What's up with Calagator

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Audrey Eschright

Oct 25, 2018, 3:30:32 PM10/25/18
to calagator-...@googlegroups.com, pdx-tech...@googlegroups.com
Hi everyone, it’s been a couple of years since there was any traffic on these mailing lists, but since people are still subscribed, I’d like to use it to check in. I’m crossposting to both the pdx-tech-calendar and calagator-development lists.

I’m starting to do some maintenance work on Calagator so we can look at those future steps that have been discussed for a while. That’s things like easier deployment, timezone support, modernizing the UX.

I’m looking for community support to make it happen, and you can read about that here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/next-steps-for-22293463

In terms of the mailing lists, I’m wondering if we should close pdx-tech-calendar to new signups since it’s mostly a spam magnet. I don’t want to close off discussions of calagator.org and its continued development and support, though. Telling everyone to file a bug in GitHub is not the most accessible. What are your thoughts?

For the developer side of it, maybe GitHub is ok. We also have a rarely-used IRC channel on Freenode, and I could add some documentation for that. Or we just make a plan for regular check-ins on the calagator-development list?

One more Portland-specific piece: I’d like to have a State of the Calagator meeting to talk to local users. Does anyone have a spot to host?

Hoping this doesn’t go into everyone’s spam filters,

Anselm Hook

Oct 25, 2018, 3:37:34 PM10/25/18
to pdx-tech...@googlegroups.com, calagator-...@googlegroups.com
I'm happy to help, also happy to drop by and chat.

Possibly relevant - I'm teaching a class at PNCA this fall [ https://pnca.edu/academics/special/make-think-code ] and Nandini who runs the program would almost certainly have space for us to get together (I will check first however). The next cyborgcamp is at PNCA - it's a great resource for this community and I'm keen to try foster it as a resource for the PDX technical community.


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Joseph Cohen

Oct 25, 2018, 4:48:38 PM10/25/18
to pdx-tech...@googlegroups.com, calagator-...@googlegroups.com
Though I don't use it much, I'm happy to contribute to the best of my (limited) ability.
Joe Cohen

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 12:30 PM Audrey Eschright <spin...@gmail.com> wrote:

John Sechrest

Oct 26, 2018, 4:10:24 PM10/26/18
to pdx-tech...@googlegroups.com, calagator-...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Audrey.

Glad to see you engaging the list.

What help do you need?


Audrey Eschright

Oct 26, 2018, 4:48:15 PM10/26/18
to pdx-tech...@googlegroups.com, calagator-...@googlegroups.com
Thanks everyone. I think the big things right now are:

Help get the word out. After being dormant this long, it’s going to take some work to re-engage the community.

Document the use cases for Calagator outside Portland (what sorts of communities are interested? what would a successful deployment look like? what resources do they have for maintenance?)

After that, planning a meeting! Anselm mentioned that PNCA might be able to host, and I have a couple of ideas about code schools and companies. Ideally we’d have an easy way to livestream it. Reid isn’t in Portland but I’d like him to be able to participate.



Sep 28, 2019, 3:18:38 PM9/28/19
to PDX Tech Calendar

I had an instance of the activate hub calendar for Madison Wisconsin that went away a couple of months ago due to lack of people to support the activatehub hosting & ongoing maintenance. I'd love to be able to create my own instance but when I tried grabbing the code from github I ran into multiple issues. It's my understanding that the base for the activate hub calendar was Caligator. At this time in our country's history I believe this activist calendar is crucial to bringing together diverse groups around issues through this shared calendar. What I've come here looking for is help in getting an instance set up on my own hosting provider. My background is in database ( Oracle )  and back end programming ( C, pro-C, PLSQL ) although I've dabbled in websites for quite sometime and can find my way around the configuration needed to set up an instance escapes me. If there is anyone willing to help me please contact me. I believe the activate calendar can be a game changer for the activist community and if I can get it up and going in Wisconsin I'll be an activate hub evangelical to try to grow the use of this calendar among the activist community, I believe it's that important. I did a lot of research over the years on calendars for for my grassroots group and this calendar exceeded all of those I've seen before in it's usefulness to enable communities to come together around issues. Thanks in advance for your time in reading this and any help you can provide. 

In Solidarity,
Christine McDonough
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