Depa menang cara menipu, lantik speaker pula cara haram...

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xBlog ☪ Magificent Sociopolitical Blogs

Jun 24, 2013, 7:08:13 PM6/24/13

Depa menang cara menipu, lantik speaker pula cara haram...

Depa menang cara menipu, lantik speaker pula cara haram...

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:00 PM PDT

Amat malang pelantikanYang Dipertua (Speaker) Dewan Rakyat yang berlangsung hari ini dicemari apabila Setiausaha Dewan telah secara jelas melanggar Peraturan-Peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat (standing orders).

“Saya dan beberapa ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat telah bangun membuat bantahan kepada Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat kerana proses pengundian pelantikan Speaker telah secara jelas tidak dijalankan melalui undi yang dijamin kerahsiaannya,” ujar Ahli Parlimen Sepang, Mohamed Hanipa Maidin (gambar) kepada Harakahdaily.

Menurutnya, memandangkan terdapat dua calon yang dicalonkan bagi pelantikan speaker Dewan Rakyat maka proses pengundian perlu dilakukan melalui undi bersurat seperti mana yang diperuntukkan di bawah Peraturan 4 (3) dan (4) Peraturan-Peraturan Majlis Mesyuarat.

Katanya, peraturan 4 (4) memperuntukkan kaedah pengundian yang perlu dilakukan oleh Setiausaha Dewan.

“Apa yang perlu dibuat adalah ahli-ahli parlimen hendaklah diberi sekeping kertas undi dan ahli Parlimen itu bolehlah menulis pada kertas undi itu nama calon yang beliau ingin pilih dan kemudiannya  kertas undi itu hendaklah dilipat supaya nama calon itu tidak dilihat oleh orang lain dan hendaklah ditandatangani oleh ahli-ahli Parlimen itu.

“Peraturan 4 (4 ) tersebut adalah jelas,” jelas beliau lagi.

Beliau yang juga AJK PAS Pusat berkata, nama ahli parlimen yang mengundi tidak boleh ada di dalam kertas undi bagi memastikan kerahsiaan undi terjaga.

Malangnya, kata beliau dalam kertas yang undi diberikan kepada para ahli parlimen, nama ahli parlimen juga diminta diisi oleh Setaiausah Dewan dalam kertas undi.

Ini, ujarnya jelas ia bercanggah dengan Peraturan Mesyuarat dan jelas ia melanggar prinsip kerahsiaan undi.

“Saya dan beberapa ahli Parlimen PR telah bangun membantah tapi nampaknya pelanggaran undang-undang bagi pemilihan Speaker juga dilanggar seperti SPR melanggar Undang-Undang  Pilihanraya dalam isu dakwat kekal,” ujarnya.-harakahdaily

Sivakumar: Pemilihan speaker DUN Perak langgar peraturan

Speaker’s appointment 'unconstitutional'...

Former Sabah BN leader Pandikar Amin Mulia has been appointed again as speaker of the Dewan Rakyat after a vote among members of parliament today.

Pandikar defeated Pakatan Rakyat’s nominee Abdul Kadir Sulaiman, polling 133 votes against 89 as required under Standing Order 4(3), when more than one name is nominated.

However, PAS's Sepang member of parliament and the party's veteran legal advisor said Pandikar’s appointment was unconstitutional.

According to Hanipa Maidin, the requirement that MPs write their names on the ballot papers during the voting process violated Standing Order 4(4), which calls for secret ballot.

“Together with a few MPs from PR, I stood up in protest at the parliament secretary because the process of electing the Speaker was not conducted through guaranteed ballot secrecy,” Hanipa told Harakahdaily.

Hanipa (left) said the manner in which parliamentary rules had been compromised to appoint the Speaker was not much different from how the Election Commission violated electoral laws in the indelible ink fiasco during the recent general election.

PAS vice president and Pokok Sena MP Mahfuz Omar meanwhile  questioned the need to jot down one's name and signature on the ballot paper.

“Does the prime minister not trust his own MPs?” he asked.

However, BN's Rembau MP Khairy Jamaluddin shot back at PR for disputing Pandikar’s appointment.

“Pakatan suggests 'neutral' speaker in Parliament [because] they know they don't have numbers. Hence PR stunt. In Selangor, they picked YB Hannah (Yeoh),' he said on Twitter.

PR’s earlier call to appoint PAS’s Tumpat MP Kamaruddin Jaffar as deputy speaker was also dashed. Khairy argued PR had failed to submit its candidate's name within the deadline.

At today's opening of the parliament, Beluran MP Ronald Kiandee and Kuala Krau MP Ismail Mohamed Said were appointed deputy speakers.-harakahdaily

Saat-saat menunggu pembebesan 32 tahanan dari lokap polis Jinjang...

