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Research Group Leader at Max Planck Institutes, Germany | Deadline: 14 October

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Sep 9, 2024, 8:46:39 AM9/9/24
To support emerging scholars early in their career path, the Max Planck Society invites all scientists with a doctorate working in any field of research pursued in the organization to apply for one of several positions as:

Max Planck Research Group Leader (m/f/d).

Successful candidates will lead their own independent Max Planck Research Group at a participating Max Planck Institute of their own choice for a period of six years. An extension of up to three more years is possible and subject to a positive evaluation as well as the respective legal regulations.

As a Max Planck Research Group Leader, you will enjoy a world-class research environment at a Max Planck Institute with state-of-the-art infrastructure, administrative support, and the intellectual freedom to pursue an original research programme. Your funding package covers a W2 position in accordance with remuneration group W2 Federal Civil Service Remuneration Act (equivalent to assistant or non-tenured associate professor), resources for the hiring of scientific staff, and a generous budget for equipment and consumables. The total allocation for a Max Planck Re­search Group amounts to up to 2.7 million euros for the initial six years. Start of funding is October 2025 at the earliest.

Deadline: 14 October

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