Anwar - Isu jerebu ke Parlimen, dan sedia bekerjasama dengan BN bagi menanganinya...

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Jun 23, 2013, 7:03:25 PM6/23/13

Anwar - Isu jerebu ke Parlimen, dan sedia bekerjasama dengan BN bagi menanganinya...

Anwar - Isu jerebu ke Parlimen, dan sedia bekerjasama dengan BN bagi menanganinya...

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 12:00 PM PDT

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) akan membawa isu jerebu yang semakin kritikal di negara ini ke Parlimen yang akan bersidang esok dan bersedia bekerjasama dengan Barisan Nasional (BN), bagi memastikan masalah berkenaan tidak akan berulang.

Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menegaskan Jawatankuasa Kabinet perlu berbincang dalam kadar segera bagi mengatasi masalah jerebu, dan bukannya menunding jari mencari kesalahan mana-mana pihak.

"Keadaan semakin gawat, apa sahaja langkah yang perlu diambil perlu dilaksanakan," kata pemimpin pembangkang itu ketika sidang media selepas berucap di majlis perasmian Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat di Hotel De Palma, Ampang di sini.

"Buka setakat menunding siapa salah, kedua-duanya, Malaysia dan Indonesia perlu bersidang dan mencari penyelesaian," kata Ketua Umum PKR itu lagi, dan menambah tindakan segera juga perlu diambil terhadap syarikat Malaysia di Indonesia yang dikatan terlibat menjadi punca kepada masalah jerebu.

"Syarikat kroni Malaysia terlibat, dan Malaysia perlu bertindak."

Menteri Alam Sekitar Indonesia, Dr Balthasar Kambuaya sebelum ini berkata pihaknya telah mengenal pasti lapan syarikat yang mempunyai kaitan dengan Malaysia sedang disiasat kerana melakukan pembakaran di Riau dan Jambi, yang mengakibatkan jerebu sehingga memberi ancaman kepada negara jiran Malaysia dan Singapura.

Menurut Dr Balthasar, kesemua lapan syarikat itu dimiliki oleh para pelabur Malaysia dan kebakaran yang berlaku dikesan di bawah konsesi mereka.

Harus dibuat lebih awal dan di seluruh Johor, topeng muka itu perlu diedarkan lebih awal lagi. Saya rasa semua langkah perlu dilaksanakan lebih awal.

Setiausaha Agung DAP Lim Guan Eng juga turut menegaskan PR juga sedia bekerjasama dengan kerajaan bagi mencari penyelesaian dalam isu jerebu.

"Macam mana pun, kami dari pihak PR mengatakan tindakan awal seharusnya boleh diambil ... Kami sedia bekerjasama dengan kerajaan, yang penting kesihatan dan keselamatan rakyat," katanya, yang juga merupakan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang dalam sidang media berkenaan.

Lim turut berkata, kerajaan juga seharusnya telah mula mengedarkan topeng percuma kepada penduduk terjejas akibat jerebu, dan mencadangkan penguatkuasaan ketat daripada Jabatan Alam Sekitar.

Indonesia telah berkata republik berkenaan telah mengenalpasti lapan syarikat berkenaan iaitu;PT Langgam Inti Hiberida; PT Bumi Rakksa Sejati; PT Tunggal Mitra Plantation;PT Udaya Loh Dinawi; PT Adei Plantation; PT Jatim Jaya Perkasa ;PT Multi Gambut Industri dan PT Mustika Agro Lestari.

Awal hari ini, Muar telah diisytihar darurat pagi ini selepas Indeks Pencemar Udara (IPU) berada pada tahap setinggi 750 sementara dua bandar di Melaka dicatatkan pada bacaan 300.

Bacaan IPU tertinggi di Malaysia adalah di Sarawak pada 1997 dengan bacaan 860.

Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar Datuk Seri G Palanivel berkata hari ini kedaan jerebu di tiga bandar telah mencapai tahap berbahaya.

Dua lagi bandar adalah Bukit Rambai pada 357 dan Bandaraya Melaka pada 364.

Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS) Datuk Halimah Hassan pagi ini telah meminta pengarah Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) untuk mengisytiharkan darurat di Muar hari ini.

MKN dijangka akan mengeluarkan arahan kepada penduduk untuk tinggal dalam rumah dan mengarahkan sekolah di beberapa negeri terus ditutup.

Palanivel juga berkata, MKN akan mengadakan pembenihan awam serta merta untuk memastikan hujan membersihkan asap yang datang melalui Selat Melaka itu.

Bacaan IPU di bandar-bandar terpilih setakat pukul 8.00 pagi tadi adalah Pasir Gudang [123], Kemaman [140], Kelang [189], Balok Baru, Kuantan [137], Petaling Jaya [111], Johor Bahru [114], Shah Alam [104], Port  Dickson [168], Kota Tinggi [137] dan Banting [110]. - 23 Jun, 2013.-malaysian insider

Minister Palanivel given 48 hours to name the haze-linked firms or...

An NGO has given Environment Minister G Palanivel a 48-hour ultimatum to name the Malaysian companies involved in the ongoing haze crisis, or it will take the government to court for negligence.

“We demand answers from Palanivel and give us the names of Malaysian companies involved in open burning in Sumatra.

ally harzan hashim“We want him to be responsible on the safety, health and environment of Malaysians today,” said Memacu Arus Perjuangan (MAP) deputy president Ally Harzan Hashim (left) when met by Malaysiakini today.

The group’s lawyer Ahmad Jufliz Faiza said that if the minister fails, the group intends to bring the government to court for negligence by failing its duty of care to Malaysian citizens.

The clock for Palanivel starts at 4pm today, when the interview was held.

MAP also wants Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam to disclose health-related statistics regarding the haze, such as the number of persons visiting hospitals for breathing difficulties, in order to raise awareness on the issue.

Ally Harzan claims that he has surveyed hospitals in Kajang and found that 300 children and 200 senior citizens had sought treatments for respiratory illnesses.

They also complained about government inaction over the haze and an apparent short-supply of N95 respirators.

While many Malaysians are seen wearing surgical masks on the streets, it offers negligible protection against fine particles whereas a well-fitted N95 respirator can filter out even finer particles.

Indonesian NGOs helping

Another of MAP’s lawyers, Patrick Dass, questioned whether the government had vested interests in the companies involved, judging from its inaction although the haze has been a recurring problem for about 15 years.

The ongoing haze, which has resulted in a state of emergency being declared in parts of Johor, has been blamed on palm oil companies practising slash-and-burn tactics to clear the forests in Sumatra. Some of these companies are believed to be Malaysian, or owned by Malaysians.

ahmad jufliz faizaAlly Harzan said MAP has several suspects, and is working with Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) and environmental NGOs in Singapore and Indonesia for confirmation on which companies are involved.

“We know the names of the companies, but we have to confirm this. That is why we request the government through the minister to give us the names, while we are also liaising with other NGOs to get their names,” said Ahmad Jufliz (right).

The NGOs would also initiate legal action against the companies responsible for the haze in their home countries if necessary, he said.

Backing their call for action to tackle the haze, PRM president Rohana Ariffin said, “Every year it has been promised that this thing will be resolved, but I think it has to be stopped now.”- malaysiakini


Jerebu - Menteri Alam Sekitar lebih sayang 'Panda' Cina dari rakyat Malaysia...

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 08:11 AM PDT


Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng mendakwa Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar, Datuk Seri G. Palanivel lebih mementingkan keselamatan panda berbanding rakyat negara ini yang sedang berdepan ancaman kesihatan ekoran jerebu.

Menurut Guang Eng, Palanivel selaku menteri bertnggungjawab sewajarnya memberi keutamaan kepada masalah pencemaran jerebu yang semakin serius.

"Palanivel lebih pentingkan panda-panda dari Cina berbanding jerebu.

"(Padahal) lebih penting dari panda adalah manusia, iaitu rakyat Malaysia," kata Guan Eng pada sidang media selepas majlis pembukaan Konvensyen Kepimpinan Pakatan Rakyat di sebuah hotel di Ampang hari ini.

