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💼 Two Postdoctoral Positions on Child Disability and Family Life in Italy | Deadline: 8 December

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Population Europe

Nov 5, 2024, 8:37:42 AM11/5/24
The project FRAILIFE, led by Nicoletta Balbo at Bocconi University is looking for two postdoctoral researchers.

FRAILIFE aims to comprehensively analyze the effects of a child’s disability on family members – parents, siblings, and grandparents – in Europe, using high-quality data (registers, surveys, social media), innovative research designs and methods. Across the European Union, approximately 4% of all individuals under the age of 16 have a disability, and over 15 million school-age children are known to have special educational needs. Disabilities limit children in their everyday activities and impact families in a myriad of ways.

The positions are open to social scientists with a PhD (or near to completion) in demography, sociology, economics, or statistics/data science who can systematically analyse child disability and life course dynamics. Candidates should be able to work with large scale population registers or survey data (e.g. MCS, Pairfam, GSOEP) to analyze the relationship and the causal link between child disability and family members (i.e., parents, siblings, grandparents). The candidates should have excellent command of English, solid quantitative skills, familiarity with statistical packages such as R and Stata, experience in scientific writing and a strong command of systemizing and analysis of large and complex registers and survey data.

The grant will last for 24 months and indicatively run from 1st January 2025. The winner will have to present a work permit, to work in Italy, by 1st January 2025.

Deadline: 8 October

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