Cadangan PAS bersama UMNO, tak masuk akai...

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Jun 20, 2013, 7:03:59 PM6/20/13

Cadangan PAS bersama UMNO, tak masuk akai...

Cadangan PAS bersama UMNO, tak masuk akai...

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 09:21 AM PDT

Saya membaca kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh seorang penganalisis politik, Prof Datuk Dr Zainal Kling seperti yang tersiar di dalam Sinar Harian hari ini 20 Jun 2013. 

Saya kira kenyataan yang dikeluarkan sangat tidak terawang-awang dan tidak berpijak di bumi nyata. Nampaknya pandangan karut ini cuba untuk disebarkan atas nama akademik kononnya, padahal jelas nampak kepentingan UMNO timbul di permukaan air.

Di dalam kenyataannya itu, beliau mencadangkan agar PAS bergabung dengan UMNO untuk memperjuangkan Islam. Ini kerana parti-parti yang ada di sekeliling PAS semuanya mengkhianati Islam. Hanya UMNO sahaja yang memperjuangkan Islam.

Pada saya, kenyataan ini sangatlah tidak berasas. Jika umpama dahan pokok untuk berpaut, profesor ini nyata sekali sedang bergayut di dahan yang rapuh. Barangkali kerana bimbang jatuh ke tanah digigit semut, terus menerus tangan memeluk dahan yang menunggu masa untuk tersemban. Lambat laun sebenarnya dahan ini akan jatuh jua.

Amatlah lucu sekali apabila beliau menyatakan bahawa hanya UMNO yang memperjuangkan Islam. Barangkali langkah UMNO membenarkan premis judi di Kelantan sebelum tahun 1990 dahulu salah satu daripada perjuangan Islam menurut kacamata 'orang cerdik pandai' ini?

Di Melaka, pernah seorang Ketua Menteri yang merupakan pimpinan tertinggi UMNO mencadangkan agar pusat hiburan dilanjutkan masa pembukaannya sehingga ke awal pagi, inipun juga barangkali perjuangan untuk menegakkan Islam. 

Itu belum dicampur kenyataan-kenyataan yang menghina Islam yang dikeluarkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO sebelum ini. Semuanya termaktub di dalam lipatan sejarah dan generasi kita tidak buta untuk membaca semula catitan ini.

Saya ingin bertanya, jika sekarang mahu mengajak PAS bersatu dengan UMNO, apa lebihnya UMNO berbanding dengan PAS dalam hal memperjuangkan Islam?

Sewaktu pemimpin parti komponen Barisan Nasional menghina seorang wakil rakyat UMNO di Johor yang mencadangkan hudud dengan label 'hilang akal', di mana pemimpin UMNO menyembunyikan diri?

Jika lebihnya UMNO ialah kerana bilangan kerusi, saya suka mencadangkan agar ADUN UMNO di Kelantan menyertai PAS kerana bilangan kerusi yang dimiliki oleh PAS di Kelantan lebih banyak jauh mengatasi UMNO!

Jika UMNO memperjuangkan Melayu, kenapa Kelantan dinafikan hak ke atas royalti minyak dalam keadaan majoriti rakyat Kelantan berbangsa Melayu dan beragama Islam?

Kenapa UMNO memainkan peranan untuk menyekat pembangunan ke Kelantan dan ini diakui sendiri Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan UMNO Kelantan satu ketika dahulu? Apakah perkataan yang lebih tepat untuk menggambarkan sikap seperti ini selain daripada pengkhianat?

Pada saya, Islam yang dibawa oleh UMNO ialah Islam celup. Selagi dasar yang menjadi tunjang perjuangan UMNO ialah kebangsaan, tiada apa-apa nilai terhadap gerak laku UMNO sekalipun nampak seolah-olah ia pro-Islam. Di zaman Rasulullah SAW, masjid Dhirar diperintahkan untuk diruntuhkan sekalipun ia sebuah masjid kerana ia didirikan bukan di atas semangat Islam yang sebenar.

Kerana itu, saya tetap berpendirian, PAS tidak akan bersama-sama UMNO selagi UMNO tidak menukar dasar. 

Berhentilah menjadi pungguk yang rindukan bulan. Saban malam merenung bulan sambil memanggil-manggil, mahu terbang sayap kecil, mahu biarkan sahaja, hati pula tidak sanggup melihat bulan dipagar bintang. Akhirnya si pungguk hanya mampu berbuat bising! - Tn.Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Mat,harakahdaily

Tn.Guru Nik Aziz - Cooperation with UMNO,I will not allow it, as long as I am alive...

PAS Murshidul Am Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has again squashed any suggestions for the Islamic party to cooperate with UMNO, and urged anyone with such thoughts to stop dreaming.

“To me, the Islam propagated by UMNO is artificial Islam. As long as UMNO’s policy is about race, there is nothing good about UMNO’s actions even though they may look pro-Islam,” said Nik Aziz in comments made available to Harakahdaily.

He was responding to a pro-UMNO academic Dr Zainal Kling, a member of the government-backed National Professors Council.

Writing in his column in Sinar Harian today, Zainal said PAS and UMNO should forge cooperation for the sake of Islam, and argued no other parties beside UMNO was championing Islam.

But Nik Aziz rubbished Zainal’s statement as baseless, and cited several actions by UMNO leaders.

“Maybe UMNO’s decision to allow gambling dens in Kelantan prior to 1990 (when PAS came to power) had been part of the Islamic struggle from the perspective of this brilliant individual?" chided the former Kelantan Menteri Besar.

"In Melaka, there was a chief minister from UMNO’s top leadership who suggested entertainment centres be allowed to operate in the wee hours of the morning, maybe this too is about struggling for Islam?”

Nik Aziz questioned the benefits of PAS cooperating with UMNO.

“If UMNO’s advantage is about the number of seats, then may I propose that all UMNO state assemblymen in Kelantan join PAS because PAS has higher number of seats compared to UMNO,” he added.

Last month, Nik Aziz vowed to fight any attempt in the party to forge alliance between PAS and UMNO.

“I will not allow it, as long as I am alive, I will never allow any effort to forge cooperation between PAS and UMNO," he told Harakahdaily.

Takkan nak panggil Askar terus kot.. Tak nak buat rundingan dulu ke? At least, runding lah dulu macam rombongan Sultan Kiram Sulu 'melawat' Lahad Datu,Sabah tempoh hari...

Rombongan Sultan Kiram datang bawa senapang gajah, bom,dan parang kontot, boleh pula runding dulu dan Menteri  kita siap buat bodoh sombong tak nak guna askar,hinggalah terkorban beberapa anggota polis kita... 

