Quick fix for smelly compost?

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Lauren Angelo

Aug 11, 2012, 12:07:26 PM8/11/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
Help! My compost bins smell BAD. My family tells me they always do,
but I would claim that after four weeks away on vacation, we came back
to an even worse situation. Does anyone have tips on how to remedy
this quickly? If this were fall, I'd quickly mix in some dry leaves,
but I'm not sure I can scrounge any up at this time of year. Yard
waste is what comes to mind nonetheless, though.


Jeral Poskey

Aug 11, 2012, 3:06:43 PM8/11/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com

I'd add newspaper. Should add nitrogen, and will definitely soak up some of the liquids that probably made it anaerobic.

Lauren Angelo

Aug 11, 2012, 3:18:07 PM8/11/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
Good call! I'll raid my recycling bin; I know I have lots of packing
paper too. Thanks!

Jennifer Travis

Aug 12, 2012, 2:35:07 PM8/12/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
I am not sure if this would just mask the smell but I would go to your coffee shop and pick up a large bag of used coffee grounds. Coffee always makes my compost smell great but I just like the smell of coffee. Other than that it just sounds like you need to get some browns into your compost and give it a good turn. 

Hope that helps,

Lauren Angelo

Aug 16, 2012, 3:30:16 AM8/16/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
Love this suggestion, Jennifer, thanks! Do you have a recommendation
for a coffee shop that might be open to this? We have a few in our
neighborhood, but I'm not a coffee drinker or a regular anywhere.
Clocktower maybe?

Lauren Angelo

Aug 16, 2012, 3:31:56 AM8/16/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
p.s. Quick follow-up: I added paper and brown leaves, and it made a
HUGE difference. The backyard no longer smells at all. What a
relief. I was starting to think of our yard as "The Cattle Feedlot."

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 12:06 PM, Jeral Poskey <jpo...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hannah Goldie Mestel

Aug 16, 2012, 3:32:43 AM8/16/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
Easy option is Starbucks "grounds for your garden": http://www.starbucks.com/responsibility/environment/recycling

Jennifer Travis

Aug 16, 2012, 12:41:51 PM8/16/12
to peninsul...@googlegroups.com
Clocktower would be a great option since they are local for you. You can always ask to speak with the manager of your local coffee shop. Often when I am in Peets I will ask them if they have any grounds to take away. Depending on the time of day you can get a ton (almost too heavy to carry) or very little since they just changed out their garbage bags. Usually they are very accommodating. Also if you want a more regular pick up time you can arrange with the manager to drop off your own bucket (I would use a 5 gal. bucket) and they will fill that and save it for you. The next time you come in you can swap out for a new bucket. It depends on the coffee shop but usually you can arrange something that works for everyone. Sometimes the coffee you carry away can be very heavy so the bucket idea works well and is easier to carry plus you wont have any possibility of dripping or spilling in your car.

Usually any time you walk into a coffee shop they are willing to give you what they have but I find it is nice to have a relationship with your local shop. 

Also watch out for plastic milk rings because sometimes they slip into the grounds. Otherwise you can compost just about everything else that comes from the coffee shop including filters. 

I have found a noticeable difference in my compost when I add coffee grounds. I experimented for awhile on amounts but adding the grounds was the only time I got my compost pile to get really hot! Plus the finish of the compost was very nice as well.

Good luck! 

~ Jennifer
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