40 khemah didirikan di Padang Merbok...

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Jun 22, 2013, 7:02:22 PM6/22/13
to people-ar...@googlegroups.com

40 khemah didirikan di Padang Merbok...

40 khemah didirikan di Padang Merbok...

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 12:23 PM PDT

Padang Merbok yang menjadi tempat himpunan Blackout 505 hari ini mula dibanjiri kira-kira 40 khemah yang didirikan peserta sebaik himpunan selesai kira-kira jam 6 petang tadi.

Ia adalah inisiatif NGO Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) yang merupakan sebahagian daripada penganjur himpunan petang tadi.

SAMM sebelum ini bercadang memanjangkan protes terhadap Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) selama dua hari lagi sehingga ke hari anggota parlimen mengangkat sumpah Isnin depan.

kl black505 event camping 220613Pengarah Propaganda SAMM, Edy Nor Redzuan berkata mereka berusaha untuk menyediakan tandas kepada peserta perkhemahan tersebut.

Katanya, kemudahan tandas berdekatan tapak perkhemahan tersebut didapati dikunci kemas oleh Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL).
Di sekeliling tapak khemah juga sudah mula kelihatan bendera-bendera SAMM dipacak membentuk satu perimeter.

Pada masa sama, pengusaha gerai yang mula berniaga sejak awal pagi tadi di kawasan tempat letak kereta Padang Merbok masih meneruskan perniagaan mereka menjadikan tempat ini seperti tapak pesta.

Menurut Edy, rancangan asal untuk berkhemah sehingga ke hari parlimen mengangkat sumpah akan ditukar kepada berkhemah sehingga tujuh pimpinan tertinggi SPR meletak jawatan.

"Namun, kalau kita boleh bertahan sehingga esok tanpa gangguan pihak luar, itu sudah merupakan satu kejayaan besar," kata Edy.

Tambahnya, mereka mempunyai simpanan khemah tambahan sebagai ganti, sekiranya khemas sedia ada dirampas pihak berkuasa.-malaysiakini

Padang Merbok is now tent city...

After playing host to the Black 505 rally, Padang Merbok is now hosting about 40 camping tents erected by activist to protest against the Election Commission (EC).

kl black505 event camping 220613The move was initiated by Solidarity Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), which aims to camp in the area until the EC's seven members step down.

Critics of the EC said that their alleged poor conduct of the 13th general election had made their tenure untennable.

Furthermore, critics also claim that the current crop of EC members had lost credibility and they should not be allowed to re-draw the electoral boundaries, which must be done this year according to the Federal Constitutional.

On Monday, the activists plan to hold a protest in front of Parliament House, located a stone's throw away from Padang Merbok, to state the same message.

Toilets locked

The move coincides with the first session of the 13th Parliament.

However, they are concerned about whether the authorities and their opponents will allow them camp out that long.

kl black505 event camping 220613"If we can stay here until tomorrow without interference, it would be a big achievement," said SAMM propaganda director Edy Nor Redzuan.

For now, they activists have some logistical problems at hand as the landowner, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), had locked up the toilet on the field.

"We'll have to figure something out," said Edy.

But for now, food is not a problem for the activists as many food stall operators who set up shop for the Black 505 rally have decided to stay put.

Among other, Batu MP Tian Chua will be staying the night as well.-malaysiakini


Photo: 蔡添强与学生一起在马莫草场扎营,无惧隆市政厅关闭公厕为难,青年团阵扎营逼选委会总辞。  黑色集会今天在马莫草场顺利完结,但事情却未曲终人散,青年组织已在草场扎起40个帐篷准备长期“抗战”。  學運及大馬青年團結陣線(SAMM)準備提供150至200個帳篷給集會者;截至今晚8時,現場發言人阿茲米爾宣佈已紮有約80個營,人數約320。截至今晚8時,市政局暫時沒有展開驅逐行動。  这次的占领行动是由622黑色集会的主办单位之一的大马青年团结阵线(SAMM)所主催。  它原本计划扎营两天,留守到国会在下周一(24日)举行宣誓仪式为止。  622 Black 505 Rally Padang Merbok KL


