More on the Umno tower-top collapse (Videos)

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Jun 19, 2013, 7:03:03 PM6/19/13

More on the Umno tower-top collapse (Videos)

More on the Umno tower-top collapse (Videos)

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 03:50 PM PDT

Here’s more information about how the structure at the top of the Umno tower plunged and pierced vertically 30 metres deep into the road and the soft soil below. And this is a technical explanation of what happened: About the wind wing-walls of the Menara Umno, architects and planners TR Hamzah & Yeang Sdn Bhd [Read more]

Rakaman CCTV kejadian menara bangunan UMNO runtuh...

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 11:52 AM PDT

Pemilik Menara Umno sedia ke mahkamah...

azlanKetua Pegawai Eksekutif JKP Sdn Bhd, pemunya Menara Umno, berkata syarikat itu rela diheret ke mahkamah jika didapati cuai kerana gagal menyerahkan audit berkala bangunan kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan.

Adzmi Ariffin berkata, syarikat itu juga menjalankan siasatan dalaman terhadap dakwaan gagal menyerahkan laporan itu kepada Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) pada 2008.

"Kita wujudkan inkuiri sendiri untuk lihat jika terdapat kecuaian di pihak kakitangan kami kerana gagal menyerahkan audit berkala kepada MPPP.

"Jika MPPP dapati kami lakukan kesilapan, justeru kita tiada pilihan selain menghormati undang-undang dan dibawa ke mahkamah," katanya.

Adzmi berkata, syarikat itu membeli bangunan itu pada 2005 tetapi tidak sedar bahawa ia mesti menghantar laporan audit kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan selepas bangunan itu mencapai umur 10 tahun.

Beliau memberitahu sidang akhbar, laporan siasatan berhubung runtuhan penebat kilat itu akan dihantar kepada kerajaan negeri pada minggu depan.-malaysiakini

I’m a naturalised citizen, says Sabah assemblywoman Christina Liew...

Api-Api state assemblywoman Christina Liew(left) has categorically rubbished the allegation by a witness in the ongoing Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI), that she is an Indonesian of Chinese descent who had obtained Malaysian citizenship, according to a report distributed by the Borneo Insider.

“My parents were British subjects (who) migrated to North Borneo in 1952, with British documents from Hong Kong.  I was one month old then. I obtained my blue IC when Sabah/Malaysia achieved her independence in 1963. I’m a naturalised citizen.

“All my six brothers and sisters were born in Tawau. We grew up in North Borneo before independence. I have never been to Indonesia until I was in my adulthood.

“What nonsense is this man talking about?” she told the Borneo Insider.

She said this in a rebuttal to the claim of Sabah Sukuk Ethnic Clan Association secretary Mohd Zaki Hari Susanto, while giving his testimony at the RCI hearing today.

Liew, who is also PKR Api-Api division chief, reiterated that her father’s British documents issued by the Hong Kong British government then were good enough to prove that she was not born in Indonesia.

“He (her father) has never been to Indonesia at all,” she added.

While affirming that she has all the relevant documents to substantiate her claims, Christina nonetheless said she would not be bothered with Zaki’s allegation.

“Why should I bother with such nonsense? Why should I entertain his hearsay? His issue is I was born in Indonesia, so I only need to prove him wrong. I was born in Hong Kong,” she said.

Liew also said she will call for a press conference at the DUN on Thursday to deal further with the allegation.-malaysian insider



Sabah - 10% dapat MyKad tanpa memohon dan 90% lagi membeli MyKad...

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 04:47 AM PDT

 Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing mencadangkan agar mana-mana kad pengenalan (IC) biru meragukan yang dikeluarkan kepada pendatang asing perlu ditarik semula, dan diberikan kad pengenalan merah sementara sehingga penyiasatan berhubung perkara itu selesai, katanya kepada Inkuiri Diraja Suruhanjaya penyiasatan dengan pemberian kad pengenalan kepada warga asing (RCI).

Bekas ahli Parlimen Tuaran yang mesra Pakatan Rakyat (PR) itu berkata, hanya mereka yang dipercayai benar-benar sebagai warganegara sahaja akan diberikan kad pengenalan biru selepas selesai penyiasatan bagi membolehkan gejala pemberian kad pengenalan kepada warga asing dapat diselesaikan.

"Ia perlu diselesaikan seperti mana pemberian kad pengenalan mula-mula berlaku," katanya kepada panel inkuiri yang diketuai bekas Hakim Besar Sabah dan Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim Lip Kiong.

"Kerajaan perlu bersedia mengeluarkan duit untuk tujuan itu," katanya yang bertanding menggunakan lambang PKR dalam Pilihan Raya 2013, pada 5 Mei lalu, namun tewas kepada Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau, dari BN-UPKO.

Bumburing turut mendakwa, dengan penambahan jumlah populasi Sabah yang mengejut, ia mengubah landkap demografi negeri Borneo tersebut, malah turut memberi kesan terhadap keputusan pilihan raya.

Beliau turut mengambil contoh kawasan Parlimen Likas, yang menurutnya pada suatu ketika merupakan kawasan majoriti Cina kini komuniti itu bukan lagi komuniti majoriti.

"Semua orang sedar pendatang asing memberikan kesan kepada keputusan pilihan raya," dakwanya.

"Lihat Batu Sapi, jelas warga asing melebihi pengundi tempatan," katanya lagi.

Beliau turut menyatakan daripada 48 kerusi Parlimen di Sabah, kawasan majoriti bukan Muslim hanya tinggal 18 daripada 20 kerusi sebelumnya, manakala kawasan majoriti Muslim meningkat kepada 24 berbanding 20, dan bakinya kawasan majoriti Cina dengan lapan kawasan.

"Kerajaan tahu mereka yang diberikan kad pengenalan secara tidak sah, jika suruhanjaya melaksanakan perkara ini, sebahagian besarnya akan selesai.

"Saya merasakan mereka (warga asing) perlu diberi keizinan tinggal sementara sehingga penyiasatan selesai, bukannya persoalan menghalau mereka keluar (Sabah) ... Mereka ada keluarga, jadi perlu diberikan alternatif, kerajaan tahu siapa mereka, dan ia boleh dilakukan," katanya lagi.

Cadangan beliau dilihat selari dengan ahli Parlimen Barisan Nasional (BN) Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau semalam yang berkata kepada panel RCI, masalah pemberian kad pengenalan kepada pendatang asing juga tidak akan pernah selesai, melainkan rombakan keseluruhan sistem pemberian kad pengenalan dilaksanakan.