Kini rakyat yang turun ke padang Merbok hanya bawa vuvuzela,botol air dan tuala, terus nak panggil askarkah...



Nazri Aziz silap semasa berkata tentang status agama anak mualaf pada 2009! Kenyataan Akhbar PPMM.

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 07:49 AM PDT


20 Jun 2013 bersamaan 11 Shaaban 1434

Persatuan Peguam-Peguam Muslim Malaysia (PPMM) ingin menarik perhatian masyarakat umum tentang isu pengislaman anak-anak seseorang ibu atau bapa yang telah memeluk agama Islam (mualaf) yang sekali lagi di ambil kesempatan beberapa pihak tertentu, khususnya Majlis Peguam Malaysia yang seolah-olah memberikan gambaran bahawa pengislaman sebelah pihak (unilateral conversion) telah berlaku dan oleh yang demikian melanggar beberapa aspek kebebasan beragama di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan khususnya Perkara 12 (3) dan 12 (4).

Untuk menjawab beberapa perkara yang telah diutarakan pihak Majlis Peguam, PPMM ingin menyentuh tiga perkara khusus:

Pertamanya, Mahkamah Persekutuan sebagai mahkamah tertinggi di Negara ini telahpun membuat keputusan mengenai definisi ‘parent” di dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang menentukan hak seseorang ibu atau bapa yang telah memeluk Islam dan mengislamkan anak-anak beliau yang di bawah umur.

Hal ini diputuskan Mahkamah Persekutuan di dalam kes Subashini Rajasingam lwn Saravanan Thangathoray & Lain (2008) yang telah bersetuju atau mengesahkan keputusan kes terdahulu Nedunchelian V Uthiradam lawan Nurshafiwah Mah Singai Annal & Lain (2005) bahawa definisi istilah 'parent' adalah cukup bermaksud dengan salah seorang iaitu ibu atau bapa. 

Oleh yang demikian di dalam kes Subashini, pengislaman anak-anak di bawah umur 18 tahun oleh bapa yang Muslim diktiraf Mahkamah Persekutuan sebagai betul dan tidak melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

Persoalan tentang Islam atau bukan Islamnya seseorang bila telah nyata dan sahnya pendaftaran mualaf hanya boleh di putuskan oleh Mahkamah Syariah.

Justeru Mahkamah Sivil, hatta Mufti, Majlis Agama Negeri-negeri dan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara tidak mempunyai sebarang bidang kuasa untuk menukar, meminda status Islam seorang dengan apa-apa perubahan. 

Kedudukan undang-undang ini telah dijelaskan melalui keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan iaitu kes Azalina Jailani (Lina Joy) lawan Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (2006).

Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz
Kedua, kenyataan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada 2009, Dato’ Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz bahawa anak-anak pasangan suami isteri sepatutnya kekal di dalam agama asal pasangan tersebut semasa perkahwinan mereka bukan lah suatu kedudukan yang sah mengikut Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagaimana yang cuba digambarkan Majlis Peguam. 

Pada hakikatnya, Jemaah Menteri tiada Kuasa untuk mengarahkan mana-mana Mahkamah untuk meminda, mematuhi arahan atau membatalkan sebarang undang-undang. 

Undang-undang yang sah hanya ditafsirkan Mahkamah mengikut falsafah, matan dan kehendak perundangan yang di gubal di Parlimen bagi undang-undang Persekutuan dan Dewan Undangan Negeri bagi maksud Enakmen-enakmen Negeri.

Kebebasan kehakiman adalah asas yang sangat penting di dalam sistem demokrasi Malaysia. Adalah jelas bahawa cabang Eksekutif, Perundangan dan Kehakiman mempunyai peranan masing-masing yang jelas dan tidak boleh mencampuri urusan yang lain.

Justeru, arahan Kabinet 2009 sepertimana yang didakwa Majlis Peguam, tidak mempunyai sebarang nilai dan tidak boleh meminda apa yang telah diputuskan Mahkamah. 

Mahkamah tidak terikat oleh arahan tersebut di dalam penafsiran undang-undang-undang lebih-lebih lagi apabila sesuatu perkara telah diputuskan Mahkamah Persekutuan sebagaimana di dalam kes Subashini. 

Selagi undang-undang tersebut tidak di pinda atau di batalkan maka undang-undang berkaitan dan keputusan Mahkamah pada masa tersebut adalah diterima pakai.

Pada hemat PPMM, Majlis Perundingan Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu, Sikh dan Tao Malaysia (MCCBCHST) telah sekali lagi bertindak membelakangkan undang-undang yang sah apabila menganggap keputusan kabinet pada 2009 hanya janji kosong kerana hanya mahu meredakan kes yang berlaku, bahkan ia tidak memberi keadilan kepada ibu atau bapa bukan Islam. 

Umum mengetahui bahawa MCCBCHST juga menganggotai Jawatankuasa Mempromosikan Persefahaman dan Keharmonian Di Antara Penganut Agama di bawah Jabatan Perpaduan dan Integrasi Nasional (JPNIN) namun begitu mereka telah membuat tindakan untuk mencabar hak-hak Muslim apabila memilih untuk menyebarkan pandangan yang salah berhubung isu ini di ruang media dan tidak melakukan yang terbaik untuk merujuk kepada wakil-wakil Islam yang berautoriti di dalam jawatankuasa tersebut bagi mendapatkan penjelasan dan menjernihkan prejudis dan stereotaip mereka mengenai Islam di negara ini.

Perlu ditegaskan bahawa keputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-87 yang bersidang pada 23 - 25 Jun 2009 telah membincangkan Status Agama Anak Bawah Umur Selepas Salah Seorang Pasangan Memeluk Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa:

1. Apabila salah seorang ibu atau bapa memeluk Islam, agama anak dibawah umur juga adalah Islam dan penjagaan anak hendaklah diletakkan di bawah ibu atau bapa yang beragama Islam;

2. Oleh yang demikian apabila salah seorang pasangan (ibu atau bapa) memeluk agama Islam, status agama bagi anak bawah umur pasangan adalah secara langsung beragama Islam;

3. Perkara 12(4) Perlembagaan Persekutuan yang memperuntukkan bahawa agama seseorang yang di bawah umur 18 tahun hendaklah ditetapkan oleh ibu atau bapa penjaganya tidak perlu dipinda.

Adalah jelas bahawa keputusan di atas telah disandarkan pada asas hujahan yang kukuh dan bersesuaian dengan kedudukan Islam sebagai Agama Persekutuan sebagaimana termaktub pada Perkara 3 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. 

