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Lightning talks, Feb 24 @ 6:30

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Jesse Hallett

Feb 18, 2016, 9:01:39 PM2/18/16
to Portland JavaScript Admirers
The next JavaScript meeting is coming up Wednesday next week. This
month we are having another round of lightning talks! I encourage
everyone to give a talk - especially if you have not given a talk
before. This is a chance to practice giving a presentation without
having to worry about filling up a lot of time, and in front of an
understanding audience (because everyone else will also be concerned
about how well their talk will go :)).

Lightning talks are five minutes or less. They can be on any topic
that you like. Remember that five minutes go by fast, so try to keep
your presentation simple. If you want to use slides, try to stick to
ten or fewer screens - and fewer is better. For some advice, see:

If you are willing to give a talk, please sign up on the signup sheet:

You can give a talk even if you do not sign up in advance - but people
who do sign up will get priority in case we run short on time.

If you have slides, it would be very helpful if you can post a link in
the signup sheet or send them to me, so that we can queue up
everyone's presentations on one computer. But feel free to sign up
first, and add the link to your slides later when they are ready.

And please remember that meetings now start at an earlier time: 6:30 - 8pm.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's talks,
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