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Pelagios annotations in monographs and journals

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Ethan Gruber

Feb 24, 2016, 10:10:17 AM2/24/16
Hi everyone,

We are beginning to receive our first TEI files for numismatic monographs we are openly publishing for the Mellon-NEH EBook project. Many of these books are about ancient numismatics, and so Nomisma/Pleiades IDs apply. Most of the annotations you collect about places relate to cultural heritage objects, but what are your thoughts on annotating prose?

I am thinking that the lowest-level div in the TEI document is probably sufficient, and my system supports addressable URIs on the div level already. The question is: what metadata should be included in the pelagios:AnnotatedThing?

Type/Format: Something that hasn't been broadly implemented yet in Pelagios (which would allow a user to get all epigraphy or coins). The Getty AAT could apply here. There are URIs for 'books', 'chapters', and 'sections' (e.g., Section is sufficiently generic to apply in the case of parts of a book or article. I could include a dcterms:isPartOf to link to the parent div (or if it is a top-level div, use dcterms:isPartOf to link to the full book URI) so that the basic structure of a book might be included in the Pelagios export. I see in the Pelagios instructions that you are using dcterms:subject to capture basic text keywords.

Date: How to date an annotated thing? Date of the publication of the book?

Pelagios relations: The URI in your example doesn't resolve, so I am unable to find documentation on what relations are available in order to choose the appropriate one.


Simon Rainer

Feb 24, 2016, 11:00:01 AM2/24/16
Hi Ethan,

<I am thinking that the lowest-level div in the TEI document is probably sufficient, and my system supports addressable URIs on the div level already. >

Definitely. I think the target URI will simply have to be whatever the target system supports. (For the texts we've annotated in Pelagios 3, we typically only have a single URI for entire work, or volume.)

<The question is: what metadata should be included in the pelagios:AnnotatedThing?>

Personally, I'd see the same minimal requirement as for objects - title, description, foaf:homepage, minimal DC-type stuff. But I'm open to hearing more opinions.

Another question, in my view, is what the annotations should include and, in fact, how they should be represented. Obviously, there's no way to support fulltext-search-type functionality with just the annotations. One possibility would be to make use of Open Annotations 'Text Quote Selector' feature to include text snippets around the annotated place reference, for each annotation. Another option (open for debate...) would be to go right for the TEI. (I got some very crude & experimental support for TEI import in Peripleo.)


Yep - this is turning into our most frequently asked question. I agree the Getty AAT could be a good basis. In addition, what I'd personally like to have for Pelagios would be a very general & light vocabulary of terms we can use as facets in a search UI. I.e. something that would let me filter my search to, say, Numismatics (but not Pottery, Literature), without the need to traverse broad & deep trees of classification schemes.

<I could include a dcterms:isPartOf to link to the parent div>

Yes, perfect. Exactly what it's meant for in the Pelagios case.

<I see in the Pelagios instructions that you are using dcterms:subject to capture basic text keywords>

That's really an interim solution (as, alas, so many things in our spec ;-) For text keywords, but also categories - e.g. Getty AAT URIs. (Or would you rather add those as RDF types to the annotated object?)

<Pelagios relations: The URI in your example doesn't resolve, so I am unable to find documentation on what relations are available in order to choose the appropriate one.>

Probably the second most frequent question - and yet another interim hack [1]. There's no documentation and the only ones we've "defined" so far are

* foundAt
* attestsTo
* locatedAt

I'm hoping that we can get this list improved & documented as part of Pelagios Commons (and perhaps include it with the LAWD ontology, rather than keeping it at the interim pelagios namespace?). In any case, I'm definitely happy to act as a collector of input & requirements.

Incidentially, we've talked about the same issue just yesterday at the Fitzwilliam museum. If I remember correctly, the Ure Museum promised to come up with a list of relations they'd require to properly expose their collection in Pelagios.



Von: []&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;Ethan Gruber []
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016 16:10
Betreff: [pelagios] Pelagios annotations in monographs and journals
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Ethan Gruber

Mar 17, 2016, 11:33:14 AM3/17/16
Hi all,

I have applied a number of the suggestions by Rainer. There is a link to the VoID and Dump RDF on our Digital Library home page:

There aren't many annotations yet, but the list will grow significantly in the coming months, as we are going to publish almost 90 open EBooks for the Mellon project.

I'm going to be discussing this system more thoroughly at CAA in a few weeks. I'll also be retooling the Pelagios export from our archives soon, so you'll have some research notebooks (TEI documents of facsimile elements annotated with Annotorious) and excavation photographs relating to ancient places soon (by the end of next week).


