March 24, 2012: Peace & Harmony News from S. Asia
*Children from India, Pak video conference on issues, Rediff News, March 22, 2012
*Consumers to gain greatly in S Asia trade integration: study, SAMN, March 23, 2012
*Bangladesh set to ink 25-yr power deal with India, SAMN, March 22, 2012
*Children from India, Pak video conference on issues, Rediff News, March 22, 2012
Celebrating its 75 successful years of campaigning for child rights, Plan India on Wednesday organised a video conferencing between the group of Plan India children and Plan Pakistan community children to share their opinions and views on the issues affecting their lives. The issues raised by the children were presented to the chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, Shantha Sinha, in the form of a memorandum. It included the challenges with regard to birth registration for street children and recommendations for support from NCPCR in taking the issue forward with the relevant authorities…
*Consumers to gain greatly in S Asia trade integration: study, SAMN, March 23, 2012
Further integration of trade among South Asian economies could yield as much as $2 billion (around Rs.10, 000 crore) in benefits to consumers in the region, a study released by Cuts International said on Thursday. The study titled Cost of Economic Non-Cooperation to Consumers in South Asia said the gains will be on account of savings on expenditure on imported products from the rest of the world in selected categories, if such products are sourced from within the region…
*Bangladesh set to ink 25-yr power deal with India, SAMN, March 22, 2012
Bangladesh is set to sign a 25-year power purchase agreement with Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd (NVVNL), the trading arm of India’s NTPC, to import 250 megawatt (MW) of power at Rs3 a unit, by mid-2013. The cabinet committee of economic affairs will soon clear the proposal, a top official of the of the power and energy resources ministry told journalists…
EXPLANATION/DISCLIMER: The above is a selection of news stories pertaining to South Asian governments, civil society organizations and individuals working together on projects of mutual benefit including peace and communal harmony, and those relating to attempts to improve the condition of South Asian peoples, especially women and children. ACHA does not approve of or subscribe to any "disharmonizing language" (including terms such as POK or IOK) used in these items selected from various publications. Readers may exercise their linguistic judgment and ignore any biased language.