"Ini isu integriti ... kita perlu 'reset' semuanya untuk kembali ke 'ground zero', katanya yang juga merupakan Setiausaha Agung Parti Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Bersatu (UPKO) kepada lima panel RCI di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu, di sini.

Beliau kemudiannya mencadangkan agar mereka yang telah diambil kad pengenalannya dalam proses tersebut untuk memohon kembali menggunakan sijil kelahiran.

"Jika kita tidak melakukan perkara itu, bagaimana kita mahu menyelesaikan masalah kad pengenalan meragukan seperti ini," soalnya lagi, dan menambah kes pemberian kad pengenalan meragukan itu tidak akan pernah berhenti, sebaliknya akan berterusan.

"Pada mereka yang rasa mereka benar-benar warganegara, tiada apa nak ditakutkan," tambahnya yang juga merupakan saksi pertama dalam kalangan ahli politik yang dipanggil memberi keterangan kepada RCI.

Beliau turut berkata, 10 peratus pendatang asing yang menerima kad pengenalan tersebut tanpa perlu memohonnya.

"Manakala 90 peratus daripada mereka membeli kad pengenalan tersebut," katanya, dan menerangkan laporan kaji selidik tersebut akan didedahkan oleh Presiden UPKO Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok pada Jumaat ini kepada RCI.

RCI sebelum ini pada Mei diberitahu Sabah mengeluarkan kad pengenalan 12 kali lebih banyak berbanding Sarawak, dengan sekitar 66,000 pendatang haram di negeri Borneo tersebut telah diberi kad pengenalan  biru sejak 1963.

Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negeri Sarawak Datuk Abu Bakar Mat sebelum ini memberi keterangan  seramai 5,373 pendatang di Sarawak telah diberi IC biru daripada 1963 hingga 2012.
Dianggarkan sekitar 28 peratus daripada 3.2 juta penduduk Sabah adalah warga asing, menjadikannya berjumlah seramai 889,000 orang.

Kemasukan pendatang asing tanpa izin telah menimbulkan kemarahan masyarakat pribumi Sabah seperti Kadazandusun dan Murut (KDM), ramai daripada mereka merasakan kedaulatan negeri Borneo tersebut  telah dirompak ekoran kebanjiran warga asing dari Filipina dan Indonesia.

RCI akan disambung esok pada jam 9.30 pagi. - 19 Jun, 2013.-malaysian insider

Saksi RCI dakwa Adun PKR Sabah warga Indonesia

Immigrants determine election outcome in Sabah...

The illegal granting of citizenship to massive numbers of foreigners in Sabah has enabled immigrants to determine the nature of the state politics, veteran Sabah politician Wilfred Bumburing said today.

"If you look at the statistical election results in certain constituencies, the presence of illegal immigrants determines the outcome of the election," Wilfred told the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) into immigrants in Sabah in Kota Kinabalu today.

NONEWilfred (left), who is also Tamparuli assemblyperson, said one example could be discerned in the state constituency of Batu Sapi.

"It is very clear there that the immigrants there have overwhelmed the local voters," he said.

Wilfred, who has been in politics since 1985, said in the past, Muslim bumiputera and non-Muslim bumiputera in Sabah were in equal numbers.

However, this balance has been tilted through the illegal granting of citizenship status to Muslim immigrants.

"Last time the proportion in the state assembly was 20 non-Muslim bumiputera, 20 Muslim bumiputera and eight Chinese.

"Now, it has become 18 non-Muslim bumiputera, 34 Muslim bumiputera and eight Chinese seats," said the former BN politician who is now pro-Pakatan Rakyat.

Wilfred said he had raised this matter when he was the BN's Tuaran MP, but was brushed off by the Home Ministry.

‘Government knows the ICs given illegally'

He then echoed calls from the Sabah-based BN parties, such as PBS and Upko, for all identity cards issued in the state to be revoked and reissued.

steve shim chief justice of sabah and sarawakHowever, when pressed by Steve Shim (left), the former chief judge of Sabah and Sarawak who heads the RCI, on a mechanism for such a move, Wilfred insisted that it was the government that had the answer.

"The government knows which identity cards were given illegally.

"If the commission can compel the government to reveal them, then a large part of it is solved," Wilfred said.

However, this did not mean that non-citizens who had stayed in Sabah for decades were to be expelled, he said, adding that they should be given permanent residency while their status was sorted out on a case-by-case basis.

He also submitted a memorandum containing research and evidence on the alleged illegal granting of citizenship to the RCI.

Wilfred, who was Upko deputy president and Tuaran MP, quit Upko last year and gave his backing to Pakatan Rakyat.

He failed to defend his Tuaran seat in last month's general election but won the state seat of Tamparuli.

Ten witnesses took the stand before the RCI today, the third day of the fifth hearing session. A total of 128 witnesses have testified since the hearing began in January.- malaysiakini

Suluk leader claims PKR rep an Indonesian immigrant...
An argument broke out at the hearing of the royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah today as a Suluk community leader repeatedly insisted that an opposition state assemblyperson was born in Indonesia.

NONEMohd Zaki Harry Susanto claimed that although PKR’s Christina Liew (left) was born in Indonesia, she managed to go on to become the Api-Api assemblyperson.

"I got this information from the Indonesians in Tawau, they confirmed that she is Chinese Indonesian, but went on to become a leader of the opposition.

"I brought this up because people only target the Bajaus and Suluks when it comes to the RCI... Don't only target one or two ethnic groups," he said.

At this, one of the RCI's commissioner Henry Chin said he was certain that Liew was born in Tawau, Sabah as he was the OCPD of that district at that time.

"Liew's parents were from Hong Kong and she was born in Tawau, and when they grew up she married an Indonesian.

"Your information is incorrect because I know her family when I served as OCPD of Tawau and I know she was born at Tawau hospital," he said.

Information 'hearsay'

However, Mohd Zaki was adamant that Liew was from Indonesia and had changed her name when she supposedly arrived from Indonesia.

"It could be that she was not born here but her birth certificate was done through late registration.

"I'm bringing this up because the people in Tawau told me," he said.

However, Chin stressed that he had to clarify the fact as Mohd Zaki's information was hearsay.

"You only heard about it, but you cannot verify that information," said Chin.

Liew was elected as Api-Api assemblyperson in last month’s general election and was chosen as the new opposition whip.

Mohd Zaki, who is former secretary-general of Persatuan Rumpun Etnik Suluk Sabah, was queried at the RCI on whether his organisation had helped Suluks in Sabah to illegally obtain citizenship.

