Portland State CS Capstone Winter-Spring 2016

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Bart Massey

Jan 8, 2017, 11:09:35 PM1/8/17
to PDX Groups
We are starting the next round of Portland State's Computer Science Capstone, with 10-minute sponsor pitches Tuesday evening 24 January. Selected sponsors will get a managed team of 7 volunteers to develop software to their spec for 15 weeks under an open source license. The details are at http://wiki.cs.pdx.edu/capstone/sponsors , or you or anyone give me a call absolutely anytime 503 705 2474 if you'd like to discuss. 

I hope this is an appropriate place to post this: I really would like all the tech group leaders in the Portland Area to see it and let their members know, as it's a chance to get some epic software development for free on your favorite pet project. I'm pretty short on projects at this point, also, so the work would be appreciated.

Thanks.  --Bart Massey <ba...@cs.pdx.edu>

Benjamin Kerensa

Jan 9, 2017, 1:05:29 AM1/9/17
to pdxg...@googlegroups.com
Hello Bart,

I'm interested in possibly having the Glucosio Foundation (http://www.glucosio.org) become a sponsor as it might be nice to get some students involved in our OSS diabetes apps.

That said it might be helpful to know the languages the students are experienced in? Do they do Java or Objective-C? Are they familiar with Realm Databases? Do they have experience with Machine Learning and Health Data? 

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Benjamin Kerensa

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