Kita wajar menerima hakikat yang kelemahan sokongan orang Melayu terhadap UMNO ialah kerana kesilapan UMNO menukar identiti bangsanya sendiri. UMNO memandang rendah kepada bangsanya sendiri Itu sebabnya tidak mustahil jika bangsa Melayu meninggalkan terus UMNO itu dan menggantikannya dengan wadah perjuangan yang menerima dan menghormati bangsa Melayu itu.

Tidak ada satu parti boleh kekal tanpa mendapat sokongan menyeluruh orang Melayu dinegara ini. Berpura-pura menyokong orang Melayu oleh mana-mana pihak akan hanya membuat orang Melayu lari dari mereka apabila kepura-puraan itu jelas terbukti dimata kasar mereka. Kepura-puraan itu akhirnya akan terlondeh juga.

Di atas asas yang disebutkan tadi maka UMNO sebagai parti untuk bangsanya boleh mengembalikan sokongan seperti sedia kala asalkan sahaja pimpinan UMNO itu sanggup melakukan perubahan dan pembaharuan tanpa was-was dan sanggup berkorban untuk masa depan bangsanya itu.

Jika UMNO menyedari apa kesalahan serta kesilapan mereka dan bersedia pula untuk membuat pembaharuan, parti itu tidak akan menghadapi banyak masalah lagi. Tetapi tahukah pimpinan UMNO apa yang hendak diubah itu? Jika UMNO masih di kenali sebagai parti yang rasuah dan tegar dengan penyalahgunaan kuasa maka UMNO akan kekal sebagai parti yang berpontensi untuk mati dalam segala-galanya.

Jika ada usaha setengah pihak samada dikalangan orang Melayu atau rakyat yang lain untuk mencari pimpinan baru yang meyakinkan rakyat maka potensi untuk UMNO kembali pulih itu tetap ada. UMNO memerlukan manusia pemimpin yang lain dari yang ada sekarang ini bagi memusnahkan persepsi rakyat yang UMNO itu adalah parti rasuah dan jahat kepada situasi politik yang berlainan.

Apabila UMNO menukar pimpinan dan berjaya memadamkan imej korup, lemah, salahguna kuasa dan sebagainya, maka tidak mungkin bagi parti-parti lain untuk mengambilalih kuasa dari mereka setidak-tidaknya satu hingga dua dekad yang akan datang.

Ini di sebabkan Pakatan Rakyat mungkin memakan masa yang panjang untuk membetulkan corak dan ‘form’ sebagai parti ‘alternative’ kerana kelemahan-kelemahan itu jelas masih terlihat dalam PRU yang lepas. Sikap pihak pembangkang yang sedang membentuk persepsi masyarakat sebagai parti ‘rebel rouser’ itu, membuatkan mereka memerlukan masa yang panjang untuk diterima sebagai ‘alternative’.

Pakatan Rakyat hanya boleh mengambilalih kepimpinan dari UMNO dalam masa yang singkat jika UMNO dalam masa yang singkat ini masih tidak melakukan transformasi yang sebenarnya.

Ku Li, No Where Man !

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 10:19 PM PDT

Hantu Laut

So, who gives Ku Li the idea he can unseat Najib? 

Is he the most ideal to replace Najib?

If the source of Ku Li's encouragement came from the opposition with the collusion of the few moles in BN, who are unhappy with not being rewarded anything substantial by the PM, in all probability, the scheme is doomed. 

Ku Li needs to collect at least a minimum of 23 of BN MPs to join the

Why the Secrecy and Covet Approach in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) Negotiations?

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 09:51 PM PDT

Poster credits to Gabungan Bantah FTA

Poster credits to Gabungan Bantah FTA

The negotiations have always been covert and secretive back door deals involving trade negotiators who have the interests of big businesses at heart. The people do not matter. This includes ordinary Malaysians as well.

I am talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement is a free trade agreement currently being negotiated by Malaysia and 10 other countries across the Asia-Pacific region.

These countries include: United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam.

In the next four weeks trade negotiators from twelve countries will arrive in Kuala Lumpur for the 18th round of negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. This is not the first time they would huddling behind closed doors to hammer out details.

The negotiations were initiated in 2008. But lawmakers have no idea as to what has transpired during these discussions. They have not been informed, despite repeated calls to do so from Parliament members, trade unions and business groups.

These hush-hush negotiations pose a huge challenge for Malaysia and its citizens, including the business community. It does not augur well for the administration of Prime Minister Najib Razak and his self-styled claims of transformation – transparency and accountability.