Guang Eng dipercayai mengulas tindakan palanivel semalam menghadiri majlis menandatangani Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) mengenai perlindungan dua ekor beruang panda gergasi dari Cina di Zoo Negara.

Difahamkan kedua-dua beruang panda itu akan tiba di Zoo Negara pada Disember ini.

Sedangkan menurut Guang Eng, dalam keadaan meruncing seperti ini, Palanivel seharusnya perlu fokus kepada bagaimana mencari penyelesaian untuk menjaga keselamatan rakyat.

"Kita mengharapkan tindakan lebih cepat, dan kita di pihak Pakatan Rakyat sedia untuk memberi kerjasama.

"Pada masa sekarang sekurang-kurangnya kerajaan sudah boleh mengedarkan topeng muka percuma kepada rakyat," katanya.

Tindakan kecemasan

Sementara itu, Ketua Umum PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada sidang media sama menggesa kabinet Datuk Seri Najib Razak segera bersidang bagi membincangkan pelan kecemasan bagi mengelakkan masalah jerebu semakin teruk.

"Kedua-dua negara Malaysia dan Indonesia juga perlu mengadakan persidangan segera mengatasi masalah ini.

"Malayisa tidak boleh berdiam diri, meskipun yang terlibat (membuat pembakaran terbuka) adalah syarikat-syarikat kroni," kata Anwar.

Kerajaan Indonesia dalam satu kenyataan hari ini berkata, pihaknya mengenal pasti sebanyak lapan syarikat yang mempunyai kaitan dengan Malaysia sedang disiasat kerana melakukan pembakaran di Riau dan Jambi, yang mengakibatkan jerebu sehingga memberi ancaman kepada negara jiran Malaysia dan Singapura.

Dalam perkebangan lain, Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak hari ini mengisytiharkan status darurat di Muar dan Ledang di Johor berkuat kuasa serta merta selepas bacaan Indeks Pencemaran Udara (IPU) melebihi 750 pagi ini.-harakahdaily

Worsening haze: Schools closed in 4 states.

 Gov't flayed for 'prioritising pandas over haze'...

Natural Resource and Environment Minister G Palanivel has come under fire from DAP for apparently prioritising pandas that were due to be delivered from China over the haze crisis.

"His (Palanivel's) statement in the newspapers today was not about the haze but about building a special building for the pandas and how they can be delivered sooner.

pakatan convention ampang 230613"This does not make sense, we are in a haze crisis, but he's talking about pandas. If the haze is not resolved China would not even let the pandas come," said DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng at the opening of the Pakatan Rakyat leadership convention in Ampang this afternoon.

Lim also called for an emergency to be declared following the worsening haze condition in Johor, which coincidentally was declared by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak mid-speech.

Speaking at a joint Pakatan press conference later, Lim noted the declaration but stressed that more should have been done.

"What is wrong is the government were to give out free face masks at the worst-hit places?" he said.

'More concrete action needed'

Adding on, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said this would be Pakatan's first priority when Parliament convenes.

"This will be our major first move in Parliament," he said.

He said the cabinet committee must immediately convene a meeting to address the problem.

"Based on experience, the cabinet committee would immediately convene and all machinery would be immediately mobilised and whatever measures necessary will be taken even if it means the fire brigade spraying water off buildings," said Anwar who is former deputy prime minister.

He also urged action against any Malaysian companies that had a role in the fires in Indonesia that has seen neighbouring Malaysia and Singapore engulfed in smog.

Anwar also noted that Palanivel had said he will meet his Indonesian counterpart on the haze crisis next Wednesday which he said was too late. 


Make sure DOE website works

Meanwhile, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang called on Palanivel as well as Najib to immediately meet their Indonesian counterpart on the worsening crisis and not wait until next Wednesday.

He also called on the Department of Environment (DOE) to ensure its website displaying the air pollutant index (API) is well maintained because it went offline for a few hours today.

Meanwhile, Kuala Krai MP Dr Hatta Ramli urged the Health Ministry to be fully prepared as people are expected to come down with respiratory illnesses.