Why I will camp out at Padang Merbok

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 12:20 PM PDT

We’ve had 3 BERSIH rallies demanding a slew of electoral reforms. What did they give us? An indelible ink which was not indelible. And how is it that with just 47% of the votes cast, Najib & Co are still in Putrajaya? We may never know how much of that 47% was made up of stolen […]

SMOG HAZARD: Muar’s API reading soars

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 08:18 AM PDT

The smog conditions in Muar has reached critical levels this evening, even as the DOE website failed to record any readings after 11.00am. Source: NEA The last reading for Muar was 373 at 11.00am By 4.00pm, the reading soared to 453. It is appalling that the DOE is not providing us hourly updates unlike their [Read more]

Naib Presiden PAS, Husam Musa ditahan mengikut Akta Hasutan...

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 03:06 AM PDT


Naib presiden PAS Husam Musa berkata beliau hari ini ditahan polis untuk siasatan mengikut Akta Hasutan.

Husam dalam satu kiriman SMS kepada Malaysiakini berkata, beliau kini dibawa ke balai polis Ampang dan disiasat mengikut Seksyen 4(1) Akta Hasutan.

Butiran lanjut mengenai penahanan berkenaan masih belum diperolehi namun ia dijangka mempunyai kaitan dengan satu kenyataannya, seperti disiarkan Harakahdaily, yang menganjurkan kehadiran ke perhimpunan 'Black 505' hari ini.

Dalam kenyataan yang disiarkan Isnin lalu, Husam antara lainnya berkata: "Andaikata kita terkorban, atau satu daripada kita terkorban, insya Allah ia adalah syahid fi sabillah.

"Niat kita adalah penipuan pilihan raya mesti dihentikan dan sesiapa terlibat dengan penipuan ini mesti menerima tanggungjawabnya sekarang dalam sistem politik negara ini," tegas Husam.

"Kita boleh redha dengan kekalahan kita tetapi kita tidak diizinkan untuk redha dengan penipuan dan maksiat.

"Ini dua perkara yang berbeza. Kita boleh terima hakikat takdir yang telah ditentukan tetapi kalau penipuan demi penipuan, tiap-tiap kali pilihan raya Umno menang hanya dengan penipuan, wajib kita orang Islam tegak berdiri menentangnya," katanya seperti dipetik dalam laporan tersebut.

Kenyataan itu menerima tentangan keras, antaranya dari seorang bekas pemimpin PAS Prof Madya Mohd Nor Deris yang mahu Husam disiasat kerana kenyataan yang didakwanya sebagai “fatwa sesat” itu.
Menurut Mohd Nor, pandangan itu bercanggah dengan pegangan ahli sunnah wal jamaah dan tidak boleh dibiarkan.-malaysiakini

Jam 7:30 malam tadi rombongan Polis yang membawa Dato' Haji Husam Musa pulang ke IPD Pengkalan Chepa berhenti untuk solat Maghrib di Balai Polis Raub.

Dato' Haji Husam Musa tidak digari telah diberi penghormatan mengimami solat Maghrib manakala para Pegawai Polis yang mengiringi beliau menjadi makmum.

Dato' Haji Husam Musa dijangka sampai IPD Pengkalan Chepa jam 11:00 malam ini.-f/bk


Husam nabbed, probed for sedition...

PAS vice-president Husam Musa has been arrested today, possibly in connection to his claim that those who die at the Black 505 rally at Padang Merbok will be considered "martyrs".

In text message to Malaysiakini today, Husam confirmed that he is being investigated under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Sedition Act 1948 and is being held at the Ampang police station.

azlanOne of his aide said that he was arrested at about 3.47pm while on route to Padang Merbok. Other details are sketchy

Over the past few days, Malay dailies Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia had featured a series of reports condemning Husam's "martyrdom" claim.