Semua pihak termasuk Jemaah Menteri, Majlis Peguam dan MCCBCSHT perlu akur dengan hakikat ini dan tidak boleh mencari ruang untuk memanipulasi kedudukan ini atas nama kebebasan dan hak asasi manusia.

Seringkali di dalam kes di mana seorang suami memeluk Islam, mualaf ini ditohmah mahu melarikan diri dari tanggungjawab sivilnya. Namun pada hakikatnya mualaf tersebut telah mendapat hidayah dari Allah SWT dan mahu mengamalkan hak beragamanya sebagaimana yang diiktiraf Perlembagaan Persekutuan. 

Jurisprudens Islam tidak menghapuskan tanggungjawab suami atau bapa Islam terhadap isteri dan anak-anaknya walaupun berlainan agama mengikut kaedah yang ditentukan Islam. 

Malah terdapat juga kes dimana isu pemelukan Islam ini dikontroversi pihak tertentu namun akhirnya isteri yang tidak memeluk Islam itu dengan sukarela telah memeluk agama suci ini. 

Oleh yang demikian PPMM mengingatkan semua pihak jangan cuba membuat kontroversi isu sebegini, hal ini haruslah diselesaikan oleh kedua belah pihak secara berhemah.

Dato' Haji Zainul Rijal Abu Bakar 
Persatuan Peguam Peguam Muslim Malaysia.

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Speaker pilihan Pakatan untuk pulih imej parlimen – Anwar

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 04:00 AM PDT

Keadilan Daily

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menegaskan bahawa pemilihan Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman sebagai Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat, bertujuan untuk memulihkan integriti parlimen.

Anwar PC

Berdasarkan rekod, katanya, Pakatan percaya bekas hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan itu mampu menjalankan tugas dengan lebih bebas dan menghormati lunas perlembagaan.

“Ini satu gambaran bagaimana Pakatan mahu memulihkan imej prestasi parlimen supaya tidak menjadi gelanggang yang hanya memihak kepada satu pandangan.

“Sebab itu kita usulkan Kadir walaupun beliau tidak menjadi anggota parti dalam Pakatan,” ujar Ketua Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat itu dalam sidang media selepas mesyuarat pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat di ibu pejabat Pas, hari ini.

Pakatan Sebelum ini sebulat suara memilih Kadir yang juga pernah menjadi anggota Suruhanjaya Siasatan Kes Kematian Teoh Beng Hock dan anggota Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Transformasi Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) sebagai speaker dewan.

Anwar berkata, Pakatan turut memutuskan untuk mencalonkan Ahli Parlimen Tumpat, Datuk Kamaruddin Jaafar sebagai timbalan speaker, memandangkan terdapat dua kekosongan jawatan itu.

“Kita berharap bagi membantu Yang Dipertua dalam urusan mengendalikan persidangan seorang timbalan hendaklan dipilih dari kalangan seorang Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional dan juga Pakatan Rakyat,” jelas Ketua Umum KEADILAN itu.

Sementara itu, katanya, Pakatan Rakyat akan mengadakan konvensyen pada 23 Jun nanti di Hotel De Palma, Ampang melibatkan pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat, Menteri Besar Selangor, Kelantan dan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.

Anwar: Tumpu kepada perpaduan, tiada keperluan mansuh sekolah vernakular

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 03:58 AM PDT


Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menolak cadangan supaya sekolah vernakular dimansuhkan sebaliknya menggesa Putrajaya menfokuskan kepada perpaduan kebangsaan, ia ekoran isu perkauman yang dibangkitkan selepas keputusan pilihan raya ke-13 (PRU13).

Anwar berkata tiada keperluan menukar sistem persekolahan vernakular kerana telah diterima sejak tahun 1950-60 an sebagai salah satu dasar pendidikan negara.

“Penyata Razak, Talib dan Akta Pendidikan Kebangsaan telah mengiiktiraf sistem persekolahan vernakular, sejak itu ia berkembang dan diterima sebagai salah satu Dasar Pendidikan Negara.

 ”Kerajaan sepatutnya menumpukan kepada perpaduan kebangsaan dan kualiti pendidikan kebangsaan,” kata Anwar dalam sidang media selepas mesyuarat Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan Rakyat di ibu pejabat PAS di sini.

Pada Disember tahun lepas, Malaysia mendapat 440 mata dalam matematik untuk tingkatan dua ? bersamaan dengan gred lapan di seluruh dunia, dalam Kajian Sains Dan Matematik Antarabangsa (TIMSS) pada tahun 2011, di belakang Korea Selatan, Singapura, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong dan Jepun yang menduduki lima tangga teratas seluruh dunia.

Kajian tersebut menunjukkan pelajar Malaysia ketinggalan dalam bidang matematik dan sains berbanding dengan negara-negara lain.

Semalam, bekas Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan Datuk Mohd Noor Abdullah mencadangkan supaya sekolah vernakular Tamil dan Cina ditukar menjadi sekolah kebangsaan yang mengajar pelbagai bahasa.

Mohd Noor telah menimbulkan kontroversi bulan lalu apabila mangatakan kaum Cina bakal menerima tindakan daripada Melayu akibat daripada “pengkhianatan” dilakukan dalam Pilihan Raya 2013.

Mohd Noor turut dilaporkan berkata sistem persekolahan tersebut tidak diiktiraf dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan negara dalam satu forum bertajuk “Wacana Post-Mortem PRU13: Bicara Kepimpinan dan Survival Ummah” anjuran Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS) di Kuala Lumpur pada 12 Mei lalu.

“Menurut Perlembagaan, kita sepatutnya hanya ada satu aliran sekolah sahaja. Sepatutnya kita hapuskan sekolah jenis kebangsaan (SJK).

“Hapuskan oleh kerana Perlembagaan tak iktiraf sekolah jenis kebangsaan kerana adanya sekolah kebangsaan dan jenis kebangsaan, adanya sekolah Cina, India, ia memecah-belahkan rakyat,” kata beliau.

Sejurus kenyataan kontroversi itu, parti pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) mengecam kenyataan tidak bertanggungjawab kedua-dua individu tersebut dan menegaskan Perlembagaan Persekutuan melindungi sekolah vernakular dan pendidikan dalam bahasa ibunda, memetik Perkara 152 (1) (a) dan (b) dalam undang-undang tertinggi negara.

PR juga mengkritik dan mengecam kedua-dua individu tersebut kerana dilihat cuba mencetuskan ketegangan antara masyarakat Cina dan Melayu di dalam negara.

