Anehnya Laud Adau ditetak dengan kejam namun luka parahnya tidak berdarah...

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xBlog ☪ Magificent Sociopolitical Blogs

Jun 14, 2013, 7:02:25 PM6/14/13

Anehnya Laud Adau ditetak dengan kejam namun luka parahnya tidak berdarah...

Anehnya Laud Adau ditetak dengan kejam namun luka parahnya tidak berdarah...

Posted: 14 Jun 2013 11:42 AM PDT

Laud Adau, 68, Suku Kedayan, berasal dari Kampung Kesusuk, Sapok Sipitang telah diserang dan ditetak ketika sedang tidur di rumahnya.

Menurut mangsa ketika kejadian dia sedang tidur seorang diri di rumah kebun di Kg. Susuk Sapok Sipitang. Tiba-tiba dia didatangi oleh seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenali terus menetak mangsa menggunakan tombak sabit sebanyak 2 kali di bahagian leher dan tengkuk.

Masa kejadian keadaan agak gelap dan mangsa tidak nampak penyerangnya. Menurut Laud, penyerang beliau mungkin berbangsa Bugis dan merupakan pekerja kebun sawit berdasarkan kepada senjata yg digunakan.

Penyamun tersebut telah berjaya melarikan beg dompet milik mangsa berisi wang tunai RM1000.

Nasib Laud agak baik bila orang awam, Kadir Aisha yang kebetulan lalu dikawasan rumah mangsa untuk menebas telah terdengar bunyi berdengus seperti orang meminta tolong daripada rumah mangsa.

Menurut Kadir, beliau lihat Laud telah terbaring di beranda rumah dalam keadaan terbaring dan berlumuran darah dan terus membawa mangsa ke hospital Sipitang.Kedaan mangsa sekarang menurut doktor adalah stabil dan mangsa akan dirujuk ke Hospital Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu untuk rawatan lanjut.- f/book

Misteri 3 kubur lama di Menara Umno Pulau Pinang

Runtuhnya antena Menara Umno Pulau Pinang adalah siri runtuhan yang melibatkan Umno sebelum ini.

Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir, Timbalan Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Pulau Pinang, mengakui pejabat Umno hanya berada di tingkat enam dan tujuh bangunan tersebut tetapi tak mengakui kenapa keseluruhan bangunan tersebut menjadi Menara Umno.

Bangunan tersebut milik JKP Sdn Bhd dan penyelenggaraannya juga berada di JKP Sdn Bhd. JKP Sdn Bhd telah ditubuhkan pada 12 Julai 1995 dan dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Menteri Kewangan Diperbadankan (MKD).

Kenapa bangunan milik kerajaan Malaysia boleh menjadi “Menara Umno”? Kenapa JKP Sdn Bhd begitu bermurah hati menamakannya Menara Umno?

Persoalannya juga berapa banyak bangunan kerajaan Malaysia di seluruh negara menjadi ‘hak’ Umno BN?

Juga kenapa tanah wakaf tapak menara tersebut milik umat Islam Pulau Pinang bertukar tangan?

Terdapat 3 kubur lama di atas tanah tersebut. Dikatakan asalnya tapak tersebut merupakan tanah wakaf dan mungkin 3 kubur lama di tanah tersebut adalah kubur mereka yang mewakafkannya.

Tanah wakaf ini akhirnya diwakafkan kepada wakil UMNO. Tanah wakaf ini akhirnya telah disita dan diletakkan di bawah MAIPP pada tahun 1973 akibat kegagalan pihak bertanggungjawab menjelaskan cukai tanah dan pintu yang berjumlah lebih kurang RM 14000.00.

Kubur-kubur tersebut cuba dialihkan, namun beberapa kejadian pelik telah berlaku menghalang kubur-kubur tersebut dialihkan. Walaupun berbagai usaha dilakukan untuk mengalihkan kubur tersebut namun tetap gagal. Dilaporkan ada pekerja yang mati dan berlaku kerosakkan kenderaan.