Among those who were quoted was Kelantan mufti Mohamad Shukri Mohamad, who said that those opposing a legitimate government were traitors and not martyrs.

Former PAS ulama committee member associate professor Mohd Nor Deris was quoted saying that Husam was not qualified to make such a "decree" and should be investigated.

On Monday, Harakah had published an article quoting Husam urging youths to attend the rally.

"If they sacrifice themselves, or some of us do, God willing, they will be syahid fi sabillah (martyrs)," he said.-malaysiakini

Anwar in silhouette. - The Malaysian Insider



 Nurul Izah arrives at the Black 505 rally in Kuala Lumpur. - The Malaysian Insider

 Johor PKR chief has his say at Padang Merbok. - The Malaysian Insider

Mohamad Sabu speaking during Black 505 at Padang Merbok. - The Malaysian Insider

The Black 505 crowd at Padang Merbok. - The Malaysian Insider

Black 505 crowd heads towards Padang Merbok. - The Malaysian Insider

Black 505 crowd heads towards Padang Merbok. - The Malaysian Insider

Solidarity Mahasiswa Malaysia students set up tent at Padang Merbok. - The Malaysian Insider


Re-inventing to remain relevant

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 01:30 AM PDT

Husam at Ampang IPD

Husam at Ampang IPD

PAS Vice President Dato’ Husam Musa has just been arrested in Kampung Pandan and brought to Ampang IPD Police Station. It is believed he is being investigated under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Sedition Act (1948) and soon be sent to Kelantan, to facilitate and complete the investigation.

A report by pro-Opposition news portal Malaysiakini:

Husam nabbed, probed for sedition

• Jun 22, 13 4:25PTG

PAS vice-president Husam Musa has been arrested today, possibly in connection to his claim that those who die at the Black 505 rally at Padang Merbok will be considered “martyrs”.

In text message to Malaysiakini today, Husam confirmed that he is being investigated under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Sedition Act 1948 and is being held at the Ampang police station.

One of his aide said that he was arrested at about 3.47pm. Other details are still sketchy.

Over the past few days, Malay dailies Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia had featured a series of reports condemning Husam’s “martyrdom” claim.

Among those who were quoted was Kelantan mufti Mohamad Shukri Mohamad, who said that those opposing a legitimate government were traitors and not martyrs.

Former PAS ulama committee member associate professor Mohd Nor Deris was quoted saying that Husam was not qualified to make such a “decree” and should be investigated.

On Monday, Harakah had published an article quoting Husam urging youths to attend the rally.

“If they sacrifice themselves, or some of us do, God willing, they will be syahid fi sabillah (martyrs),” he said.


The investigation is centred on the statement that Husam made in Kota Bharu to justify the public participation of the Black 505 Rally today in Padang Merbok, which was reported in Harakah Daily on 17 June 2013:

Semua perlu sertai Black505 22 Jun – Husam

Harakahdaily, 17 Jun 2013

KOTA BHARU: Para pimpinan PAS menggesa seluruh ahli dan penyokongnya agar turun ke Kuala Lumpur 22 Jun ini bagi menyertai perhimpunan terakhir Black505.

“Keputusan untuk menyertai himpunan ini bukan keputusan Husam Musa, bukan keputusan Haji Mohamad Sabu tetapi keputusan mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat untuk menyokong Blackout505,” kata Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa (gambar).

Sehubungan dengan itu, beliau menggesa semua para pemuda agar jangan ragu untuk menyertainya.

“Andaikata kita terkorban, atau satu daripada kita terkorban, insya Allah ia adalah syahid fi sabillah,” tegas Husam Musa.
Tetapi, kata Husam, tidaklah menjadi niat PAS untuk terkorban dalam perhimpunan ini.

“Niat kita adalah penipuan pilihan raya mesti dihentikan dan sesiapa terlibat dengan penipuan ini mesti menerima tanggungjawabnya sekarang dalam sistem politik negara ini,” tegas Husam.

“Kita boleh redha dengan kekalahan kita tetapi kita tidak diizinkan untuk redha dengan penipuan dan maksiat.

