Wan Aina Batrisya - Nasyid Singer, Storyteller, Future Pilot - Live Performance!

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Jun 28, 2013, 7:03:31 PM6/28/13
to people-ar...@googlegroups.com

Wan Aina Batrisya - Nasyid Singer, Storyteller, Future Pilot - Live Performance!

Wan Aina Batrisya - Nasyid Singer, Storyteller, Future Pilot - Live Performance!

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 02:09 PM PDT

After Jumaat prayers today, I went to have my lunch at Jalan Jujur, Bandar Tun Razak today. 

I saw this restaurant @ Three DND Catering Sdn Bhd and decided to have my lunch there as they were serving local Malay foods.

While I was having my lunch, I saw this petite energetic bundle of energy chattering away at a table nearby.

Seems that she was the granddaughter of the restaurant owners and it was a pleasure to see her chat animatedly with her father and was a joy to witness the youthful exuberance of this little child.

After my lunch, I called out to her and asked whether she had started schooling?

She was so excited to tell me about herself and wasn't at all shy to share about her passion for the things she was studying at a religious school in Cheras Jaya.

I took the opportunity to record herself performing several nasyid songs and an impromptu kindergarten song performance!

I was the one getting overwhelmed by her energy and enthusiasm! :P

May Allah bless Wan Aina Batrisya! 

She was so full of energy just like our nieces Nurul Athirah and Al Husna Batrisyia back in Kuantan where they were just so eager to perform for us when we visited them several years back!

These kids are so full of energy and brilliant. May Allah bless and protect them as they grow up. May they become good Muslimahs and be successful in their life's.


Commemorating a year of world’s largest passenger airliner

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 08:00 AM PDT

A year ago, this pioneer aircraft of Malaysia Airlines A380-800 fleet (with tail no. of 9M-MNA) took off from Airbus Delivery Centre in Blagnac-Toulouse on a historic journey to her permanent home in KLIA.

Twelve hours later, the aircraft  carrying eighty passengers arrived in KLIA. It was received then by Transport Minister Dato’ Seri Chan Kong Choy. Two days later, the same aircraft made its inaugural commercial service to London Heathrow.

DPM Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin officiating the inaugural A380 service to LHR

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin send off the aircraft with the full complement of 494 passengers. The flight also commemorated Malaysia Airline’s 38 years of service to LHR.

The pioneer A380 aircraft (tail. no. 9M-MNA) at the official send off, 1 July 2012

Today, all six A380s have been delivered by Airbus and now in daily service of Malaysia Airlines routes to London Heathrow, Paris Charles De Gaulle and Chap Lek Kok in Hong Kong. They are the pride of the national carrier.

Kerabat diraja Johor dan dua lagi dihukum penjara...

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 10:11 AM PDT

Seorang kerabat Diraja Johor dan dua lagi dijatuhkan hukuman penjara empat tahun oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Johor Baru kerana mencederakan bekas peninju tahun lepas dalam satu pergaduhan.

Tunku Nick Tazuddin Izwan Syah Tunku Qadir, 27(gambar kiri), Mohd Arif Husin, 35, dan Alex Foo Hee Wee, 41(gambar,kanan), dijatuhkan hukuman oleh Hakim Zamri Bakar selepas didapti bersalah mencederakan Mohammad Farkhan Haron. Hukuman penjara bermula daripada hari ini.

Mereka didapti melakukan kesalahan di Jalan Molek 3/2 di Taman Molek diantara 4.30 pagi dan 7.00 pagi pada 6 Mei, 2012.

Hakim juga menolak rayuan untuk menangguhkan hukuman oleh ketiga-tiga tertuduh. Timbalan Pendakwaraya Dzul Iswari Mohd Jaafar melakukan pendakwaan sementara Zamri Idrus, Norman Fernandez dan Masri Mohammad mewakili ketiga-tiga tertuduh. 

Gobind Singh Deo yang merupakan ahli Parlimen Puchong dari DAP pula menjadi peguam pemerhati untuk bekas peninju itu.

Dilaporkan Muhamad Farkhan(gambar,atas), yang memenangi emas semasa Sukan SEA di Laos pada 2009, mengalami patah tulang pipi dan kecederaan lain selepas dipukul oleh tiga orang lelaki itu.