Akhirnya, kubur-kubur tersebut dibiarkan bersemadi dengan aman di halaman Menara UMNO tersebut. Pokok-pokok dijadikan pagar untuk menyembunyikan kehadiran kubur-kubur di situ.

Sekali pandang kita tidak akan perasan terdapatnya kuburan di situ melainkan kita meninjau dengan lebih dekat pada kawasan pokok-pokok.

Akhirnya, menara ini telah dibina pada tahun 1995 dan siap pada 1998 dengan ketinggian lebih kurang 93.6 m. Keistimewaannya pada bahagian atas menara ini mempunyai “sayap berdinding” yang boleh dilaraskan untuk mengawal pergerakkan angin.- relaxjom.blogspot
Nampaknya di bawah BN sebelum ini, tanah wakaf juga boleh bertukar tangan. Ada yang berkata selepas Umno runtuh di Pulau Pinang, menaranya pula yang menyusul!!

UMNO Pulau Pinang mesti bengong ankara 'jahat' Lim Guan Eng..

Kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang akan menggantikan kesemua bumbung rosak yang diterbangkan oleh angin kencang pada petang Khamis secara percuma, kata Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng.

"Sudah semestinya ia akan diberi percuma," katanya.

Beliau berkata, pihak kontraktor akan dilantik untuk melakukan kerja pembinaan semula itu.

Bagaimanapun, menurut Guan Eng, keutamaan kerajaan adalah untuk memastikan semuanya kembali normal secepat mungkin.-f/book

BN's petitions give EC more reasons to resign...

BN's move to file some 21 election petitions add to the reasons why the Election Commission (EC) should resign, said PKR vice-president Tian Chua.

"Pakatan Rakyat and thousands of rakyat have been protesting the election results for a good month now...

NONE"Recently, we were joined in by the ruling party BN which disagrees with the election results in quite a few constituencies as well.

"What more proof does the EC chairperson need? Resign now," he said in a press statement today.

He was responding to EC chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof's (left) statement yesterday, saying that the commission's members will not resign just because there were some who disagreed with the election results.

BN's petitions, he said, further solidified the fact that the electorlal entity had "failed miserably" in upholding free and fair elections.

Chua, who is also Batu MP, said the EC had further misled the rakyat by claiming that the failure of the indelible ink during the  polls was due to the Health Ministry advising that the silver nitrate content in the ink cannot exceed one percent.

'EC has misled the rakyat'

"Almost a week ago, Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam publicly made a statement that the EC did not get any consultation from Health Ministry in regards to the indelible ink.

"Otherwise, the ministry would have prepared a detailed report on the usage of the ink for the EC.

NONE"Again, clearly the EC chairperson has misled the rakyat when he told us that the reason for the low one percent silver nitrate in the ink was due to warnings from (the) Health Ministry," Chua said.

The EC had blamed the insufficient silver nitrate content after it received flak when the indelible ink used to mark voters' fingers on polling day to prevent double voting could be washed away.

The EC has insisted that this was the Health Ministry's advice, despite the latter denying ever being consulted on the matter.-malaysiakini

60 petisyen cukup jelaskan p'raya tidak telus


Blogging Malaysia: To mask or unmask?

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 09:18 PM PDT

Blog, portal owners must reveal identities: Najib

New Straits TimesThursday, Jun 13, 2013
KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia will not emulate Singapore's move requiring blogs and news portals to be licensed, but will instead opt for self-regulatory measures that make it necessary for blog and website owners to reveal their identities, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
He said in handling the challenges of a mature nation, the government would ensure social media practitioners are more responsible in disseminating information.
BEFORE he was Zorro Unmasked, ex-teacher Bernard Khoo was a fiery commenter on many blogs who went by the moniker Zorro. When Jeff Ooi and I made our mark in Jan 2006 as the first bloggers in the whole wide world to be sued by a newspaper, Bernard started his own blog. Back then, to reveal oneself as the operator of a blog critical of the government was a foolhardy thing to do. I was there when Zorro was deciding whether he should stop hiding behind anonymity. After a few beers, Zorro became Zorro Unmasked and today he's still a fiery anti-BN (or pro-Pakatan - sometimes it is hard to tell) voice, and since then many anonymous bloggers have done the same. Big Dog, Sheih Kickdefella and OutSyed The Box were also ex-Anons.  For some, it was inevitable. The alleged real ID of A Voice, for example, was exposed by a fellow blogger (a former BN Adun who is today the only DAP Melayu MP) during a heated cyber exchange. 

