Changed My Markup for PDF's for now I will be using the UDFR PDF mime-type URI

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Peter DeVries

Apr 27, 2012, 11:38:15 AM4/27/12
Hi Pedants,

After reviewing this thread, I changed the way I describe PDF's.

For now I have decided to use the UDFR identifier for the PDF mime-type.

Here are the relevant sections for the Cougar (Puma concolor) RDF representation 

The description of the PDF file.

    <rdfs:label>PDF of the Original Description of Puma concolor (Linnaeus 1771)</rdfs:label>
    <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <dcterms:format rdf:resource=""/>
    <wdrs:describedby rdf:resource=""/>

Each species should have an original published description. 
In the absence of complete information about these, I create a URI so I can make statements about what I do know about these publications.
The original description for the Cougar is out of copyright and available as a PDF, so I link to it in the RDF section describing the orignal species description
    <txn:SpeciesOriginalDescription rdf:about="">
    <rdfs:label>Original Description of Puma concolor se:v6n7p</rdfs:label>
    <!-- Ideally, this should link to a resource in Citebank -->
    <dcterms:description>LOD metadata about the original species description relating to Species Concept Puma concolor se:v6n7p</dcterms:description>
    <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <dcterms:creator rdf:resource=""/>
    <txn:originalName>Felis concolor Linnaeus 1771</txn:originalName>
    <txn:yearPub rdf:resource=""/>
    <!-- There should be a type specimen. Add link to GBIF via 'txn:sodHasTypeSpecimen' if they know about it. -->
    <wdrs:describedby rdf:resource=""/>

I hope to have a matching updated RDF dump with the changes in the next few days.

It will have 118,850 species, better linking to related entities and 99% of the matching pages.

* There are currently ~280 species that have non-unique EoL ID's because of differences in the EoL, USDA Plants, and eBird data sets.

Thank you for the comments and suggestions,


-- Pete

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
TaxonConcept  &  GeoSpecies Knowledge Bases
A Semantic Web, Linked Open Data  Project

Aidan Hogan

Apr 27, 2012, 11:52:12 AM4/27/12
Hi Peter,

Looks good! As per the other thread of emails, my only concern is that
those UDFR identifiers do not (seem to) dereference to RDF. If they
would dereference to RDF -- and without a IANA-endorsed bag of URIs --
this would be a good solution IMO.

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