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💼Postdoc/Research Scientist in Labour Demography in Germany | Deadline: 11 November

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Population Europe

Oct 14, 2024, 9:05:31 AM10/14/24
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is seeking to appoint a full-time post-doctoral researcher or statistical analyst to join the Department of Social Demography and the associated Research Group: Labor Demography, headed by Director Mikko Myrskylä.

The Department of Social Demography focuses on understanding how social, political, and biological processes jointly produce the modern demographic landscape; it charts possible demographic futures and their consequences; and explores the feasibility of adaptation for the future scenarios that are challenging in terms of economic, social, and other dimensions of sustainability. The interdisciplinary Research Group: Labor Demography analyzes how demographic change, the labor market, and economic and social factors interact in shaping the workforce of today and of the future.

They welcome applications from researchers and analysts with a PhD in demography, statistics, sociology, economics, epidemiology, or a similar field. The successful candidate will work on a project on multistate modeling in demography. The tasks will consist of programming statistical software, potentially extending multistate approaches, and applying existing and new multistate methods. The focus and share of tasks will depend on the profile of the successful candidate.

They are seeking creative, self-driven, and collaborative scholars. Strong quantitative analysis skills and knowledge of R are required. Knowledge of Stata is an advantage, as is experience with longitudinal data analysis, survival analysis, or labor market research.

Deadline: 11 November

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