32 Detained...

01. Abdullah bin Hassan
02. Adam Adli
03. Ahmad Hizami bin Mohd Hazir
04. Ahmad Shauqie bin Abdull Aziz
05. Ahmad Syukri ab Razab (SUARAM Coordinator)
06. Amirul Syazwan
07. Annie Mi Siew Lan
08. Badrul Hisham Shahrin
09. Edie Nor Mohd Redzuan
10. Ekhsan Bukharee (Student Activist detained at IPD Dang Wangi)
11. Hong chee wang
12. Lew Chee Kong
13. Lim Sue Pei\Mah Chee Hoe
14. Md Sani
15. Mohd Fauzi
16. Mohd Mus'ab bin Abdul Habib
17. Mohd sofian bin Mat Dali
18. Mohd Yaser Bin Abd Rahman
19. Mohd Zairi bin Shafaai.
20. Muhamad al-Fateh Abdul Adzis
21. Muhamad hafizudin b yahya
22. Muhammad Aiman Hakim bin Zainal Arifin
23. Muhammad Akram bin Ahmar
24. Muhammad Aliff Hafiz Bin Zainuddin
25. Muhammad Safwan bin Anang @ Talib
26. Mythreyar
27. Nora
28. Norazizi Abdul Aziz
29. Sharifol Azmil
30. Tong Chan Sang
31. Ungku Amer Faez b. Ungku Fauzie
32. Wan Nor Farel Azli

Nazri Aziz cakap hi!!!

Pi M cakap...


A follow-up to ‘Silver Platter’

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 10:52 AM PDT

By Singa Terhormat Extracts from Malaysian Insider article (with pic added): Ibrahim Abu Shah ‘Abolish meritocracy in education and return justice to Malay students. This was the proposal by Malay Consultative Council president Ibrahim Abu Shah at a forum. “Today, meritocracy has created Chinese supremacy. There is nothing to benefit Malay students.” Ibrahim was quoted […]

Sime Darby gets new chairman

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:55 AM PDT

Sime Darby's new chairman

There's life after Saujana, for sure. Former Johor Menteri Besar Ghani Othman is headed for Sime Darby, the massive transnational corporation, as its chairman. Overheard today in Bangsar, a politician was telling the soft-spoken Malay gentleman, "Half the world is yours now, Datuk." The last Sime Darby chairman is also a Johorean, Tun Musa Hitam, a former deputy prime minister.

Lembu di luar percaya

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 06:06 AM PDT

Kesian dipanggil lembu...

Kalau pakai otak sedikit, mesti sedar kena tipu pasal 60,000 pengundi palsu Bangla Desh, Blackout yang tak wujud, undi popular yang hanya untuk sistem politik Amerika, petisyen yang tak seberapa dan akan kalah, dan tuntutan tiga mahu Pengerusi SPR dan Timbalan undur, tanding balik kawasan Pakatan kalah serta tidak mahu persempadanan semula.

Samalah yang mahu lakukan transformasi politik untuk jadikan BN satu parti dan nak letakkan SPR bawah Parlimen .

Wow! Orang pakai otak balik biznes unta

Smog hazard: Passing the buck

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 05:01 AM PDT

Where does the buck stop? Denials from big plantation companies they they are responsibility for the smog emergency have been coming in thick and fast as the wind blows the dense smog up the peninsula. Source: NEA The standard response has been to blame local communities and smallholders in Sumatra for the clear-cutting and slash-and-burn [Read more]

Tanjong Sepat Chinese Fishing Village, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Mahaguru58's Travelogue.

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 04:00 AM PDT

Yesterday, I drove to Tanjong Sepat, Selangor Darul Ehsan to do some photography along the coast and to see for myself what Tanjong Sepat had to offer?

It was hazy all the way and I felt my eyes burning as I drove on. There are no Rest & Relax areas along the way and one can only depend on the petrol station's toilet facilities to ease oneself when the need arises.

Selangor is not that picturesque as the other states especially in its rural areas.

There are only rows and rows of oil palm estates flanking the trunk roads all the way down to its coastal areas.

The seafront is usually muddy and inaccessible. Even at Morib, the seafront is the same and there's no speakable beaches to go to.

Maybe it's due to the way, nature has intended it to be because Selangor is along the Straits of Malacca and as such doesn't have white sandy beaches unlike the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia where states such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Johor face the South China Sea and are gifted with nice blue seas and visitable beachfronts.

Anyway, I reached Tanjong Sepat without getting lost for I had switched on my Waze GPS application on my Galaxy Note 1 and it showed me the way just fine. 

Thanks Waze! You have been a great help for this exploring photographer blogger.

Tanjong Sepat is a totally Chinese fishing village despite it's Malay name.

According to a Chinese man whom I met there, there are only two Malay families living in the area. All the rest are Chinese. Rows and rows of houses along many streets that reminded me of the Weld Quay foreshore Chinese fishing villages back home in Penang Island.

These fishing boats were practically stuck on the mudbank of the river here pending the incoming sea tide which would enable them to be driven out to the open sea.

There were a few foreign looking fishermen doing some repair work on one of the boats and from their language and accent, I gather that they were Southern Thai's.

Some of the Chinese who were present there looked at me curiously. It must have seemed very odd for them to see a kopiah wearing Mamak carrying a DSLR camera going along the river bank taking photos of the area there. 

Hehehehe. Like some odd looking character suddenly appearing in their midst! White Beard Alert! 

These fellas were sort of relaxing under the shade of a humongous tree. Just like the huge tree that we all saw in the James Cameron blockbuster movie 'Avatar'.

They even had a shed complete with a television and sort of a make do Chinese Kopitiam there for the lounging Chinese reading newspapers and playing checkers in the shade.

Just after the tree, there stood a huge 'Swallows Nesting House'. You know? 