Many more have kept their masks on. Some felt it was the safer thing to do given the blog-unfriendly BN government that we had back then; some had very good reasons to remain anons. They were wise. Big Dog, Syed, Kickdefella and A Voice were all "brought in" one time or the other by the MCMC, the police, or the courts.  

Thanks to Allah, the BN government now is a lot friendlier to blogs and cyberspace. That's mainly because PM Najib Razak is a believer in the Internet. During the Abdullah Administration, Najib was the only BN leader who openly engaged with some of us. It came as no surprise that when he succeeded Dollah, the entire BN government transformed itself in haste into a web of FBs, twitter, blogs, etc. So much so that during the PRU13, Umno even had a war room just to manage the social media. And immediately after the election, with the series of exposes about the overrated Red Bean Army of the Pakatan Rakyat, a decision was made by the party leadership to create a stand-alone department to plan an Internet campaign from now until the next general election in four or five years time.

Given these developments, I find the suggestion by the PM to compel social media practitioners and bloggers to reveal their real ID as out of sync. Especially when the suggestion was made as soon as he'd said Malaysia won't try to emulate Singapore's licensing framework for news portals, a decision hailed even by A Kadir Jasin. In my experience, it is not easy at all to make an impact in cyberspace as an Anon. Unless you have a reputation as an Anon that churns nothing else but porn clips involving politicians. In which case you will have traffic but not authority nor credibility.

My suggestion as told to several journalists who called me for my views yesterday is this: keep the pressure to disseminate news responsibly on:

1. the mainstream media, eg NST, RTM, Media Prima, Astro, the Star, Sin Chew, Tamil Nesan, etc and 
2. the news portals, e.g. Malaysiakini, the dying Malaysian Insider, Malaysia Today, Sabahkini, Mole, all MSM portals, Malaysian Digest, etc.

It is very simple. We bloggers, facebookers, tweeps and what-nots get our news from either 1 or 2, or both. If they get it right, the people at the end of this food chain will most probably NOT get it wrong. If there's s scandal involving the government and Bernama or the Sun tried to cover up, that's irresponsible. If the same scandal is amplified x100 by Malaysian Chronicle or Sarawak Report, that's equally irresponsible.

Back to basics. Set up a Media Council so that the industry can self-regulate. Of course, easier said than done.

Sebahagian jalan Maclister ditutup dan pembersihan menara Umno bermula...

Posted: 14 Jun 2013 01:30 AM PDT

Pemilik bangunan Menara Umno, JKP Sdn Bhd (JKP) akan mengalihkan sisa rasuk yang masih tergantung di bangunan itu hari ini bagi membolehkan kerja pembersihan jalan di kawasan bangunan itu. Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif JKP Adzmi Ariffin berkata pihaknya telah menyewa sebuah kren untuk tujuan itu dan meminta semua pihak bersabar sehingga kerja-kerja mengalih rasuk itu selesai.

Lewat petang semalam, sebuah penebat kilat sepanjang 20 meter yang terletak di atas bangunan menara itu di Jalan Macalister di sini runtuh akibat angin kencang mengakibatkan jalan rosak selain menghempap beberapa kenderaan.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif JKP Adzmi Ariffin berkata pihaknya telah menyewa sebuah kren untuk tujuan itu dan meminta semua pihak bersabar sehingga kerja-kerja mengalih rasuk itu selesai.

Adzmi berkata bangunan 21 tingkat itu yang siap dibina pada 1997 dan dibeli daripada Amanah Capital Bhd pada 2005 itu kukuh kerana kerja penyelenggaraan dilakukan secara berkala dan menyifatkan insiden runtuhan itu sebagai bencana alam.