Beliau kemudiannya terpaksa melupakan impiannya untuk bertanding di Sukan Olimpik London 2012 kerana kecederaan. Beliau mengalami kecederaan pada tulang pipi dan tulang rusuk.

Muhamad Farkhan, 25, merupakan pemenang emas middleweight di Sukan SEA Laos pada 2009. Beliau mula bertinju pada usia 13 dan telah dicalonkan untuk anugerah berprestij Majlis Sukan Kebangsaan pada tahun 2011. - 28 Jun, 2013.-malaysian insider

Member of royalty jailed for assaulting national boxer...

A member of a royal family was sentenced to four years' jail by a sessions court in Johor Baru today, along with two others, for seriously injuring national boxer Muhamad Farkhan Mohd Haron.

NONEJudge Zamri Bakar sentenced Tunku Nick Tazuddin Izwan Syah Tunku Qadir, 28, Alex Foo Hee Wee, 42, and Mohamad Arif Husin, 36, after finding them guilty of voluntarily causing hurt to Farkhan.

Tunku Nick, Foo and Mohamad Arif were found guilty of committing the offence under Section 325 of the Penal Code at No 44, Jalan Molek 3/2, Taman Molek, between 4.30am and 7am on May 6, 2012.

A person convicted of an offence under Section 325 can be jailed for a maximum of seven years.

Tunku Nick resides at Istana Bukit Kesenangan in Johor Bahru.

The judge also rejected their application for a stay of execution of the sentence pending appeal, resulting in Tunku Nick, Foo and Mohamad Arif to spend time in the lock-up.

DPP Dzul Iswari Mohd Jaafar prosecuted in the case, while the three were represented by Zamri Idrus, Norman Fernandez and Masri Mohammad.

Lawyer Gobind Singh Deo held a watching brief for the national boxer, who was also a SEA Games gold medallist.

Missed the London Olympics

On June 15 last year, Gobind gave given the Attorney-General's Chambers an ultimatum, demanding to know whether it would take action on the assault against Farkhan. 

Farkhan, the 2009, Laos Sea Games gold medallist, is said to have been assaulted with wood, iron rods and a samurai sword by a member of the royal family and his friends on May 6, 2012, after which he lodged a police report.

The assault caused Farkhan to suffer a broken jaw and miss last year's London Olympics.

To make matters worse, Farkhan's father, Mohd Haron Ismail, who was disturbed by the attack, died of a heart attack several weeks after the incident.

After this, the prosecution charged Tunku Nick, Foo and Mohamad Arif for the attack-malaysiakini 

Judge VT Singham retires after delivering 
A.Kugan judgment...

High Court judge Datuk V. T. Singham (picture) leaves the judiciary today, on his 65th birthday, a year before his term is up.

The decision sent shockwaves through the legal community as it comes two days after he delivered a damning judgment against the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and the police force over the death of detainee A. Kugan three years ago.

Sources within the legal fraternity told The Malaysian Insider that Singham, who was known as a straight-talking judge, had been bypassed for promotion numerous times.

Many of his peers who were made Judicial Commissioners with him more than 10 years ago, have been elevated to the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court.

This left Singham behind as the most senior High Court judge in Malaysia.

The Malaysian Insider learnt that he sent in his papers for optional retirement sometime back.

Singham himself kept mum on his resignation this morning and it was business as usual as he entertained reporters who wanted copies of his written judgment on the landmark Kugan case, where he awarded the mother of the victim more than RM800,000.

But word that this is his last day trickled outside into the noisy corridors of the Kuala Lumpur court complex.

A well-respected judge, Singham’s legal mind was a walking library on tap for many other judges. One described him as a "good reference person".

He was a lawyer before he became a judicial commissioner. He also had a brief stint as a reporter.

Sources say the bachelor is a religious man who will now devote his time to pilgrimages and travelling.

He has served as High Court judge in Temerloh, Taiping, Ipoh, Kuantan and Kuala Lumpur. – June 28, 2013.-malaysian insider

Persaraan Singham disyaki berkaitan dengan kes Kugan


Jonker Walk: Keselamatan Terjejas

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 08:39 AM PDT

MP tak yakin keselamatan di Jonker Street

Zulaikha Zulkifli
4:46PM Jun 27 2013

Ahli Parlimen Petaling Jaya Utara Tony Pua menuntut Ketua Menteri Melaka Datuk Idris Haron bertanggungjawab ke atas keselamatan peniaga dan pengunjung di Jonker Walk apabila jalan tersebut dibuka untuk lalu lintas.

