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Girl Develop It Portland Launch Party

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Katherine Wu

Aug 14, 2014, 3:45:57 PM8/14/14
to pdxruby,,
Hey all,

Some folks are starting up a Girl Develop It chapter in Portland, and there's a launch party next Thursday. I thought I'd pass along the details for people on these lists that might be interested in getting involved or have friends/family that are interested into getting into web development (they're currently planning for their first few classes to be along the lines of intro to HTML/CSS/JS).

Thursday, August 21, 2014
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
9 SE 3rd Ave, Suite 220, Portland, OR

Come and join us for:
•   Drinks and Light Snacks
•   Up-to-the-minute information on upcoming events and classes
•   Meet our co-founders Diana Laboy-Rush and Kathryn Stoddard
•   A chance to meet our instructor, who will be teaching GDI Portland's first "Introduction to WebConcepts" class in September
•   Sign up for a future event and provide input for future classes 
•   The opportunity to mix and mingle with other women* interested in technology and local developers


*I'm told that GDI isn't just restricted to women, even if that is the main target audience. And they're always looking for helpful and reliable TAs and instructors!

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