Brain injuries, concussions, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's

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Jul 20, 2014, 11:23:24 PM7/20/14
Are there any practitioners using this unit that have had success treating these conditions? Please give details if so.

Bruce Gelerter

Jul 21, 2014, 12:53:33 PM7/21/14
We don't recommend using pemf of any kind on the brain. Even though others do say it's OK to do this I definitely don't recommend it.
BUT using PEMF on the body also treats these conditions to a degree as the micro-current generated from magnetic pulses travels throughout the body and brain. 


Aug 2, 2014, 12:55:37 AM8/2/14
I have used 2 different types of PEMF machines. One was the Papimi machine, which is no longer allowed to be used in clinics or imported onto the US, last I heard. The other is the IMRS. The Papimi machine is about twice as powerful as the PEMF4000 and the IMRS is a lot less powerful than the PEMF4000. When I first ran across the Papimi it was legal and I went to a clinic in Seattle to see if I could get relief for very severe stroke symptoms. I suppose that qualifies as a brain problem and I did have extreme pain in my neck and right side of head. I also became paranoid and depressed, which I never was at any time in my life before the stroke. So I figured my brain was affected in areas that caused these symptoms. I could not think clearly, had a loud noise in my ears/head, had some difficulty talking and I had to keep the TV on all the time so the noise in my head wouldn't drive me crazy. I was so dizzy ALL the time that I had to hold onto something as I walked around, usually a wall or a cane or my husband. The stroke definitely affected my sense of balance.

After a couple of months of getting worse ( I only went to a doctor once) I started going for Papimi treatments. After the first treatment I slept all night instead of waking up every hour, the pain was greatly lessened, my dizziness disappeared and other symptoms were much better. After a total of 10- 30 minute treatments ALL my symptoms were gone and I felt better than I had in years. My husband and I both had 20 treatments each. His graying hair turned back to mostly black. He had white lung disease where he only had about 50 % use of his lungs and constantly coughed up white stuff. After the treatments his lung usage probably went up to 90% and didn't start getting worse again for about 6 years. All his aches and pains from injuries he got in a couple of wars were relieved probably about 90%. There were many great effects we experienced and it didn't start wearing off for quite a few years. We had the treatments in 2003. I did not use the Papimi directly on my head but no further up than on my neck and that was enough to heal my brain.

In the last couple of years we've been seeing the gradual return of a few symptoms so I found a clinic last year that has the IMRS machine. Although we felt good after using it, the effects wore off within a few hours so we discontinued using it after a month. Perhaps if we bought a machine and used it a couple of times a day the benefits would be more consistent and long lasting. I have researched PEMF machines for many years now and although I was going to buy an IMRS or a Medithera, I have decided that they are not as powerful as I think is most beneficial. It's possible that the Papimi machine is a bit too powerful and I have reached the conclusion that the PEMF4000 is the machine we will buy when we can afford to do so.

The cost of a Papimi is around $40,000, if you can find one, and I don't think it would be worth 4 times what the PEMF4000 costs. I am totally sold on PEMF therapy for just about anything that might be wrong with the body, including in the brain (unless something is broken or one needs an operation for something). I have read hundreds of case studies from Europe over the years where PEMF therapy is much more normal and I don't think there are many diseases that haven't been helped or cured with PEMF therapy. I think the PEMF4000 is overall the best machine one can buy and is very reasonably priced considering how powerful it is. Of course PEMF treatments don't actually HEAL the body but they do give one such a huge amount of energy to the cells that the body can heal itself. It is a very mellow and long lasting energy, not the energy that keeps one awake but it allowed us to sleep better than ever. What amazed me was how FAST my painful and debilitating symptoms disappeared!

A good friend of mine and my son both had treatments with a Bemer PEMF machine and were greatly helped, so any PEMF machine is definitely better than none, but there is no doubt that a higher power PEMF machine, like the PEMF4000 will work much faster and the effects should last much longer. I'm looking forward to buying the PEMF4000 as soon as we can afford one! :)


Aug 9, 2014, 3:24:44 PM8/9/14
Nancy, thank you for your very thorough, detailed, and helpful response!

Michael Fiske DC

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