"The Health Ministry must be highly prepared to receive people with health complications such as respiratory tract infection, it needs to give confidence to everyone that all services is available.

"In Muar example (worst hit area), the Health Ministry must be in full force and more staff should be deployed if necessary," he said.

At 7am today, the API in Muar skyrocketed to more than double the hazardous level, at 746. The figure has since dropped slightly.

According to the DOE, the API bands are categorised as such Good (0-50), Moderate (51-100), Unhealthy (101-200), Very Unhealthy (201-300) and Hazardous (301 and above).-malaysiakini

Blame Game Rekindled in Southeast Asia Smog Row


Besuk sekolah tutup

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 05:47 AM PDT

Jijah, seorang nenek di Kuala Lumpur menalipon anaknya, Asiah di Johor Baru untuk bertanya khabar cucu.cucunya.

Jijah: Assalamualaikum

Asiah: Mualaikum salam, mak. Sihat?

Jijah: Alahamdulillah. Budak-budak sihat walaupun udara berjerebu di Johor Baru tu...

Asiah: Sihat. Adalah sikit-sikit batuk. Besuk pun dah umumkan sekolah tutup. Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur pun umum tutup.

Jijah: Ye ... Tapi Najib masih belum lagi umumkan darurat.

Asiah: Dah berapa hari baru nak umunkan!

Jijah: Kenapa gitu, nak?

Asiah: Ini mesti tunggu Cina marah baru dia nak umum ...

Wow! 1Malaysia:: Cina diutamakan

Kau yang hipokrit, Wan Ahmad...

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 04:27 AM PDT

DAP hari ini menempelak Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang didakwa menjadi 'hipokrit sebenar' dengan menyatakan pilihan raya umum lalu bersih dan adil sekalipun bukti menunjukkan sebaliknya.

NONEDalam kenyataan, Pengarah Strategi DAP Ong Kian Ming mendakwa SPR menunjukkan sikap hipokrit apabila enggan mengakui bahawa dakwat kekal itu tidak kekal, perpindahan pengundi berlaku sewenang-wenangnya, persempadanan menyebelahi BN dan SPR tidak menguatkuasa peraturan pilihan raya.

Ahli parlimen Serdang itu mengulas kenyataan Timbalan Pengerusi SPR Datuk Wan Ahmad Wan Omar yang menyifatkan pembangkang sebagai hipokrit kerana akan mengangkat sumpah sebagai wakil rakyat di Parlimen meskipun mempertikai keputusan pilihan raya umum lalu.

Berdasarkan fakta, katanya, pelbagai tindakan yang diambil oleh Pakatan Rakyat - menganjurkan perhimpunan bantahan, memfailkan petisyen, menyuarakan parlimen - tindakan konsisten dengan hasrat mereka demi mewujudkan ketelusan, adil dan sistem pilihan raya yang bersih.-malaysiakini

EC the 'real hypocrites', cries DAP...

DAP today lambasted the Election Commission (EC) for being the "real hypocrites" for claiming that the election was free and fair despite evidence to the contrary.

In a press release today, DAP strategist Ong Kian Ming said the EC displayed hypocritical behaviour when they failed to acknowledge that the indelible ink was not permanent, that arbitrary voter transfer happens, that electoral boundaries are skewed towards BN and that the EC does not enforce election laws.

NONEOng was responding to EC deputy chairperson Wan Ahmad Wan Omar's claim that Pakatan Rakyat were hypocrites for rejecting the election results and yet had no qualms swearing-in as lawmakers.

"They won 89 (parliamentary) seats and more than two-thirds majority in three states but on the streets, they reject the general election results. Really, this is hypocrisy," said Wan Ahmad during a forum on June 20.

Ong said that such actions are "perfectly consistent" because the series of Bersih demonstrations had shown that it was effective in compelling the EC to change.

He said that the rallies had pressured the Najib-administration into establishing a Parliamentary Select Committee on Electoral Reforms and also pressured the EC into making arrangements for Malaysians residing overseas to vote.

