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DataViz Contest from Nielsen

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ryan miller

Feb 28, 2012, 1:51:55 PM2/28/12
Starts yesterday and ends at the end of March.

Christian G. Warden

Feb 28, 2012, 1:57:33 PM2/28/12
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:51:55AM -0800, ryan miller wrote:
> Starts yesterday and ends at the end of March.

Note that you can't publish your work without Nielsen's permission:

All information, data, text, materials, etc. (the Materials)
provided by Sponsor to Entrants for the purposes of this Contest or
otherwise is provided on an AS-IS basis without any warranty of any
kind. The Materials shall not be used for any purpose other than
for the creation and submission of an Entry.

Entrant shall not use the Entry, Materials, data, Nielsen name,
trademarks, or otherwise, in any public context (including but not
limited to social media, advertising or publicity) without
specific, written prior permission from an authorized
representative of Nielsen. Written permission can be requested via

Ryan Miller

Feb 28, 2012, 2:07:31 PM2/28/12
That's pretty sucky, and puzzling.  That's something I usually check with these contests, along with who owns the work once it's entered.  Looks like the prize winning entries are definitely owned by Nielsen, not sure about all the other ones.

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Mike Lonergan

Feb 28, 2012, 2:51:42 PM2/28/12
Well that's damned UN-generous of them. What's the deal with this - is it cloaked in the trappings of a contest but really just a free labour pool for a client engagement? Or better, creating a new set of components that they'll trot out on every engagement an charge bug bucks for (a la Big Five aka "cut-and-paste" consultancies)?


Kevin Lynagh

Feb 28, 2012, 7:00:57 PM2/28/12
to pdx-visualization
Guys, I think you are missing the larger picture here: you can win
wearable technology measurement devices.
I, for one, am always confused as to the level of technology around
Even the chance of owning such a convenient, wearable device by far
outweighs any drawbacks of working hard for no compensation on
something to which I forfeit all rights.

On Feb 28, 11:51 am, Mike Lonergan <> wrote:
> Well that's damned UN-generous of them. What's the deal with this - is it cloaked in the trappings of a contest but really just a free labour pool for a client engagement? Or better, creating a new set of components that they'll trot out on every engagement an charge bug bucks for (a la Big Five aka "cut-and-paste" consultancies)?
> Mike
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 10:57 AM, "Christian G. Warden" <> wrote:
> > On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:51:55AM -0800, ryan miller wrote:
> >> Starts yesterday and ends at the end of March.
> >>
> > Note that you can't publish your work without Nielsen's permission:
> >    All information, data, text, materials, etc. (the Materials)
> >    provided by Sponsor to Entrants for the purposes of this Contest or
> >    otherwise is provided on an AS-IS basis without any warranty of any
> >    kind.  The Materials shall not be used for any purpose other than
> >    for the creation and submission of an Entry.
> >    Entrant shall not use the Entry, Materials, data, Nielsen name,
> >    trademarks, or otherwise, in any public context (including but not
> >    limited to social media, advertising or publicity) without
> >    specific, written prior permission from an authorized
> >    representative of Nielsen.  Written permission can be requested via
> >

Christian G. Warden

Feb 28, 2012, 7:46:45 PM2/28/12
Is it like a geiger counter that starts chirping when you get close to
an iPad 3 or one of the mythical phones that supports Google Wallet?

btw, there is some interesting data in the Nielsen spreadsheets, but I
can't tell you what.


Charlie Loyd

Feb 28, 2012, 8:36:43 PM2/28/12
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Kevin Lynagh <> wrote:
> Guys, I think you are missing the larger picture here: you can win
> wearable technology measurement devices.
> I, for one, am always confused as to the level of technology around
> me.
> Even the chance of owning such a convenient, wearable device by far
> outweighs any drawbacks of working hard for no compensation on
> something to which I forfeit all rights.

Those devices sound great on paper, but I've heard that the better
they are, the more they interfere with themselves.

Ryan Miller

Feb 28, 2012, 11:11:50 PM2/28/12
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Charlie Loyd <> wrote:

Those devices sound great on paper, but I've heard that the better
they are, the more they interfere with themselves.

Are we talking about hardware or wetware now?

M Edward Borasky

Feb 28, 2012, 11:25:41 PM2/28/12
On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Christian G. Warden <> wrote:
> btw, there is some interesting data in the Nielsen spreadsheets, but I
> can't tell you what.

You found those numbers "interesting"? My condolences. ;-) I thought
it was a dead waste of the effort of reading and accepting the terms
of use myself.

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