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🎓 Max Weber Programme, European University Institute | Deadline: 18 October

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Population Europe

Jul 25, 2024, 8:33:53 AM7/25/24
The Max Weber Programme (MWP) at the European University Institute (EUI) is a unique postdoctoral programme in the historical and social sciences in Europe. It is open to applicants who are within 5 years from the completion of their PhD, from anywhere in the world, regardless of nationality. 

The Programme is highly selective, with an annual acceptance rate of <5% for a total of 55-60 Fellowships in the fields of political and social sciences, economics, law, and history. Preference is given to applicants who have only just completed their doctorate and have not had a postdoctoral fellowship before. Selected Fellows will benefit from the stimulating combination of a global programme located in the heart of Europe offering a broad menu of multidisciplinary and disciplinary activities.

Deadline: 18 October

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