DOMException {message: "Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A h…ent with origin ''.", name: "SecurityError", code: 18, stack: "Error: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'Histor…", INDEX_SIZE_ERR: 1…}code: 18message: "Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL '' cannot be created in a document with origin ''."name: "SecurityError"stack: "Error: Failed to execute 'replaceState' on 'History': A history state object with URL '' cannot be created in a document with origin ''.↵ at Error (native)↵ at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (↵ at Function.jQuery.extend.dequeue (↵ at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (↵ at Function.jQuery.extend.each (↵ at jQuery.fn.jQuery.each (↵ at jQuery.fn.extend.queue (↵ at Object.setPaneRunHtml (↵ at"__proto__: DOMException
(anonymous function) view.js:1145
jQuery.extend.dequeue jquery.js:3924
(anonymous function) jquery.js:3966
jQuery.extend.each jquery.js:374
jQuery.fn.jQuery.each jquery.js:139
jQuery.fn.extend.queue jquery.js:3959
setPaneRunHtml view.js:1125
(anonymous function) controller.js