Malah, Pengerusi DAP Karpal Singh pada 15 Mei lalu membuat satu laporan polis ke atas Mohd Noor yang juga merupakan salah seorang panel dalam Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atas kenyataan berbentuk hasutan tersebut dan menggesa Pejabat Peguam Negara mengambil tindakan.

Barisan Nasional (BN) menang tipis pada 5 Mei dengan hanya 133 kerusi Parlimen berbanding 89 kerusi oleh PR lebih rendah daripada 140 kerusi yang mereka menangi dalam Pilihan Raya 2008.

Presiden Umno Datuk Seri Najib Razak mencadangkan “tsunami Cina” menyebabkan BN mendapat keputusan pilihan raya terburuk dalam sejarah.

Utusan Malaysia, akhbar dimiliki Umno, juga mencadangkan pengundi Cina cuba melakukan provokasi kaum dengan mengundi menentang BN, dengan satu tajuk muka hadapan akhbar itu berbunyi, “Apa lagi Cina Mahu?”.

Akhbar itu – dilihat bersekutu dengan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan pemimpin parti lain – secara konsisten berhujah undi menentang Umno yang mengetuai BN sama dengan undi menentang Melayu.

Ini berlaku apabila secara faktanya parti PR, PAS dan PKR sebahagian besarnya ahlinya Melayu-Muslim. DAP turut meletakkan calon Melayu dalam pilihan raya.

Smog: Now Pasir Gudang hits hazardous level

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 04:28 AM PDT

The API reading at Pasir Gudang in Johor has shot up to 333, hitting the hazardous range at 5.00pm. Muar remains under hazardous smog conditions as well, though inexplicably no new reading was provided at 5.00pm. The last reading at Muar at 11.00am today stood at an alarming 383, according to the Department of the [Read more]

Call for MACC to probe Felda's China deal

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 01:46 AM PDT

The Doctor at Felda
A prominent pro-Umno blogger has urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate a alleged discrepancies in a recent deal between Felda and a China company. Big Dog, in his posting Swine-(dling) Scruple, accused a unit under Felda of giving preferential treatment when selling 50,000 tonnes of palm olein to a "non-preferred client". There was also a suggestion that the transaction had involved some dubious commission. 
What's interesting is the blogger is implicating Dr Mohd Emir Mavani Abdullah in the deal. This is the same dude from Pemandu who was untimely named the CEO designate of Felda FGV in January this year, a full seven months (!) before the tenure of the sitting CEO who had successfully listed Felda FGV on the Bursa comes to an end.  
I have also written a little about the Doctor's link with the unaccredited Warnborough h e r e

Adun Pakatan Rakyat kena pukoi...

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 12:33 AM PDT

Lydia Ong Kok Fooi
Gara-gara menasihati penduduk supaya tidak melakukan pembakaran terbuka di padang permainan, wakil rakyat dipukul menggunakan sebatang buluh hingga cedera. 

Adun Berapit(DAP), Lydia Ong Kok Fooi mendakwa, semasa dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah di Taman Intan jam 7 malam, beliau ternampak wanita berusia 50-an membakar sampah dekat padang permainan berhampiran rumahnya.

Melihatkan kepulan asap yang memenuhi kawasan perumahan itu, dia segera meminta individu itu menghentikan pembakaran memandangkan ia mengundang pencemaran udara, menimbulkan bau busuk serta membahayakan kanak-kanak serta orang ramai.

“Saya cakap baik-baik, bukan tengking dan marah kerana perbuatannya salah serta boleh dikena tindakan undang-undang, tetapi dia tidak puas hati,” katanya.

Kok Fooi mendakwa, wanita itu kemudian mencabar dirinya dengan mengatakan dia berhak berbuat demikian dan sekiranya tidak berpuas hati, dia juga boleh membakar sampah di hadapan rumah wakil rakyat terbabit.

“Bagi membuktikan tindakan itu adalah salah di sisi undang-undang, saya merakamkan perbuatannya melalui kamera telefon bimbit, namun secara tiba-tiba telefon saya terlepas.

“Akibat marah perbuatan dia dirakamkan, wanita itu segera mengambil sebatang buluh lalu memukul di bahagian lengan kanan saya,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, bahunya sekali lagi dipukul sebaik sahaja dia menundukkan kepala untuk mencapai telefon bimbitnya.

Katanya, wanita terbabit sekali lagi mencederakannya di tangan sebelah kiri sehingga merosakkan permukaan jam tangan miliknya.

Menurutnya, akibat itu, beliau mengalami lebam-lebam di lengan kanan, kiri, bahu serta sengal badan.

Kekecohan dikatakan itu turut disaksikan penduduk di kawasan berkenaan yang berkumpul di kawasan sekitarnya.

Difahamkan, wanita itu sering melakukan pembakaran terbuka dan tindakannya itu mengundang pencemaran udara selain mengganggu ketenteraman jiran lain.

“Pembakaran sampah termasuk polistirena dan beg plastik memberi kesan kurang baik terutama apabila sisa toksik dan bau busuk merebak.

“Tujuan saya membuat laporan ialah supaya pihak polis boleh mengambil tindakan sewajarnya,” katanya.

Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Kuala Muda, Asisten Komisioner Khalil Ariffin berkata, pihaknya menerima laporan berkenaan dan akan menyiasat perkara itu.

Katanya, kes akan disiasat bawah Seksyen 326 Kanun Keseksaan kerana mendatangkan kecederaan menggunakan senjata dan sekiranya disabitkan kesalahan boleh dihukum penjara hingga 20 tahun atau denda atau sebatan atau kedua-duanya sekali.-sinar harian

 PR cadang MP Tumpat sebagai Timbalan Speaker Dewan Rakyat...

Pakatan Rakyat memutuskan untuk mencalonkan Ahli Parlimen Tumpat, Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar (gambar kiri) sebagai Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat.

Keputusan tersebut diputuskan pada mesyuarat mingguan Pakatan Rakyat di Pejabat Agung PAS sebentar tadi.

Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang menjelaskan demikian pada sidang media, percaya langkah itu sejajar dengan peningkatan bilangan komposisi Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat dan akan meningkatkan lagi kualiti amalan demokrasi di negara ini.

"Pada mesyuarat tadi kita telah memutuskan untuk mencalonkan Ahli Parlimen Tumpat sebagai Timbalan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat bagi sesi kali ini.

"Kita berharap bagi membantu Yang Dipertua dalam urusan mengendalikan persidangan seorang timbalan hendaklan dipilih dari kalangan seorang Ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional dan juga Pakatan Rakyat," jelasnya.