Bangunan itu yang menempatkan pejabat, syarikat dan kolej swasta dijadual beroperasi seperti biasa pada Isnin ini kerana bahagian yang terjejas hanyalah penebat kilat itu sahaja, katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di lokasi kejadian.

Kerja pembersihan
Terdahulu, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng berkata kerja pembersihan akan hanya dijalankan selepas kerja mengalih rasuk itu selesai dan jalan terlibat sepanjang satu kilometer masih ditutup kepada orang awam sebagai langkah keselamatan.

Beliau turut melahirkan rasa simpati kepada mereka yang terjejas dalam kejadian ribut yang melanda 21 lokasi di seluruh negeri ini semalam.

“Kerajaan negeri akan menghulur bantuan kepada rumah terjejas akibat dipukul ribut. Beberapa batang jalan terpaksa ditutup sementara waktu kerana banyak pokok dan tiang lampu tumbang,” katanya.

Kejadian itu turut menyebabkan penduduk sekitar Datuk Keramat, Kampung Jawa, Komtar dan Jalan Anson, di sini, mengalami gangguan bekalan air kerana paip bawah tanah pecah.

Petugas Perbadanan Bekalan Air Pulau Pinang, Indah Water Konsortium, Majlis Perbadanan Pulau Pinang (MPPP) dan Jabatan Kerja Raya sedang memantau keadaan.-fmt


Menara UMNO Pulau Pinang milik sepenuhnya Menteri Kewangan yang diperbadankan - JKP Sdn Bhd...

Menara UMNO Pulau Pinang yang antena runtuh semalam mengakibat seorang terkorban dan beberap lain cedera parah dan berpuluh kenderaan rosak bukannya milik UMNO tetapi JKP Sdn Bhd yang di pengerusikan oleh Pengerusi Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Pulau Pinang, Dato' Zainal Abidin Osman(kiri).

JKP Sdn. Bhd. (JKPSB) telah ditubuhkan pada 12 Julai 1995 dan dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Menteri Kewangan Diperbadankan (MKD). 

JKPSB juga merupakan agensi pelaksana kepada Majlis Pembangunan Ekonomi Bumiputera Pulau Pinang yang dulunya dikenali sebagai Jawatankuasa Pemandu Penyertaan Bumiputera Pulau Pinang (JKP). Peranan JKPSB meliputi fungsinya sebagai Pemilik Tanah, Agen Pembangunan dan Pengurus Harta.

Penubuhan JKPSB adalah bertujuan untuk melaksanakan program dan projek sosio-ekonomi Majlis Pembangunan Bumiputera Pulau Pinang yang bertujuan untuk kepentingan masyarakat Bumiputera di Negeri Pulau Pinang supaya tidak tersisih dari arus pembangunan ekonomi negeri yang berkembang dengan pesat.

Penang gov't to give aid to victims of storm...

The Penang government would be giving financial assistance to the victims of the storm which wreaked havoc in several parts of the island and mainland, causing two deaths and several injured last night.

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said his administration was assessing the situation and would also give aid to those whose rooftops were blown away by the strong winds.

NONE"We feel regret and express our deepest sympathies to those affected and hope they or their families can be patient while we sort things out," Lim said at a press conference along Jalan Macalister.

"For those whose rooftops have been blown away, we urge them to lodge a police report. Our welfare department is also assessing the situation," he added.

The massive gale which started around 6.55pm  tore off the  antenna of the state Umno building in Jalan Macalister.

Lorry co-driver Jahir Hussain Sulaiman, 46, died after being hit by the beam, five others werenjured and several vehicles damaged.

NONEThe incident also resulted in another death of Pihak Berkuasa Air (PBA) staff Wong Tze Chow, 33 -  struck by a falling tree - in a separate incident in Air Itam.

Lim said he would be chairing a meeting later today with the relevant departments, to see how the state can give assistance and return affected homes to normalcy, especially those damaged by the storm.

"What is most important and urgent is the safety and rescue efforts, and to ensure that the affected families have roofs over their heads," he stressed.

Lim noted that since this was an emergency, the state would not be calling for an open tender for contractors to work on the damaged roofs.

He added that the state would directly recall former contractors who had performed well to work on the damages.

