The Whisky Priest

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Jun 17, 2013, 7:02:43 PM6/17/13

The Whisky Priest

The Whisky Priest

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 08:00 AM PDT

The business of government is really tricky. It is a very complex mixture and infusion of arts and science of administration, politics, management, economic planning, reporting and managing expectations. It is an enigma of many variances, running parallel.

In the midst of dealing with the complexity of challenges, some politicians are bent of preserving their position and power, more than anything else. Where as the civil servants who are supposed to execute the operations of the government, are either confused on the inconsistent policies, directions and the whims and fancies of ministers whenever there is a Cabinet reshuffle.

Or as experienced administrative professionals, they have their own interpretations. And they work against their political masters in their own ‘little kingdom’, supported by an elite group of trusted lieutenants.

At times, it has been often wondered whether persons in these political and/or administrative positions suffer from the ‘moral vacuum’ syndrome. In sundry, concert or even in isolation.

When it comes to a juncture that would lead into a conundrum or crisis, they have the ‘alternative avenue’ instead of doing the right thing. They might work in tandem to cover their own tracks. So they adopt The Rhodesia Solution’.

“You write a note that is susceptible to misinterpretations”.

In the end, issues are not addressed. Compounded enigma of problems are swept under the carpet. They have their on intelligent mannerism to explain their position, even manipulate figures and analysis. Especially now in the age of KPIs and NKRA.

In short, they allowed for a ‘Systemic Failure’. And perpetrators go scot free.

Over 1,000 Burmese migrants arrested in Malaysia this June - and what has happened to them? Surely we must care and not just be concerned only about post GE13 issues

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 12:47 PM PDT

Published on Jun 08, 2013

Malaysian police have arrested nearly 1,000 Myanmar nationals after clashes broke out in the past week. -- PHOTO: SIN CHEW DAILY/ASIA NEWS NETWORK
- See more at:

Published on Jun 08, 2013

Malaysian police have arrested nearly 1,000 Myanmar nationals after clashes broke out in the past week. -- PHOTO: SIN CHEW DAILY/ASIA NEWS NETWORK
- See more at:
“We have taken steps to prevent further bloodshed by picking up more than 1,000 Myanmar workers, mainly in Sentul, Cheras, Brickfields and Dang Wangi,” Amar Singh [Kuala Lumpur’s deputy police chief, Sr Asst Comr Datuk Amar Singh] was quoted as saying, adding that illegal migrants to the country would be detained on a more permanent basis.- The Irrawady, 6/6/2013, Malaysia Detains Hundreds of Burmese after Reports of Killings

What has happened to the Burmese migrants that were detained, on the basis that there had been several incidents of violence and deaths on migrants from Burma. Note that there was also a report of an Indonesian migrant who was brutally stabbed (Star Online, 4/6/2013, Foreign worker brutally stabbed to death in Kepong)

The Malaysian police response seem to be a 'crackdown' on migrants from Burma (Myanmmar) resulting in over 1,000 arrests according to Kuala Lumpur’s deputy police chief, Sr Asst Comr Datuk Amar Singh (The Irrawady, 6/6/2013, Malaysia Detains Hundreds of Burmese after Reports of Killings) From the reports I have perused, it is really unclear as to who is responsible for the violence and the killing. Was it local Malaysians, or some foreign gangs? What is very wrong is the large number of suspects being arrested - over 1,000? 

What is also most disturbing is the 'differences' in the police response? How many people were arrested in connection to the brutal stabbing of the Indonesian? How many suspects are generally arrested in connection with any murder/violence?

Police cannot simply arrest large numbers of people just because the suspects were identified as being of a particular nationality, or spoke a particular language? We recall the mass arrest of Indonesians in the late 90s when a policeman was killed, and a witness said they sounded Indonesian. 

Suspects  should only be arrested if there is some evidence that makes one a suspect. Of course for any investigation, police can call in and gather evidence from witnesses - but you never arrest witnesses.