The kind of building that these 'Bird Nests' harvesters erect and play non stop the recorded sound of the swallows call to attract the swallows to build their vary valuable birds nests from their saliva and which these guys collect, process, pack and sell them at a very high price to the Chinese Connoisseurs back in China and Taiwan!

After collecting and processing these swallows bird nests, the end product looks like these:

The medicinal and therapeutic values of these swallow bird's nests is said to be good for aiding digestion, raising one's libido, improving the human voice, alleviating asthma, improving focus, and an overall benefit to one's immune system! 

Who knows if it is true? The Chinese in Singapore, Hong Kong, china and Taiwan are quite willing to pay handsomely to taste this 'Caviar of the East'! It is said that they are willing to pay up to US$2,000.00 for a kilogram of the 'white nests' and even upto US$20,000.00 for a kilogram of the 'red nests'!

Fuyoo!!! No wonder that those who have the means do buy land and build these huge nesting buildings and invest in all kinds of paraphernalia to attract the swallow to come and nest in their structures!!!

Money! Money! Money! It's a rich Chinaman's World! :P

I then came across a Chinese temple that was built along the foreshore of the Tanjong Sepat coastline.

Every Chinese village will have its own Chinese temple and the Tanjong Sepat Chinese folks have theirs. 

In the distance there was a structure that looked like a fishing kelong. In the foreground, the ground was full of these reddish earth. Maybe they are planning to build something here. Maybe a seafood restaurant. Who knows?

I also saw this man doing something on the foreshore of Tanjong Sepat. I had absolutely no idea at all as to what he was doing? 

Maybe he was seeding the foreshore with cockle spawn? He was using an apparatus and sort of ploughing the mud cum sandy foreshore. Any of you have any idea as to his actions?

I saw a few persons walking along the jetty structure at the Tanjong Sepat coastline and took the following picture. Looked quite nice. The scenery.

One thing I noticed about the mudbank of the river there at Tanjong Sepat is that it's still unpolluted. The reason being that there were lots of these estuarine Mudskippers @ Ikan Belacak or Tembakul going about their ways on the muddy shores there.

I was lucky to have brought my zoom lens which enabled me to take these following shots. Hope you like them too.

Wish I could get closer to these beautiful creatures but they were very quick to disappear into the pool or river water the minute I got closer! Hehehehe.

There were also quite a few of these 'mangrove crabs' that scuttled about with their giant claws. Here are some shots.

I would love to go photographing more of these wonderful seashore creatures that we still have living here in Malaysia.

Insya Allah, when I have the time, money and good health, I will go exploring further. I love taking photos and videos of wildlife, flora and fauna.

Till then, here's Mahaguru58 wishing you my readers a blessed time here on Earth and may Allah protect us from harm caused by those who seem not to appreciate the relative peace and harmony we have here in Malaysia.

Vigil at Jinjang lock up in solidarity with 32 activists arrested at Parliament

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 03:05 AM PDT

Time : 8pm Venue : Vicinity of the Jinjang Police station / lock up. Please bring candles and, given the worsening haze in the city, face masks. Note : This is a peaceful vigil in solidarity with our friends detained earlier today

Kes Altantuya - Bekas pembantu Najib saja yang boleh sahkan kebenaran afidavit Razak Baginda...

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 02:55 AM PDT

Peguam kepada tertuduh dalam perbicaraan kes pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu hari ini membangkitkan kegagalan pendakwaan untuk memanggil pembantu peribadi kepada timbalan perdana menteri pada waktu itu Datuk Seri Najib Razak, untuk memberi keterangan.

Peguam kepada Koperal Sirul Azhar, Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin memberitahu Mahkamah Rayuan bahawa kegagalan pendakwaan untuk berbuat demikian menjadikan perbicaraan tersebut sebagai perbicaraan silap.

Katanya, hanya Musa boleh mengesahkan kebenaran afidavit kontroversi yang difailkan oleh tertuduh ketiga dalam kes berkenaan, penganalisis politik Abdul Razak Baginda.

Kamarul berkata rekod telefon Abdul Razak menunjukkan komunikasi melibatkan lebih 30 mesej teks di antara Abdul Razak dan Musa di antara 7 Oktober dan 19 Oktober 2006.

Daripada jumlah itu, 12 mesej direkodkan pada 19 Oktober 2006 – pada malam Altantuya dibunuh.

"Hanya Musa yang boleh mengesahkan kredibiliti dan kebenaran afidavit Abdul Razak. Bagaimanapun pendakwaan memutuskan untuk tidak memanggil Musa untuk mengesahkan perkara ini.

"Bagi kami, Musa sepatutnya dipanggil oleh pendakwaan (dalam perbicaraan kes pembunuhan di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam) untuk mengesahkan atau menolak apa yang didakwa Abdul Razak dalam afidavit tersebut.

"Pastilah, dengan afidavit tersebut dan sekiranya Abdul Razak dipanggil, beliau akan berpegang kepada apa yang tertulis. Namun tiada peluang untuk pendakwaan mempersoalkan perkara tersebut kerana Musa tidak dipanggil,” kata Kamarul.

Oleh yang demikian, mahkamah tidak mengetahui perkara yang diperkatakan antara Abdul Razak dan Musa pada malam tersebut.

Kamarul juga membangkitkan bahawa penghakiman Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yassin juga tidak menyatakan motif pembunuhan tersebut.-malaysiakini

Bukit Aman tak simpan letupan C4, kata peguam...