However, Mohd Zaki who is also a former police officer, denied this, stating that all of its members were Malaysian citizens.

Asked about the Suluk incursion on Lahad Datu from the Philippines, Mohd Zaki said he was offended as the act had sullied the good name of the Suluks in Sabah.

“When I served as peacekeeper in Timor Leste, I met our Filipino counterpart who did not understand what is ‘Suluk’, they only knew what is ‘Tausugs’.

“The term ‘Suluk’ is only used in Malaysia, in Philippines such people call themselves ‘Tausugs’, so it is clear we Suluks are Malaysians,” he said.

'140k squatters in Sabah'

Also taking the stand today was Sabah Local Government and Housing Ministry Planning and Coordination Unit assistant secretary Hadzlan Jablee.

He testified that of February this year, there were a total of 140,499 squatters across Sabah in 35,957 illegal houses.

"The data is 90 percent complete with the exception of seven districts which did not submit data but they have few or no squatter areas," he said.

Hadzlan conceded that the squatter was a magnet for illegal immigrants but said there is a plan to clear the squatters and relocate Malaysian citizens there into public housings.

"But for the non-citizens there we will leave it to other agencies," he said.

A total of 10 witnesses testified at the RCI today and a total of 128 people have taken the stand since hearings began in January.-malaysiakini



Anwar chickens out, will attend June 24 swearing-in

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:30 AM PDT

And remember this: once they take the oath, they are deemed to have accepted the results of the 13th General Election. - Pakatan MPs want to boycott Parliament, izzit? Rocky's Bru, June 7

Were you surprised when you heard the news that Anwar Ibrahim will attend the swearing-in at Dewan Rakyat this Monday?

I didn't think you were. 

Anwar blamed a "misunderstanding" for the talk about the boycott. He sure took a long time to set the record straight. In typical style, he tries to create a new issue (the selection of Parliament Speaker) to distract us from the fact that the minute he's sworn in as an MP this Monday, he would have, officially and in front of the Agong, accepted the results of the PRU13.

And he would have broken his promise to you that he'd retire from politics if he didn't unseat Najib Razak as PM in the May 5 general election.

Anwar tolak tawaran Najib...

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 11:22 PM PDT

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak mesti terdesak untuk berurusan dengan Ketua Pembangkang, Anwar Ibrahim.

Hal ini boleh dilihat dari jenis perjanjian yang ditawarkan Najib kepada Anwar melalui perantara Jusuf Kalla, bekas Naib Presiden Indonesia yang merupakan kawan dengan kedua-dua Najib dan Anwar. Namun demikian Anwar sendiri enggan bertemu dengan PM Malaysia.

Najib kononnya telah hulurkan tawaran perdamaian menerusi pembentukkan kerajaan perpaduan nasional dengan Anwar berperanan sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan empat jawatan menteri bagi pemimpin-pemimpin PKR. Anwar dikatakan telah menolak tawaran tersebut.

Menurut sumber, Najib telah cuba untuk bertemu dengan Anwar di Jakarta sepanjang hari Sabtu tetapi Anwar telah mengelakkan diri daripada bertemu dengan PM tersebut.

Jumaat lalu, Anwar telah terbang ke Bali untuk bertemu Presiden Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono(SBY), yang seminggu selepas 5 Mei pemilihan di Malaysia, telah meminta agar pemimpin Pakatan melawat Jakarta untuk perbincangan.

Anwar ke Bali pada Jumaat lepas di mana beliau telah bertemu SBY untuk meluahkan pandangan beliau mengenai PRU-13 pada 5 Mei 2013 lalu.

Menurut sumber2 yang rapat dengan Anwar berkata,SBY berkata, dia mengjangkakan akan berlaku sedikit penipuan dalam PRU-13 itu,seperti dalam kebanyakan pilihanraya di seluruh dunia, tetapi dia agak terkejut dengan kadar penipuan yang tinggi yang berlaku dalam PRU-13 baru2 ini.

Menurut sumber,bekas pemimpin kanan PKR, berkata Presiden Indonesia itu telah memberitahu Anwar bahawa beliau amat kecewa dengan apa yang telah berlaku.

Selepas perbincangan dengan Anwar pada hari Sabtu,Anwar terbang ke Jakarta dengan jet Presiden untuk bertemu bekas VP Indonesia Jusuf Kalla di kediamannya pada pukul 3 petang hari yang sama.

Najib sedang menunggu untuk bertemu Anwar dan dia dijangka tiba di Jakarta dari Bali melalui lapangan terbang antarabangsa Halim Perdana tetapi jet presiden yang membawa Anwar telah mendarat di lapangan terbang lain di ibu negara Indonesia itu.

Tidak dapat bertemu dengan Anwar di lapangan terbang Halim Perdana, Najib membuang masa bermain golf dengan Jusuf Kalla,orang yang Najib mohon jasa baik untuk mengatur pertemuan dengan Anwar.

Dalam perbualan dengan Jusuf Kalla ketika bermain golf dan kemudian di rumah Jusuf Kalla di Jakarta,semasa Najib menunggu Anwar untuk muncul,menurut sumber PKR Najib telah melontar idea kepada Jusuf Kalla yang Anwar itu adalah sebagai pemimpin yang sangat berkaliber.

Apabila Anwar tidak muncul di kediaman Jusuf Kalla untuk pertemuan dengan Najib seperti yang dijadualkan kerana Anwar mahu mengelakkan Najib, bekas Timbalan Indonesia telah datang ke hotel Anwar di Jakarta untuk menyampaikan hasrat Najib kepada Anwar dan rakan2 PKRnya.

Tetapi Anwar enggan menerimanya dan kembali ke Malaysia.

Pada mesyuarat biro politik PKR malam tadi, Anwar telah bentangkan tawaran Najib untuk perbincangan, tapi ditolak oleh parti.-Terence Netto,Malaysiakini

Anwar declines Najib's gambits in Jakarta...

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak must have been desperate for a deal with Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

That can be inferred from the type of deal Najib offered Anwar - who declined to personally meet up with the Malaysian PM - through intermediary Jusuf Kalla, the former Indonesian vice president who is friends with both Najib and Anwar.

Najib pressed an offer of reconciliation that apparently entailed a national unity government with a deputy prime minister's role for Anwar and four ministerial posts for PKR leaders. Anwar was said to have rejected the offer.

azlanAccording to sources, Najib had tried to meet with Anwar in Jakarta all of Saturday but Anwar studiously avoided the PM.