Media fails to report on this - but we will not be blinded or irresponsible to this gross injustice.

Hope be that the politicians of Pakatan Rakyat would also not be perceived as being uncaring by reason that these victims of injustice are not citizens that can vote them in the next elections. The people wants people's representatives to be human persons that care who will uphold always the cause of justice and human rights for all human beings without fear or favour.

Crater caused by Umno lightning rod collapse raises questions

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 11:00 AM PDT

Serious questions are being asked about the antenna that collapsed from the Umno tower in Penang, leaving a large crater on the road below. Blog visitor Stephen shares with us his thoughts. I just watched the TV3 news and TV7 about LGE and Z going on the ground to inspect the hurricane crater in Macalister [Read more]

Pendatang haram India jadi anggota Rela, terima BR1M Najib dan mengundi dalam PRU-13...

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 09:12 AM PDT

Pendatang asing dari India, Peer Mohamad Kadir hari ini berkata beliau menerima kad pengenalan hanya dalam tempoh dua tahun selepas tiba di negara ini semasa berusia 24 tahun, pada tahun 1984.

Peer, 53, memberitahu Inkuiri Diraja Suruhanjaya Siasatan Pendatang Tanpa Izin (RCI) Sabah selepas dua kali gagal memohon kad pengenalan, beliau memperolehi kad pengenalan pada 1986, dengan bantuan pak ciknya selepas membuat permohonan sama di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) Kota Marudu.

Beliau yang juga merupakan anggota Pasukan Sukarelawan Malaysia (Rela) turut berkata pernah mengundi dalam lima pilihan raya termasuk beberapa pilihan raya kecil dan merupakan penerima Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia (BR1M) bernilai RM500.

"Saya diberi borang, tetapi saya tidak pandai isi ... semua pak cik saya tolong," kata Peer yang lahir di Chennai, India ketika disoal oleh pegawai RCI di Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Kinabalu di sini.

"Saya diarahkan membayar duti stem sebanyak RM20, surat akuan semua ada ... pak cik uruskan," katanya lagi, yang juga tidak mempunyai sijil lahir dan data ibu bapa yang tidak lengkap di pangkalan data JPN. 


Ketika disoal oleh pegawai penyiasat RCI Jamil Aripin bahawa tempat lahir sebenar dan tempat lahir yang tertera dalam kad pengenalannya juga berbeza, bekas Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Dewan Perniagaan dan Perindustrian India Muslim Sabah (DPPIMS) itu berkata beliau tidak mengetahui perkara itu dan tidak sedar bahawa beliau memperolehi kad pengenalan melalui cara yang tidak sah.

"Adakah kamu bersetuju kad pengenalan kamu diperolehi dengan cara menyalahi undang-undang?" soal Jamil. "Saya tak dapat jawab," kata Peer, yang turut mengundi di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Likas pada Pilihan Raya 2013 lalu.-malaysian insider

Pendatang haram dapat dokumen M'sia di Filipina

Bukan takdir, tapi penipuan menangkan BN...

Ahli Parlimen Kulai Teo Nie Ching berkata, persempadanan semula kawasan dan ketidakadilan membantu BN menang pada pilihan raya umum dan bukan "takdir" seperti dakwaan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

teo nie ching pc on parliamentary allocation 3Teo (kanan) berkata, amat "memalukan" apabila Abdul Rahman yang juga ahli parlimen Kota Belud mendakwa bahawa takdir yang membantu BN menang pada 5 Mei lalu.

Dalam kenyataannya hari ini, Teo yang juga penolong setiausaha publisiti DAP itu sebaliknya mendakwa "penipuan dan kecacatan (pilihan raya)" yang membantu BN memenangi pilihan raya umum.

