PDX OSGeo is back, really for real, no seriously

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Darrell Fuhriman

Apr 15, 2024, 7:17:54 PM4/15/24
to pdx-...@googlegroups.com
Please forward this to anyone you think might be interested!

Hi, everyone! We’re gonna try again after our last minute cancellation in March. Agenda is basically the same. 

Looking forward to hanging out and seeing you all again. 

PDX OSGeo is back! Come out and geo nerd!
Wednesday, April 17th @ 6:30pm
Portland State University

IMPORTANT: Use the doors on the north side by the street car tracks. Cramer Hall will be locked, so we will have someone hanging out by the to let folks in.
After the meeting starts, we will hang a sign in the window with one of our phone numbers to call and be let in.

We'll plan to keep our traditional third Wednesday meeting dates going forward.

The details
We'll use this first meeting primarily to hang out, catch up, and brainstorm ideas for future meetings, so if you've got a problem to discuss, or a cool tool to show off, or something you'd like someone else to talk about, let's hear about it and get it on the schedule.

For example:
  • Percy has an idea for building a map of the best way to tip an election. (I'll let him explain it.)
  • Planning a bigger in-person event, such as:
    • Bringing back WhereCampPDX
    • A Code Sprint
    • Some kind of combo event with our Seattle friends, CUGOS: https://cugos.org/

wws s

Apr 16, 2024, 1:23:20 PM4/16/24
to pdx-...@googlegroups.com
Hi PDX OS Geo friends (esp Darrell and Percy)!

Nice to hear activity on the list even if I won't make the meeting.

One thing:  If we could restart WhereCampPDX, especially if we can get the Metro building again, that would delight me and I volunteer to help organize.  I am sure some CUGOS folks would attend, maybe try to start an alternating thing in Seattle each year?

(I even have a session to propose: "spatializing music, musicalizing space" -- I have no idea what that means, but it sounds fun.)

Much geo-warmth and friendship!

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David Percy

Apr 23, 2024, 3:36:45 PM4/23/24
to pdx-...@googlegroups.com
Great to hear from you, Webb!

WhereCamp would be great fun, and that spatializing music sounds very interesting!

wws s

Apr 26, 2024, 2:42:46 PM4/26/24
to pdx-...@googlegroups.com
Hi Percy! all!

Do you know who organized the last few WhereCamps?  Are they maybe on this list?


Darrell Fuhriman

Apr 30, 2024, 12:03:53 AM4/30/24
to pdx-...@googlegroups.com
Audrey Eschright and Reid Beels were main organizers, though I think turned into mostly Reid, though I could be wrong.  (Apologies to Audrey if I’m wrong about that.)

Reid is on the list, or can be found, last I knew, at rei...@gmail.com.

There was also the list wherec...@googlegroups.com — though it seems to have been retired.


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