He estimated about 260 cases of homes affected by fallen trees, and was awaiting more information on the matter.

'Be fair to Meteorological Dept'

When asked if the Meteorological Department had given early warning of the massive gale, Lim said that the incident was "totally unexpected".

"We have never seen such strong winds like this before, let’s be fair to the department," he said.

Describing it as "a normal procedure”, Lim added that the relevant departments like the Public Works and the local councils (for Penang and Seberang Perai) would be probing the incident to see if structures - such as the one on the Umno building - are safe.

NONE"But let’s do this later, what is most foremost now is to undertake and complete safety and rescue efforts," he said.

Lim (right in photo) said he had met with the building owner and management to request their cooperation to remove the fallen beam as soon as possible.

"We believe they are doing their best. All relevant state government departments will cooperate to remove the debris so that everything will go back to normal soon.

"There are several areas - not only in Macalister Road - affected by electricity and water cuts; we are doing our best to bring the situation back to normal. Hopefully, it can be done by today," he added.

"We are aware that prolonged water cuts can lead to diseases and we are trying to prevent that from happening," Lim stressed.-malaysiakini

 Compensate victims of antenna crash, UMNO told...

Penang PAS wants Umno to compensate the people injured and owners of vehicles that were damaged in the massive storm that hit George Town yesterday and caused a huge antenna to fall off the top of the Penang Umno headquarters on Jalan Macalister.

The incident caused the death of one person, injured five others, with the strong winds wrecking havoc in the other parts of Penang as well. Another person died in Air Itam, after being hit by a falling tree.

NONEState PAS Youth secretary Afnan Taib Azimudden (right) said Umno leaders should not just be praying that no one was injured.

Afnan was referring to a Malaysiakini report last night quoting state Umno Youth chief Shaik Hussein Mydin as expressing sympathy to those affected by the incident.

Describing the incident as "a natural disaster and accident", Shaik Hussein expressed hope that no one was harmed by it.

He left it to the state Umno leadership to decide whether the party should compensate those injured.

Deputy Penang Umno chief Musa Sheikh Fadzir when contacted said he was at the scene until 2am today.

"I am now visiting the victims who were injured by the incident. I cannot comment further than this at the moment," Musa said when asked whether the state Umno would compensate the victims.

NONEHe also expressed sympathy to the family of Jahir Hussain Sulaiman, 46, who was killed by the falling antenna. Jahir was co-driver in the lorry carrying cooking gas cylinders, on which the antenna landed.

Afnan said in a statement: "We also urge the Penang Islamic Affairs Council (MAIPP), which has been renting space in the Umno building, to relocate to another place that is more safe, with more space and comfort.

"This is the time when MAIPP, the highest Islamic institution in Penang should have its own complex, without having to rent from Umno Penang, which appears to be waiting for time to collapse."

Afnan expressed regret that the incident occurred just one week after a ramp collapse at the Penang second bridge, killing one person.

He said the accident showed that the Umno building, which rents out offices to private companies, is "depleted and its safety is not guaranteed".

NONEHe urged the state Umno to immediately take appropriate steps to investigate the incident and to ensure the safety of the 21-storey building.

"The occupants should vacate their premises until everything is declared safe," Afnan suggested.

MAIPP president Salleh Man (left) said no one is currently allowed to enter the Umno building. He was also thankful that nobody one was around last night when the building was hit by strong winds.

"We hope to visit the building on Monday. It is now closed to public," Salleh said.

The state executive councillor in charge of Islamic affairs, Abdul Malik Kassim, confirmed that there had been plans to shift the MAIPP premises to another space.

"Yes, we had plans about it quite some time back," Malik said, adding that it was an ongoing effort to bring all Islamic religious departments in the state together.-malaysiakini

Gambar pasca antena menara UMNO Pulau Pinang runtuh...

Please note that part of Macalister Road is currently blocked for safety reasons.


Police Tokkok

Posted: 14 Jun 2013 12:05 AM PDT

No need. Tak payar la. Crime rate reduced already. Dah!