"Bila saya teliti laporan ini dengan terperinci, dia kata 300 peniaga yang ada di Jonker Walk boleh teruskan perniagaan mereka. Apa yang dia tak sebut ialah adakah jalan terus dibuka atau ditutup?

"Ini kekeliruan atau silap mata yang cuba dibuat ketua menteri Melaka. Perniagaan ada tapi jalan terus dibuka. Ini boleh menjadi isu keselamatan kepada peniaga, pengunjung dan pelancong.

“Sekiranya ada apa-apa terjadi, kerajaan negeri kena bertanggungjawab," katanya dalam sidang media di bangunan Parlimen hari ini.

Beliau mengulas kenyataan Idris semalam, bahawa 300 peniaga tersebut boleh meneruskan perniagaan mereka seperti biasa di kawasan pasar malam Jonker Walk pada setiap hujung minggu.

Idris juga menjelaskan bahawa arahan penutupan gerai yang kebanyakannya menjual cenderamata di Jonker Walk itu hanya salah faham.

Katanya, jalan sekitar Jonker Walk yang menjadi tumpuan pelancong itu dibuka semula untuk kenderaan yang ketika ini ditutup bermula 6 petang hingga 12 malam pada setiap Jumaat.

Isu menghalang peniaga berniaga di Jonker Walk pada hujung minggu, sengaja dimanipulasikan pihak tertentu demi kepentingan politik mereka, katanya lagi seperti dilaporkan Bernama semalam.

Beliau tidak berpendapat bahawa langkah tersebut akan menyukarkan pengunjung dan peniaga dan mengambil contoh amalan yang dilakukan di Oxford City, England.

Peniaga menjalankan perniagaan di kaki lima jalan raya dan kenderaan dibenar melalui kawasan di situ, katanya.

Don't Give Excuses - Keep Jonker Walk

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 08:36 AM PDT

We would like to thank Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz, the new Tourism Minister for the return of sensibility over the closure of Jonker Street market by the Melaka state government

Datuk Seri Nazri said he had “appealed to Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron not to close down the Jonker Walk night market” because “the night market is an essential part of Malacca's tourism sector and should not be closed”. "Malacca is not the only place for tourism (in Malaysia), so I hope the CM would think about this properly," he said. This attempt to return to sensibility must be applauded and supported.

However, Datuk Seri Nazri then went on to cover up for the new Melaka Chief Minister, claiming that the latter told him that the market “will be closed for four weeks as a trial to see if closing down the market alleviates traffic problems there.”  Nazri added that he hoped the CM "would think" about the closure of the night market again at the conclusion of four weeks.

This “compromise” is however, completely unacceptable.  Despite the excuse of “traffic” being raised the reason for the closure, the Datuk Idris Haron has already himself admitted in public that the act is to retaliate against the non-Malay community in Melaka.

According to Kwong Wah Daily on Monday 24 June, Datuk Idris argued that the decision passed by the Malacca executive council on June 12 to close the night market "follows the intention of the people… Now, we see most of the Malacca residents fully supporting DAP over MCA candidates, who have been serving them. Hence, we decided to cancel the night market and we hope they will be happy."

If it is not political vengeance by the immense pettiness of UMNO-Barisan Nasional led by the new Chief Minister, then why is the issue of whether the rakyat supporting DAP or MCA even relevant to “alleviating traffic problems” there?

Furthermore, it is a complete lie by Datuk Idris Haron that the night market will only be closed for four weeks as a “trial”.  I have in my possession a copy of the memo issued to the Datuk Bandar of Melaka City Council which instructed the outright closure of Jonker Street with absolutely no mention of it being a trial or a need for an official traffic study to be conducted during the so-called 1-month period.

While Pakatan Rakyat continues to serve all Malaysians regardless of whether they had voted for us, we are witnessing an increasingly vindictive Barisan Nasional where MCA threw its tantrums by shutting down all their service centres, while UMNO demonstrated their racist mindset by not only poisoning the minds of the people and destroying the people’s livelihoods.

The move is clearly akin to cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face.  Just because Datuk Idris Haron wanted to demonstrate his politcal pettiness to inflict damage to the Chinese community, he is willing to sacrifice the interest of the people of Melaka and her economy.