Peguam kepada cif inspektor Azilah Hadri berkata, jenis letupan yang digunakan dalam pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu tidak berada dalam simpanan Bukit Aman.

Peguam Hazman Ahmad berkata, berdasarkan rekod Bukit Aman, anak guamnya hanya dibekalkan pistol Glock dan magazin peluru.

"Justeru, terdapat persoalan tentang bagaimana jenis letupan ini didakwa digunakan," katanya.

Hazman juga berkata, Azilah tidak mempunyai atau mempunyai kawalan terhadap letupan C4 kerana ia tidak pernah dikeluarkan oleh Bukit Aman.

Altantuya didakwa dibunuh dan kemudian diletupkan pada malam antara 19 Oktober hingga 20 Oktober 2006.-malaysiakini

Bukit Aman does not keep C4 explosives, says lawyer...

A lawyer for Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri said that the type of explosives used in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu is not in Bukit Aman's stock.

Lawyer Hazman Ahmad - in submitting on one of the grounds - said, hence, questions arose as to how Azilah had allegedly procured the type of explosives.

“Azilah's log record from Bukit Aman shows that he was only issued a Glock pistol and magazines. Hence, there is a question as to how this type of explosives was allegedly used.

NONE“My client did not have possession and control of the C4 explosives used as it was never issued by Bukit Aman,” he said.

Altantuya was allegedly shot and then blown-up at a jungle clearing on the night between 10pm on Oct 19 and 1am of Oct 20, 2006.

Besides this, lawyer J Kuldeep Kumar also argued that the court did not take into consideration on the notice of alibi issued by Azilah where he was supposed to be in Bukit Aman, and later at Wangsa Maju, on the night of the incident.

Kuldeep further argued that Azilah's phone records could have been manipulated and altered by Celcom to frame his client.

“There are witnesses from Celcom who acknowledged that what they supplied during the trial was not the master list, but a compilation of it. Hence, there is a chance of it being altered and manipulated,” he said, adding that the trial judge had failed to recognise this.
Azilah and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, who are members of the elite Special Action Unit, are appealing against their death penalty for murdering Altantuya.

'Resourceful media personnel'

Hazman also submitted before the three-member bench over suggestions made by police witnesses, who claimed that Azilah had directed them to the crime scene sometime in November 2006, and suggested that his client had probably been fixed for this purpose.

The lawyer said there had been inconsistent statements from the police witnesses over the matter, as one had asked another to be on standby to be brought to the scene at 11am, but another claimed that the same officer was alerted at 3pm, and later at 5pm, when the police decided to go there.

"When the police left from the Kuala Lumpur police headquarters and arrived at the scene in Puncak Alam, there were already media reporters at the scene.

"Hence, questions remain as to who had tipped off the media, whereas the testimonies of the police witnesses say that Azilah had directed them to the scene," he said.

To this, Justice Md Apandi Ali - who is leading the three-member bench - replied that the media personnel are resourceful.

"Sometimes they are more efficient than the police as they are very investigative," remarked the judge.

Besides Justice Apandi, the other members on the panel were Justices Linton Albert and Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat.

Hazman also pointed out that there was another discrepancy in the testimonies from police witnesses, as one told the court that Azilah had showed them the scene where Altantuya was blown-up and then showed where the Mongolian had been shot.

He said another witness described it the other way around, whereby his client had first showed the place where Altantuya was shot and then showed the place where the lady was blown up.

"This showed the inconsistency and the possibility of putting the blame on my client with this," Hazman said.

Justice Apandi then interjected and asked: "This happened at the same crime scene, right?", to which Hazman replied yes.

The hearing continues tomorrow with the prosecution's reply. -malaysiakini

Defence: Not calling Najib's ex-aide-de-camp is mistrial...

Not calling in a former aide-de camp of then deputy prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, Deputy Supt Musa Safri, to testify in the murder trial of Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar constituted a mistrial, the Court of Appeal was told today.

Lawyer Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin, who is acting for Sirul Azhar, the second accused in the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder trial, said only Musa could verify the veracity of the controversial affidavit filed by the third accused in the murder, political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, which led to Abdul Razak's acquittal.

altantuya razak baginda murder 030707 dsp musa safriKamarul said Abdul Razak's phone records showed more than 30 text messages that the political analyst sent to Musa (left) between Oct 7 and 19, 2006, of which 12 were recorded on Oct 19, 2006, the night Altantuya was murdered.

"It is only Musa who can vouch for the credibility and veracity of Abdul Razak's affidavit. However the prosecution decided not to call Musa in to verify this.

"For us, Musa should have been called by the prosecution (for the murder trial in the High Court in Shah Alam) to verify or rebut what Abdul Razak claimed in his affidavit.

"Certainly, with the affidavit there and if Abdul Razak had been called, he would have stick to what was written. But there was no opportunity for the defence to challenge this as Musa was not called," Kamarul said.

Therefore, he added, the court was deprived of what took place in the conversation between Abdul Razak and Musa on that fateful night.

Prior to this, Kamarul said, Abdul Razak called Musa about his problem with Altantuya, his former girlfriend, saying she had barged into his Damansara home several days before thefateful night

abdul razak baginda pc 201108 05“This led to Azilah calling Abdul Razak (right) the next day and all this is stated in the political analyst's affidavit. However, we are being deprived as to the instructions that were given by Musa, (who is Azilah's) superior.

