Tests in Django

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Chad Upjohn

Jan 28, 2017, 5:28:07 PM1/28/17
to Penny University
I would like someone to help me with testing in Python.  Actually, I think it'd be better to ask about testing in Django as that might be a more narrow topic.  I am coming from the data side and the only testing I have done was to test that a page would load correctly which basically was a bunch of links to download csv's.  So actually applying the principles around unit testing, using asserts, and tdd, etc. are just concepts right now for me.  I hope that I have improperly used some terms to express my lack of knowledge.

I don't have a code base to work off of right now.  So one thought is that a kind soul has a bit of code that they can walk me through.  A second thought is to ask to be pointed to a resource to get me started.

To note, it looks like I will be doing a project around importing and exporting data to users of an app.

Anthony Fox

Jan 29, 2017, 5:59:39 PM1/29/17
to Penny University
Hey Chad, I know we've seen each other a few times at PyNash, possibly even spoken to each other(!) but never officially met. I'm Anthony, Hi! While I'm far from anything that resembles an expert, or even someone proficient in TDD principles, I'd love to grab my TDD book and join you for lunch or two sometime soon. I highly recommend this book as an entry point for you since it's literally named Test Driven Development and all examples are based around a django app. We could spend a few lunches together, pull down his example codebase from git and skim through the book. A little about myself, I'm a python dev for Stratasan. So I deal very heavily with django and it's tdd practices daily there. Like I said, I'm definitely no expert, but if I'm unable to answer all of your questions, we can google them together and maybe I can at least get you started in the right direction.  (and I could get some data analysis knowledge too!)

Max Shenfield

Jan 29, 2017, 10:23:45 PM1/29/17
to Penny University
I'd be interested in learning more about testing in Django as well. I have an okay understanding of mock and making assertions, but not general knowledge of good architecture or how to tackle more difficult testing scenarios.

Chad Upjohn

Feb 2, 2017, 11:02:51 AM2/2/17
to Penny University
Max and Anthony,

sorry for the delay.  Anthony, I will take you up on that offer and see what we can learn from the TDD book.  How does lunch tomorrow or Monday work for you two?


Chad Upjohn

Feb 2, 2017, 11:18:45 AM2/2/17
to Penny University
Max, Anthony, and I are meeting up on Monday at 11 at Cinco de Mayo in Cummins Station.  I mention it if someone else wants to join.

Scott Burns

Feb 2, 2017, 11:29:54 AM2/2/17
to Penny University
I could likely head up this discussion. Chad, do you have a fairly-well defined project to which you'd like to add tests (whether you're written any code or not)?


Chad Upjohn

Feb 2, 2017, 11:53:21 AM2/2/17
to Penny University

We don't have a specific project.  The plan, as it is, is to open up TDD and seeing what we can learn from each other.

My hope is to change my approach to code so that others can add to it.  I am coming at it from more of a data engineers perspective.  So, in time, I will probably have to find others who deal with data pipelines in order to add to the new knowledge gained from these conversations.
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