This major move to punish the Chinese voters, if left unchecked will only be the beginning of a series of actions which UMNO-led governments will take to discriminate against, sideline, punish as well as humiliate any of the minority races in the country which they deem not to have given support to UMNO-Barisan Nasional.

Hence we call upon the Melaka Government to immediate lift the ban on the Jonker Street night market, and stop using the pretext of “alleviating traffic problems” or they might as well close every single pasar malam and pasar tani through the state and country.

UMNO's Political Retaliation: Why Not Cancel Chinese New Year?

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 08:34 AM PDT

In a shocking move involving political vengeance and retaliation against the non-Malay community, the new Chief Minister of Melaka, Datuk Idris Haron last week announced the closure of the Jonker Street weekend market, which is an extremely popular 13-year old tourist destination in an area often regarded as the Melaka Chinatown.

According to Kwong Wah Daily, Idris yesterday argued that the decision passed by the Malacca executive council on June 12 to close the night market "follows the intention of the people".

"Now, we see most of the Malacca residents fully supporting DAP over MCA candidates, who have been serving them. Hence, we decided to cancel the night market and we hope they will be happy," the daily quotes Idris as saying.

We had assumed that with the political demise of former Melaka Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Ali Rustam, you can’t possibly appoint a Chief Minister more reckless, arrogant and callous than him. However, Datuk Idris Haron has immediately proven us completely wrong.

The move is clearly akin to cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face.  Just because Datuk Idris Haron wanted to demonstrate his politcal pettiness to inflict damage to the Chinese community, he is willing to sacrifice the interest of the people of Melaka and her economy.

More importantly, it has proven beyond doubt that Barisan Nasional is not a “1Malaysia” government as touted by the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, but in reality a 1UMNO party which only cares about the interest of their own leaders and cronies.

Over the past 8 weeks since the General Election, UMNO leaders and its mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia has gone on a verbal rampage to demonise the Chinese for BN’s poor performance.  But this is the first physical act by which UMNO to victimise the Chinese community for the latter’s perceived support for Pakatan Rakyat.

In fact, we have to assume that this major move to punish the Chinese voters is a directive coming directly from the top of the UMNO leadership itself.  And if true, then this will only be the beginning of a series of actions which UMNO-led governments will take to discriminate against, sideline, punish as well as humiliate any of the minority races in the country which they deem not to have given support to UMNO-Barisan Nasional.

Perhaps, the new Tourism Minister, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz will announce a similar move to close down the historic Petaling Street.  Or why stop at just closing these “Chinatowns”, why not just cancel Christmas or even more impactful, ban Deepavali or Chinese New Year celebrations!

The acts by these UMNO governments runs in direct contrasts with the Pakatan Rakyat-led adminsitrations which goes out of its way to ensure that all their voters, regardless of political affiliation will enjoy the fruits of our administration.  When the Selangor state government provided free water to individual households or insurance for the elderly, it was granted to all regardless or race, religion or political affiliation.  This is similar in Penang, when it became the first state government to eliminate hardcore poverty in the country, despite the fact that the majority of the beneficiaries are Malays who had then supported BN.

While Pakatan Rakyat continues to serve all Malaysians regardless of whether they had voted for us, we are witnessing an increasingly vindictive Barisan Nasional where MCA threw its tantrums by shutting down all their service centres, while UMNO demonstrated their racist mindset by not only poisoning the minds of the people and destroying the people’s livelihoods.

In the past, we would have ended this statement by making a call to the Prime Minister to be the voice of moderation and uphold his commitment to his “1Malaysia”.  Today, we know that Dato’ Seri Najib Razak will just remain completely silent to the above act of closing down Jonker Street as well as other threats to the non-Malay community.  He silence not only proves his tacit approval and involvement in these actions, it also confirms that “1Malaysia” is purely a propaganda rhetoric to win votes in a General Election.

Floundering GTP & ETP Leads to Drop in Investor Confidence

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 08:32 AM PDT

The Edge Financial Daily today reported that Malaysia has fallen sharply to 25th position from 10th on the AT Kearney’s 2013 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Confidence Index from the previous year even as emerging markets continue to attract FDI.