Dalam tulisan di Utusan Malaysia semalam, Abdul Rahman dilapor menulis, mungkin Anwar lupa secara statistiknya Pakatan Rakyat memenangi undi popular tetapi BN menerima sokongan takdir yang membantu gabungan itu memenangi pilihan raya umum ke-13 baru-baru ini.

"Pendek kata, takdir dan kuasa Tuhan menentukan segala-galanya," tulis Abdul Rahman.- malaysiakini

Indian migrant joined Rela, got BR1M and voted in GE13...

An Indian national who arrived in Sabah obtained Malaysian citizenship within two years. He then went on to join Rela and received the RM500 government aid for low income earners as well.

Peer Mohamad Kadir, who was born in Chennai in Tamilnadu, India, told the royal commission of inquiry on immigrants in Sabah today that he arrived in the state in 1984 with his uncle, using an Indian passport.

NONE"In 1986, my uncle helped me apply for a blue identity card at the National Registration Department in Kota Marudu," Peer Mohamad said when questioned by conducting officer Jamil Aripin (left).

He said his uncle used a statutory declaration to apply for the blue identity card and the application was successful.

Prior to 1991, the NRD accepted statutory declarations as evidence that one is a local-born Sabahan and this has been open to abuse.

Jamil: You were a Rela member?
Peer Mohamad: Yes

Jamil: Are you still one?

Peer Mohamad: I have not been active in a long time.

Jamil: With your new IC you got BR1M, correct?
Peer Mohamad: Yes

Jamil: Do you think you qualify for BR1M?
Peer Mohamad responds with a nod to mean ‘yes'.

'I voted in GE13'

Peer Mohamad claimed that even though he lost the blue identity card in 1992, he was given a temporary National Registration Department (NRD) receipt which he even used to vote, before eventually getting a proper replacement card.

The receipt is issued prior to the issuance of a blue identity card or is given as a temporary document for a lost blue identity card and carries the same status of citizen.

Peer Mohamad claimed he had also voted in last month's national polls in the state constituency of Likas.

When questioned by RCI officer Jamil Aripin that his (Peer's) original birth venue and that printed on his I.C. differs, the former public relations officer with the Sabah Indian Muslim Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DPPIMS) said he was unaware of the matter and did not realise that he had obtained his I.C. illegitimately.

When grilled by Jamil if he conceded that his identity card was illegally obtained, Peer remained silent and later replied, "I cannot answer that question".

Peer Mohamad, who is also a member of the Sabah Indian Muslim Chamber of Commerce, denied that his organisation had recruited Indian nationals and helped them obtain Malaysian citizenship.-malaysiakini

Illegal immigrants obtained M'sian papers in Philippines...

The royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on immigrants in Sabah today heard that illegal immigrants had been able to obtain Malaysian documentation even while they were in the Philippines.

Macarius Sabinus - a field officer tasked with registering illegal immigrants in Sabah and issuing temporary receipts (kad burung-burung) to them - discovered they had obtained the document in Bongoa, Tawi-Tawi, even before he had registered them.

"When they came for registration, they already had the kad burung-burung in their hand, saying that they got them from somebody in Bongoa.

"But the receipt's had a different serial number and the Chief Minister's Department's (JKM) stamp is different from ours," said Macarius, who is a researcher with think-tank Institute for Development Studies (Sabah) or IDS, under the state JKM.

IDS - formerly known as Institute for Public Policy Analysis (IPPA) - had been tasked with a large scale registration of illegal immigrants in Sabah from 1986 to 1988.

The project aimed to identify and find out the total number of illegal immigrants in Sabah, said Macarius.

The kad burung-burung acted as a receipt to acknowledge that the illegal immigrants had been registered, but is not considered as an identification document.
'Illegal immigrants had blue ICs'

During that time, Macarius said, some of the illegal immigrants who came forward to register already had blue identity cards or National Registration Department (NRD) receipts, a document issued prior to a blue identity card and carries the same status of that of a citizen.

"We were instructed to register them as long as they did not have valid blue identity cards.