Dalam pada itu beliau mengulangi Pakatan Rakyat juga turut bersetuju untuk menamakan bekas Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan, Datuk Abdul Kadir Sulaiman(gambar atas) sebagai Yang Dipertua bagi Parlimen Ketiga Belas.

Menurutnya surat cadangan bagi jawatan Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat itu telah dihantar oleh Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim pada 10 Jun lalu.

"Bagi memantapkan lagi proses demokrasi negara ini dan memastikan perbahasan di Dewan Rakyat berlangsung dengan telus dan adil, Pakatan Rakyat mencadangkan bekas Hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan sebagai Yang Dipertua.

"Cadangan ini apabila kita melihat ketelusan beliau yang tidak memihak dengan mana-mana politik atau pihak dan kami yakin beliau dapat menjalankan tugas dengan baik pada persidangan kali ini," sambungnya.

Anwar berkata, Pakatan Rakyat menegaskan bahawa Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat mesti dilantik dari kalangan seorang yang bebas, berkecuali tanpa parti, berwibawa dan berkelayakan untuk berkhidmat.-harakahdaily


Secret ballot for speaker or expect trouble, warns Anwar...

Parliamentarians should vote for the new Dewan Rakyat speaker in an absolutely secret ballot, or expect a "battle", warns PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Speaking to reporters, he also announced that Pakatan Rakyat is also nominating PAS' Tumpat MP Kamaruddin Jaafar for one of the deputy speaker posts, while the other should be filled by a BN representative.

"If we're talking about secret ballot, then it has to be to the letter. Don't go on technical matters. As long as it is secret, can vote in front of friends.

"If they bulldoze through the decision on who would be the speaker, then they are in for a major battle," he said, directing his warning to the Parliament secretariat who will organise the ballot.

Pakatan has nominated former federal court judge Abdul Kadir Sulaiman as Parliament Speaker, while BN said it wants Pandikar Amin Mulia, whose term as Dewan Rakyat Speaker ends June 23, to stay on in the post.

Anwar said Abdul Kadir's track record showed that he would be able to convene sittings in a "more fair and respectable" manner".

Pakatan hopes to rehabilitate image of Parliament

"Pakatan hopes to rehabilitate the image of Parliament so that it will no longer be seen as a ring (gelanggang) for only one side," he said.

"The convention is for consensus be reached, but it seems that Umno-BN is conventionally not open to discussions, despite knowing that we obtained the majority vote."

Anwar said Pakatan has also agreed to retain him as Opposition Leader for the second term.

"The seating arrangements have been sent to the (Parliament) secretariat," he said at a press conference held after the Pakatan leadership council meeting.

On another matter, he said Pakatan would be holding a convention at De Palma Hotel in Ampang, Selangor, on  Sunday to discuss the the coalition's policies.

The convention will be attended by members of the DAP, PKR and PAS as well as the menteri besar and chief minister of Selangor, Kelantan and Penang.



Anwar: Unity proposals never came from Najib

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 12:29 AM PDT


PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim (below) said that no official proposals for a unity government had ever come from Prime Minister and BN chief Najib Abdul Razak.

However, he does not deny that this matter has been “discussions…in private” within political circles.

“I deny hearing from Najib on any specific proposals. Period…

NONE“Let us confine ourselves to the facts. No formal or designated representation (from the BN)

“I don’t think in the realm of politics these rumours (and) discussions in public places can be an issue,” he told reporters.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub, who was also at the post-Pakatan Rakyat leadership council meeting press conference, also denied that PAS embarked on such talks with veteran BN MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

“At this stage, not at all. We stick with Pakatan. Any decision we make is under Pakatan, it’s very clear,” he said.

Secret ballot for speaker or expect trouble, warns Anwar

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 12:23 AM PDT


Parliamentarians should vote for the new Dewan Rakyat speaker in an absolutely secret ballot, or expect a “battle”, warns PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Speaking to reporters, he also announced that Pakatan Rakyat is also nominating PAS’ Tumpat MP Kamaruddin Jaafar (left) for one of the deputy speaker posts, while the other should be filled by a BN representative.

“If we’re talking about secret ballot, then it has to be to the letter. Don’t go on technical matters. As long as it is secret, can vote in front of friends.

“If they bulldoze through the decision on who would be the speaker, then they are in for a major battle,” he said, directing his warning to the Parliament secretariat who will organise the ballot.

‘Anwar can wait five more years, but not the rakyat’

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 10:00 PM PDT


It is the people of Malaysia who are not “patient” to wait another five years for a regime change, while the opposition, including its leaders such as Anwar Ibrahim, can wait, says PKR vice-president Tian Chua.

“Anwar can wait. A lot of other people can wait, but I don’t think the Malaysian people are patient enough to wait another five years,” Chua said in an interview with Malaysiakini on Tuesday.

“I don’t think our economy can withstand another five years of wastage. The urgency for change comes from the demands of the people,” he said when asked whether the 13th general election would be former deputy prime minister Anwar’s last opportunity to be prime minister.

“The struggle is not about Anwar becoming PM. But GE13 was the last chance for Malaysia in the democratic reform trail,” he said.

“Basic democratic reforms, such as a freer media, leadership rotation, independent and free judiciary, anti-corruption body and Election Commission, are needed…

“Our neighbouring countries, which used to be behind us, are now ahead of us in these areas. But Malaysia has yet to take the first step in basic reform,” added the MP for Batu.

NONEAsked whether the movement for democratic reforms could yield the desired results in light of the election having been recently concluded, Chua drew parallels to insurgencies in other countries, such as in Syria.

“Many countries are in a more hopeless situation than us. It is impossible for change to happen there, but still the people continue to be resilient. Politics is not our concern, people are our concern,” he said.

“With gaps in the BN getting wider, I believe the coalition will be weaker in five years from now, and Pakatan will be stronger. But in between, now and then, there must be a genuine movement,” he added.

‘No one is indispensable’

Chua also said that while Pakatan backed Anwar as its candidate for prime minister, no one is indispensable to the opposition coalition.

“If you get a good system, it does not matter who leads. I’m confident Pakatan will be strong even if Anwar is not there…,” he said.

kedah black rally 220513 anwar 2“The desire for change is not Anwar’s personal mission, but it is the wish of the majority of the rakyat.”

Chua also dismissed the idea of an unity government between BN and the opposition as “unfounded”.

“We have no such concept (of a unity government). I don’t think BN or Pakatan will agree to the matter.

“Even if they do, the PM must come from Pakatan because we won more votes. And BN will never agree to that,” he said when asked if there was any Pakatan leader mulling the idea of forming an unity government with BN.