Whereas Najib had the edge over Anwar on how a pre-polls pact between the two had panned out, the latter regained the initiative in supposedly reconciliatory gambits initiated by Najib in Jakarta to which both leaders had repaired over the weekend.

Last Friday, Anwar had flown to Bali to meet Indonesian President Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono, who a week after the May 5 polls in Malaysia, had requested that the Pakatan leader visit Jakarta for discussions.

NONEAnwar told Bambang (left) he could only meet up with the Indonesian president after a pre-planned visit to the United States.

That visit over, Anwar flew to Bali last Friday where he met Bambang who gave vent to his views on the May 5 general election.

According to a source close to Anwar who met up with the Pakatan leader on Monday, Bambang said he had expected a bit of fraud to taint Malaysia's Election 2013, as in most such affairs throughout the world, but the extent of the cheating that took place in GE13 had appalled the Indonesian leader.

The source, a former senior PKR leader, said the Indonesian president told Anwar he was deeply disappointed by what had happened.

No meeting in Jakarta

After his discussions with Anwar that continued on Saturday, Bambang lent Anwar the use of his presidential jet to fly to Jakarta where Anwar was scheduled to meet former Indonesian VP Jusuf at the latter's residence at 3pm the same day.

Najib was waiting to meet Anwar whom the Malaysian PM had expected to arrive in Jakarta from Bali through the Halim Perdana international airport but the presidential jet landed at another airport in the Indonesian capital.

NONEUnable to meet with Anwar at Halim Perdana, Najib bided his time with a round of golf with Jusuf (right) whose good offices the PM had sought in arranging a meeting with Anwar.

In conversation with Jusuf over golf and later at Jusuf's home in Jakarta where Najib waited for Anwar to show up, the PKR source said Najib sold Jusuf on the idea of Anwar as a leader of impressive caliber.

When Anwar declined to show up at Jusuf's residence for the scheduled meeting because he wanted to avoid Najib, the former Indonesian veep came to Anwar's hotel in Jakarta to convey Najib's proffer of posts for him and his PKR cohort.

But Anwar declined to bite the bait and flew out of Jakarta.

At a PKR political bureau meeting last night, Anwar tabled Najib's proffer for discussion, only to find his rejection of it affirmed by the party.-Terence Netto,Malaysiakini

No need to meet in Jakarta or London, we can meet you in Parliament - Anwar tells Najib



Blackula for PNB Chief?

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 11:00 PM PDT

Tan Sri Nor Mohamed “Blackula” Yakcop

Strong rumours amongst capital market punters and observers that Former Minister in-Charge of EPU Tan Srì Nor Mohamed Yakcop would be appointed Chairman of Permodalan Nasional Bhd. (PNB), very soon.

Nor Mohamed was dropped in the recent 13GE BN line up, but only to be given the ultra powerful Deputy Chairman and Chairman of Exco in Khazanah Holdings Bhd. That already caught so many by surprised considering that Nor Mohamed provided strong backing to the much dreaded ‘Level Four Boys’ during PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s weak and scandalous administration.

It is also believed that Nor Mohamed requested for it as part of his departure from Cabinet.

This pattern re-appointment into another role is nothing new, as Prime Minister Dato’ Srì Mohd. Najib Tun Razak previously appointed has beens to Chairmanship of several Federal Government commissions and agencies. Tan Sri Syed Hamid Al-Bar was appointed to SPAD, failed KSN Tan Srì Sidek Hassan into Petronas and the more recent Dato’ Sri Ng Yen Yen into Tourism Malaysia.

Nor Mohamed isn’t someone perceived with clean hands nor of high integrity. He was part of Abrar Corp when the company acquired Munloong Bhd., utilising funds that were not authorised for them to do such acquisition and corporate maneuvre. It is believed there was a CBT case on the corporate exercise.

For the record, two of his former Political Secretaries were arrested and separately for corruption.

The current Chairman of PNB Tun Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, 75, who has been in the chair since 1996. Nor Mohamed saw the opportunity for the post to be replaced and seizing the moment. Especially Ahmad Sarji’s retirement from BOD Sime Darby last November.

Nor Mohamed siting in the strategic post where all Federal Government investments and the largest pool of Bumiputera unit trust investments would be under his direct control. He would be the most powerful 65 years old multiple-retiree.

Never before in the history of Malaysia that a former top echelon civil servant and Cabinet Minister has so much direct strategic and integrated operational control in so many conglomerates, corporations and associate companies. This include the largest bank Maybank and conglomerate Sime Darby, on top of all the infrastructure and essential service providers.

Just to add some colour, Nor Mohamed was responsible to ‘cull’ all the hopes of the new Malay corporate giants in the likes of Tan Sri Tajudin Ramli, Tan Sri Halim Saad, Tan Sri Rashid Hussain, Tan Sri Wan Azmi Hamzah and Tan Sri Azman Hashim. Currently, there is a law suit by Halim on the fraud Nor Mohamed did to kill the onetime Malay infrastructure billionaire.

A lot at stake here. The future of the all the GLC endorsed Bumiputera Commerce and Industrial Community programs and largest Bumiputera unit trust is under one single person. The whole integrated program is now sustainable to a lot of high risk exposures, including someone susceptible to graft practices.

*Updated 1600hrs

Anwar: Deputy IGP should not be an Umno stooge

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 10:33 PM PDT


PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has warned deputy inspector-general of police Bakri Zinin not to behave like an Umno division leader to try and curb Saturday’s rally at Padang Merbok.

Anwar said this is a peaceful gathering and police should not be providing restrictions or warnings.

“There have been no disruption to 14 previous rallies nationwide, except they have taken action on the organisers at the instructions of Umno.

“He (deputy IGP) should not be another Umno division leader to take a hard stand against the rally,” he said.

The deputy IGP, he said, can invite us and we are willing to meet them in facilitating the rally.

<br>This Mahathir confuses me more and more each day...<br><br>In a

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 08:43 PM PDT

This Mahathir confuses me more and more each day...

In a recent speech he said...

......"we need to settle down and understand what democracy is and tell them to trust the government". 

Understand democracy and be TOLD to trust the government??? Lu faham tak?

The man also told Malaysians that having a national school under one roof for all races, can keep Malaysia peaceful, united and will help build a better future for its citizens.
"Going to the same school increases the chances of togetherness. I'm the product of this kind of school," he said.

