A different kind of Big Data group

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A.M. Santos

Jun 24, 2013, 10:10:00 PM6/24/13
to pdx-visu...@googlegroups.com
I'm trying an experiment for a new type of meetup group: "No talks. You may opt to take up to 60 seconds to complain about Big Data. One paper per month, no obligation to read it."

The first meeting is Thursday, July 17th at Green Dragon. http://calagator.org/events/1250464425 The discussion paper is http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/019688589190017D

Follow @PDXBigData on Twitter to keep up. (Also experimenting with using Twitter to do the planning instead of another Google Group.) 

Hope to see you there!

(apologies to those who also got this from the hadoop mailing list!) 

M Edward Borasky

Jun 24, 2013, 10:30:13 PM6/24/13
to pdx-visu...@googlegroups.com
I love it! Count me in!
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