“Ini dua perkara yang berbeza. Kita boleh terima hakikat takdir yang telah ditentukan tetapi kalau penipuan demi penipuan, tiap-tiap kali pilihan raya Umno menang hanya dengan penipuan, wajib kita orang Islam tegak berdiri menentangnya,” tegas beliau.

Menurut Husam, semua pihak dalam Pakatan Rakyat tidak boleh berdiam diri dengan penipuan yang dilakukan dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.

“Kalau kita berdiam diri kerana telah menang menguasai kerajaan (negeri), kita pengkhianat kepada perjuangan,” kata Husam.

Sehubungan itu beliau bersyukur kerana semua hadir dalam pertemuann yang diadakan ini termasuk wakil kerajaan negeri Kelantan iaitu Datuk Ahmad Yakob.

Beliau yakin undi yang diberikan oleh penyokong adalah untuk perjuangan bukan untuk mana-mana individu.

Husam juga menjelas, tujuan diadakan himpunan Black505 adalah untuk mencegah kemungkaran sebagaimana yang diminta oleh Allah.

Oleh itu, katanya, rakyat perlu bangkit menentangnya bagi memastikan penipuan tidak lagi berlaku dalam pilihan raya ke 14 dan 15 nanti.

Dalam ucapan itu juga, Husam berkata, tidak mustahil Datuk Seri Najib Razak meletakkan jawatan dalam masa terdekat.

“Kalau pengerusi SPR tak nak letak jawatan, Najib kena letak jawatan. Kalau kedua-dua letak jawatan, Alhamdulillah, itu lagi baik.

“Atas sebab itu, tidak mustahil Najib letak jawatan,” tegas Husam.

Bagi beliau, dalam PRU 13 yang penuh dengan penipuan itu, orang yang paling kecewa adalah Najib kerana dengan perbelanjaan yang begitu besar, dengan penipuan yang diatur begitu rapi, kenangkitan rakyat melalui peti undi lebih besar dari yang dijangkakan.

“Kerana itu dia kecewa. Dalam politik moral, politik akhlak dan maruah, Datuk Seri Najib yang menang minoriti tidak layak untuk memimpin rakyat,” tegas beliau.

Atas dasar itulah, katanya, himpunan Blackout505 akan diadakan di Kuala Lumpur 22 Jun ini bagi menuntut perubahan di negara ini.


Husam needed to be a hero. He was said to be a rising star amongst the Young Turks and Anwaristas. Under that notion, PAS delegates elected him the Vice President. Then MB Kelantan dan PAS Spiritual Leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat also gave him the political patronage. Of course being an ambitious and brash leader, he rubbed many conservative Kelantan PAS leaders the wrong way.

Hence, the old guards within PAS especially amongst the Ulama’ faction and Kelantanese wanted his political career curbed if not dead.

So they fixed him to challenge UMNO Secretary General Tengku Dato’ Adnan Mansor in Putrajaya Parliamentary seat two months ago. In the falsehood belief of the Opposition able to take over the Federal Government, Husam was shredded into pieces.

Nik Aziz was also ousted from Kelantan, after a gruesome 22 and a half years of preserving the state in timeless pristine non development position.

Deputy MB assumed MB Kelantan post. Suddenly, Husam who won the DUN Salor seat saw himself without an Exco post, a job he used to ‘politically terrorised’ the PAS circle with. It is evidently clear he is without a chair after the music ended.

Now Husam has to remain relevant, especially to the mad anarchists amongst the bigger Opposition supporters and those higher up in the echelon. He already lost the suit against NST earlier in the month.

Husam loses RM10m suit against NSTP

Posted on 11 June 2013 – 10:21pm
Last updated on 11 June 2013 – 11:04pm

KUALA LUMPUR (June 11, 2013): PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa today lost his RM10 million defamation suit against the New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd (NSTP) and four others over an article in relation to his posts in the party and government.

