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🎓PhD position in Demography at Tallinn University, Estonia | Deadline: 19 December

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Population Europe

Nov 26, 2024, 3:33:07 AM11/26/24
The Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University invites applications for a 4-year full-time government-funded PhD candidate as a junior research fellow position in the field of demography.

The application deadline for Spring 2025 admission is December 19, 2024 (application portal opens on December 5).

The PhD project will explore changes in the timing, sequencing, or absence of life course events (e.g., forming or dissolving partnerships, childbearing, entering or exiting the labor market, migration, retiring) and their relation to social disparities in well-being. The focus is on disentangling life course interactions in different European regions, particularly in relation to institutional settings and their changes in Eastern European countries. The PhD student will use data from international longitudinal surveys, such as SHARE or GGS, for comparative analysis.

Additionally, it is possible to focus on Estonia by linking survey data with administrative records or using historical datasets. Candidates are expected to have experience working with quantitative data and methods.

Deadline: 19 December

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