The report, based on a survey of 300 senior executives of the world’s leading corporations show that while these global corporations may have initially been “attracted” to the Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Razak’s “Economic Transformation Programme” (ETP), such interest has completely fizzled.  The drop is so drastic, that we are now at the bottom of the table of 25 countries.

We are now behind fellow ASEAN countries, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, as well as other developing countries such as Poland, Chile and Argentina.

The drastic fall in Malaysia’s FDI confidence has to be strongly co-related with a fall in confidence with the Government’s ability to deliver its transformation promises, which have been in essence, more form than substance.

Curse of Bakun strikes again

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 03:25 AM PDT

The Sarawak blackout yesterday, which lasted for more than six hours in Kuching, originated from the Bakun plant. Sarawak Energy Bhd chief executive Torstein Dale Sjotveit said the outage at 5.36pm yesterday led to a shutdown of power stations in Sejingkat, Batang Ai, Mukah, Bintulu and Miri. According to The Star: “Just before this incident, [Read more]

Farewell to a courageous judge, V T Singham

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 03:08 AM PDT

He delivered justice in the case of A Kugan, who was brutally tortured and found dead in police custody. And he spoke up for the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, which is what many are clamouring for. Justice V T Singham retires after delivering a judgement that stunned the nation. Well done, good judge. [Read more]

Tabung Haji gets new Chairman?

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 09:51 PM PDT

Azeez "Gaza"
Azeez Rahim. Azeez with a doule E, his name is being bandied about as the next Chairman of Tabung Haji, the billion-ringgit co-op formed by the government to send Malaysian Muslims to Mekah for their haj. If it's true, it would be an amazing feat for the 46-year old who won back Baling for Najib Razak in the recent general election. 
Azeez has come a long way from his Rempit era of the Pak Lah's bygones. Due to some sleek rebranding exercises, some people have taken to calling him Azeez Gaza these days, not Azeez Rempit or Azeez Putra or Azeez Baling. Not easy to organize all those humanitarian missions to Gaza and Somalia and all those jin-bertendang boondocks of the world. 
But question is, will he have what it takes to re-organize Tabung Haji? Will he, for instance, replace long-time CEO Ismee Ismail? Or will it be, you know, business as usual?

PRK Kuala Besut - Kalau BN dan PR seri 16-16...

Posted: 28 Jun 2013 01:14 AM PDT

Sultan boleh bubar DUN T'ganu, kata pakar perlembagaan...

Pakar perlembagaan Abdul Aziz Bari berpendapat, Sultan Terengganu boleh membubarkan DUN sekiranya baginda tidak boleh memutuskan menteri besar yang sesuai - jika BN dan Pakatan masing-masing menguasai jumlah kerusi yang sama banyak.

Tambahnya, dalam keadaan seperti itu, pelantikan menteri besar boleh diputuskan oleh Sultan, yang boleh menggunakan pertimbangannya sendiri.

Abdul Aziz berkata, mengikut pertuntukan perlembagaan negeri, yang serupa dengan peruntukan  dalam perlembagaan persekutuan, perkara itu tertakluk bawah budi bicara Sultan.

Katanya di Terengganu, seperti juga negeri lain di Malaysia dan negara-negara Komanwel, Sultan boleh melantik seseorang yang dirasakan mendapat sokongan paling banyak dalam Dewan.

"Sekiranya Sultan tidak pasti, maka saya fikir baginda boleh membubarkan Dewan agar satu pilihan raya baru boleh diadakan.

“Ini untuk membolehkan rakyat membuat keputusan dan bukannya baginda. Dari sudut monarki sebagai simbol perpaduan yang perlu berada lebih tinggi dari parti politik, mungkin ia pilihan yang lebih baik,” katanya kepada Malaysiakini.

Beliau ditanya mengenai kemungkinan DUN Terengganu tergantung sekiranya PAS memenangi pilihan raya kecil DUN Kuala Besut.

Dalam pilihan raya umum lalu, BN memenangi 17 daripada 32 DUN, dan selebihnya 15 kerusi dimenangi PAS.

Pilihan raya kecil itu bakal dijalankan berikutan kematian penyandang kerusi tersebut Dr A Rahman Mokhtar dari BN.

Pilihan raya kecil itu perlu diadakan sebelum 27 Ogos.-malaysiakini

'In a stalemate, sultan can opt to dissolve assembly'...