"We still registered them (as illegal immigrants) because they claimed that they got the (identity) card from somewhere else and not from the NRD," he added.

Macarius - who is part of 12 teams consisting of 12-13 personnel each, in conducting the survey - stressed that they had alerted the special branch and the JKM about the matter, but that they did not go beyond their authority of registering the illegal immigrants.

In one instance, Macarius said one of the person who wanted to register bore a blue identity card even though he did not appear to be a citizen.

"He did not sound like a Malaysian, he could only speak Suluk and (fortunately,) I can also converse in Suluk," he said.

Conducting officer Manoj Kurup - who questioned Macarius - noted that syndicates tend to forge on any forms of documentation issued by the government for immigrants, for profit.

Macarius is the 109th witnesses to testify at the RCI which first began its first hearing in January and is being presided by former Chief Judge of Borneo Steve Shim.-malaysiakini

'Not fate but fraud and flaws, helped BN win GE'...

DAP Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching says gerrymandering and unfair practices helped BN win the GE not ‘fate' as claimed by Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

It is "shameful" for Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan to claim that takdir (fate) had helped BN win in the 13th general election, DAP's Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching said today.

In a statement, Teo, who is also the party's national assistant publicity secretary, said that it was "fraud and flaws" that had helped BN win the election and not fate as noted by Rahman Dahlan.

NONEIn a commentary piece published in Utusan Malaysia's weekend edition yesterday, Rahman Dahlan (right) argued that "fate and God's will determines everything" when it comes to the election results.

"It was not fate nor God's will that determined the victory of BN, but gerrymandering and unfair practices that helped BN remain in power," Teo said.

"It is like saying a rapist can marry his victim citing that fate favours their union," she said of Rahman Dahlan's statement.

"Out of 130 smallest parliamentary seats in the country, BN had won 112 of them. Their parliamentary majority was largely attributed to the constituencies with small number of voters, not because God favoured them," she further added.

She said that Rahman Dahlan's statement shows that BN and its leader have "no intention" to rectify electoral weaknesses and flaws or address the fraud issues highlighted by Pakatan.

"Phantom voters, malapportionment and postal vote fraud were not determined by God, but are man made," she added.-malaysiakini


Exodus, NST as Insider recruits

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 04:46 AM PDT

Malaysia's media landscape is shifting. Lionel Morais, probably one of the most seasoned crime reporters East of Suez, is leaving the New Straits Times, which turns 168 years next year, to join the five-year old news portal Malaysian Insider as a very senior editor. He's taking half a dozen crime journalists from the pro-government establishment to fill the vacuum in TMI left by Leslie Lau, who has quit to join the Malay Mail with 30 others. A big blow for Malaysia's oldest newspaper.
Good news is, until they find a replacement for Lionel and his reporters, there'll be a mark decline of crime rate, at least in the pages of NST.   
I hear some journos from Singapore will be joining the Malaysian Insider ...

Towkay SPR mengaku kecewa pasai dakwat kekal,setelah bagi BN menang...

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 01:04 AM PDT

Pengerusi Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusuf memang wajar berasa kecewa kerana dakwat kekal yang satu-satunya peraturan pilihan raya paling mudah untuk dilaksanakan malangnya tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan cemerlang, demikian tegas Ketua Pengarah Pilihan Raya PAS Pusat Dr Hatta Ramli.

Katanya, Abdul Aziz tidak boleh hanya melahirkan kekecewaan begitu sahaja sebaliknya beliau harus ada rasa tanggungjawab terhadap apa yang telah berlaku.

"Dia patut bertanggungjawab, disebabkan dakwat tidak kekal isu pengundian berganda timbul semula. Tidak cukup lahirkan rasa kecewa, kena ambil tindakan sepatutnya," kata beliau kepada Harakahdaily.