The TPP process in Malaysia, in contrast, is tightly controlled by the Ministry of International Trade and Industries (MITI).

In April 2012, I stood up in Parliament to ask the government about the risk of losing sovereignty under the TPP’s “investor-state trade dispute” mechanism. The then Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industries, Mukhriz Mahathir, casually reassured Parliament that Malaysia’s interest is protected because “the government always had officers from the Attorney-General’s Chambers present during talks with foreign delegates.”

Clearly he did not understand the severity of implications arising from these trade disputes.

The TPPA is more than a commercial or trade deal although they are often guised as an instrument to improve trade on the basis of economic liberalization.

Once the TPPA rules and regulations are adopted by negotiating countries, it must be ratified by national governments or parliaments. Then local laws must be changed to accommodate the new rules agreed upon.

This will allow companies to sue national governments at international arbitration centers based in Washington and Geneva, thus undermining national sovereignty and public policy making responsibilities of nations.

In short, tribunal verdicts cannot be reviewed in domestic courts and companies can dictate policies to governments.

The financial penalty or trade sanctions against elected governments meted out by these dispute arbitration centers are binding and severe. Trade sanctions can also be imposed against the countries’ exports.


The trade agreement is comprehensive in that it would involve establishing new rules and regulations from food safety, government procurement, financial markets, intellectual property rights to medicine prices and Internet freedom.

On the issue of affordable medicine for example, the TPP may increase cost of medicine as it contains aggressive intellectual property provisions which limit access to generic medicines.

In the case of Malaysia, it’s still not too late for Najib and his government to make good their promises of transparency and accountability. Next month’s negotiations will provide an opportunity for the Malaysian government to include stakeholders in the discussions.

Najib must understand that the interest of 28 million Malaysians is at risk.

As such, I call upon the government to:

1. Make available the cost-benefit analysis on the TPPA

2. Organise a briefing for all Members of Parliament in the upcoming June 2013 Parliamentary session and establish a bi-partisan Parliamentary Select Committee on TPPA.

3. To provide meaningful platforms for civil society and other stakeholders to participate in the upcoming round of negotiations in Malaysia, such as direct dialogue with the TPP negotiators.

Anything short of this would only mean that Najib’s “People First” rhetoric is merely hollow.

Charles Santiago
Member of Parliament, Klang.

Two-Faced Kitten Born In Oregon.

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 09:08 PM PDT

You're not seeing double. Again.

A rare, two-faced kitten was born in Amity, Ore., on Tuesday. Stephanie Durkee, the owner of both the female kitten and its mother, took the two-faced cat to a vet, who say she's in good health. (She meows "loudly from both mouths," according to the Guardian.)

Durkee told Portland's KGW-TV the kitten—named "Deucy"—has been rejected by her mother, so she's been feeding her warmed kitten formula from a syringe.

"The kids ... came in and said, 'Mom there's a kitty with two heads,'" Durkee told Portland's NBC affiliate. "And I said, 'I think you guys are just tired, you're crazy, that doesn't happen.'"

Durkee, who plans to keep Deucy, says the kitten was born at "6:11 a.m. on 6/11 under the 'Gemini' astrological sign." Durkee said she "can’t help but wonder at the 'double' coincidences surrounding Deucy’s birth."

Two-faced cats—known as Janus cats, for the two-faced Roman god who also gave us the word "January"—are unusual but not unprecedented.

In 2012, a Port Charlotte, Fla., couple's cat gave birth to a two-faced male kitten. (They named him Harvey Dent, after the two-face "Batman" character.)

Harvey, though, died after two days.

Courtesy of Yahoo! News

the ferry terminal

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 07:11 PM PDT

The man walks to the ferry terminal
Carrying his small bag on his shoulder
In the cool night of the moon light
He whistles a song “Do what we gotta do”

Along the way he smiles to strangers
They only stare back at him
He doesn't care what they think
He has to see his woman today

On the ferry terminal he waits
With his small bag on his shoulder
His eyes peel the crowd of strangers
He finds no woman he knows

He sits on the bench looking to the sea
The night whispering of the motioning waves
He tries to remember why he turns into a mess
The day his woman left leaving him on the island

His close friends advice him to forget
He smiles “It is easy to say but hard to do”
So he keeps walking to the ferry terminal
Every night hoping she will return

the nation will cry

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 06:39 AM PDT

Don't make us look stupid
In the eyes of the world
We have enough of laughing stock
In the running of the Nation

