Ruby Mastermind developers seeking your next opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience in forward thinking in an Agile environment?
We're seeking "Ruby on Rails - UI Masterminds" (
RoR, jQuery, JavaScript, 5-7 years UI development)
to join our team immediately either on a Contract or Full-time. You'll be part of this
application that will be a newly developed global, mission critical freight
forwarding solution to customers in
68 countries.
We have a great office environment with sharp
people who love to innovate. You will work with the best and the brightest with
people who are fun to work with and have a great spirit. We are located in downtown Portland, OR.
To discuss this immediate opportunity, please forward your resume or call me at 503-953-1361.
Thomas Vargas Jr. – Corporate IT
UTi | 400 SW 6th Ave. 11th Floor | Portland | Oregon | 97204 | USA | O +1 503 953 1361 | F
+ 1 503 715 4964 | C +1 503 888 7993 | Skype: tomtecrec