Recently there have been reports of daring robberies in KL. Machete-armed gangs rob open-air restaurants. I am sure that you have also heard about such robberies in PJ. I think it is fair to say that residents in PJ especially have been living with the specter of crime for much too long. Almost every housing estate is now gated and guarded with the residents paying for the security services. It is so bad it has almost become simply a part of the rising cost of living in the Klang Valley. Just as clean water had become. So it is not a big surprise when I read that the MBPJ of the Opposition-governed state of Selangor has applied to the IGP several times to have its own auxiliary police force to ensure the safety of its residents. The big surprise is the reason given by the Inspector-General for the rejection of the applications. The man supposed explained that the rejection was because of the decline in crime rate and the fears of "overlapping functions" with the police.


Okay, okay when was the last time, YOU as an ordinary Malaysian citizen living in KL/PJ felt that there was a reduction in crime rate? Okay it may be a perception but my perception is that my environment is NOT safe. But the IGP tells me it is. But then he's got a gun. And he's got escorts wherever he goes. I don't. 


Come on la, tan sri (or whatever title you've got). Where got? I don't think MBPJ is interested in arresting Opposition politicians. After all they're on the same side ma. And nobody is interested in rejecting permits for peaceful assemblies or firing teargas or water cannon at peaceful citizens. So nobody is overlapping shit with anybody la. Sir! 


More Words of Wisdom from my friend Swami Beyondananda

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 10:44 PM PDT

Notes Banner
June 13, 2013
America's Tiananmen Square 
Confronting Not-Seeism
By Steve Bhaerman
"Not-Seeism: A dangerous state of denial where, despite all of the evidence, people insist on not seeing the obvious truth."
-- Swami Beyondananda's Political Dictionary

The upwising continues, and the "irony curtain" is becoming more transparent than ever. The veils are being lifted on the "security state", the cancerous growth that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about more than half a century ago that has all but taken over our government and governance.

  bush-obamaThis viral photo says it all. Bush or Obama, whoever is at the helm of the American empire, is ultimately answerable to the same dark lords. Swami put it a bit more bluntly four years ago when it became apparent that Barack Obama's allegiance was with the banking industry: "The empire has a new face, but it still has the same big fat ass."

So ... America is waking up left and right, even as the mainstream media continues to distract and divert, willfully ignorant that we stand at a most significant moment in modern American history.

Edward Snowden stepping forward to expose the NSA's comprehensive surveillance measures is America's Tiananmen Square moment.

He has had the courage to put himself in front of the biggest tank in the world -- America's military industrial complex.

Naturally -- or unnaturally -- most of the pimps in the so-called "press" have either focused on Snowden's pole-dancer girlfriend or dismissed him as one of those tinfoil-wearing Ron Paul supporters. The dismissal attacks have begun, and this is how violence is done in the "soft totalitarian state" we live in now. If character assassination works, it's less messy than the other kind, right? (Of course, the other kind is still an option, just in case.)

That's why the likes of Jon Stewart , Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher are so important today. By "pumping ironies" and speaking truth through humor, they are shining light on the endarkened corridors of power, and are using laughter to awaken a body politic that has hit the snooze button way too often.

Interesting to remember that one of the first things Hitler did when he came to power was round up and imprison the cabaret comedians. Humor is the ultimate weapon of mass-deconstruction with the power to break any totalitarian trance.

From Nazism to Not-Seeism

So let's fast-forward 80 years, as the dark forces that embodied as Nazism have a new enabler ally -- "Not-seeism."

My wife Trudy was born in Germany, and came to the United States at the age of three. She returned there in her late teens for a year to live and work. As she began to reacquaint herself with family members, she felt bold and comfortable enough to ask them the difficult questions: How was it that the Holocaust could happen? What had they known? What had they done?

Most of them replied, "We heard rumors. We were told it was American propaganda, and frankly to believe anything else would have been unthinkable."

I recall a conversation several years ago where a woman was being told about some nefarious doings on the part of our government. She got very huffy and defensive and actually said, "Well ... it may be true, but I don't believe it."

And there we have it, folks.

That is what is holding our current political "reality" together. It's hanging by a thread. Or actually, hanging by a "threat."