His counsel Zulqarnain Lukman told reporters that High Court Judicial Commissioner Lee Heng Cheong ruled in chambers that the article was not defamatory.

Zulqarnain said Lee also held that if the article was defamatory, the court found that the defendants’ defence of qualified privilege and responsible journalism was applicable in the case.

He said the court also found that Husam had failed to establish his case against the defendants and ordered him to pay RM20,000 in costs to the defendants.

The court made the decision after hearing the testimony of three witnesses for Husam and two for the defendants.

In 2010, Husam filed the suit against NSTP, its two reporters Shuhada Elis and Nik Imran Abdullah, former NST group editor Datuk Syed Nadzri Syed Harun and then NSTP group managing editor Datuk Zainul Arifin Mohammed Isa.

In his statement of claim, Husam said the defendants had written and published with malice an article on Nov 23, 2009, over his posts to injure his reputation.
He had sought RM10 million in damages, costs and other relief deemed fit by the court.

The defendants, in their statement of defence, denied the words published were defamatory and said the article was published on an occasion of qualified privilege.
Counsel Lim Qi Si and Wee Jason represented the defendants. – Bernama


Naturally, Husam got to gain attention to remain relevant. Especially when the ‘Black 505′ rallies are losing traction and dwindling support. Compared to the first one in Kelana Jaya days after the 13GE had just concluded where 55,000 turned up and the 25 May in Petaling Jaya where 25,000 people attended, today’s Padang Merbok amassed no more than 10,000 people.

Then the Opposition clearly hoodwinked the rakyat with all the mumbo-jumbo of the so-called cheating during 13GE and “Rakyat being denied of true democracy and Parliament is not valid”, when Anwar Ibrahim’s recent announcement that they would eventually attend the Monday Parliamentary swearing in. The drama was already clear when PAS and DAP were the first Kelantan and Penang governments sworn in, respectively.

Being a staunch Anwarista, Husam is capable to making fiery statements like “Dying like a martyr”.

If the investigation is positive and Husam is charged under Sedition Act, then he is the second top PAS leaders who have been thrown the same book of laws at. The first is PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu. Conveniently, the both of them belong in the same Anwarista Young Turk faction within PAS.

Typical of any Opposition leaders, Husam needed to remain relevant in the attention of their supporters especially to the young, anti establishment and rebellious ones by making outrageous statements. It is their sordid way to substantiate for their inability to bring progress to the rakyat.

*Updated 1830hrs

This is just in. It is proven the Black 505 consist of violent anarchists:

*Updated 2000hrs

Yet another theme park in Malaysia

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 09:52 PM PDT

Only 2-3 hours needed to know Malaysia and love Malaysia when park's completed.
Now is that good or bad?
Read with some degree of depression the latest posting by Apanama, Khazanah wants the National Monument too? 
I love theme parks but the blogger's right to woe: why is there so little they're telling us about this so-called Malaysia Truly Asia attraction? If it's going to take away one of the last precious pockets of green lung in the city, we want to know what they're planning to build, how the park/parks will benefit the KLites and Malaysians in general, what the project does to the environment, and how much $$? Will there be just parks and ponds or are they going to build clusters of 5-star hotels, yet another convention hall, and super high-end condos? I'm told the occupants of the colonial structures around the Tugu Negara have been given eviction orders since last year, so presumably a lot of quiet planning has been done  ... 
Google, and you get a site linked to the Hettema Group which says it has been picked as the designer for a Malaysian Truly Asia Centre. 
Leave your comments h e r e. Apanama's 1 millionth unique visitor stands to win a free ticket to the park.

Men 'n' Women in Black dah sampai...

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 09:12 PM PDT

Walau berdepan kesulitan dan amaran keras pihak berkuasa, Pakatan Rakyat meneruskan acara kemuncak perhimpunan 'Black 505' di Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Kumpulan perserta berkenaan dijadualkan berhimpun di tujuh lokasi utama yang ditetapkan dan akan berarak dari lokasi masing-masing ke padang itu - sebagai tanda bantahan mereka terhadap dakwaan berlakunya penipuan dalam pilihan raya umum lalu.
 NONETujuh lokasi tersebut adalah di Jalan Pekeliling, ibu pejabat PAS di Jalan Raja Laut, kawasan sekitar Sogo di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Jalan Sultan, Brickfields, Universiti Malaya dan Masjid Negara.

