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Apr 26, 2022, 12:03:13 AM4/26/22
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Karger Alert: New Articles online

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Latest articles based on your preference:
Safety of Bronchoscopy after Acute Coronary Syndrome

Author(s): T. Soumagne J.-M. Paradis Y. Lacasse et al.

Background: Bronchoscopy is a safe procedure which is frequently performed for the investigation of respiratory diseases. Current guidelines recommend to delay bronchoscopy for 4–6 weeks after acute coronary syndrome (ACS), as this period is theoretically considered at risk for new onset of ACS. We therefore aimed to evaluate the safety ...

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Future Perspectives of Revaluating Mild COPD

Author(s): D. Radovanovic M. Contoli F. Braido et al.

In 2020, COPD was the third leading cause of death worldwide. Lung function is central for the diagnosis of this disease, and COPD severity is still partially classified based on airflow obstruction, which can range from “mild” (GOLD 1 group, FEV1 ≥80% predicted) to “very severe” (GOLD 4, FEV1 <30% predicted). However, the term ...

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The Effect of Borderline Pulmonary Hypertension on Survival in Chronic Lung Disease

Author(s): L. Piccari S.J. Wort F. Meloni et al.

Background: The impact of the new “borderline” hemodynamic class for pulmonary hypertension (PH) (mean pulmonary artery pressure [mPAP], 21–24 mm Hg and pulmonary vascular resistance, [PVR], ≥3 wood units, [WU]) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and interstitial lung disease (ILD) is unclear. Objectives: ...

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Kompass Pneumologie
Progress bei ILD: Wann ist eine Rebiopsie sinnvoll?

Author(s): M. Wagner

Background: The usefulness and safety of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy (TBLC) for reassessment of diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD) with progression is still unknown. Our purpose was to clarify the usefulness and safety of TBLC for reassessment of DPLD with progression. Methods: This retrospective study included 31 patients ...

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Malignes Pleuramesotheliom: Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildanalyse

Author(s): S. Keymel

Background:Background In malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), complex tumour morphology results in inconsistent radiological response assessment. Promising volumetric methods require automation to be practical. We developed a fully automated Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for this purpose, performed blinded validation and compared ...

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ILD: VOC-Analyse des Atemabdrucks als vielversprechende Methode der nicht invasiven Diagnostik

Author(s): F. Drakopanagiotakis, A. Günther

Background: Fibrotic Interstitial lung diseases (ILD) are a heterogeneous group of chronic lung diseases characterized by diverse degrees of lung inflammation and remodeling. They include idiopathic ILD such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and ILD secondary to chronic inflammatory diseases such as connective tissue disease (CTD). ...

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Lungenkrebs-Operationen: Frauen haben eine niedrigere Komplikationsrate und Krankenhaussterblichkeit

Author(s): T. Lesser

Objectives: Sex is an important predictor for lung cancer survival and a favorable prognostic indicator for women compared to men. Specific surgery-related sex differences of patients with lung cancer remain unclear. The aim of this study is to analyze sex-specific differences after lung cancer resections to identify factors for an unfavorable ...

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Kompass Neumología
Rompiendo el paradigma en la oxigenoterapia

Author(s): C.O. Ceballos-Zuñiga

Background: Oxygen (O2) is a drug with specific biochemical and physiological properties, a range of effective doses and may have side effects. In 2015, 14% of over 55,000 hospital patients in the UK were using oxygen. 42% of patients received this supplemental oxygen without a valid prescription. Health care professionals are frequently ...

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May 3, 2022, 1:26:28 AM5/3/22
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Karger Alert: New Articles online

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Latest articles based on your preference:
Bifurcated Silicone Stents for the Management of Anastomotic Complications in Lung Transplanted Patients: Ten Years’ Experience

Author(s): J. Guinde J. Bismuth S. Laroumagne et al.

Background: In lung transplantation (LT), the actual surgical practice is to cut the donor bronchus as short as possible in order to reduce anastomotic complications (AC). Consequently, the anastomosis is very close to the secondary carina. If AC occur, regular straight stents may be unsatisfactory and on-site modified bifurcated stents ...

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Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Pulmonary Hypertension: A Comparison of Incident and Prevalent Cases

Author(s): E. Pfeuffer-Jovic F. Joa M. Halank et al.

Introduction: Anxiety and depression are common in pulmonary hypertension (PH) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is reduced. Sufficient analyses in incident and prevalent patients are lacking, so we provide a comparative analysis of these groups with focus on anxiety, depression and HRQoL. Methods: Depression, ...

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Accuracy and Predictors of Success of EUS-B-FNA in the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Malignant Lesions: A Prospective Multicenter Italian Study

Author(s): M. Mondoni S. Gasparini F. Varone et al.

Background: The role of endoscopic ultrasound with bronchoscope fine-needle aspiration (EUS-B-FNA) in the diagnosis of suspected malignant pulmonary lesions adjacent to the esophagus has been poorly investigated. The aim of the present study was to assess the accuracy of EUS-B-FNA for the diagnosis and molecular profiling of paraesophageal ...

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Kompass Pneumologie
Silikose ohne Bergbau – neue Gefahren durch Küchenarbeitsplatten

Author(s): M. Velasco Garrido, A.M. Preisser

Background: Engineered stone silicosis is an emerging disease in many countries worldwide produced by the inhalation of respirable dust of engineered stone. This silicosis has a high incidence among young workers, with a short latency period and greater aggressiveness than silicosis caused by natural materials. Although the silica content is ...

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Schweres Asthma, Telemedizin und selbst verabreichte Therapie: Zuerst auf den Patienten hören

Author(s): G. Guarnieri M. Caminati A. Achille et al.