Because after all, if we are on a fast-track toward totalitarianism, who wants to stand in front of a tank, right? Better to focus on the guy's pole-dancer girlfriend ...

This is a tough gulp to swallow, but if you look at the direction the corporate state has been taking us -- less visibly prior to 911, more obviously since then -- it's totalitarianism.

Yep ... that's the word I have purposely chosen. The powers in power (whether you consider it a nefarious conspiracy or simply an unchecked and unbalanced sociopath's playground) are determined to control every aspect of our lives and the world: Food ... energy ... health care ... the very information we receive. Evidence abounds if we look past our own "not see" tendencies:

Monsanto wants to own the patent to every seed on the planet. Should their plan go forward, organic farming will still exist -- in an organic farming museum somewhere where people can marvel about how quaint and old-fashioned being in harmony with the web of life was.

The oil companies have made their own plans for the future, and alternative fuels will be developed only when they are good and ready. They don't care if the general public is opposed to fracking. They've already fixed the game, so ... frack you, public.

The medical industrial complex will continue to fight holistic alternatives as "quackery" or buy natural vitamin companies up. Herbal remedies have already been banned in the EU.  

The media will continue to marginalize everything that stands in the way of the corporate state. How long will it be before those who oppose GMO food or fracking will be assigned the same tinfoil hats that have been given to those who have reported election stealing or who question the official 911 story? You know ... first they came for the 911 debunkers ... etc.

The surveillance state will be the tip of the iceberg. The governance that was established 225 years ago to serve we the people will serve us up on a silver platter as consumer-slaves in one big Company Store. (It reminds me of the classic Twilight Zone episode I saw as a kid where ET's land and declare their purpose is to "serve mankind." Too late, earthlings realize that "To Serve Mankind" is a cookbook.)

The Twilight Zone reference calls forth a moment of awakening from the same era, "Stranded In the Jungle" by the Cadets: "I smelled something cooking and I looked to see ... that's when I found out they was a-cooking me ... GREAT GOOGA-MOOGA LEMME OUTTA HERE!" 

It is now time for a critical mass of the heretofore-uncritical masses to shout in unison ... " GREAT GOOGA-MOOGA LEMME OUTTA HERE!"

And Now For the Good News

The good news is that every bit of bad news being revealed about the "legalized lawlessness" that has become the norm is ultimately good news. It puts an otherwise anesthetized public into the more awakened state of cognitive dissonance. To quote Swami, "The truth shall upset you free."

Part of the awakening is to step out of the usual left-right political conversation and take a meta-view of what is happening now. Daniel Ellsberg, who knows a thing or two about blowing the whistle on nefarious doings says it quite eloquently here:

The NSA, FBI and CIA have, with the new digital technology, surveillance powers over our own citizens that the Stasi - the secret police in the former "democratic republic" of East Germany - could scarcely have dreamed of. Snowden reveals that the so-called intelligence community has become the United Stasi of America.

Back when Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers, he too was faced with prosecution. What saved him ultimately was that the press -- yes, we had a real one at the time -- decided to back him up and simultaneously published the papers.

In recent weeks, the press has expressed concern -- outrage, even -- over those who've been spying on THEM, and now we the people must encourage their courage.

How? Through three realizations.

First, we must understand that the power behind the power is hell-bent on totalitarianism ... and the rest of us must be heaven-bent on freedom. Bucky Fuller anticipated this moment of choice in his book title, Utopia or Oblivion. Because there is the technological ability to try to control everything, unchecked and unbalanced power can seek to establish totalitarian control. The evolutionary alternative is to trust ourselves to govern ourselves, and recognize that our "security issues" are really "insecurity issues."

Second, we must recognize that totalitarianism is anti-life, anti-nature and ultimately impossible. Of course, they will defend to our death their right to try! Knowing these insane and misguided forces CANNOT WIN will sustain our faith through times when it does indeed look like they are winning.

Finally, we have the ultimate antidote -- the virtues and values that 90% of us hold in common, that the corporate state and corporate media have been trying to program out of us. As they now seek to discredit Edward Snowden, the last thing they want is for us to recognize Edward Snowden's act for what it is -- an act of profound courage.