Hatta tidak menafikan untuk menyingkir pimpinan SPR kerana dakwat kekal ini tidak semudah itu, dan mereka harus mengambil tangungjawab sendiri dia atas kegagalannya dengan mengundur diri.

"Kekecewaan perlu dimanifestasikan dengan bentuk tindakan, bukan hanya pandai cakap kecewa sahaja. Paling bermoral adalah undur diri," katanya.

Menurut Hatta beliau dan beberapa pimpinan PAS pernah dijemput SPR untuk menguji ketahanan dakwat kekal yang kononya akan dilaksanakan dalam PRU 2008 yang lalu.

"Waktu itu saya akui dakwat memang kekal, mengambil masa hampir seminggu untuk luntur. Saya ingat kualiti dakwat yang samalah  akan digunakan pada PRU13 lepas. Waktu itu kita hampir percaya ketelusan SPR dalam melaksanakan penggunaan dakwat kekal, malangnya ia tidak berlaku.

"Saya dimaklumkan ada tiga orang yang tahu berkenaan pembelian dakwat kekal, saya minta mereka mengaku dan ambil tindakan sepatutnya, " kata beliau.

Terkini, setelah dikecam hebat oleh sesetengah pihak yang tidak berpuas hati dengan penggunaan dakwat kekal, akhirnya Abdul Aziz  tampil menyatakan kekecewaannya terhadap kegagalan pelaksanaan peraturan itu.-harakahdaily

EC chief finally admits ink fiasco...

Election Commission (EC) chairperson Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof has admitted that he was disappointed and upset over the indelible ink used in the 13th general election, which could be washed off easily.

"If people ask me now, what is the saddest thing in my life, I would answer: ‘Indelible ink'," he told Malay daily Sinar Harian in an exclusive interview published today.

NONEHowever, he insisted that the issue of the indelible ink cannot be used to accuse the EC of allowing voters to vote more than once, or cheating in the general election.

Abdul Aziz (left) claimed that the method - recommended by the parliamentary select committee on electoral reforms last year to improve the electoral system - had been tested out for several times before it was implemented in the May 5 general election.

"However on the much-awaited day, the power of Allah is greater when the ink could disappear after being washed several times. Where is the mistake?

"It was certainly sad, but we did not keep quiet. We formed a special team led by (election commissioner) Christopher Wan Soo Kee and assisted by two other panel members, Md Yusop Mansor and Abdul Aziz Khalidin," he was quoted as saying by the daily.

'EC team to study all factors'

The team, he explained, will study all the factors surrounding the indelible ink including the recipe, the method of using, method of transport, method of storage, and whether the hot air in the lock-up where the ink was kept had an effect.

NONEAbdul Aziz also revealed that he was recently told by a supplier of indelible ink from Canada that the ink used in Africa can only disappear when the skin is peeled off or when the nail is replaced by a new one.

Nevertheless, he reiterated that there had been no fraud in the general election, or else Pakatan Rakyat could not have kept Kelantan and retained Selangor and Penang with a higher majority.

"If the EC was really a cheater, the ruling parties would have won the states that they aspired. But it did not happen, right?" he asked.

Contray to his deputy Wan Ahmad Wan Omar who had questioned the authenticity of a photograph showing a blackout occurring at a polling station during vote-counting, Abdul Aziz conceded that a blackout had occurred at a polling center in the state constituency of Sri Serdang.

However, the fact that the seat was won by a PAS candidate, argued Abdul Aziz, has proven that the blackout was not planned to favour BN.-malaysiakini

Black505 Johor di Parit Raja, Batu Pahat...

Police 'get tough' at Batu Pahat Black 505


Mengalah Bukan Kalah

Posted: 17 Jun 2013 01:25 AM PDT

Sdr Arul PSM ada menulis respon yang panjang lebar terhadap tulisan saya menerusi email. Banyak yang diceritakan berhubung rundingan PSM dan PKR serta isu-isu berkaitan. Dia minta saya siarkannya dalam blog saya. Saya mohon maaf kerana tidak dapat berbuat demikian. Ini kerana saya tidak mahu blog saya dijadikan medan perbalahan di antara PSM dan PKR pula. Yang saya tulis selama ini, samada berhubung Semenyih atau Kota Damansara, adalah sebagai pengajaran yang perlu diambil dari pengalaman ini. Bukan untuk menyalahkan mana-mana pihak.