“Furthermore, Musa's phone records were never produced in court and the defence was deprived of this. The defence is deprived of a test on Abdul Razak's credibility in the affidavit,” he said.

Truly, Kamarul argued, Abdul Razak was freed without his defence being called as a result of the affidavit he filed during his remand. This was revealed in the Shah Alam High Court judgment, in which portions of the affidavit were made public.

'No motive' questioned

NONEKamarul(left) also pointed out that Shah Alam High Court judge Mohd Zaki Md Yassin's judgment did not state any motive for the murder.

He said one of the greatest debates emanating from the murder of the Mongolian woman, during and after the trial and even till today, was the lack of motive as cited in the judgment in which the two former police officers were found two guilty.

"Whatever the motive was, it is a matter of law that the motive, although relevant, has never been the essential to constitute murder," Justice Mohd Zaki Md Yasin said in his 70-page judgment released in March 2012.

Kamarul said this when submitting before a three-member bench headed by Justice Md Apandi Ali. The other judges are Justices Linton Albert and Tengku Maimum Tuan Mat.

As with any other criminal trial, he added, motive is an essential factor to determine the guilt of a person.

Adverse publicity

The defence counsel also argued over the adverse publicity, an additional ground put in earlier this month, which may have influenced the judge's mind following the late P Balasubramaniam's statutory declaration and his retraction, and also Sirul Azhar's cautioned statement, which was uploaded on the Internet by blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin.

"Such publication has resulted in adverse publicity to my client as the judge was in the process of hearing submissions at the end of defence case," Kamarul said

Justice Apandi retorted, asking where in the judgment did the judge indicate that he was influenced.

He asked whether the lawyer thought the judge had the time to look at the Internet.

"We act on facts and what is presented in the case. Do not challenge our independence in delivering our decision," Justice Apandi said.

Kamarul agreed, but told the court there is public perception otherwise and now could be the time for the court to address this issue.

To this, Justice Apandi concurred and asked deputy solicitor-general II Tun Abdul Majid Tun Hamzah and the other DPPs why the prosecution did not charge those who acted sub-judice in making  comments, unlike previously.

“In the judiciary, we are silent as we act as punching bags and do not have the opportunity to punch,” the judge remarked.

Doubts over blood stains
Lawyer Hasnal Rezua Merican, also acting for Sirul, raised doubts on the blood stains, purportedly that of Altantuya, on his client's shoes which were found in his car.

Hasnal said that prior to Sirul's stint in Pakistan sometime in early November 2006, (when accompanying the then prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi), the police corporal had handed his house and car keys to Bukit Aman.

“Hence, there was an opportunity for policemen to duplicate the keys and fabricate evidence to put the blame on my client.

“My client had stated that before he left, the shoes were not in the car and somehow when he returned the shoes were there. Altantuya's jewellery were also found in his apartment. They could have been planted.”

Hasnal said when the police went to Sirul's apartment, they do not take long, just less than a minute, to open the doors, as if they already knew the keys to use.

Kamarul also submitted on questions related to the DNA evidence from the shoes and jewellery, as this were merely “empty DNA”, which did not prove that the blood was Altantuya's.

Based on these grounds, Kamarul argued, the conviction of his client by the High Court in Shah Alam should be set aside and Sirul's appeal allowed. -malaysiakini

Anwar Ibrahim at Padang Merbok

Yang ditahan polis dekat Parlimen...

32 Aktivis Yang Ditahan Sebentar Tadi...

Mereka yang ditangkap sewaktu protes di Parlimen pagi ini sekarang di lokap Polis Jinjang. Mlm ini ada "candlelight vigil" untuk mereka, menunggu mereka dibebaskan.

Dan berikut apa yang TV3 suku laporkan....

Bertindak ganas? Merempuh bangunan parlimen? Ko ingat bangunan parlimen tu plastic ke apa nak main rempuh2?

nasihat dari Pi M

Amongst the 8 Malaysian Companies listed involved with the Burnings in Indonesia causing the HAZE included...

"One of them is PT Tunggal Mitra Plantation, a unit of Minamas Plantation, a subsidiary of Malaysia-based Sime Darby Plantations, one of the world’s largest listed oil palm plantations.

Another is
PT Adei Plantation, owned by Kepong Berhad."

Wiil Najib TAKE ACTION against his cronies?... read here


Bill Gates, Monsanto, and eugenics …

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:44 AM PDT

How one of the world’s wealthiest men is actively promoting a corporate takeover of global agriculture (NaturalNews) After it was exposed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the philanthropic brainchild of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that […]

SUHAKAM is back - 3 old members retained, and 3 new one - but people with HR and CSO history reduced

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:36 AM PDT

In the last SUHAKAM, we had 3 HR Commissioners who had a CSO and Human Rights background. 2 of them have been dropped, and another academician, a former deputy attorney general and a journalist. Too early to say anything about the new appointees, we would have to see how they perform.

SUHAKAM HR Commissioners must be full-timers, and they really need to be paid salary of at least RM10,000-00 per month, or that equivalent to High Court Judges. [Currently, I believe that they are being paid only about RM6,000-00]. They should also have offices all over Malaysia - so that people will be able to have easy access.