Wakil parti politik dan NGO akan mengetuai peserta perhimpunan yang bakal memenuhi padang tersebut petang ini.

Penganjur berkali-kali menegaskan bahawa perhimpunan hari ini akan berlangsung dengan aman, walau polismendakwa peserta akan menimbulkan provokasi terhadap pihak berkuasa dan mencetuskan huru-hara.

Kumpulan peserta ini membawa tiga tuntutan utama - menuntut kepimpinan SPR meletak jawatan, mengadakan pilihan raya semula bagi 30 kawasan, dan menghentikan persempadanan semula sehingga kepimpinan SPR baru dilantik.

Cuaca di Kuala Lumpur hari ini cerah, namun sedikit berjerebu.-malaysiakini


Suasana di Padang Merbok mulai meriah...

Suasana di Padang Merbok di sini mulai meriah pagi ini menjelang himpunan aman Black 505 jam 2.00 petang nanti.

Tinjauan Harakahdaily sekitar jam 10.00 pagi ini mendapati kenderaan bergerak lancar di Jalan Parlimen bersebelahan tempat himpunan itu.

Jalan-jalan lain sekitar tempat himpunan itu seperti Jalan Sultan Salahhudin, Jalan Kuching dan Jalan Kinabalu juga tidak berlaku sebarang kesesakan.

Anggota polis trafik sibuk meletakkan kon di sepanjang jalan berkenaan bagi menghalang kenderaan diletakkan di situ dalam usaha untuk mengelakkan kesesakan lalu lintas.
Pihak penguatkuasa Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) juga kelihatan ramai di kawasan berkenaan.

Orang ramai yang sebahagian besar memakai baju-T hitam termasuk yang berlogokan parti-parti dalam Pakatan Rakyat juga sudah berada di sekitar Padang Merbok.

Seperti suasana yang lazim dilihat di kawasan himpunan aman diadakan, para peniaga tidak melepaskan peluang untuk mencari rezeki dengan menjual makanan, minuman, baju T dan lain-lain.

Para peserta himpunan Black 505 juga sudah ramai berhimpun di hadapan Pejabat Agung PAS, Jalan Raja Laut.-harakahdaily

Terdapat tujuh lokasi ditetapkan seperti Brickfields, Sogo, Ibu Pejabat PAS, Masjid Negara, Pekeliling, Jalan Sultan dan Universiti Malaya.

Kehadiran polis dilaporkan masih lagi kecil hampir di kesemua kawasan.

Dataran Merdeka ditutup untuk penggunaan orang ramai.

Di hadapan Ibu Pejabat PAS, kelihatan orang ramai berkumpul disamping peniaga-peniaga membuka gerai menjual t-shit menyokong perhimpunan Black 505.

Sementara di Masjid Negara  turut kelihatan peniaga-peniaga menjual air dan t-shirt. Orang ramai yang hadir kebanyakkannya berbaju hitam.

The Blackout 505 Rally is gathering steam now in Kuala Lumpur. Crowds are begining to arrive at the seven designated spots for their march to Padang Merbok at noon. Afif Abd.Halim, The Malaysian Insid

Di Sogo sekumpulan besar orang ramai berbaju hitam mula membanjiri kawasan.

Walaupun perhimpunan Black 505 bertujuan untuk membantah keputusan Pilihan Raya 2013, kelihatan orang ramai yang hadir turut memakai t-shirt seperti menuntut harga kereta diturunkan dan hentikan perkauman memberi isyarat perhimpunan turut membawa mesej kemarahan secara kolektif.

Setakat ini, Padang Merbok masih lagi dibuka untuk kegunaan orang ramai.

