Help with Chef?

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Feb 12, 2017, 12:39:46 PM2/12/17
to Penny University
I hope this is the correct place to ask this question. I am starting to learn Chef and I have some questions, both nitty-gritty (how do I do ___) and philosophical (what is the advisable way to achieve ___). Would anyone be up for a chat for a half an hour or so? I live in Kentucky so likely it would need to be over Skype.

And if this question is better phrased through a different channel, please let me know.


Feb 12, 2017, 1:12:59 PM2/12/17
to Penny University

Yes, this is a fine place to ask your question. There are three ways to "ask" in Penny University
  • The preferred method: Ask a "teacher" by looking them up in our directory and then contacting them directly. (Unfortunately I didn't see any Chef teachers when I looked.)
  • Next you can ask on our Slack channel (you should have been invited - tell me if you need me to invite you again).
  • Next you can ask just like you did in the forum.
Unfortunately I can't help you directly. I've only touched Chef once :P. If I can find someone that can help I'll send them this way.

Oh... if you can, consider recording your discussion. We're hoping to build up a list of video Penny Chats that we can direct people to in the future.

~Enjoy Penny U~
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