There should also be few more HR Commissioners...7 is too small a number. 12 or 15 may be more practical given the fact that monitoring Human Rights alone is such a big task, compounded with investigations and Public Inquiries, visitation of Detention Centres, Law Reform, HR Education, etc 

On the upcoming Black 505 rallies, Hasmy said they did not have the resources to monitor them but would step in if there was trouble.

Yes, SUHAKAM itself is saying that they do not have enough resources - surely, if Malaysia is committed to Human Rights, its National HR Institution must have more than enough resources to be effective.


Saturday June 15, 2013

Suhakam urges Govt to accede to treaties on torture


KUALA LUMPUR: Suhakam wants Malaysia to at least accede to the treaties on torture, on civil and political rights and on economic, social and cultural rights by 2020.

“I hope civil society and the media will push us, politicians and the rest of the country to move forward,” said Suhakam chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam.

“There are six we have not acceded to and Suhakam would like Malaysia to sign the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) or the world will think Malaysians condone torture and degrading treatment.

“If we accede, police and other enforcement authorities are duty-bound to follow CAT provisions,” he said at press conference yesterday.
He said he believed Wisma Putra was working on the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The other three Malaysia has not acceded to are the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.

On fresh initiatives to address deaths in custody, Hasmy agreed it was a waste of taxpayers' money re-inventing the wheel when Suhakam presented the Government with best practice Lock-up Rules years ago.

On the upcoming Black 505 rallies, Hasmy said they did not have the resources to monitor them but would step in if there was trouble.

The next three years, he said Suhakam would focus on the aged, education for children with learning disabilities, human rights in business and follow-up on all Suhakam recommendations from Bersih 1 and 2 and its other inquiries.

Hasmy's 2013-2016 team comprises three former members Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee, Prof Datuk Dr Mahmood Zuhdi A. Majid and James Nayagam, and three new faces Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia law dean Prof Datuk Dr Aishah Bidin, former Sarawak deputy state Attorney-General Francis Johen anak Adam and former Sabah Times sub-editor Sylvester Madating @ Nordin Kasim.

DBKL officers raid Occupy Padang Merbok tent site

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 06:07 PM PDT

DBKL officers turned up at the Padang Merbok site to remove the tents at the field. Occupiers had intended to remain put until top Election Commission officials stepped down. DBKL merempas khemah di #PdgMerbok622 — PEJUANG RAKYAT… (@putrareformasi) June 23, 2013

YB Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi (PAS) bersilaturahim dengan YB Dato Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (UMNO)

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 12:37 AM PDT

Alhamdulillah! Sejuk benar hati saya ini melihat bukti keakraban YB Nasrudin Hassan at-Tantawi(PAS Temerloh) sedang dibantu YB Datuk Seri Dr.Haji Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (UMNO Bagan Datoh) merangkap Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Malaysia semasa sidang pembukaan Parlimen Malaysia (2013-2017) pagi tadi.

Walaupun dari berlainan perjuangan politik, kedua tokoh ini memilih untuk bersilaturahim semasa bersama di Dewan Rakyat.

Jika beginilah sikap yang di ambil kesekelian Ahli Parlimen Malaysia semasa sama sama bersidang di Dewan Rakyat mahupun diluar pula, saya percaya negara kita akan kembali aman didalam ertikat sebenarnya. 

Insya Allah.

Namun, disebalik keakraban kedua Ahli Parlimen tanahair kita ini, diluar Bangunan Parlimen Malaysia, gerombolan anasir anasir anti perpaduan nasional sedang melakukan huru hara dengan berdemonstrasi tak sudah sudah!

Bergelut dengan anggota anggota Polis Di-Raja Malaysia yang berjaya menghalang gerombolan tak ada kerja ini dari menyerbu masuk mengganggu sidang pembukaan Dewan Rakyat kali pertama selepas sesi mengangkat sumpah Ahli Ahli Parlimen Malaysia.

Dengar khabar bahawa mereka telah di arah demikian sebaik sahaja Ketua Sesumpah @ Anwar Ibrahim selesai mengangkat sumpah sebagai Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh!

Jika benar lah tidak mahu mengiktiraf keputusan PRU ke 13 baru baru ini, apa kejadahnya Ketua Sesumpah merangkap Ketua Pembangkang Tak Sudah Sudah ini mahu mengangkat sumpah di Parlimen berjanji bagai nak rak untuk memelihara Perlembagaan Malaysia?

Sekiranya kini Anwar Ibrahim sudah redha dengan keputusan PRU ke 13 dan menerima keputusan itu maka ia sepatutnya mengarahkan segala penyokong nya untuk balik ke rumah masing masing dan berhenti dari melakukan apa apa lagi keributan dimana mana.

Ini tidak!

Kat dalam Dewan Rakyat semua mereka mengangkat sumpah berjanji ta'at setia dengan DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di-Pertuan Agong dan bersumpah untuk mempertahankan, memelihara dan akur kepada Perlembagaan Malaysia tetapi di waktu yang sama membiarkan segala anasir anasir penyokong mereka untuk merusuh di jalanraya!