Sir, just like you I came from the same system. And I agree with you. But don't always blame us for not wanting our children to go to national schools anymore. Have you recently checked on the level of education and the level of teaching offered by most national schools? Can you blame us parents for wanting better for our children? You would do the same. If national schools got back to the same standard as when you and I were in school I, for one would gladly put my children in national school.

"The problem we face today is that we do not come together, and barely speak or use the national language."

Sir, have you ever considered this? That we don't speak or use the national language because more and more we are being made to feel like we are NOT part of this nation? You often quote the example of Indonesia when it suits you. Everybody there speaks Bahasa Indonesia. Sure. Everybody there is INDONESIAN. Are we here ALL Malaysian? Really?

"We should have less segregation in schools for example, and make it compulsory to use and learn the national language" 

Segregation? In schools? Segregation and racial polarization now are evident everywhere. And most of us will agree that you started it. So how?

And now you say that Malaysian history needs to be re-written. I wonder how you would want that to be done. That really scares me. 


[PRESS STATEMENT] On The Economy (TPPA, GST and Budget Deficit) And Crime

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 09:54 PM PDT


19 JUNE 2013

I cautiously take note of the announcement by Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak of the formation of a committee that will focus on reducing the national budgetary deficit to 3% by 2015. An economic undertaking of that feat could have easily been achieved through strict economic governance and transparent government procurement without the need for any new taxes or cutting of essential government expenditures with direct impact on the people’s livelihood.

Unfortunately, Dato’ Seri Najib continues to govern behind a veil of secrecy. There is a growing concern over his cabinet’s conduct on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations precisely because of his administration’s refusal to be transparent and inclusive during the negotiations. In fact, much of the financial burden that adds up to the ballooning national budgetary deficit also originates from his unsound vote-buying schemes that cost the public billions of ringgit in the last general election.

The BN government must not drag the public to cover for its economic incompetence and policy shortfalls. Any attempts to introduce a new Goods and Services Tax (GST) albeit in stages to reduce the budgetary deficit will be resisted much in the same force that the people had resisted electoral fraud. I maintain that GST can only be introduced if the average level of income of common Malaysians have risen significantly over a period of 5 years, in comparison to the low 2.6% average wage growth achieved in between 2000 and 2010.

Dato’ Seri Najib’s does not have the full legitimacy in terms of popular votes, and he has not been able to deliver the most basic of his economic promises since being sworn in recently. The fact that his administration struggles to reduce car prices as promised in his manifesto exemplified the incompetence and hopelessness of his administration.

Dato’ Seri Najib has also failed to deliver on his promise to provide affordable and livable housing for the people. We shall track the BN government’s performance on public housing closely and will consider it a failure if he cannot bring down the average prices of mid-range housing by at least 10% in the next one year.


The public is alarmingly concerned with the escalating crime rate especially violent crimes. It is not in our place as public officials to blame the concern on misperception as safety and fear are all a question of perception. Clearly, there is a serious credibility issue engulfing our police force that continuously dilutes the public’s confidence in its ability to provide safety.

Pakatan Rakyat can contribute constructively to allay the public concern. I offer Pakatan Rakyat’s full assistance to the police force to work together in engaging the public to bridge the growing gap between credibility and perception with the real and honest work that the police has been putting. I will table to the Pakatan Rakyat leadership that a committee made up of Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional representatives is formed immediately to work with the IGP and his officers to address the concerns over safety.

Finally I urge Dato’ Seri Najib to meet the 3 demands put forth by the people’s movement and allow for the peaceful gathering in Padang Merbok on 22 June to proceed smoothly.


‘No end to 505 rallies until EC resigns’

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 08:14 PM PDT


Pakatan Rakyat’s Black 505 rallies that have been going on nationwide after the May 5 general election, will go on and won’t stop until the present leadership of the Election Commission (EC) resigns.

PKR vice-president Tian Chua said this in an interview yesterday.

NONE“I don’t think the EC can go against the will of the people. Five years ago, people told me the government will never abolish the Internal Security Act (ISA), but eventually they did,” he said when asked about EC’s continuous refusal to heed calls for their resignation.

“We went through midnight in Parliament to pass an election law, which was mutually agreed by both sides, which clearly specified that the indelible ink must last seven days. EC has deliberately violated the law,” he said, four days before Pakatan’s Black 505 rally at Padang Merbok, Kuala Lumpur.

He said that the EC’s failure to provide foolproof indelible ink for the election was a “crime that cannot be forgiven”.

“They (EC) should be out on trial for violating electoral law. The resignation of the EC is the bare minimum to show that they take responsibility for what has happened,” he said.

‘Once in a lifetime opportunity’

Chua believes however that the people would not grow tired of Pakatan’s series of nationwide rallies, “except for party workers, speakers, organisers and journalists”.

“We follow the news every day, so for us it is repetitive. But for people who are in Batu Pahat for example, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the rally.

azlan“People are actually excited about the rallies. The fatigue is probably for the speakers who are running around from one place to another.”

He said it was only though participation in rallies that the people would feel empowered.

“It’s not just about the election. The gathering itself is a right that we have been fighting for. We cannot give up just because the government refuses to acknowledge the rise of the people. All struggles go through a long process.”

He also said that, should Pakatan fail in its election petitions filed nationwide, it will again go to the streets in order to demand democratic electoral reforms.

“If our law is correct, if our judges are just, then we stand a chance (of winning the petitions). If the courts cannot give us justice, we have no choice, we will take to the streets again,” he added.

7 tempat berkumpul demo ‘Black 505′

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 08:12 PM PDT


Pakatan Rakyat dan pemimpin NGO akan berkumpul di tujuh tempat di Kuala Lumpur pada Sabtu sebelum bergerak ke Padang Merbok untuk acara perhimpunan ‘Black 505′.