NONE"Let me also remind the deputy chairperson that it was only after three Bersih rallies that the EC finally agreed to the use of indelible ink after cancelling its use at the last minute just before the 2008 General Election," he said.

Ong said that there is still much to be done, such as a "cleaning up" of the electoral roll, amending laws which prevent the integrity of the electoral roll being challenged in court and redemarcation of electoral boundaries in a fair manner.

He said that the rally at Padang Merbok yesterday was designed to show the public's lack of confidence in the EC and flawed conduct of the general election.

"An election commission that fails to enjoy public confidence, as per Article 114 (2) of the Federal Constitution, should resign instead of being in denial and worst yet, accuse others who want to create a more transparent, fairer and cleaner electoral system of being hypocrites," he said.-malaysiakini



Lenggeng, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus ~ Jelajah Mahaguru58

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 04:57 AM PDT

Salah satu kegemaran saya adalah untuk menjelajah bumi Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ini dengan memandu melalui jalan jalan persekutuan, berhenti di pekan pekan kecil dan merakamkan suasana sekitar didalam bentuk fotografi dan video.

Hari ini saya berkesempatan singgah di Lenggeng, sebuah pekan kecil lama di dalam Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. 

Ikuti lah rakaman spontan saya didalam bentuk video dibawah:

Saya tertarik dengan keadaan beberapa kedai papan lama di pekan Lenggeng ini. Walaupun keadaan kedai2 lama ini sesetengahnya sudah uzur namun ada termeterai keindahan senibina dan peradaban lama padanya.

Corak corak pada tingkap kedai kedai diatas bertarikh dari zaman era British dahulu. Cuma sejak kebelakangan ini dipasang kompresor pendingin hawa menurut keperluan zaman ini.Dulu dulu hanya dibuka sahaja tingkap itu dan angin sepoi sepoi bahasa meniup keseluruh ruang atas kedai tersebut.

Sekarang terpaksa lah ditutup sebab nak dinginkan ruang dan untuk mengelakkan debu dan habuk dari jalan didepan terbang masuk! Mujur lantai ruang atas tu terletak tinggi. Jika tidak adalah nanti 'spiderman' merayap masuk menceroboh! :P

Semasa saya singgah di pekan Lenggeng, keadaan jalan nya berdebu disebabkan laluan lori lori pembinaan yang membawa muatan tanah dan pasir. Itulah puncanya kenapa pekan Lenggeng begitu tercemar dengan debu debu di jalan utamanya.

Di tambah pula dengan keadaan berjerebu yang di sebabkan oleh pembakar2 hutan Sumatera, Indonesia yang tidak peduli akan kesan pencemaran udara serantau.

Phua Kong Hing, mekanik motor di pekan Lenggeng begitu mesra memberikan lambaian 'peace' kepada anda para pembaca blog Mahaguru58 yang budiman. Jika lalu disana, singgah lah sekejap bertanya khabar pada nya.

Alang alang saya dah ada kat Lenggeng, daerah pendalaman Nogori Sembilan, makanya saya pun pergilah singgah makan disalah sebuah warung Masakan Minang di Kampong Katop dihujung pekan Lenggeng.

Inilah makanan tengahari saya di sana. Daging masak lomak cili padi dan sepotong ayam goreng berempah. Sodap!!! Tapi kebanyakan isi ayam tu saya sedekahkan pada dua ekor kucing yang datang merayu mengiau ngiau pada saya. Dah rezeki kucing kucing tersebut. :-)

Insya Allah jika ada masa, mahu saya menjelajah lagi.

Penang-based photographer extraordinaire Ismail Hashim passes away

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 08:45 AM PDT

Visual artist Ismail Hashim, one of seven founding members of social reform group Aliran, passed away in a road accident in Penang yesterday evening. Poet Cecil Rajendra, who described Ismail as a close friend, said he had a wonderful time yesterday with Ismail laughing and joking and reminiscing after the launch of Cecil’s new book [Read more]

Money-tising heritage

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 11:23 PM PDT

The Malaysia Truly Asia attraction by Theme Attraction and Resorts Sdn. Bhd.