Najib, stop DRB Hicom companies action against workers exercising democratic rights in GE13

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:26 PM PDT

It has come to my knowledge that 2 of the companies in DRB Hicom in Pekan, the Parliamentary Constituency of Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, have commenced disciplinary action against 18 workers.

WHY? Because allegedly these workers went to hand over the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) demands on worker rights to a candidate contesting in GE13. Workers have a right to know whether a candidate is committed to worker rights, before they cast their votes. 

Of course, any citizen, worker or not, has every right to exercise their political rights in a democratic process - and that right includes also joining political parties, attending political party activities, being election counting or polling agents for any contesting candidates, campaigning for particular candidates/political parties, voting the candidate of their choice, meeting with candidates to get their views...or commitment to fight for certain rights, including worker rights. 

Hence, it is very wrong for these DRB Hicom companies to be commencing disciplinary action against these workers - i.e. a disciplinary action, if not discontinued, may result in termination of these workers - which will cause great suffering to the worker and their families, including their children. It is in Pekan, and as such finding alternative employment for these long-serving workers would also be very very difficult.

The said 2 companies primary concern seem to be that the action of these workers would give the false impression that the company is involved in politics.

This is absurd. Why? Because during the campaign period, these very companies allegedly informed and encouraged its workers to go for a function to meet up with the Barisan Nasional candidate contesting for the Pekan Parliamentary Constituency, being non other than then incumbent Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abd Razak whereby this event was also reported in Najib's electoral candidate for Pekan website/blog [] entitled "Dato’ Sri Najib Beramah Mesra Dengan Warga DRB-Hicom Pekan"( Dato' Sri Najib socializes with DRB Hicom Pekan citizens) - whereby it claims 3,000 from DRB Hicom participated. Now, no disciplinary action is taken against the 3,000, who allegedly were allowed to attend this event during working hours. Surely, this will already give the impression that the company is involved in politics. [Further, there was alegation that women workers also had another event where they went to meet Najib's wife]. I do wonder whether the DRB Hicom companies would have taken action against the 3,000 had Pakatan Rakyat won GE13.

Personally, I am of the opinion that NO employer should have the right to control the right of their workers to participate in the political life of the country. Employers control over their workers should be limited to their work performances and activities at the workplace - not to activities outside working hours. 

As it is the BN government tries to control the political activities and rights of public servants, and is now DRB Hicom trying to stand a similar trend with regard private sector workers? A dangerous anti-democratic trend that is unacceptable.

My hope is that DRB Hicom would immediately do the needful to discontinue these disciplinary actions against the workers - and ensure that they NOT be terminated. 

Najib also has a role as the MP of Pekan to ensure that workers in his constituency and their families are not subjected to suffering and injustice... 

The disciplinary action is on-going, and no one has yet lost their jobs - so, urgently DRB Hicom, Najib and others can try to end this now for the good and welfare of the affected workers and their families/dependents. 

UMNO Blaming the Chinese Vernacular Schools Is a Slap on Its Own Face

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 09:57 PM PDT

UMNO leaders (chiefly Dr Mahathir) and its supporters continue to launch their tirade against the Chinese community for the coalition's worse performance since the 1969 GE. BN had lost more than 90% of Chinese voters' support in the last GE. Since then, the shocking rejection by the community has been called the 'Chinese tsunami', 'betrayal', 'a rejection of Malay's friendship' etc.  

Former Appeals Court Judge Mohd Noor Abdullah has urged non-Malays to repay the past “sacrifice” made by the Malays in allowing Bahasa Melayu (BM) to be written in the Roman script for the sake of national unity. He said the non-Malays must repay this sacrifice by learning BM, and using BM every day. 

It is unclear if the Romanization of the Malay language was spearheaded by the British colonial master to help make it easier for its officers and other races (Chinese and Indian) to learn the language. Apart from the need to expand the use and adoption of the language, it is unclear if Mohd Noor's claim is credible. Even the Chinese government had introduced the Pinyin to allow more non-native speakers to learn the language. It was a foreign policy decision rather than a sacrifice on the part of the Chinese government. 

Mohd Noor, who courted controversy last month when he warned the Chinese community of a backlash from the Malays for their "betrayal" in the 13th general election, today claimed the Malays allowed use of the Roman script at the cost of distancing themselves from the Quran and Hadith.

Blaming the lack of proficiency of Jawi on the non-Malays is another self-denial made by the honourable ex-judge. During my primary school days, some of my Chinese friends had attended Jawi classes for six years and a number of them were more proficient in the language than most of the Malay classmates. The motivation to learn is intrinsically driven. It does not make sense for Mohd Noor to claim that by using the Roman script the Malays are distancing themselves from the Quran and Hadith. 

I had argued elsewhere that it is easy to put a religious label on any conflict or shortcoming of a community. However, it takes a bold and credible community leader to identify and acknowledge the weakness and shortcoming. Self denial is going to prolong the issue and not helping to correct it. Mohd Noor is a classic case of a human ostrich. 

He also reiterated his stand that the existence of Chinese and Tamil vernacular schools is inconsistent with the federal constitution.

According to the former judge, such schools should be converted to national schools.

The move, he said, would ensure that the use of BM develops well in official affairs and does not compete with the two other languages, which will also be used as mediums in schools.

Mohd Noor should strive to understand the background of the Chinese vernacular schools. During the British colonial era, the Chinese were left to their own instrument including the education of their own children. These schools were started as self funded schools by the Chinese community. Education for the Malays and their aristocrats were funded and governed by the Bristish. 

During the independence, the Alliance formed by the three core parties UMNO, MCA and MIC had agreed to recognize and allow the continuation of the vernacular schools system but these schools will continue to be funded by their respective community. 

The current education system is a relic of the Alliance coalition. If the vernacular education system is unconstitutional, it means the 3 parties had committed a constitutional contempt and should be charged in the constitutional court. If Mohd Noor is so adamant that he is right, he should file a case against these perpetrators. 

I would like to point out that a good proficiency of the Malay language does not guarantee a fair treatment from the BN government. I had scored a distinction in the Malay Literature but it did not guarantee me a place in the course of my choice despite having obtained the qualification points. A place in the local university was decided based on the colour of my skin and not my proficiency of the Malay language. 

If Mohd Noor is true proponent of national unity, it is more credible for him to call for the end of the Bumi and Non-Bumi segregation and division and to ban all race based political parties. 

What does UMNO hope to achieve with the continuation of the Chinese demonization? I support a truly Bangsa Malaysia. It does not make me a racist calling for equality and focus on nationality rather than ethnicity. 

It is time for UMNO to wake up!