Jika Ketua Sesumpah PKR merangkap Ketua Pembangkang yang didalam gambar di atas sudah bersumpah ta'at setia kepada Raja dan Negara, bersumpah menerima tanggungjawab sebagai seorang Ahli Parlimen mewakili kawasan parlimen dia bersetuju akur dengan segala undang undang yang sedia ada, bersumpah setia mempertahankan, melindungi dan memelihara Perlembagaan Malaysia yang sedia ada, MAKA SEPATUTNYA DIA MENGARAHKAN SEMUA PENYOKONG DIA YANG SEDANG BERDEMONSTRASI TAK SUDAH SUDAH DILUAR DEWAN supaya balik ke rumah masing masing dan teruskan hidup selaku rakyat Malaysia yang tertakluk dibawah undang undang sedia ada!

Bukannya berdrama dengan mengangkat sumpah mengaku ta'at setia kat dalam Dewan Rakyat tetapi menjadi samseng dan penjenayah di jalan jalanraya kita!

Ini bukti pegawai Polis Di-Raja Malaysia cedera ditumbuk penyokong Anwar Ibrahim di luar kawasan Bangunan Parlimen pagi tadi! Mana dia peguam peguam seperti Latheefa Koya, Fadiah Nadwa Fikri dan sebagainya untuk membela dirinya? 

Pembangkang kena cepuk sikit, riuh satu dunia kata keganasan Polis!!! Ini keganasan apa ke jadah pula??? Keadilan konon!!! Harrk! Ptuihhh!!! 

Pergi jahanam lah dengan huru hara kamu!!!
Dah pukul Polis, berdrama swasta pulak anak anak tak sah taraf ni semua membaringkan diri dengan menggenggam tangan masing masing ke belakang macam kena gari!!! !@#$%^!! betul! 

Dasar tak ada semangat kejantanan! Jika betul betul berani, bangun bertempur lah dengan anggota anggota Polis kita! Baru tahu langit tinggi atau rendah nanti!!!

Akhir kata, ini pesanan tidak berbayar dari Ketua Sesumpah Pakatan Pembangkang Tak Sudah Negara :

Jika rasa nak berbaring kat jalan jalanraya lagi, elok pilih Lebuhraya Persekutuan. Setakat pilih Jalan Parlimen mana aci? :P

Attack on Parliament: Today with punches, tomorrow with guns

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 10:43 PM PDT

More pics at theunspinners
The NST reports more than 15 people arrested for trying to break into Parliament with anything-but-peaceful intent. A police officer was punched in the face in a scuffle where riot police had to use teargas to break up the mob. I'm all for peaceful walks but these people are dangerous and a menace to society. To the politicians involved - you know who you are (and we know who you are) - rein in your followers before it's too late.

Why Haz-e It Come To This?

Posted: 24 Jun 2013 03:06 AM PDT

Taken at about 9.50 am June 24, of downtown Kuala Lumpur

For the first time in my life I had to go to the clinic to use a nebulizer because I was having respiratory problems. It felt nauseating, you gasp for air, you cough until your head feels someone is stitching a needle or an arrow has travelled from your left to right eyebrow and vice versa. Your migrane is magnified x number of eyes! And your face and eyeball puts the goldfish to shame!

That is how the haze has affected yours truly. I symphatise with colleagues with asthma where the ventilator is of no use at all. They needed to go to clinic to get a jab.

You feel palpitation after the nebulizer. It's not a good feeling. Once you come out of the clinic... it's the same ole same ole. Today it's even worst the haze and am wondering how will I survive the rest of today like the many millions affected by it.

There are all sorts of advice and read this in a posting which purportedly was advice from the government.

1. Monitor the Air Quality Index regularly.
2. Reduce or avoid excessive outdoor activities.
3. Keep the windows and doors closed to prevent haze from getting in to the home.
4. If you have to go out wear a mask or respirator.
5. Ensure that you drink plenty of water and if you have a history of breathing problems ensure that you have taken the proper medications.

Advice 1 is helpful if you can depend on our Mets fellows to update you with correct info. Seems better to look out of the window to believe your eyes than rely on our Mets fellows! Seems when it first hit us, their info was hazy to say the least.

It's Advice 3 that is odd. Unless you live in an air tight container, does shutting yourself in your home, ward off the haze... Hmmm it's it in the air so to speak. Have heard of colleagues saying to lock yrself in your aircon room.. which did help to stop the coughing last night. But then how many of us live in airtight enclosures?

There are yet others who swear you buy an air purifier and demister it helps clear the air so to speak. Hello, is your tiny contraption going to purify say the whole of Klang Valley huh?

Best is like to stay in office where the air con does filter some respectable air quality so it seems. Well the coughing has stopped but looking out of the window and seeing the city shrouded, makes one want to cough!

And 1Malaysia government seemed as always slow to respond than our neighbour! They seemed quick to blame a race for loss of 2/3 majority and the loss of 2/3 majority woes. But this haze they hold their tongue lashing at the source of it hah!

Go find out if the culprit are BolehLand companies in Sumatra guilty of it as the Indon official seemed to imply than deny. If it's true, charge the HQ fellows here of treason...because it affected the economy, health and psychology of millions of BolehLand folks. Not go in a super speed on someone calling for martyrs for a blackout affair. Do our fellows equate the meaning of martyrs of the battle kind or was it referred to metaphorically?

What can we do and why must we suffer this and cannot depend on our so called politicians to help us in any way? So you are sending someone in 2 days time when the incident happened like a few days ago? Are they expecting the issue to blow away and die off before they are seen to take action huh?