The Malaysia Truly Asia attraction by Theme Attraction and Resorts Sdn. Bhd.

The snapshot of the grand plan of building Malaysia Truly Asia attraction in a 26.3 hectare site adjacent to Tugu Negara isn’t damaging enough taken at face value. There is an underlying sinister agenda.

According to the Ministry of Federal Territory and Urban Well Being website, the theme attraction park is one of the five iconic projects for Kuala Lumpur. It is actually briefly explained as:

Malaysia Truly Asia Centre – an integrated cultural tourism park. It is a 65.66 acre site bordered by the Tugu Peringatan, Padang Merbok, Bank Negara’s Lanai Kijang residential complex and Istana Selangor and will be announced later in the year.

Part of building that would be torn down and make way for this is the mansion where Institute of Strategic and International Studies is housed. It is believed it was the same building that Allahyarham Tan Sri Mohamad Noah Omar resided when he served as the first Speaker of Dewan Rakyat.

The personalities appointed into the BOD and serving behind Khazanah Nasional Bhd.’s  subsidiary Theme Attraction and Resorts Sdn. Bhd. (TAR) are reflective of the sinister agenda to follow through proposals in the lame excuse of progress and commercialisation. More importantly, to over-write over on  history and possibly at the expense of heritage and traditional whilst at it.

The Chairman is was former Minister in-charge of EPU in PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s administration Tan Sri Amirsham A. Aziz. His contribution is remembered best when over night in mid 2008, the Federal Government rose the retail price of petrol by 78sen. It has already proven that Amirsham is a sort of leader who makes decision based on the facts presented and more importantly independent from political and community sensitivities.

Ganen in the centre, in a media conference with MD of Khazanah Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar

The other board members include ‘Level Four Boys’ operative Ganen Sarvananthan and former McKinsey consultant Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Tunku Ali Redhauddin Tuanku Mukhriz. Ganen is believed to be one of the architects behind the KFC restructuring plan late last year.

It is no mystery why TAR is willing to go ahead with the project for maximising the full potential from the commercialisation of the 66 acre site. And in the process of monetising the asset, a sense of heritage, tradition and wealth of history is wiped out.

Even though the proposal has not been approved by relevant authorities, the thought of coming up with the concept of taking away heritage and history and make way for commercialized projects is reflective of the thought process of the stewards of the company which is centered towards greed.

TAR’s current projects in Johor such as Legoland in Iskandar Malaysia and Hello Kitty in Puteri Harbour have shown termendous success. In fact, Legoland is expected to rake it profits in their first year of operations. With the addition of Kidzania in Puteri Harbour, they are expecting an aggregated figure of three million annual visitors to all three theme parks.

Legoland in Iskandar Malaysia

TAR did value add in new development areas such as Iskandar Malaysia and tapped some of the visitors from neighbouring Singapore.

It is different from the proposed Malaysia Truly Asia attraction. Kuala Lumpur could do with an additional attraction as such, but not at the expense of dismantling its history and heritage. Definitely at the present proposed site, where part of it is a green lung for the city centre.

If this thought process continues, probably one fine day some wise one within TAR would come up with the proposition to create a theme park attraction at the Old Istana Negara. And it should include all the mansions surrounding it, all the way bordering at the massive Chinese cemetery.

That would be thinning of the wedge.

LIVE – SMOG EMERGENCY: Muar hits choking 750

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 10:32 PM PDT

Smog conditions in Muar and Malacca worsened today as API readings surged well beyond the hazardous threshold.

Menteri HR baru membantu 400 syarikat BESAR - tak payah bayar gaji minima sehingga tahun depan?

Posted: 23 Jun 2013 03:55 AM PDT

Ini adalah gaji minima pekerja - tetapi nyata kerajaan berpihak kepada syarikat besar, di mana diumumkan bahawa 400 syarikat besar dibenarkan menangguhkan pembayaran gaji minima kepada pekerja sehingga 31/12/2013 - MENGAPA?

