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Application Development for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

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Feb 23, 2010, 1:26:20 PM2/23/10
to Portland IPhone Developers
In less than two years, developers have leveraged the iPhone OS to
create more than 100,000 applications, ranging from games to apps for
medical imaging and social networking. The iPhone and iPod touch have
breathed new life into application development, and have brought
thousands of new developers to the Mac platform. Who doesn't want to
be a part of this exciting and potentially lucrative world?

Consider what you could gain from getting together face-to-face with
tons of application developers, including authors of some of the best
and most recent iPhone application development books! Join us at the
Voices That Matter: iPhone Developers Conference, taking place in
Seattle, WA April 24-25. No question about who’s going to be there or
what will be discussed – it’s all iPhone and iPad, all the time.

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