Hey Ladies,
I'm Lynsey, (@miss_lynsey) the founder of the Portland Girl Geek
Dinners (@PDXGirlGeek) and I want to invite all of you to our kick off
event next Thursday at PIE, at 6pm
Alexis Peterka, CEO/Founder of Stayhound & Amye Scavarda, an open
source project manager will be speaking about what sparked their
interest in tech and how they got started in their careers. Our goal
is to unite & encourage not only current but also future generations
of women & minorities involved with or simply interested in science &
It's a free event with food and drinks provided by PIE & CommutePays,
a mobile startup headquartered in Portland. Vegan & Gluten Free
options will be available. Lastly, men are allowed to attend this
event, as the +1 of a lady. :)
Below are some links about us, free feel to contact me with any
questions, comments or concerns.
I hope to see you all next week!
Lynsey Smith
EventBrite -RSVP Here!
Organization website
Portland Website