The dark passages
It seems to hang on it
Every attempt is ignored
The cases dragged on

Even the Constitution
Bee Anne leaders forgot
The appointment of prime minister
It is questionable in 2009

The Atlantuya murder
The case seems not to find an end
The motive is not established
The key players aren't brought to trial

The majority lost in GE13
The minority rules the Nation
Through the work of gerrymandering
It sucks out the principle of democracy

The work of the dark forces
The people try to kick away
They cheat, bribe and intimidate

The Nation will cry in years

the bird's nest 2

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 06:18 AM PDT

The strong wind yesterday
The howling sound heard in the night
The whirring wind never let go
The palm leaves waving every turn

The bird's nest couldn't hold it
The swinging for the last 2 days
The bird's nest couldn't take it
The bird quickly made a new nest

I didn't notice it yesterday
In the morning I saw on the palm leaves
The first was empty when I checked on it
I wondered how the birdie transferred

It was a quick job
It didn't hold it properly
With a slight push it fell
Rolling down to the ground

I put it on a plastic pot
Tied it up to the palm leaves
I hope it stayed
For the 3 birdie

the police watchdog

Posted: 11 Jun 2013 10:31 PM PDT

The police must have a watch dog
Looking into deaths and running foul of the law
This is the brake the men in blue should have
They shouldn't go and try it themselves

The recent deaths in lock-up
It never sounds good in public relations
The police try to drag its legs
The deaths will not go away

Everyone has that fear
Once you step into police lock-up
You may not see the light of day
The fear is understandable

The police the bad records
It spins into people's minds
The watchdog must be established
There is no reason to delay

Confession of A Teach for Malaysia Teacher

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 03:00 AM PDT

Editor's note: The following is taken from the Facebook status of Alina Amir, a Teach for Malaysia teacher with her permission. In these times of plunging education standards, it is both heartwarming and at the same time heartwrenching to see such determined, bright individuals struggle with educating our children. One must wonder however, how much real change can a few teachers make? The education system requires structural reform from the inside especially. Good things to ponder while reading this excellent 'confession'.

So here’s a public confession: After 4 months into teaching, I came back from a class this morning, put my books on my desk, coolly walked to the ladies, and broke down; with tears, sobs, frantically fanned myself with my hands thinking that could help calm me down, the whole enchilada. Something I have not done for a very long time. 

In the last four months, I could have cried when I had kids calling me a prostitute in mandarin, or that time when a kid told me I should not mess with him because his dad is part of the notorious along gangster crew (which I have never heard of and the phrase “ignorance is bliss” could not have rung truer), or that time when I was wolf whistled at for weeks wherever I went, or when a disruptive boy decided get up in the middle of my lesson, ran around the room and banged every table before he ran out of the class despite me calling after him and then having him come back and literally went on the floor, hugging my feet and begged for my forgiveness the same day, or when I was locked in the school building and then had to come out through the roof (long story) or when a big fat rat, literally, decided to chill right in front of my front door. Those were legit reasons to cry if I wanted to cry. But I didn’t. Not a single tear rolled down my cheeks. I stood up to my boys, I had sleepless nights thinking of strategies to get my kids to just sit down for a single lesson, told every kid who threatened me to bring it on, went to every boy who wolf whistled and threw inappropriate remarks at me, looked them straight in the eyes and said, “how dare you”. I have got nothing to lose and I am sure, as hell is not scared of anybody, no matter who your daddy is.

This morning however, was different. In fact, I wasn’t teaching at all this morning. I was in a form 4 class, of which I only teach PJK to the six of the girls every week. So what was I doing with the entire class? I was invigilating their mid year exam, Sejarah Kertas 3 to be exact; An open book test where students are required to write an essay on a topic given. Just as I finished handing out the exam papers to all 35 students, one boy put his hand up and asked, “ujian apa hari ni, cikgu?” and I went, “HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT PAPER YOU ARE SITTING FOR ON THE DAY OF THE EXAM AND EVEN AFTER I HAVE HANDED OUT THE EXAM PAPER” silently in my head. Out loud, I said, “ujian Sejarah, kertas 3. Ujian ni boleh tengok buku, so keluarkan lah buku”. Half of the classroom started to rummage through their bags and looked under their tables for books while the other half put their heads down and went to sleep. Ten minutes into the exam, they were all just staring at their books, opened to the first page. I went to a boy and asked if he knew what he was supposed to do. He shook his head and continued staring at his book. Another boy looked at me pleadingly, and asked, “cikgu, macam mana nak buat ni?” No one was writing anything. No one.