The Sultan of Terengganu can dissolve the state assembly if he cannot decide on who is best to be the menteri besar should there be a stalemate, says an expert on the constitution, Abdul Aziz Bari..

In a hung parliament, assed Aziz, a former professor lof law, the appointment of the menteri besar will be decided by the sultan, who may use his judgment.

NONEAziz (left) said going by the provision of the state constitution, which is similar to the corresponding article under the federal constitution, the ruler of a state has the discretion in picking the head of government in that state.

He noted that in Terengganu, as with elsewhere in Malaysia and in the Commonwealth countries, the sultan can appoint a person who, in his personal judgment, has the most support in the House.

"Of course, in the normal circumstances, this is determined by the number of seats that particular state assembly has, as it is simple mathematics. However, a hung legislature has to be decided by the sultan, who I think may use his subjective judgment.

azlan"If the sultan is unsure, then I think he could dissolve the House so that a fresh election could be held. This is to allow the people, instead of he himself, to decide. 

"From the point of the monarchy as the symbolof unity om the state and who must stand above party politics, that is perhaps the more advisable option," Aziz told Malaysiakini.

He said this when asked to comment on the possibility of a hung state assembly in Terengganu, should PAS win the Kuala Besut by-election.

Terengganu has an even number of 32 state seats - of which the BN won 17 in last month's general election, and PAS, 15.

Following the vacancy as a result of Dr A Rahman Mokhtar's  death earlier this week, the state is placed in a precarious position of having a hung assembly should PAS win Kuala Besut in the by-election, which has to be called by Aug 27.

Although signs point that the opposition will face difficulty in winning Kuala Besut - which is seen as a BN and Umno stronghold - there could be a sudden change, as what happened in 1999 when PAS won Kuala Besut and most of the state seats to form the state government there.

'Dissolution best to avoid mistake'

Abdul Aziz said the federal constitution and the state constitution allows the ruler to dissolve the House without a request from the sitting government.

NONE"I think this provision is there to take care of situations such as the one during a hung parliament.

"Although the constitution says the appointment is discretionary on the part of the sultan, this option has its own risk, on the possibility that he may make a mistake and be accused of being biased, partisan and the likes.

"Dissolving the House will save the sultan from those eventualities and the image of the monarchy - as the state figure - would be protected," said the former academician.

Several newspapers, since yesterday and today, have focused on the discretion of the sultan should such a situation arise.-malaysiakini

Hung Terengganu assembly unlikely, say politicians...

Will a hung state assembly emerge in Terengganu with an upcoming by-election that has the possibility of splitting the 32-seat legislature down the middle?

Unlikely, according to feedback from politicians on both sides of the divide.

The death of Kuala Besut assemblyperson Dr A Rahman Mokhtar of the Barisan Nasional (BN) has forced a by-election in Terengganu where the ruling BN now has 16 of the 17 seats it won in the May 5 general election and Pakatan Rakyat has 15 (PAS 14 and PKR, one).

An opposition victory in the by-election, which has to be held before Aug 27, could split the seats 16-16.

NONEIt is generally believed that this hung state assembly could result in a fresh election being called, but politicians interviewed said this should not necessarily be so.

Terengganu MCA chief and former state executive councillor Toh Chin Yaw (right) told Bernama the casting vote by the speaker of the assembly, a post now held by Mohd Zubir Embong, would keep the BN in power in the state.

"The chair of any meeting has the casting vote. If voting is tied, under certain regulation, the chair (speaker) will exercise his casting vote," he said.

If the number of seats is tied at 16-16, the BN government would get that one majority from the speaker's casting vote.

PKR vice-president Tian Chua shared the opinion, saying that even if PAS managed to capture the Kuala Besut seat in the by-election and there was a tie at 16-16, a fresh election would not have to be called.

"Whether the speaker is an assemblyperson or not, the principle is that the chair has the casting vote when the situation is tied. The speaker will cast his vote and the BN will continue to rule," he told Bernama.

He said a change of government could only happen only if there were defections of assemblypersons from the ruling party.-malaysiakini


Pepper Estate community faces uncertain future

Posted: 27 Jun 2013 11:06 PM PDT

A community of about 300 households in Pepper Estate on Penang Island is facing an uncertain future after it emerged that the land they are living on has been quietly sold to a developer. The estate was opened up in the late 1960s for people to build their houses and it was run by the [Read more]
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