Tempat-tempat itu:

Brickfields - dipimpin oleh Naib Presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar, Setiausaha Agung Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) dan pemimpin BERSIH Maria Chin Abdullah

Masjid Negara - dipimpin oleh anggota Parlimen Shah Alam Khalid Samad dan Timbalan Presiden PKR Azmin Ali

Jalan Pudu - dipimpin oleh Timbalan Pengerusi DAP Tan Kok Wai, setiausaha organisasi parti Anthony Loke dan pemimpin kumpulan anti-Lynas leader Wong Tack

Jalan Raja Laut (pejabat PAS) – dipimpin oleh Presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang dan timbalab presiden Mohamad Sabu

Jalan Raja Laut (Sogo) – dipimpin oleh Naib Presiden PKR Tian Chua dan NGO bekas-bekas pesara tentera

Universiti Malaya - dipimpin oleh aktivis mahasiswa Safwan Anang dan Adam Adli, Ketua Pemuda PKR Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin dan Ketua Pemuda PAS Nasruddin Hassan

Pekeliling - dipimpin oleh Naib Presiden PAS Salehuddin Ayub dan NGO ANAK

Taib Mahmud’s weird justification for more Sarawak dams

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 12:05 AM PDT

This one has to take the cake: The Sarawak Chief Minister says the building of more hydroelectric dams can reverse rural-urban migration and transform the infrastructure of rural Sarawak. Suddenly dams are being touted as the solution for rural development. If that’s the case, we should build more dams all over the peninsula as well, [Read more]

Helen Ang clarifies

Posted: 19 Jun 2013 01:08 AM PDT

Imposters among us ...
helenang ( has left a new comment on your post "Exodus, NST as Insider recruits":  
Dear Rocky and other readers, 
Inasmuch as I'm not the only Helen nor the only Helen Ang in Malaysia, but still and nonetheless. 
I'd just like to point out that I did not post the comment above @ 3.40pm (to forestall any case of "mistaken identity" as it has happened before.)  
I normally do not post comments in blogs unless it is to clarify (such as in this particular instance).
I'd also like to inform the public that a number of genuine commenters have been impersonated in blogosphere and these include Calvin Sankaran, Aidil Yunus, I.D.A., Sarah ... (plenty of others) and myself.
The imposters who masquerade as some of the known names will go as far as to bash other folks in order to deliberately create misunderstandings and smear reputations, e.g. "Calvin Sankaran" wrote some nasty things about me in the STL blog but of course I'm aware that it wasn't the 'real' CS who did that. 
I'd like it put on record that there is a Dapster who went around leaving comments as Helen Ang Abdullah, and that certainly wasn't me either. 
What can I say about such political operatives? "What kind of people are they?"

They are the kind of people who have no compunction in fabricating lies, in concocting stories about 40,000 Bangladeshis, blackouts and spreading fiction in international fora to drag the country's name through the mud.  
If they can manufacture such big lies about Malaysia, what's to stop them from slandering small people? None at all. 
Helen Ang 

Mahathir bimbang YB2 BN tukar kapai...

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:00 PM PDT

Bekas perdana menteri yang masih berpengaruh dalam Umno, mendedahkan bahawa kerajaan kini dalam keadaan "ketakutan" kerana kononnya ada beberapa ahli-ahli parlimen dari BN akan menyeberang kepada Pakatan Rakyat.

"Kerajaan kini sudah mula demam, mereka menggigil kerana tidak lama lagi ada seseorang akan membeli seorang penyokong kerajaan," kata Mahathir.

"Pakatan cuba sebelum ini, ingat 16 September, 2008? 

13 orang sepatutnya 'crossover' dan sebuah 'kerajaan baru' telah bersedia di sesuatu tempat, mereka memakai kot dan tali leher, semua bersedia untuk mengangkat sumpah.

"Tetapi mereka terpaksa menunggu agak lama, kerana 'crossover' tidak berlaku," katanya berjenaka.

Mahathir berkata, Pakatan perlu membeli  hanya 22 Ahli Parlimen untuk membentuk kerajaan seterusnya, dan ini adalah mengapa kerajaan semasa tidak cukup kuat untuk "bertindak tegas".

"Jika kerajaan bertindak, sesetengah orang mungkin 'crossover'. Jadi itu adalah masalah yang dihadapi oleh kerajaan sekarang. "

Tetapi beliau menggesa BN kekal kukuh dan tidak mengambil kira tekanan daripada pakatan pembangkang itu.

"Kita memerlukan sebuah kerajaan yang kuat yang boleh melaksanakan dasar2, dan undang-undang yang tidak menyenangkan. Yang tidak menyenangkan, tetapi perlu, "katanya.-fmt

Dr M: Opposition is maturing...

The former prime minister said he would not have imagined Pakatan Rakyat allies DAP and PAS would ever act sensibly, but in the case of the 505 rallies, they have. 

Former prime minister  Dr Mahathir Mohamad today praised the Opposition coalition for “maturing” and behaving more “sensible”, adding that this bodes well for the country’s future.

He was referring to the fact that Pakatan Rakyat allies DAP and PAS had refused to take part in the Black 505 rallies protesting alleged fraud during the May 5 elections.

But, both PAS and DAP have taken part in the rallies and some of them were the main speakers.

The series of nation-wide rallies, organized by PKR, will culminate this Saturday at Padang Merbok.

“Only one party is demonstrating, the other two are sensible. I couldn’t believe they could ever be sensible, but they actually are,” said Dr Mahathir in his speech at the Perdana Foundation Leadership CEO Forum 2013.

“They told that party (PKR) they are not going to have this 505 rally. So we are maturing, even the opposition are maturing,” he said.

He stressed that the opposition had every right to accuse the government of electoral fraud, but they should not resort to “disrupting the country”.

“Street demonstrations are not very productive. If we are more mature, and we can accept that… this country would have a better future.

“But we are going towards there, because this time around, even though the opposition is accusing the government of fraud, we have found they are broken up over this issue.”

But he chided Pakatan for not accepting the reality of the May 5 results, pointing out that in any democracy, one party must lose for the other party to win.

“One of the things about democracy is that when we practice it, we must accept someone must be defeated. We cannot have everyone winning.

“But they only want to accept winning. If they lost, it must be fraud. As a result (of their refusal to admit defeat), democracy does not function well,” said Dr Mahathir.

‘BN fears crossover’

The former premier, who still remains influential in BN lynchpin Umno, also revealed that the government was now in a state of “constant fear” that several parliamentarians would crossover to Pakatan Rakyat.

“The government now is having a fever, they are shivering because very soon someone is going to buy a government backbencher,” said Mahathir.

“[Pakatan] tried this before, remember September 16 2008? 13 people were supposed to crossover and the ‘new government’ had already gathered in some place, wearing their coats and ties, all ready to be sworn in.
“But they had to wait quite a long time, because the crossover didn’t take place,” he quipped.

Mahathir said Pakatan needed to buy over only 22 MPs to form the next government, and this was why the current government was not strong enough to “act firmly”.

“If the government acts, some people might crossover. So that is the problem faced by the government now.”

But he urged BN to remain strong and disregard pressure from the opposition coalition.