Jenaka orang Pahang baru

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 09:44 PM PDT

Pasti anda sudah dengar kisah ini.

Satu hari seorang orang Pahang pergi ke KL membawa kereta besar. Tentulah dia susah nak parking dan ke sana kemari. Bila ditanya orang kenapa tak bawak kereta kecik, katanya, "Koi orang Pahang."

Ketika berada di KL, dia menyewa bilik yang besar disebuah hotel yang besar dan mahal. Apabila kawan dia datang untuk bertemu, jenuh berjalan nak jumpa di coffeehouse. Ditanya kenapalah pilih hotel ini? Jawabnya "Isy ... koi orang Pahang."

Mengikut versi lama jenaka orang Pahang, dia akan mengisahkan kenduri besar dan malam penganti. Tapi ini jenaka orang Pahang versi baru sebab orang Pahang ahli politik.

Orang Pahang ini seorang pemimpin dan pegang jawatan paling tinggi. Dia bertanding sebagai calun Parlimen pada pilihanraya.

Sebelum mula kempen, dia kasi rakyat duit bagi membantu rakyat hadapi kenaikan harga barang dan model ekonomi baru yang pendapatan rakyat belum naik tapi gaji CEO berjuta-juta setahun. 

Orang Cina dikasi banyak sekolah-sekolah. Orang India, orang kadazan, orang iban, dan rakyat pelbagai lapisan bangsa, pekerajaan, syarikat, dan lingkungan pendapatan mendapat bahagian masing-masing. 

Rasanya orang sayang dia. Masa kempen, orang diminta luahkan kasih dan sayang mereka kepadanya.

Majlis kempen, makan busat dan ceramah mestilah besar-besaran dan pakai baju warna serupa. Orang memang ramai datang. Seorang pemimpin lama tanya kenapa kempen macam gitu. Katanya, "Koi pemimpin Pahang."

Bila keputusan keluar, orang Pahang ni dapat kurang kerusi dan majoriti kecil.

Ada salahkan Penasihat. Ada salahkan tentera kacang hantu. Ada salahkan cina. Ada salahkan duit tak turun. Ada salahkan orang UMNO tak pandai kempen .... macam-macamlah yang bersalah.

Semua malu dan tak mahu nak salahkan orang Pahang. Tak mahu gaduh ... nanti parti politik orang Pahang berpeccah belah dan sudah tak besar lagi.

Akhirnya ada orang pergi jumpa tanya orang Pahang ini kenapa keputusan begitu. Katanya, "Isteri koi orang Negeri Sembilan."

Wow! Nasib baik tak sebut mak orang Johor.

It's getting hot in here!

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 08:57 PM PDT

It is quite amazing, when you think about it, how buildings and structures in Malaysia since the 1980s are completely inadequate to deal with the hot rays of sunshine in our tropical climate.

This, it appears, has something to do with the advent of air-conditioning and, centralised air-conditioning.

It appears that the availability of air-conditioning has given architectural designers the licence to draw buildings in Malaysia that pays no regard whatsoever to the power of the Sun.

Whereas, the pre-1980s buildings had lots of ventilation holes, canopies, verandahs and five-foot ways, these appear to have been discarded in favour of buildings, whether commercial or residential, that sealed every possible natural airflow and faced any which way. 

It is as if air-conditioning allowed building designers in Malaysia to thumb their noses at Nature. This was possibly the architectural equivalent of the Flight of Icarus.

So, we are now consistently confronted by the strong heat of either the morning sun or, the afternoon sun and, often, both. What do we do? Why, we turn the air-conditioning to 16 degrees, of course. This brings the average room temperature to about 20 degrees. 

Quite nice...except for the pesky monthly bills from Tenaga Nasional...and those rooms that cannot really cool down when the Sun is beating down.

When Ken Yeang designed the Mesiniaga Building and won accolades and awards, I thought, it was the turning point where Malaysian buildings, commercial or residential, would show the world what contemporary design can do in tropical settings.

Image sourced from here.

It has not happened.

Instead, we were and, still are, exposed to the most ill-thought out building designs where no regard whatsoever is given to the heat from the parts of the building that faces the Sun.

Nor, are we given the right to enjoy the cool morning or, evening breeze.

We can only hope and pray that Malaysian architects will start to assert themselves to landowners and developers to emphasise the absolute common sense that is required to design Malaysian buildings that are properly tropicalised so that occupants can truly enjoy the beauty of the Malaysian tropical climate instead of cursing the heat.

That is not fair to Sun or the Wind an, it is certainly not fair to the occupants of the buildings.

Muar smog reaches hazardous level

Posted: 20 Jun 2013 03:59 AM PDT

The smog hanging over Johor and Singapore has reached unhealthy levels, with Muar posting an alarming hazardous reading of 383 at 11.00am. According to the Department of the Environment’s classification, an Air Pollutant Index reading of more than 300 is deemed hazardous. In Singapore, the PSI reading at 12.00pm was 169 – 196, an unhealthy [Read more]

Swine-(dling) Scruple

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 07:00 PM PDT

FGV CEO-designate Emir Mavani

Bad enough that it was raised about the designated CEO to FELDA Global Ventures Holdings Bhd. Emir Mavani claimed to have obtained the doubtful Ph.D. in ‘Government Reforms’ from Warnborough University in the United Kingdom, in here barely three weeks ago. Now, it seems that there is what should be a scandalous deal when its out in the open.

It was said that even before taking over officially as the CEO of FGVH, Mavani made the decision to sell RBD Palm Olein to some ‘non preferred’ customers. RBD Palm Olein is the liquid fraction obtained by the fractionation of palm oil after crystallization at controlled temperatures. It is especially suitable for frying and cooking.

What is interesting about the buyer is Yunnan Huijia Import & Export Co. Ltd. of China. The company’s main stay of business operations in rearing and trading swine and pork meats and related products.

Screenshot of Yunnan Huijia Co. Ltd's website

Screenshot of Yunnan Huijia Co. Ltd’s website

The deal was for the sale of 50,000 metric tons of RBD Palm Olein.

FELDA Marketing (FELMA) is the outfit to market CPO and processed oil. FELMA advised against the sale, considering the background of the buyer. More over, the sale of products to companies in China is usually at a lower price. Thus, any export to China would not be FELMA’s preferred choice.

It was said Mavani went ahead with the sale despite FELMA’s opposition and instructed that a USD 20.00 per ton discount be given to Yunnan Huijia. The current market price of RBD Palm Olein is USD 790-800.00 per ton (Malaysian domestic market).