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Simon Rainer

Mar 18, 2016, 4:17:21 AM3/18/16
Hi Ethan,

that's fantastic! I just harvested it into Peripleo :-)


Von: []&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;Ethan Gruber []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 17. März 2016 16:33
Betreff: Re: [pelagios] Pelagios annotations in monographs and journals

Hi all,

I have applied a number of the suggestions by Rainer. There is a link to the VoID and Dump RDF on our Digital Library home page:

There aren't many annotations yet, but the list will grow significantly in the coming months, as we are going to publish almost 90 open EBooks for the Mellon project.

I'm going to be discussing this system more thoroughly at CAA in a few weeks. I'll also be retooling the Pelagios export from our archives soon, so you'll have some research notebooks (TEI documents of facsimile elements annotated with Annotorious) and excavation photographs relating to ancient places soon (by the end of next week).


On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Simon Rainer <<>> wrote:
Hi Ethan,

<I am thinking that the lowest-level div in the TEI document is probably sufficient, and my system supports addressable URIs on the div level already. >

Definitely. I think the target URI will simply have to be whatever the target system supports. (For the texts we've annotated in Pelagios 3, we typically only have a single URI for entire work, or volume.)

<The question is: what metadata should be included in the pelagios:AnnotatedThing?>

Personally, I'd see the same minimal requirement as for objects - title, description, foaf:homepage, minimal DC-type stuff. But I'm open to hearing more opinions.

Another question, in my view, is what the annotations should include and, in fact, how they should be represented. Obviously, there's no way to support fulltext-search-type functionality with just the annotations. One possibility would be to make use of Open Annotations 'Text Quote Selector' feature to include text snippets around the annotated place reference, for each annotation. Another option (open for debate...) would be to go right for the TEI. (I got some very crude & experimental support for TEI import in Peripleo.)


Yep - this is turning into our most frequently asked question. I agree the Getty AAT could be a good basis. In addition, what I'd personally like to have for Pelagios would be a very general & light vocabulary of terms we can use as facets in a search UI. I.e. something that would let me filter my search to, say, Numismatics (but not Pottery, Literature), without the need to traverse broad & deep trees of classification schemes.

<I could include a dcterms:isPartOf to link to the parent div>

Yes, perfect. Exactly what it's meant for in the Pelagios case.

<I see in the Pelagios instructions that you are using dcterms:subject to capture basic text keywords>

That's really an interim solution (as, alas, so many things in our spec ;-) For text keywords, but also categories - e.g. Getty AAT URIs. (Or would you rather add those as RDF types to the annotated object?)

<Pelagios relations: The URI in your example doesn't resolve, so I am unable to find documentation on what relations are available in order to choose the appropriate one.>

Probably the second most frequent question - and yet another interim hack [1]. There's no documentation and the only ones we've "defined" so far are

* foundAt
* attestsTo
* locatedAt

I'm hoping that we can get this list improved & documented as part of Pelagios Commons (and perhaps include it with the LAWD ontology, rather than keeping it at the interim pelagios namespace?). In any case, I'm definitely happy to act as a collector of input & requirements.

Incidentially, we've talked about the same issue just yesterday at the Fitzwilliam museum. If I remember correctly, the Ure Museum promised to come up with a list of relations they'd require to properly expose their collection in Pelagios.



Von:<> [<>]&quot; im Auftrag von &quot;Ethan Gruber [<>]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 24. Februar 2016 16:10
Betreff: [pelagios] Pelagios annotations in monographs and journals

Hi everyone,

We are beginning to receive our first TEI files for numismatic monographs we are openly publishing for the Mellon-NEH EBook project. Many of these books are about ancient numismatics, and so Nomisma/Pleiades IDs apply. Most of the annotations you collect about places relate to cultural heritage objects, but what are your thoughts on annotating prose?

I am thinking that the lowest-level div in the TEI document is probably sufficient, and my system supports addressable URIs on the div level already. The question is: what metadata should be included in the pelagios:AnnotatedThing?

Type/Format: Something that hasn't been broadly implemented yet in Pelagios (which would allow a user to get all epigraphy or coins). The Getty AAT could apply here. There are URIs for 'books', 'chapters', and 'sections' (e.g., Section is sufficiently generic to apply in the case of parts of a book or article. I could include a dcterms:isPartOf to link to the parent div (or if it is a top-level div, use dcterms:isPartOf to link to the full book URI) so that the basic structure of a book might be included in the Pelagios export. I see in the Pelagios instructions that you are using dcterms:subject to capture basic text keywords.

Date: How to date an annotated thing? Date of the publication of the book?

Pelagios relations: The URI in your example doesn't resolve, so I am unable to find documentation on what relations are available in order to choose the appropriate one.


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Leif Isaksen

Mar 21, 2016, 9:01:39 AM3/21/16
That's super cool! Looking forward to catching up with you in Oslo :-)


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Ethan Gruber

Mar 21, 2016, 9:10:17 AM3/21/16
Thanks! I'll have a lot to show in my presentation.
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