Penny Lightning Talks Night 1

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Chang Lee

May 29, 2020, 8:48:32 AM5/29/20
to Penny University
Never done a lightning talks night remotely before so I thought I'd try to make one happen. Thanks for joining with me. That was fun! 


  • Chang Lee
  • Adam Taylor 
  • Scott Hawley
  • Colin Pokowitz
  • Stephen Bailey


I learned a few things:

  • My own slides on making the perfect home steak
  • Adam's talk on Git: I have had to deal with whitespace diffs so many times! This is the first time I've seen someone using a customized git commands as part of the workflow. I thought the part of "Have you tested your code Y/N?" before git push makes tons of sense and I'll try to add that to my workflow.
  • Scott's talk on classification: The language we use daily tend to fall into classification of things. Never thought of it that way. The difference between thinking in probability/classification/policy gives me a new way to think about decisions. I'd love to see the full talk he's giving and the book he's writing.
  • Colin's talk on Pomodoro: I never thought of gamifying productivity techniques. This makes a lot of sense to me as there are many things that are dull to track in itself but can be fun when you add in gaming elements. 
  • Stephen's talk on Virtue Ethics: This was a new term to me but the idea of defining context-dependent virtue instead of constructing from a set of rules does make sense. I've never heard of Alistair Mcintyre and After Virtue before so I'm gonna put that on the reading list. I thought the way Stephen puts it "We're the Baileys so we do things this way..." was real and makes me wonder what I'd do in his shoes.

Nick Chouard

May 29, 2020, 11:00:08 AM5/29/20
to Penny University
Thanks for organizing this Chang, and thank you to all the speakers. It was great to participate in this lightening talks session and hearing a bit about a bunch of different topics. I found having the small group made me feel very engaged, and allowed for a more interesting discussion on the topics than you would get in a Meetup or conference. I would also love to see some of these turn into longer form Penny Chats. Virtue Ethics was a new concept for me as well and I found it incredibly compelling. If anyone is interested in seeing the talks, Stephen Bailey posted the full meeting on YouTube:


May 29, 2020, 11:32:27 AM5/29/20
to Penny University

Colin Pokowitz

May 29, 2020, 11:45:06 AM5/29/20
to Penny University
Like Nick said, thanks Chang for organizing this! Great to be a part of this as my first ever Penny Chat! Also very glad that my talk on Gamification + Pomodoro gave you a new insight!

John suggested I use this opportunity, so hi! I run a startup that's actually dedicated to the ideas of gamifying your life through building habits with experience points as a motivator. Our website is and as of today we're inching closer and closer to launching in September 2020.

Thanks again, hope to do this again soon. :D

On Friday, May 29, 2020 at 7:48:32 AM UTC-5, Chang Lee wrote:

Scott Hawley

May 29, 2020, 1:40:52 PM5/29/20
to Penny University
That was a great round of talks! 

I improved my (5) slides from last night and posted them here: 
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