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Feb 23, 2006, 11:01:03 AM2/23/06
to PdxWebInnovators
Welcome to the Portland Web Innovators group. Feel free to leave your
thoughts about what you'd like to see for this group, how frequent we
should get together, where we should get together or any other ideas.

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Feb 23, 2006, 12:58:06 PM2/23/06
to PdxWebInnovators
I see Web innovators as being a multi-hatted crowd. We're
entrepreneurs, techies, designers, data junkies, and realistic
standards curmudgeons. No one group can speak to us, nor can we really
be fulfilled with an overlapping of several groups.

And I know there are a lot of us in Portland. So, let's get to know
each other, and let's create a group that doesn't yet exist.


Feb 23, 2006, 9:08:42 PM2/23/06
to PdxWebInnovators
I'd like to see a mix of social and education, meeting once a month
most likely, with smaller, more frequent meetings of subgroups if
desired. I'm on the same page as AdamD - multi-functional sounds like
the tie that binds.

Topics ranging from business, programming, art, design, user
experience, content, monetization, PR, etc... all fit for me.

Short backstory: I'm a new arrival to Portland as of a few months ago,
own an email marketing company (no, not spam :P), work on a few
different projects, nearly all web-based, from content sites to web
apps (trying to find the time to grasp ruby, programming isn't my
strongest suit). Have an art degree but haven't created in a couple of
years, looking to get back into it; video, motion graphics,


work: http://www.beprivy.com/
home: http://www.jaacob.com/


Feb 26, 2006, 10:10:43 PM2/26/06
to PdxWebInnovators
This is great guys. Looks like we're all on the same page. I see a
fourth on the wiki as well, so looks like we're slowly growing. Be
sure to post in your blogs to spread the word.


Mar 1, 2006, 11:19:47 AM3/1/06
to PdxWebInnovators
Hello. I'm Ray... find out more about me at http://needmorenotes.com/
or http://brigleb.com/ or whatever. I started pdxrails.org but never
had time to move the group forward, but I am def interested in
something like this. We did have a Rails meeting at my place, and a
couple other such meetings last summer, and I think monthly does the

I agree with the posts above, combining business, social concerns,
programming, marketing, perhaps even making a living. Right now we're
pushing for a launch of something we call Ladybug, at
http://getladybug.com/ but I'm always interested in brainstorming
application ideas, getting small groups together, and moving beautiful
ideas forward. I had also suggested to Adam that more than a jotspot
wiki, this group could be a community like 9rules.com - kind of more of
an aggregate of our blogs and meeting plans and stuff like that.
There's an idea. I started working on such a thing for pdxrails.org but
never got too far...

OK so I'll try to stay in the loop here, and here's hoping for great
and wonderful things from this group! Oh hey by the way check out
another project too at http://noboto.com/ just for fun.

Cheers, Ray


Mar 2, 2006, 10:13:44 AM3/2/06
to PdxWebInnovators
Hi Ray,

Great to have you on board. I really like the blog community idea,
that will put a nice public face on the group. Thanks for volunteering
;-). Only kidding, but it does give us something concrete to discuss
in the first meeting.

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