I went to one of the girls and asked her to read the question and then looked for the answer in the book. The first question she asked after I told her that was, “bab berapa tu?” and I could sense the whole class was waiting for me to tell her which chapter to open to. I knew then, that they have never read a single thing from their textbook nor have they learned anything in the past four months of school. Heck, I wouldn’t be going too far if I said they barely learned anything in the last 10 years of school. At that moment, I saw their future flashed through my eyes and I wanted to cry.

I wanted to cry because it was unfair for them to be sitting for an exam that they are clearly not ready for. I wanted to cry because someone allowed this to happen. I wanted to cry because as I was explaining to some of the students on how to do the exam and they were eagerly listening, while I was quietly panicking because I am no way near being a Sejarah Form 4 teacher. I wanted to cry because I felt incompetent, wishing I remembered what I learned back in From 4 so that I can teach them something at that moment. I wanted to cry because it is not their fault. But most of all, I wanted to cry because I have 200 students and I have classes back to back from 7.30 AM up to 10.00PM every day that it would be completely impossible to take on new students. All I could think of was how if only all the educated people in the country would spend their time teaching these kids, then maybe, maybe I’d be writing a different story.

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Najib listening ...

Posted: 12 Jun 2013 05:45 PM PDT

The Malaysian Insider today carried a news on the Prime Minister. Off course, there will be some Ajinomoto flavoured in their story.  Let's take it on good faith first.

The report claimed Dato Najib is not taking back his five officers that lost in the recent general election. Najib had many political secretaries but sources claimed none seem to work for him. Instead, they are more concerned with their own political career.

Tun Daim had blame his "Penasihat" for BN's dismal performance in the recent general election. It could actually mean his Advisers, Secretaries and Special Officers or  it could mean something else.

Nevertheless, if his political secretaries are incapable of winning, what useful political advise can they give the PM?

It is as simple as that.

The news and interspersed with our comments, below:
Under pressure, PM to dump all five aides who lost GE13 contest

June 12, 2013  

The move signals Najib's resolve to clear out the Umno "war room" that has come in for criticism following Election 2013 - File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 ― All five political aides to Datuk Seri Najib Razak will be dropped from office for purportedly putting their interests above the prime minister’s in what is seen as a move to axe the deadwood weighing down his office ahead of Umno elections this year, Barisan Nasional (BN) sources have told The Malaysian Insider.

Handpicked to run in the May 5 polls, Datuk Latt Shariman Abdullah, Datuk Shahlan Ismail, Datuk Mohd Shafei Abdullah, Datuk Mohamad Fatmi Che Salleh and Datuk Mohamed Suffian Awang have come under attack from Umno bloggers and pro-establishment critics following their embarrassing defeat in the 13th general election.

The five had been seen by Najib’s “war room” strategists as having the best chances to give a fillip to the ruling BN in its bid to regain the coalition’s two-thirds supermajority in Parliament lost since Election 2008.
Correction: None of the five are in the first list of "whites" generated by the War Room.

Running Aides
But Umno bloggers have blasted Najib for allowing his aides to contest in the polls, arguing variously that the five men had little grassroots support in their constituencies.
BN ultimately won 133 seats in the 222-member Dewan Rakyat and Umno, the coalition lynchpin, took 88 federal seats in Election 2013 ― up nine from 2008.

But several party veterans have blamed the party and BN’s lacklustre performance on Najib’s “war room” strategists, and hinted that the prime minister might be shown the door if he does not remove his strategists for their bad advice.

Najib’s two special officers, Shahlan and Latt Shariman, were beaten by PAS candidates in Kedah although BN succeeded in snatching back the rice-farming state from the PR pact.

Shahlan lost by 3,935 votes to PAS vice-president Datuk Mahfuz Omar in the Pokok Sena federal seat while Latt Shariman was defeated by PAS’s Mohd Nasir Mustafa by a 1,044-vote majority in the Kubang Rotan state seat.

Mohd Shafei, who is Najib’s political secretary in the Finance Ministry, lost to PKR’s Datuk Dr Tan Tee Kwong by a 5,511-vote margin in the fight for a seat in the Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory, which was significantly bigger than the 2008 results.