The way 1Malaysia has handled the haze situation shows the lack of urgency and also they have no clear idea how to deal with it except issue advice and declare school holidays. The smoke must have originated from somewhere duh? Go locate it and single out the culprit(s) and charge them on your own soil or ask the friendly neighbour to come down hard on those who caused this suffering to millions in the region.

Seriously, why haz-e it come to this at all?

Aktivis berbaring depan Parlimen, tuntut Pengerusi dan ahli2 SPR nyah pergi, 28 ditahan polis Malaysia...

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 10:45 PM PDT

25 aktivis ditahan sehingga jam 12.00 tengah hari ini sewaktu mengadakan protes di hadapan pintu masuk Parlimen termasuk Safwan Anang, Ekhksan Bukhari serta Akram Ahmar
Mereka kini dibawa ke IPD Dang Wangi.

Mereka adalah antara lebih 50 anak muda yang mengadakan protes di hadapan parlimen hari ini bagi mendesak pimpinan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) meletakan jawatan.

Ada di antara mereka berbaring di tepi jalan menuju ke pintu masuk bangunan parlimen sementara menunggu rakan-rakan mereka yang lain menyerahkan memrandum kepada ahli-ahli parlimen.

Mereka mula mengadakan protes ini kira kira jam 9 pagi.

Police form a human barricade to stop protesters from marching into Parliament. - Muzliza Mustafa, June 24, 2013.

Kumpulan ini terdiri dari gabungan NGO anak muda yang sejak kelmarin berkampung dalam khemah di Padang Merbok sejurus tamatnya Himpunan Aman Black 505.

Antara kumpulan itu termasuklah GM13, NGO Royalti, Asalkan Bukan Umno (ABU), Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) antara yang terlibat dalam protes ini.

Antara tuntutan yang diminta oleh anak muda ini termasuk mendesak SPR diletakkan di bawah parlimen, menubuhkan suruhanjaya diraja menyiasat peranan SPR dan jabatan pendaftaran negara atas isu yang berbangkit pada PRU lalu.

Selain itu mereka turut menunut parlimen membincangkan tentang penipuan dakwat kekal dan perletakan jawatan dan permohon maaf secara terbuka oleh pengerusi SPR Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof.

Sementara itu, kumpulan mereka yang berkumpul dihadapan pintu masuk bangunan parlimen dihalang oleh pihak polis apabila cuba untuk memasuki kawasan parlimen.

Sebelum ini, berlaku sedikit pergelutan antara beberapa anggota kumpulan itu dengan pihak polis.

Polis turut menahan tiga daripada mereka termasuk aktivis pelajar Safwan Anang, Ekhksan Bukhari serta Akram Ahmar.-harakahdaily

26 detained near Parliament House police barricade...

Twenty-six people were arrested by police as they demonstrated in front of Parliament House in Kuala Lumpur this morning.

They were among 200 people from several NGOs including Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) and Anything But Umno (ABU), who gathered in front of the building to demand the resignation of the heads and members of the Election Commission (EC).

NONEThe situation became tense when the group tried to breach a police barricade some 800 metres from the entrance gate to Parliament House.

However, the protesters did not succeed in getting through the barricade, which was manned by no less than 300 policemen.

Twenty-six were detained in 11.10am incident, including student activist Mohd Safwan Anang.

The number included eight who had earlier surrendered to the police, including ‘Aunty Bersih’ Annie Foo, SAMM founder Badrul Hisham Shaharin and student activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim.

Those arrested are to be taken to the Dang Wangi district police station for “processing” before being sent to the Jinjang detention centre.

PAS' Shah Alam MP Khalid Abdul Samad received a memorandum from the protesters outside the gate to Parliament and he urged them to disperse.

The remaining 50 people in the group dispersed at 12.20pm on police orders and have gone back to Padang Merbok, where they had been camping since last Saturday, to await further instructions from their leaders, especially ABU head Haris Ibrahim.-malaysiakini

Dari luar dewan rakyat...



Mereka ini merupakan warga asing yg berkerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan. mereka ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa dari jabatan imigresen dibawah kementerian dlm negeri. lesen ajensi kawalan keselamatan juga dikeluarkan oleh kementerian dlm negeri. 

Mereka inilah yang dibenarkan tahan anda dan minta periksa MyKad anda. Pelek juga ya! pendatang haram boleh check kita punya MyKad macam negara ini bapak dia punya!!!!

Ramai yang masih tidak tahu bahawa warga asing tidak boleh berkerja sebagai 'Pengawal Keselamatan' kecuali bekas tentera gurkha dari nepal itu pun dengan kebenaran bertulis dari kementerian dlm negeri...

....dan sepatah nasihat daripada Pi M...


DBKL, get your priorities right

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 06:11 PM PDT

By Singa Terhormat Last 21st April my article “Report card on Nong Chik’ was carried here. In it I had included pictures of DBKL and its then Minister failing in their duties to the rakyat. Nothing has changed since. I include here some of the pictures to illustrate that DBKL fails to enforce many of its […]

DBKL, get your priorities right

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 05:34 PM PDT

By Singa Terhormat   Last 21st April my article “Report card on Nong Chik’ was carried here. In it I had included pictures of DBKL and its then Minister failing in their duties to the rakyat.   Nothing has changed since.   I include here some of the pictures to illustrate that DBKL fails to enforce […]
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