“We need a strong government that can implement difficult, unpleasant laws and policies. Unpleasant, but necessary,” he said.-fmt



Budaya Serangan Peribadi

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 06:22 PM PDT

Oleh kerana saya bersuara terhadap isu Kota Damansara dari sudut strategi, akhlak, qias dan dongengan; maka bermacam tuduhan yang telah dilemparkan terhadap diri saya. Tuduhan yang kadangkala membuatkan saya tergelak seorang diri. Kita mahu bahaskan isu KD, mereka tidak bahas dan sebaliknya tuduh saya macam-macam sehingga yang terbaru ini, dibabitkan seorang pimpinan, seorang Almarhum, yang tidak lagi bersama kita.

Saya lihat tindakan mereka sebagai tindakan kebudak-budakan, kurang matang kerana tidak biasa menangani perbezaan pendapat. Apabila ada pihak yang berbeza pendapat, maka dikemukakan segala bentuk andaian, buruk sangka dan sebagainya, tanpa membahas isu yang merupakan perbezaan pendapat itu sendiri.

Ianya juga membuktikan bahawa hujjah mereka tidak boleh dipertahankan, maka dimulakan serangan peribadi.

Saya sebenarnya tidak mahu memberikan pengiktirafan kepada tulisan kebudak-budakan itu dengan memberi respon kepadanya tetapi, sekali lagi, demi menyelamatkan golongan muda dari terjebak dengan amalan fitnah dan dosa, maka saya terpaksa respon.

Sebelum itu saya perlu nyatakan sekali lagi bahawa apa yang saya tulis berhubung KD sebelum ini, itu merupakan pandangan saya. Mahu setuju boleh, mahu tolak pun boleh. Tapi setuju dengan hujjah dan tolak dengan hujjah jugalah. Tidak perlu diungkitkan isu-isu yang tidak ada kena mengena dan membuat serangan peribadi. Itu cara UMNO/BN.

Saya dituduh menjatuhkan Almarhum Ustaz Hassan Shukri pada tahun 2002. Ini disebutnya dalam tulisannya yang bertajuk ‘Adakah Khalid Samad Sebagai Kemunculan Bongkah Ais’. Dari tajuk pun sudah boleh dilihat sifat kebudak-budakan penulis.

Seterusnya saya diberi masa tertentu untuk menafikannya. Kalau tidak jawab, maka saya dianggap bersalah! Proses pengadilan jahilliah mana yang diguna pakai pun saya tidak tahu. Dia siapa (yang menuduh saya) dan kenapa saya perlu respon? Kalau ya pun, bawalah ke jawatankuasa disiplin baru ada hak untuk membuat tuduhan rasmi dan menuntut respon. Tetapi begitulah tindakan golongan yang tidak hormat prosedur dalam jemaah. Pencalonan di KD pun tidak mengikut prosedur. Terus pintas memanfaatkan ‘kabel’.

Berhubung tuduhan liarnya, saya kemukakan respons saya secara ringkas:

Pertama, tiada pemilihan pada tahun 2002. Pemilihan berlaku pada tahun 2001 dan 2003 iaitu setiap tahun ganjil seperti tahun ini. Tahun pun sudah tidak betul! Itu yang membuat saya malas layan sebenarnya. Macam kes Tivoli Villa pula…

Kedua, yang menuduh saya sendiri pun masih di bangku sekolah pada tahun berkenaan. Yalah, ianya berlaku lebih 10 tahun yang lalu. Tetapi menuduh saya seolah-olah dia sendiri yang menyaksikannya dengan mata kepalanya sendiri. Dengar sebelah pihak, tidak tanya pun saya, terus disebarkan melalui FB dan sebagainya. Aynal akhlak? Tidak takut dosakah orang muda ini?

Ketiga, ianya pemilihan parti. Sudah pasti saya menyokong satu calon dan menolak yang lain. Setiap seorang hanya satu undi. Kalau saya mengundi si polan bin si polan, adakah wajar saya dituduh menjatuhkan lawannya? Kalau saya memberi pandangan mengapa si A adalah lebih sesuai untuk sesuatu jawatan berbanding si B, adakah saya menjatuhkan si B? Terpulanglah kepada yang mendengar untuk menilai hujjah saya. Apa makna diberikan kuasa untuk memilih kalau tidak dibenarkan membuat pilihan, atas fakta dan hujjah? Kalau itu dituduh menjatuhkan, maka semua yang tidak mengundi Almarhum bersalah atas tuduhan tersebut.

Keempat, Almarhum Ustadz Hassan Shukri adalah Ahli Majlis Syura sehingga beliau meninggal pada tahun 2010. Saya sendiri telah menjadi calon PAS dalam PRU tahun 2004 dan 2008. Jika benar perangai saya seburuk mana yang diceritakan oleh orang muda ini, sudah pasti Almarhum akan memenuhi amanahnya sebagai Ahli Majlis Syura dan menolak pencalonan saya. Sepertimana yang diketahui umum, setiap calon PAS perlu ditapis terlebih dahulu oleh Majlis Syura. Dan begitu juga, setiap anggota Ahli Majlis Syura akan menolak pencalonan saya sekiranya benar tuduhan tersebut. Atau orang muda ini menganggap dia lebih tahu dari semua? Sedangkan beliau terlibat pun tidak pada tahun berkenaan.

Kelima, Almarhum sendiri telah menyertai retreat PAS Shah Alam yang dianjurkan pada tahun 2009. Almarhum tahu bahawa saya adalah YDP Shah Alam pada ketika itu. Sekiranya benar tuduhan orang muda ini, sudah pasti Almarhum tidak akan hadir. Sebaliknya Almarhum hadir dan menyumbang kepada kejayaan program tersebut. Almarhum siap memberikan kata-kata perangsang kepada saya dan ahli PAS Shah Alam atas kemenangan pada tahun 2008. Satu hari kelak mungkin akan saya sebutkan kata-katanya terhadap kemenangan saya pada 2008. Tetapi tidak sekarang dan tidak di sini.

Sebagai kesimpulan, nasihat saya pada orang muda ini;

Pemimpin berusaha membina kekuatan jemaah dengan menimbulkan perasaan kasih-sayang di kalangan ahlinya, bukan dengan menyebarkan fitnah, adu-domba dan syak wasangka. Tuduhan orang muda ini bahawa adanya konspirasi yang melibatkan diri saya dan 6 lagi pimpinan pusat, tanpa mengemukakan bukti adalah bukan sahaja tidak bertanggung-jawab, tetapi menyalahi akhlak Islami. Kalau benar, kemukakan tuduhan bersama bukti kepada jawatan kuasa disiplin dan namakan mereka. Jangan kita menzalimi mereka dan pimpinan lain dengan membuat tuduhan rambang sedemikian rupa. Ianya akan merosakkan ukhuwah jemaah dengan semua pimpinan terpalit dengan tuduhan itu.