Two other special officers, Mohamad Fatmi and Mohamed Suffian, were also trounced in the contest for Kota Baru and Kuantan respectively.
Datuk Latt Shariman ran in one of the ADUN in Kuala Kedah. How does this MCOBA with a face that looks like he had weekly facial treatment in a Bangsar saloon expect to be accepted by the hardy fishermen and padi farmers of Kuala Kedah? He was not the first because there was another MCOBA cowboy before.

Latt held back the disbursement of campaign monies in the Division account and it contributed to the 0-4 lost for Kuala Kedah. PM's own adviser breached party headquarter's instruction!

Datuk Shahlan lost partly due to cah keting from Division head, Datok Ahmad Lebai Sudin. Grassroot believed Ahmad had a pact with Dato Mahfuz Omar of PAS. He may have not delivered all the seats because Mahfuz expressed surprise at his press conference when told Ahmad won at his ADUN.

His was a lost his cause when his campaign speeches shot his own feet. It may have been divine intervention because there was suspicion on Shahlan when certain BTN materials were found to be printed by PKR's IKD affiliated printers.  

Dato Shafei and Dato Fatmi are destined to lose but thought they are winnable. Win-cable is more accurate. Shafei was responsible to sabotage Wangsa Maju's MCA candidate in the 2008 general election. Thus, the MCA support is not expected to be forthcoming in 2013. Don't blame it on Chinese Tsunami.

Fatmi had lost so many elections in Kota Baru and seen as a quarrelsome figure in UMNO Kota Baru Division that it is unfathomable for him to be allowed to contest. During campaign (in which we were at his constituency), he regularly did not turn up as scheduled and was not reachable to the media.

His slogan emulated a Jerry McQuire's movie quote, "Bantu saya untuk membantu anda." Gapo mu kecek ni, Fatmi? He could have done better with "Show me the money!" 

Sufian is a protege of Dato Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis (JJ). He is parked inside PM's office and his presence had been suspiciously to serve the interest of JJ.

War Room
The culling of the losers is the first sign of Najib’s seriousness in ridding himself of his advisors, many of whom have been blamed for misreading the ground ahead of the closely-fought election.

The BN “war room” had been tasked with selecting the candidates and advising various strategies to win the polls.

It counted Rompin MP Datuk Seri Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis, Putra World Trade Centre chairman Datuk Seri Dr Alies Anor Abdul, Petronas director Omar Mustapha Ong, Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor, party information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan and former Terengganu mentri besar Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh as among its members.

The war room had stuck to its prediction of BN winning between 145 and 150 federal seats and also getting back Selangor in Election 2013 although some senior BN leaders were privately doubtful of the figures.
No, like the over confident Dato Zin of Selangor War Room, the War Room had given a projection of more than 160 seats win for BN. Even Najib did not believed it.

Credit where is due, there is a War Room member who placed a projection of only 135 seats.
And by noon on Polling Day, the war room had issued its “white list” of 118 federal seats it was sure to win, but some like Pasir Mas, Shah Alam and Lembah Pantai were lost, which some Umno divisional leaders said reflected the disconnect between the leadership and the ground.
The country’s sixth prime minister is also under pressure from Umno to distance himself from his “war room” planners, namely Alies Nor, Omar (Ong) and Jamaluddin (JJ), a party insider had told The Malaysian Insider.
The "holy trinity" as some insider described. Or perhaps The Untouchable.

A blogger that raising the issue of Alies Nor received a call and a threat from an UMNO high official. Alies Nor is the man in charge of the War Room.

Raising the issue of Omar Ong may infuriate the PM who is overly protective of him. Emanating from his consulting company, Ethos Consulting and associate, McKinsey and Company, Omar Ong is in charge with generating the many acronymed liberal policies of Najib and milking the government with consulting fees.

Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop, Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar and Omar are responsible for policies that made Najib seemed to overly bend over to the DAP-voting Chinese demands. It is not going down well with BN's voters.

Over tea last weekend, Najib tried to blame others like Dato Shahrir Samad for inviting him to an event to deliver donation to Chinese school when asked from the floor. That is not good enough.

JJ has to contain his ego and gung ho ways. He is O-istic and widely known to be C-upt. The man thinks he is progressive and open but he is not.

He turned schizo and requested to pull down postings when bloggers questioned his suitability as cabinet member. His presence as so-called PM men will not endear the PM with the ground.

