Deployment Documentation / Tutorial?

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Jonathan Moriarty

May 17, 2016, 8:55:41 PM5/17/16
to PDX Tech Calendar
Hi everyone,

I stumbled on Calagator and it looks like a great solution for running an events calendar for my local community of developers. I am working on setting it up on my AWS EC2 instance, and I have followed the instructions here, but they only cover running the calendar in development mode. I noticed that the wiki pages for creating and deploying an instance are just stubs currently. I also noticed that the README.rdoc in the head of the created calendar directory appears to be the default placeholder for Ruby applications. I haven't done much in the way of Ruby development, and I'm not familiar with what would be considered the standard method of deployment. Are there any special steps necessary to deploy a calendar, or a good tutorial I could follow? Any assistance provided would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Jonathan Moriarty

Jun 6, 2016, 5:15:30 PM6/6/16
to PDX Tech Calendar
Hi again everyone,

As an update, I was able to follow a tutorial I found here to set up my calendar in production mode, but there were / are some odd persistent issues:

1. Imported events from Meetup produce an error when viewing them is attempted. I tracked the error in the log to this:

F, [2016-05-23T18:38:03.188812 #1201] FATAL -- :
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass):
    113:     <% unless event.tags.blank? -%>
    114:     <h3>Tags</h3>
    115:     <div class="tags">
    116:         <%= tag_links_for event %>
    117:     </div>
    118:     <% end %>
    119:   </div>
  calagator (1.0.0.rc3) app/helpers/calagator/tags_helper.rb:50:in `exists?'
  calagator (1.0.0.rc3) app/helpers/calagator/tags_helper.rb:19:in `text'
  calagator (1.0.0.rc3) app/helpers/calagator/tags_helper.rb:12:in `render'
  calagator (1.0.0.rc3) app/helpers/calagator/tags_helper.rb:6:in `block in tag_links_for'
  calagator (1.0.0.rc3) app/helpers/calagator/tags_helper.rb:5:in `map'
  calagator (1.0.0.rc3) app/helpers/calagator/tags_helper.rb:5:in `tag_links_for'

For reference, this is the URL I attempted to import, although I did try others with identical results. It appears as though any event with tags will produce this fatal error. However, I was able to solve this problem through some combination of the following:

1. Adding an empty 'tag_icons' directory in '~/calagator_app_name/app/assets/' and '~/calagator_app_name/app/assets/images'
2. Modifying exists? in tags_helper.rb to return false in any case.

I don't have the time to verify which of these did the trick, but I will do more testing when time permits and determine the exact fix.

Now that I was able to view my events, I did notice that the tags generated by the event I imported were "false meetup:event=231167211false meetup:group=technically-baltimore" which has that added false and space at the beginning of the tag, as compared to meetup:event=229979051meetup:group=Portland-Programmer-Network which I pulled from a meetup imported event on Is it possible that this discrepancy is the cause of the error in exists? in tags_helper? 

2. Attempting to import events from Facebook fails with the message "ERROR: Unable to import: Unknown error: no implicit conversion of nil into String". I suspect this may be due to the '|' character present in the FACEBOOK_ACCESS_TOKEN that I may not be escaping properly, but I have tried several changes to it with no success, and I don't see anything useful in the logs about its failure.

Any insights would be appreciated, but failing that I will be documenting any solutions I discover here for others who may be interested in deploying their own calendar in the future.
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