Ada yang anggap tanpa menyebut nama maka ianya tidak mengapa. Oleh itu mereka menabur fitnah tanpa menyebut nama orang yang dimaksudkan. Sebenarnya tanpa menyebut nama ianya menzalimi lebih ramai orang kerana orang ramai akan membuat andaian berhubung siapa yang dimaksudkan. Dan yang dimaksudkan pula tidak berpeluang untuk membela diri.

Pemimpin berusaha membina kekuatan jemaah dengan menggalakkan teguran, saling ingat mengingati dan bukan dengan menuntut ketaatan mutlak yang diserupakan dengan wala’ dan thiqah. Malahan wala’ dan thiqah menuntut teguran bukan sebaliknya. Ingat pesanan Rasulullah (SAW) “Addiinu naasihah…”. Ada yang kata teguran perlu dibuat secara berbisik-bisik kepada pimpinan. Ya, Fathul Bari yang kata sebegitu. Kalau pimpinan tidak sanggup ditegur dan dinasihati, walaupun dikhalayak ramai, seperti Umar (RA) maka tidak perlu jadi pemimpin. Maaf, itu pandangan saya. Asyik mahu dipuji sahaja, tidak payah.

Pemimpin berusaha membina keberkesanan jemaah dengan membetulkan yang silap, bukan menutupnya dengan menggunakan alasan-alasan sayang pada jemaah dan jangan dedahkan kelemahan jemaah. Sedangkan selepas berperang, inilah masa yang terbaik untuk memperbaiki kelemahan. Bukan ketika sedang berperang! Kecuali dianggap PAS sudah sempurna dan tiada sebarang kelemahan!

Cukuplah saya menjawab sekadar itu. Dan saya harap orang muda tersebut mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran. Janganlah kerana kita Parti Islam maka kita anggap kita boleh buat apa kita suka. Sepatutnya kita lebih teliti kerana kita adalah sebuah Parti Islam. Biar PAS menjadi contoh dan ikutan. Sekiranya rakan kita membuat silap, jangan kita menggunakan kesilapan itu untuk melakukan perkara yang sama.

Janganlah kerana kita ustadz maka kita boleh buat apa yang kita suka. Sepatutnya sebagai ustadz kita menjadi contoh dan teladan dalam membina kekuatan jemaah melalui akhlak yang mulia. Ilmu adalah amanah, sepertimana segala yang kita miliki di dunia. Maka jangan dikhianati amanah itu.

WaLlahu 'Alam

Malaysian Chinese are not Concerned with the Race of the Prime Minister

Posted: 18 Jun 2013 05:09 PM PDT

The misplaced tirade against the Chinese in Malaysia, whether intentional or otherwise, continues with the new Minister in Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim latest salvo published in Sinchew Daily yesterday.

He said that if the Chinese Malaysians who have been indoctrinated with “extreme racism” by the DAP can ditch their “racist mindset”, he “believes that Malaysia would one day have a prime minister of Chinese ethnicity”.

He was quoted to say “(You) cannot lead the people if (you) believe too much in racial power. If one day the Chinese could get rid of this mindset, Malaysia could also have a Chinese as prime minister”.

This statement is not only an uncalled for attempt to insult Malaysian Chinese as racists, it is a clear cut attempt to insinuate that Malaysian Chinese are a power-crazy and greedy community whose ultimate goal is to take over the Prime Ministership of this country.  It is part of UMNO’s continued attempt to divide the nation by having the Malay community remain completely frightful of the fairy-tale eventuality of losing political power.

Taking leaf from the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed, Datuk Seri Shahidan even accused the Chinese of not participating “in activities organised by the government, but chose to be involved in the illegal street rallies held by the opposition”.

It clearly shows that to these UMNO leaders, any support given Pakatan Rakyat as an alternative to Barisan Nasional will be deemed “racist” in nature, even if the support is given to fight the blatant racism of parties like UMNO.

When Malays vote overwhelmingly for UMNO in the past, it is never “racism”. When Chinese voted for MCA in the past, that can’t be racism.  However, when Malays increased their support for Pakatan Rakyat candidates in the same election, Dr Mahathir accused DAP of spreading “propaganda” that influenced educated Malays.  And when the Chinese voted strongly for Pakatan Rakyat, that according to UMNO, is proof of Chinese “racism”. That is complete and utter gibberish coming from UMNO leaders.

UMNO leaders like Tun Dr Mahathir and Datuk Seri Shahidan perpetuate the above lies because they believe that the only way to maintain UMNO’s control of in the country and to share the wealth of the nation only with the politically connected elite, is by demonising the non-Malay community with artificial claims of “racism”, even if the claims are themselves racist.

UMNO leaders fear a Malaysia where Malays, Chinese, Indians, Kadazans, Dayaks and other minority communities become united to fight cronyism and corruption among the ruling BN elite. Hence the desperate need to use all racist means keep Malaysia divided by race and religion.

The DAP never campaigned on a “Chinese” political power platform.  We never campaigned against Malay political interests.  If we did, Malaysians can be assured that such campaign speeches will be televised and condemned widely in all broadcast and print media as “proof” of DAP racism.  Instead, throughout our election campaigns, our leaders harped only on the singular point of creating a country that is free from corruption and cronyism, where the nation’s wealth can be shared among all Malaysians, and not just those who are politically connected.

For the Chinese community, they have no interest whatsoever in seeing a Chinese installed as a Prime Minister of Malaysia.  They don’t care if the Prime Minister of the country is a Malay, Indian, Kadazan or Iban, as long as he is a Prime Minister for all Malaysians and not just for a select group of cronies or race.

The Chinese community did not give their votes to PAS because PAS is a Chinese party.  They certainly did not pick Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as their preferred choice of Prime Minister because he is a Chinese.  They picked him because they see him as Malaysian first, who will fight abuse of power and prioritise the interest of the poor and disadvantaged, regardless of race, religion or creed.

UMNO Ministers and leaders will need to learn that the only way to stop the inevitability of losing their grip on power in Malaysia is to adopt the “Malaysian first” principle as espoused in their own “1Malaysia” slogan.  Their continued racist bent of their political platform will end all hopes of BN ever recovering from their election losses in 2008 and 2013.

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