Keadaan jerebu setakat pagi ini masih lagi tidak berada dalam keadaan tidak merbahaya dan orang ramai masih belum lagi dilihat memakai topeng jerebu. - 22 Jun, 2013.-malaysian insider

'Black 505' finally comes to KL as crowd gathers

After a series of ‘Black 505' rallies nationwide to protest electoral fraud, Pakatan Rakyat is bringing its 15th to Kuala Lumpur today, one and a half months after the controversial May 5 general election.

NONEPakatan's primary demand remains the same: the en bloc resignation of the current heads and commissioners of the Election Commission (EC) to be replaced with a new EC leadership, chosen in a bi-partisan manner.

Pakatan as expected faced problems obtaining permission from the KL City Council to use their desired venue Padang Merbok, and police threatened stiff action as well.

KL police chief Mohmad Salleh even alleged of a Pakatan plot to ask participants to provoke the police to demonstrate police violence "to the world".

azlanUndeterred, the organisers are pressing on. There are seven gathering points before heading to Padang Merbok: Pekeliling, PAS headquarters at Jalan Raja Laut, Sogo Shopping Centre, Hotel Lok Ann on Jalan Sultan, the National Mosque, Brickfields and Universiti Malaya.

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim is expected to skip the gathering points and go direct.

PKR says some 300,000 people are expected to turn up, and start marching from the points at 2pm to Padang Merbok where the rally proper begins at 3pm.

Even concerns over the haze - which is at a moderate air pollutant index (API) reading of between 77- 79 for Kuala Lumpur today - is not expected to dampen the enthusiasm.-malaysiakini

Black 505 rally is finally underway

padang merbuk dah tak muat menampung kebanjiran rakyat

jalan pudu

Aunty Bersih to padang merbuk.

THE PEOPLE's "PETITION" signed by everyone gathered demanding the RESIGNATION of the EC Chairman, Deputy Chairman and his team as they march from Jalan Sultan to Padang Merbok


EC goes or we stay! See you all at Padang Merbok

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 08:37 PM PDT

Ambiga's speechwriter?

Posted: 22 Jun 2013 12:48 AM PDT

Updated: Helen Ang defends Guna, lashes out at The Star-Wong Chun Wai's machai h e r e.
P. Gunasegaram, the creator/founder of KiniBiz, is a seasoned journalist who's gone to hell and back, as they'd say. 
His byline has appeared in Business Times, Malaysian Business, The Edge, The Star,  The Sun, among others. He's been an analyst and a corporate comm guy, too. But cyberspace "warfare" is almost uncharted territory for the old hand and in Pro-Pakatan Malaysiakini attacks that Star! - Ambiga's speechwrier, Gunasegaram leads the charge, Guna would get a taste of things to come. The unflattering series on The Star that Guna has sanctioned is not going down well quarters close to his ex-employers. It's not going to be pretty.
When I joined BT as an intern in 1984, Guna was already specializing in banking and finance. We got loads of regards for him, so don't expect me to run this guy down. But if it's down to The Star vs Malaysiakini, well, this is how I see it: at the end of the day The Star is a newspaper despite all its posturing or pretenses; Malaysiakini, on the other hand, is a top-notch think-tank inside a well-backed "independent news portal" clothing created to help achieve a political end. 
Perhaps Guna will change Malaysiakini for the better? Perhaps.

Arab Spring, Malaysia Spring

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 07:42 PM PDT

Arab Spring .... jatuhkan Presiden dan kerajaan tapi ...

Malaysia Spring ... cuma tuntut undur Pengerusi SPR dan marah dakwat hilang.

Kah kah kah .... Mana 40 ribu Bangla? Mana Blackout? Mana 35 petisyen? PAS dan DAP dah akui keputusan pilihanraya.

Wow! Ramainya unta di Padang Merbok

Live – Padang Merbok rally

Posted: 21 Jun 2013 04:41 PM PDT

We will be keeping an eye on what is happening at Padang Merbok today.
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