It is believed on top of that discount, the commission USD 20.00 for every ton that was sold to Yunnan Huijia was personally pocketed by someone within FGV. That is a cool USD million for the RBD Palm Olein deal.

Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission officers should investigate the sale of RBD Palm Olein to Yunnan Huijia and probably Mavani’s own accounts. FGV cannot be tarred if the CEO and senior management are involved in separate deals with their clients and suppliers. What is more damaging if there were personal gains made, through these deals.

On another perspective Shareholders of FGV, especially those from the 112,635 FELDA settlers would likely want to know why are they selling products to swine producers at a discounted price. More over, subsidising export. It would not be good for them to feel that their investment is technically subsidising porcine based business in China.

Its is a serious matter of integrity. Especially FGV is the corporation that is entrusted to carry out business where the proceeds would be channeled to fund for the development programs for the 112,635 families of FELDA settlers and neighbouring communities.

Mavani is supposed to take over from Tan Sri Sabri Ahmad in 25 days time. Mavani was PEMANDU’s nominated personality into the BOD of FGV. He was the director in charge of oil and gas in PEMANDU.

It is believed that since it was raised in public domain, Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak recently instructed the BOD of FGV to investigate the integrity of Mavani’s Ph.D. In the upcoming board meeting on Monday 24 June, Mavani is expected to produce his Ph.D, original trasncript and thesis for scrutiny and verification.

Let’s hope that there is no unscrupulous practice of deception detected. There is too much at stake here.

UMNO, Kongkong dan Kampung

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 06:44 PM PDT

Pagi ini saya ingin menceritakan satu peristiwa yang terjadi di Shah Alam semasa PRU 13 yang lalu. Di salah sebuah kawasan di Shah Alam, pada malam pengiraan undi, puak UMNO telah mendapat berita bahawa, untuk daerah mengundi berkenaan, calon BN telah menang di saluran 1 dan 2. Mereka begitu bersemangat dan berkumpul dan terus berkonvoi ke rumah Ketua Kampung!

Setiba di sana, mereka berteriak meminta Ketua Kampung keluar untuk bertemu dengan mereka. Apabila ketua kampung keluar, mereka menuntut supaya kunci masjid diberikan kepada mereka! Melihat pada rombongan yang agak ramai, ketua kampong pun naik hairan lalu bertanya. “Apa hal ni?” tanya beliau kepada mereka. Mereka menjawab, “Kami sudah menang! Dan kami mahu ambil alih Masjid supaya tidak lagi diadakan kuliah yang pro-pembangkang”. Ketua kampung lantas menjawab, sabarlah dulu, tunggulah keputusan keseluruhannya!

Ringkaskan cerita, itulah niat dan matlamat yang tersirat di hati pimpinan UMNO di peringkat bawahan sekalipun. Mereka mahu ambil alih kuasa supaya dapat mengongkong minda Melayu khususnya. Alhamdulillah PAS bersama PR telah menang di Shah Alam dan seterusnya di Selangor! Semoga minda Melayu dan seluruh rakyat Negeri Selangor dapat terus dikembangkan.

WaLlahu 'Alam

KLIA2 12-month delay: More than it meets the eye

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 06:37 PM PDT

Malaysia Airports (MAHB) has finally conceded that the KLIA2 project is severely delayed has the new date set is 12 months later than the last confirmed completion date at 30 April 2014.

It was only on 8 March 2013 when Faizah Khairuddin, the MAHB general manager told the press that “the new low-cost carrier airport, KLIA2, will be ready by May 1 (2013), although its opening date has been deferred to June 28… as the later date was only set to commemorate the inauguration of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport 15 years ago… the period would be utilised to perform testing, mock operation drills and commissioning activities.”

MAHB had reiterated as late as 28th March 2013 that the KLIA2 project was “on schedule” which meant completion by 1 May 2013.

However, MAHB finally conceded that the project was delayed after persistent pressure from Pakatan Rakyat elected representatives 3 weeks ago, and it was announced late yesterday that the project has been extended by a shocking 12 months.

I had joked during my 27 May press conference with Nurul Izzah Anwar, MP for Lembah Pantai that I would not be surprised if the new “low-cost” KLIA2 will only be officially launch on 28 June 2014, to commemorate not the 15th anniversay of KLIA, but the 16th.  But even I am shocked at how close to the mark I was on the prospective new opening date.

The new opening date does not tally with all the stories that MAHB and the contractors have been telling Malaysians over the past one year.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Datuk Abdul Rahim bin Bakri had informed parliament on 8 October 2012, that… “setakat 13 September 2012 status kemajuan KLIA 2 adalah mendahului jadual iaitu 61.92% berbanding jadual 56.9% dan dijangka siap pada April 2013”.

However, based on the KLIA2 main contractor UEM-Binapuri’s report, 93% of the works have already been completed as at 31 May 2013.  This means that 31% of the works have been completed in 8.5 months, but MAHB is telling us that it will take another 11 months to finish the balance of the 7% of works?

The new 30 April completion date will also mean that UEM-Binapuri will be required to pay a total of RM63.4 million in liquidated and ascertained damages (LAD) or RM199,445 per day for 318 days commencing 16 June 2013.  The UEM-Binapuri contract is worth RM997.2 million, which commenced in August 2010.  As of yesterday, Binapuri has already disputed the LAD claims, placing the blame for the delay on MAHB.

Clearly the entire story does not add up and MAHB must come clean with the real story behind the massive delay of the airport since its first scheduled completion in September 2011.  Not only has the airport been delayed by 31 months, the airport has also busted its budget of RM1.7 billion to its current total of RM4 billion today.

Given the mysterious 12 month extension to the KLIA2 deadline, Malaysians want to know what is the exact status on other related projects in KLIA2 which affects the operatability of the airport?  In particular, have all the other projects such as the control tower, aircraft aprons and the third runway all been completed as at 30 April 2013?

In fact, the main contractor for the RM268.8 million 3rd KLIA runway, KUB Malaysia announced on 8 June that the runway is only 80% completed.  Then the question that needs to be asked then is why is the LAD action taken only against UEM-Binapuri with “only” 7% of the project left to be completed, when no action is taken against KUB when 20% of the project has yet to be completed as admitted by KUB themselves?

There is certainly a lot more dirt than it meets the eye at the RM4 billion mega-scandal at KLIA2 and MAHB must stop lying and hiding the truth from Malaysians as they have done over the past 2 years.  The Ministry of Transport, with its Secretary-General, Datuk Seri Long See Wool who is himself a director in MAHB must demand full accountability and transparency to ensure that those responsible for the misdeeds are brought to book.
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