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Call for Participation in VL/HCC Blocks and Beyond Workshop in October

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David Bau

Jun 1, 2015, 2:16:52 PM6/1/15
to pencilcode-development,
Dear Pencilcode development community,

I would like to invite you to participate in the "Blocks and Beyond" workshop at VL/HCC in Atlanta on October 22, 2015. 

The workshop is a perfect fit for educators and researchers working with Pencil Code and other block programming tools.  The workshop will bring together educators and researchers with experience in blocks languages, as well as members of the broader VL/HCC community who wish to examine this area more deeply. We seek participants with diverse expertise, including, but not limited to: design of programming environments, instruction with these environments, the learning sciences, data analytics, usability, and more.

Detailed information on the workshop is here:

More information on VL/HCC 2015:

Submissions for the "Blocks and Beyond" workshop are due July 24.

David Bau
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