Patienten mit schwerem Asthma haben ein erhöhtes Risiko für größere Komplikationen und müssen regelmäßig überwacht werden. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat sich deutlich auf die Ressourcen des Gesundheitswesens ausgewirkt. Der telemedizinische Ansatz bei der Nachsorge von Asthmapatienten hat sich bei der Überwachung der Krankheit und der Therapietreue ...

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Kompass Neumología
Ingresando por un cuadro de neumonitis bacteriana, los exámenes revelaron adenopatías en el cuello, el mediastino y el abdomen

Author(s): C. Carbonelli E. Giuffreda A. Palmiotti et al.

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May 10, 2022, 1:39:32 AM5/10/22
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Latest articles based on your preference:
Exercise Physiology at “Conversational Level” Is Not Impaired in Healthy Young Subjects Wearing Masks or Respirators

Author(s): V. Sanchez-Migallón C. Calvo-Lobo S. Sanchez-Jorge et al.

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of both surgical masks and FFP2 respirators on the inspiratory muscle strength, metabolic parameters, heart rate, subjective perceived exertion, and dyspnea perception, before and during 30 min stable load exercise at “conversational level”. Methods: ...

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Mathematical Arterialization of Capillary Blood for Blood Gas Analysis in Critically Ill Patients

Author(s): A. Daher, J.M. Veelken, T. Müller

Background: In clinical practice, capillary blood taken from hyperemized earlobes (CBGE) or fingertips (CBGF) is frequently used as substitute for arterial blood (ABG) for blood gas analysis. While there is a close agreement between ABG and CBGE/CBGF regarding pH and pCO2, ...

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Predictors of Low and High Exhaled Nitric Oxide Values in Asthma: A Real-World Study

Author(s): F. Bertolini A.E. Sprio A. Baroso et al.

Background: In asthma, exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a clinically established biomarker of airway T2 inflammation and an indicator for anti-inflammatory therapy. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify, in an observational real-world cross-sectional study, the main characteristics of patients ...

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Kompass Pneumologie
Die Rolle digitaler Hilfsmittel bei der rechtzeitigen Diagnose und Vorbeugung akuter Exazerbationen der COPD: Ein umfassender Überblick über die Literatur

Author(s): A.K. Konstantinidis C. Kyriakopoulos G. Ntritsos et al.

Die chronisch-obstruktive Lungenerkrankung (COPD) ist eine chronisch-entzündliche Erkrankung der Atemwege und des Lungenparenchyms mit vielfältigen systemischen Manifestationen. Exazerbationen der COPD sind wichtige Ereignisse im Krankheitsverlauf, da sie mit einer erhöhten Sterblichkeit, einer schwerwiegenden Beeinträchtigung der gesundheitsbezogenen ...

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Das Verhältnis zwischen objektivem App-Engagement und Medikamentenadhärenz bei Asthma und COPD: eine retrospektive Analyse

Author(s): L. Kaye R. Gondalia A. Thompson et al.

Digitale Gesundheitstools können die Selbstüberwachung von Krankheiten fördern, aber der Zusammenhang von Smartphone-App-Engagement und Medikamentenadhärenz ist unklar. Wir bewerteten den Zusammenhang zwischen dem objektiven Smartphone-App-Engagement und der Anwendung von Controller-Medikamenten bei Erwachsenen mit Asthma und COPD. Wir ...

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May 17, 2022, 2:21:12 AM5/17/22
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Latest articles based on your preference:
Deep Learning for Automatic Upper Airway Obstruction Detection by Analysis of Flow-Volume Curve

Author(s): Y. Wang Y. Li W. Chen et al.

Background: Due to the similar symptoms of upper airway obstruction to asthma, misdiagnosis is common. Spirometry is a cost-effective screening test for upper airway obstruction and its characteristic patterns involving fixed, variable intrathoracic and extrathoracic lesions. We aimed to develop a deep learning model to detect upper ...

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Congenital Chylothorax of the Newborn

Author(s): C. Bellini, F. Boccardo, T. Bellini

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Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma Achieved by Non-Cautery Assisted Transbronchial Mediastinal Cryobiopsy

Author(s): J. Zhang Z.-S. Huang X.-L. Wu et al.

Transbronchial mediastinal cryobiopsy is a novel sampling strategy that shows improved diagnostic utility for mediastinal lesions, particularly in rare tumors and benign disorders, as compared to standard endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration. During this procedure, electrocautery incision is frequently needed to ...

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May 24, 2022, 12:18:02 AM5/24/22
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Latest articles based on your preference:
Is It Possible to Predict Respiratory Evolution in COVID-19 Patients?

Author(s): C.S.V. Barbas, B.F. Mazza

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Effect of Triple Combination CFTR Modulator Therapy on Sleep in Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis

Author(s): M. Welsner T. Schulte S. Dietz-Terjung et al.

Background: Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and disturbed sleep are common, often underrecognized, comorbidities in people with cystic fibrosis (pwCF). Objectives: We studied the effect of CFTR triple combination therapy elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor (ELX/TEZ/IVA) on sleep in pwCF. Method: ...

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May 31, 2022, 12:56:46 AM5/31/22
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Latest articles based on your preference:
Evolution of Web-Based Training Videos Provided by the German Respiratory League for the Correct Inhalation Technique

Author(s): M. Wollsching-Strobel U. Butt D.S. Majorski et al.

Background/Objective: To assess whether and how the use of scientifically established Web-based training videos for teaching correct inhalation technique in patients with chronic airway diseases has become accepted among the wider population. Methods: The viewing trends of 141 freely available YouTube videos (full ...

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