Harus kita jangan lupa bahawa oleh kerana majikan telah gagal membayar pekerja gaji adil, kerajaan termasuk masuk campur dan menetapkan gaji minima, di mana RM900 itu pun masih sangat kurang...di mana janji kerajaan bahawa pekerja akan menerima gaji minima pada 1/1/2013 - dan pekerja di beberapa syarikat/sektor pada 1/7/2013. Kemudian datang satu lagi Perintah menafikan ramai pekerja gaji minima pada 1/1/2013. Kini, 400 syarikat BESAR pula dibenarkan tidak membayar gaji minima - semestinya syarikat BESAR mesti mampu.

Sekarang Menteri mempelawa syarikat kecil (micro) membuat permohonan supaya mereka tak perlu membayar gaji minima. Mereka tak pohon sebelum ini, tetapi Menteri minta mereka memohon...bukankah ini tak adil?

He said, to date, the ministry had yet to receive any application for the postponement of minimum wage from micro companies but employers would have an opportunity to do so at the meeting.

Persoalan yang timbul adalah mengapa pekerja tidak memohon untuk mendapatkan gaji minima - masalahnya mereka tiada hak atau kapasiti  berbuat demikian, khususnya apabila ramai pekerja ini tidak mempunyai UNION. 

Tanggungjawab membela hak pekerja adalah tanggungjawab MTUC - tetapi nampaknya MTUC berdiam diri, tidak membuat apa-apa bantahan keras atau protes, dan pekerja menjadi mangsa... MTUC dan union lain perlu BERSUARA BERJUANG untuk pekerja - di mana perjuangan ini harus perjuangan terbuka - bukan hanya 'merayu' di dalam Bilik kepada Menteri atau pegawai Kementerian... Keluarkan kenyataan - buat 'press conference'/sidang media, sebarkan kenyataan mengunakan emel, BLOG, laman web... kerana kini nampaknya hanya majikan yang aktif berjuang tak mahu bayar gaji minima...tetapi pekerja, MTUC dan union lain berdiam diri sahaja menerima sahaja apa-apa keputusan kerajaan.

Sekarang nampaknya mana-mana majikan memohon, mereka berjaya - 400 yang memohon, 400 berjaya.

"To date, we have received 400 applications from companies seeking for the date to be pushed to Dec 31 and I have approved the applications,"
Adakah MTUC terlibat berjuang untuk pekerja yang tak ada union? Adakah MTUC ada peranan atau peluang membantah sebelum keputusan Menteri dibuat?
Secara rasmi, MTUC diambil kira sebagai wakil semua pekerja oleh kerajaan Malaysia ...oleh ILO. 

Majikan selalu mengunakan taktik agressif, mengunakan media ...di mana dalam situasi sebegini, MTUC dan UNION lain juga harus berjuang 'secara terbuka' dalam arena umum - bukan lagi dengan cara 'senyap-senyap'...

Apa yang gagal lapuran media menyatakan, adalah bilangan pekerja yang menjadi mangsa akibat keputusan Menteri ini.... 400,000?  


400 big companies to delay minimum wage

June 22, 2013
More than 400 big companies have received the green light to postpone the implementation of minimum wage of RM900 a month until Dec 31.

Human Resource Minister Datuk Richard Riot said the postponement was made due to various reasons, including the financial capability of the companies to implement the minimum wage, announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak previously.

"Overall, all the private sector agreed and did not protest against the decision of the government to implement minimum wage but they asked for flexibility due to certain reasons.

"To date, we have received 400 applications from companies seeking for the date to be pushed to Dec 31 and I have approved the applications," he told reporters after the 2013 Workers' Day gathering at the Bukit Jalil Stadium today launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. The announcement of the RM900 monthly minimum wage for the private sector for the peninsula and RM800 a month in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan was made by the Prime Minister on April 30 last year and gazetted on July 16.

The Minimum Wage Order 2012 was enforced on Jan 1, 2013 and the rate would be studied every two years.

Meanwhile, Riot said the National Wages Consultative Council would hold a meeting with employers from micro companies to discuss on the implementation of minimum wage on July 25.