In school, we Americans learned to celebrate Patrick Henry's fabled quote, "Give me liberty or give me death."

Snowden has put his ass on the line saying essentially the same thing. We must stand up with him and behind him at this key moment, and encourage the bravest members of the press and establishment to take a stand as well.

Finally, the issue of the surveillance state is the perfect opportunity for awakening progressives and aware conservative libertarians to find common cause around the one issue that stands above all others -- who's in charge of who's in charge?

If enough of us take this one bold step toward political maturity, the media will have no choice but to follow as WE BECOME the news.


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Lawlessness Descends onto Klang Valley?

Posted: 13 Jun 2013 05:59 PM PDT

Has the Klang Valley descended into a state of lawlessness with near nightly incidence of audacious robberies in public areas?  Or is this still an issue of “perception”?

I had written on Tuesday, 11 June with regards to the audacious robberies being carried out in the Klang Valley.  Last Saturday, nearly 70 people were robbed at an open air steamboat restaurant in Cheras by a group of 10 persons armed with parangs and iron rods.  The shop owners and patrons lost more than RM20,000 and at least 2 of the customers were assaulted as a result of being too tardy with coughing up with their valuables.

Now over the past 2 nights, there were 2 incidences of armed gang robberies carried out at open air restaurants in Kepong, Cheras and Kajang on each night.  This was despite 3 suspects being picked up by the Police yesterday afternoon on the prior cases.

In fact, it was reported that the Police have received four reports on such cases in Kuala Lumpur and another in Petaling Jaya in the past two weeks.

The Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Razak himself promised Malaysias a “war against crime” on Saturday when launching the “United Against Crime” programme with much fanfare. The newly appointed Inspector General of Police (IGP) Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar proudly announced on his appointment date on May 16th that he wants to make safety and security his priority and "return" the streets to the people.  But where is this “war against crime”?

It is as if these armed criminals were thumbing their noses at the Prime Minister and the Royal Malaysian Police pouring scorn on the ineffective threats issued by the latter.

In fact the situation got so ridiculous last night that these gang of 8 to 10 armed robbers can rob 2 eateries and then proceeded to enjoy and binge themselves at a local pub, following which they refused to pay and robbed the pub cashier as well!

If the Prime Minister and the new IGP is serious about this “war against crime”, they must implement the key recommendations of the 2005 Royal Commission of Inquiry recommendations for the Royal Malaysian Police.

This includes firstly the refusal by the BN Government to implement the key recommendation of the RCI report, that is the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).  The IPCMC is “aimed at dealing with complaints regarding the police, and seeking to improve the professionalism of the police force and to make certain that doctrines, laws, rules and procedures are observed and applied by the police”.

The second key recommendation by the RCI, and perhaps more immediately effective, is the refusal of the Police to restructure the Police organisation to be more focused in fighting crime.

Over the past 8 years, the criminal investigation department (CID) comprises barely 9% of the police force, unchanged from before. In stark contrast, 41% of uniformed police perform management functions, while 31% are tasked with internal security and public order such as the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU), the Light Strike Force as well as the General Operations Force.

In fact the Budget figures in 2010 showed that the police produced 733,237 reports and security checks by the Special Branch, but only 211,645 criminal investigation papers. So Special Branch produced more than three times as many reports as the CID.  This is consistent with the fact that the new IGP seems more preoccupied in a war against civil society activists and Pakatan Rakyat leaders under the Peaceful Assembly and Sedition Acts to clamp down on anti-BN dissent, as opposed to putting up a “real” war against crime.

The 2005 RCI Report has recommended about 20,000 uniformed personnel or 22% of the force could be reassigned to go back to active core policing work. Unfortunately this recommendation has gone unheeded by the Home Ministry.

We hope that under the new Home Minister, Dato’ Seri Zahid Hamidi, the Government will no longer deem the severity of the crime issue being a matter of “public perception”.  Rampant crime is real, Malaysians do not feel safe and the only perception of crime that needs to change is that belonging to the Government.
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