Maka saya kira memadailah dengan saya menyiarkan komen Sdr Arul yang pertama, supaya pembaca tahu ada penjelasan dan perkiraan lain, yang sebahagian dari mana saya sendiri tidak tahu.

Tetapi walau apa pun penjelasan dan perkiraan yang dibuat, masalah yang dihadapi sekarang ialah PRU ke 14 dan apa yang perlu dilakukan untuk menentukan satu lawan satu di semua kawasan. Tugas inilah yang kita amanahkan kepada pimpinan, ia itu berusaha sedaya upaya supaya tidak lagi berlaku 3 penjuru.

Dalam mengusahakan matlamat ‘satu lawan satu’ ini, maka sudah pasti akan ada yang perlu ‘mengalah’ dan ‘bertolak ansur’. Tetapi, mengalah itu tidak bererti kalah dan bertolak ansur tidak bererti menggadaikan prinsip. Tidak semestinya hanya dengan cara bertanding di sesuatu kerusi sahaja yang mampu memastikan matlamat tercapai secara jangka-masa panjang. Yang paling penting bagi saya ialah BN ditewaskan supaya rakyat dibebaskan dari kongkongan. Kongkongan ini dikenakan ke atas kita seluruh rakyat Malaysia; samada PAS, PKR, DAP dan juga PSM!

Oleh itu, jika tidak bertanding sekalipun, maka tidak bererti kita tidak dibenarkan bergerak di kalangan masyarakat untuk membina kekuatan sokongan terhadap perjuangan kita. Asalkan yang menang akan bersama kita dalam perjuangan untuk membebaskan rakyat dari kongkongan yang kita semua hadapi sejak dahulu lagi.

WaLlahu 'Alam

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Posted: 17 Jun 2013 12:30 AM PDT

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Auxiliary police for developers, but not Pakatan?

Posted: 16 Jun 2013 09:22 PM PDT

Auxiliary police for developers, but not Pakatan? Koh Jun Lin 9:13PM Jun 16, 2013

Damansara Utama assemblyperson Yeo Bee Yin has questioned the police’s move to approve auxiliary police forces for developers, claiming preferential treatment against Pakatan Rakyat administered states.

Yesterday, The Star reported that developer SP Setia received its first batch of 120 auxiliary police personnel, which would be placed in its housing projects in Johor, Penang and the Klang Valley.

“If SP Setia, Sunway and all these developers are able to hire auxiliary police, why not the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ)?” said Yeo (right) demanding the government to immediately approve the application.

She said this at a press conference today with a group of Petaling Jaya restaurant owners, who were expressing concerns over robberies targeting them.

She said that MBPJ had applied to the inspector-general of police to field its own auxiliary police force in 2009 but was turned down in the following year.  MBPJ applied again in 2012 and has yet to receive a response. The Subang Jaya City Council faces a similar predicament.

Coffee shops in fear

Meanwhile, she said, Johor Baru Municipal Council (MBJB) and Melaka Municipal Council (MBM) already have their auxiliary police force.

“If MBJB and MBM, which are under BN states, can get their auxiliary police, why not MBPJ under Pakatan Rakyat? Are they prioritising their politics over the security of the people here?” she said.

Meanwhile, Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua said there is a higher police-population ratio in rural areas than in urban areas, whereas the reverse should be implemented because urban areas are inherently more prone to crime.

He also pointed out that the 2005 royal commission of inquiry had recommended that 22,000 police officers should be reallocated from other tasks to crime-fighting duties, but this was never done.

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