Token Challenge
Several disgruntled east Malaysian MPs met with veteran Umno lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah last night to discuss their positions after not getting anything for their wins in the closely-fought Election 2013, pointing to a lengthening line-up to rattle Najib after he won his first personal mandate with fewer seats than his predecessor Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Analysts and other political observers have said that Najib’s leadership of Umno may be challenged in the party polls due year end, which could also unravel his hold over the 13-party BN coalition and undermine his default position as prime minister.
For Najib, he could survive the political assault and we believe he will win over any challenges.

However, any challenge or contest may expose Najib vulnerability. For Najib, he can take three routes to save him from any further embarassment and it is the same advise and winning that we have been repeating since 2009.

First, to seriously address issue of corruption. UMNO must not only be seen clean but Halaalan Toyyiba. One obstacle to clean up the country of corruption is the Attorney General, Tan Sri Gani Patail.

To regain confidence in UMNO, he need to wield his cane swiftly to address leakages in the system related with National Communication Team  and internal UMNO's Secretariat. These led to systematic failure in BN's campaign. [Read Bigdogdotcom's series on Systematic Failures I and II here and here.]

Betrayed Malay Agenda

Second, he has to address the Malay aka Bumiputera agenda seriously and not rely anymore on his current neo-liberal Advisers. Many of his effort like Equinas and Teraju are perceived as hoodwinking the Malays.

Among the serious issues that need to be addressed are scholarships, University and College entries, jobs in GLCs and government, entrepreneurship development, etc. This is what the Saloran 3 and 4 really want but is wrongly presented by the likes of Omar Ong. Najib ended up giving them handphone rebates.

The change from affirmative action policies of NEP to need-based policies was not managed properly. Bumiputera are severely handicapped and deprived of basic opportunity. The solution to leakage is deprivation. Both Najib and Pak Lah side step this vote sensitive issue.

If the need-based policies is not properly formulated, there is no basis for Malay and Bumiputera to support or vote UMNO and BN anymore. As far as the ground is concerned, there is no two way about it.  

Third, Najib must have a serious long term plan to generate economic growth. Projects like the KLIFD, Menara UDA, MRT, Naza's Exhibition Centre, etc. are not seen to boost the local economy when contracts are given to foreigners.

Too much emphasis on financial asset play than developing and promoting real sectoral economic tgrowth, which are economic multiplier. Like stocks, shares, money marker instruments and cash, property is also considered as financial asset.

Change or Bust

So far, not hiring five secretaries and special officers is still not a serious change.
Najib should fire first and review back his existing communication team. Better to get a new team. Some are not seriously focusing on their work. Some are incompetent and not respected by the media community. Some are rumoured to be corrupt. 

Najib should review his economic planning team. Get real economist, not a Shell power point expert. For more than 55 years, the government servants had successfully planned the nation's development.

Off course, the implementation aspect can be assisted by the private sector but getting business consultants to plan the economy is a strange practise. The role of PEMANDU has to be reviewed because it is the sore point to government servants.

Is performance enhancement and KPI system a priority? And, it makes no sense to judge crime and corruption based on reports made. KPI is supposed to be a quantitative indicator and not the final say. Quantitative analysis and field survey is still relevant.
Having seen how NKEA works and all the expensive labs to generate data, it looks like a con job. Understanding and analysing industry should be done by experts and not a survey of any Tong Davindran and Haris. 
The consultants are doing justification work and not real research work. There are lots of complains of PEMANDU massaging statistics.
Lastly, we know Najib does not like it but we are not in the business to please him like the pengampu around him. But, here it comes again: 
Najib need to seriously consider forming a Council of Elders. It is not about stifling the power of the Prime Minister but to help elders guide the leadership so that no more fatal mistakes.

The Chinese did not vote for BN but there is wisdom in one Chinese proverb. "Aged ginger is more pungent." It means elderly people are more experienced. The elders know the potholes of the journey ahead. The young ones don't and not when they are too theoretical.

Najib should not repeat the mistake of Pak Lah to submit to the wishes of his young advisers who though seemed clever but are without experience, wisdom, and true ground information. We know Najib's boys have been ridiculing some old timers as out-dated. 
Look at it this way. If it fails again, he can blame it on the elders. :)
Better late than never, Najib is showing that he listens. But he needs to do more to convince he has the guts to fire incompetents around him. Due to his advisers, Najib bungled on the candidate lists, campaign strategy, policies and cabinet appointments. Nothing less than cutting off the "holy trinity" of Alies, Omar Ong and JJ would satisfy the supporters.

Edited and Updated 8:00 PM
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