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March 06, 2012: Peace & Harmony News from S. Asia

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Pritam Rohila

Mar 5, 2012, 9:24:40 PM3/5/12



March 06, 2012: Peace & Harmony News from S. Asia





*Lanka tops S Asia in cutting extreme poverty, SAMN, March 5, 2012

*Manmohan praises Gilani's ‘positive role’, GK News, March 6, 2012

*BD expects $7-9 b investment by Indian power companies, SAMN, March 5, 2012

*South Asia: Quota to seat women in politics, SAMN, March 5, 2012



*Lanka tops S Asia in cutting extreme poverty, SAMN, March 5, 2012


The world has achieved its first MDG of cutting extreme poverty in half ahead of the 2015 deadline, a study by the World Bank shows. With only seven percent of its population classified as extremely poor, Sri Lanka is the top performer in South Asia. The bank defines extreme poverty as living on under $1.25 per day, adjusted for purchasing power parity. According to the report, released this week, 1.29 billion people, or 22 percent of the developing world’s population, live below $1.25 a day, down from 52 percent in 1981…


*Manmohan praises Gilani's ‘positive role’, GK News, March 6, 2012


Islamabad, Mar 5: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today lauded his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani for playing a “positive role” in improving bilateral relations. Singh's “gratitude” for Gilani's role in improving bilateral ties was conveyed to the Pakistani Prime Minister by Indian High Commissioner Sharat Sabharwal during a meeting here, an official statement said…


*BD expects $7-9 b investment by Indian power companies, SAMN, March 5, 2012


Looking for increased co-operation with India in the energy space, Bangladesh expects Indian companies to invest $ 7-9 billion in its power sector and a few entities have already evinced interest….Grappling with acute electricity shortage, Bangladesh is embarking on significant capacity addition plans and is in the process of inviting tenders for projects having capacity of over 5,000 MW…


*South Asia: Quota to seat women in politics, SAMN, March 5, 2012


Is there a need for reservation of seats for Bhutanese women in politics? If so, why and, particularly, in the context of Bhutanese customs and culture? So began the first UN conference, a two-day meeting in Thimphu that saw senior government officials, mostly women, from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Norway and Nepal, discuss the promotion of women’s political leadership and governance in India and south Asia…


EXPLANATION/DISCLIMER: The above is a selection of news stories pertaining to South Asian governments, civil society organizations and individuals working together on projects of mutual benefit including peace and communal harmony, and those relating to attempts to improve the condition of South Asian peoples, especially women and children. ACHA does not approve of or subscribe to any "disharmonizing language" (including terms such as POK or IOK) used in these items selected from various publications. Readers may exercise their linguistic judgment and ignore any biased language.

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