He said, to date, the ministry had yet to receive any application for the postponement of minimum wage from micro companies but employers would have an opportunity to do so at the meeting.

In his speech, Riot said 2012 witnessed the national economy managing to weather the impact of the global economic crisis. He said the success was due to agreement and consensus to ensure the national development agenda could be continued and inherited by the coming generation. - Bernama, June 22, 2013,  - Malaysian Insider, 22/6/2013, 400 big companies to delay minimum wage

EO Repeal Not An Excuse for Rising Crime

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 06:17 PM PDT

In recent weeks, we have heard various police officers at the local level explaining to residents that one of the key reasons for the increasing rate of crime is because of the repeal of the Emergency (Public Order and Prevention of Crime) Ordinance in September 2011.

The Malaysian Insider reported yesterday that Senior Federal police officers, speaking on the condition of anonymity claimed preventive laws such as the Restricted Residence Act (RRA) 1933 had been useful against hardcore criminals and syndicate kingpins.

This isn’t the first time the Police are laying the blame on the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance and the RRA as the causes for rising spate of crime.

In June 2012, Selangor’s deputy police chief, Datuk A Thaiveegan suggested the repeal of the Emergency Ordinance (EO) may have caused a hike in the state’s crime rate due to the number of suspects who could have returned to a life of felony instead of reforming.  He told Malaysiakini that “…we see there is a rise in crime (recently) because they’ve been in (detention) for too long, they need ‘exercise’, so they come out and immediately they carry out their activities”.  He did admit that he was only speculating by providing the caveat that he “can’t confirm yet (because of the EO)”.

However now, the police appear to be pleading helplessness in the fight against crime.  The sources told The Malaysian Insider, "we do not just randomly pick people off the streets and put them into detention centres. Police also gather information and statements from witnesses and verify them… But now that the government has done away with preventive laws, it is very difficult to fight these criminals with one hand tied behind our backs."

If the Police are indeed able to gather the necessary “information and statements from witnesses and verify them”, then why is it that they are not able to prosecute them in court and send them to jail?

This is a shocking state of affair because are the Police telling us that if they are unable to jail suspects without trial, then they are unable to fight crime in the country?  Are the police claiming to be so incompetent that they are unable to investigate with all required evidence to bring these alleged criminals to court and make them pay for their crimes via the rule of law?

In that case, we might as well dispense with the Court of Law altogether since the Police and the Attorney-General will find it easier to send these alleged criminals to jail and detention without trial.

In the safe cities of Hong Kong, Tokyo, London or even Singapore, none of these countries utilise “detention without trial” to keep crime low or negligible.  Their criminal investigation departments are able to detain and prosecute these criminals for the crimes they have committed with the necessary investigation and evidence.  Why is it that the Malaysian police are unable to do the same?  Are the police claiming that Malaysian criminals are more intelligent and more organised in their activities to avoid detection and prosecution?

The Malaysian Police has failed to concede that the real reason behind the weaknesses in fighting crime is the sheer misallocation of resources within the force.  Over the past 8 years, the criminal investigation department (CID) comprises barely 9% of the police force. In stark contrast, 41% of uniformed police perform management functions, while 31% are tasked with internal security and public order such as the Federal Reserve Unit (FRU), the Light Strike Force as well as the General Operations Force.

Even the Special Branch of the police has nearly the same number of personnel as the CID.  In fact the Budget figures in 2010 showed that the police produced 733,237 reports and security checks by the Special Branch, but only 211,645 criminal investigation papers. So Special Branch produced more than three times as many reports as the CID.

The 2005 Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) Report has recommended about 20,000 uniformed personnel or 22% of the force could be reassigned to go back to active core policing work. Unfortunately this recommendation was never taken seriously by the Home Ministry.

The Home Ministry and the Malaysian police must stop giving excuses to the rising spate of crime.  It must accept the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry carried out 8 years ago, and implement all the necessary measures to improve the effectiveness and professionalism of the police force.  The failure to do so will only see crime persist at high and increasing levels, making Malaysia unsafe not only for its citizens, but also as a conducive country of business and investment.
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