$(document).on('viewerLoaded', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
var docViewer = readerControl.docViewer;
var scrollView = $('.DocumentContainer'); // use $('#DocumentViewer') in the legacy UI
var mouseStart;
docViewer.on('mouseLeftDown', function(e, e2) {
mouseStart = {
x: e2.originalEvent.clientX + scrollView.scrollLeft(),
y: e2.originalEvent.clientY + scrollView.scrollTop()
function(e1, e2) {
var mouseStop = {
x: e2.originalEvent.clientX + scrollView.scrollLeft(),
y: e2.originalEvent.clientY + scrollView.scrollTop()
var nPageNumber = docViewer.getCurrentPage();
// Get location of selected rectangle in page coordinates
// using the windowToPage function from the display mode.
var displayMode = docViewer.getDisplayModeManager().getDisplayMode();
var pageCoordStart = displayMode.windowToPage(mouseStart, nPageNumber - 1);
var pageCoordStop = displayMode.windowToPage(mouseStop, nPageNumber - 1);
// Calculate the increase in size using the mouse coordinates and viewport size.
// Check the width and height separately and the one with the smaller value will be used.
var viewportWidth = scrollView.width();
var viewportHeight = scrollView.height();
var nSelWidth = Math.abs(mouseStop.x - mouseStart.x);
var nSelHeight = Math.abs(mouseStop.y - mouseStart.y);
var dZoomHorz = viewportWidth / nSelWidth;
var dZoomVert = viewportHeight / nSelHeight;
var dZoom = Math.min(dZoomHorz, dZoomVert);
// Multiply the current zoom level by the size increase.
var dCurrZoom = docViewer.getZoom();
dZoom *= dCurrZoom;
// Use the pageToWindow function to convert the top left of the selected area
// in page coordinates to window coordinates
// then scroll to that location taking into account the scrollview's offset.
var rotation = docViewer.getCompleteRotation(nPageNumber);
var pagePointTopLeft;
if (rotation === 0) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.min(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.min(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
} else if (rotation === 1) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.min(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.max(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
} else if (rotation === 2) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.max(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.max(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
} else if (rotation === 3) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.max(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.min(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
var wPt = docViewer.getDisplayModeManager().getDisplayMode().pageToWindow(pagePointTopLeft, nPageNumber - 1);
var scrollViewOffset = scrollView.offset();
docViewer.scrollTo(wPt.x - scrollViewOffset.left, wPt.y - scrollViewOffset.top);
}, 0);
var MarqueeZoomTool = function() {
Tools.AnnotationEditTool.apply(this, arguments);
MarqueeZoomTool.prototype = new Tools.AnnotationEditTool();
MarqueeZoomTool.prototype.switchIn = function() {
Tools.Tool.ENABLE_AUTO_SWITCH = false;
Tools.AnnotationEditTool.prototype.switchIn.apply(this, arguments);
MarqueeZoomTool.prototype.switchOut = function() {
Tools.Tool.ENABLE_AUTO_SWITCH = true;
Tools.AnnotationEditTool.prototype.switchOut.apply(this, arguments);
MarqueeZoomTool.prototype.mouseLeftDown = function(e) {
Tools.AnnotationEditTool.prototype.mouseLeftDown.apply(this, arguments);
this.mouseStart = this.getMouseLocation(e);
MarqueeZoomTool.prototype.mouseLeftUp = function(e) {
Tools.AnnotationEditTool.prototype.mouseLeftUp.apply(this, arguments);
this.mouseStop = this.getMouseLocation(e);
var scrollView = this.docViewer.getScrollView();
var nPageNumber = this.docViewer.getCurrentPage();
// Get location of selected rectangle in page coordinates
// using the windowToPage function from the display mode.
var displayMode = this.docViewer.getDisplayModeManager().getDisplayMode();
var pageCoordStart = displayMode.windowToPage(this.mouseStart, nPageNumber - 1);
var pageCoordStop = displayMode.windowToPage(this.mouseStop, nPageNumber - 1);
// Calculate the increase in size using the mouse coordinates and viewport size.
// Check the width and height separately and the one with the smaller value will be used.
var viewportWidth = scrollView.width();
var viewportHeight = scrollView.height();
var nSelWidth = Math.abs(this.mouseStop.x - this.mouseStart.x);
var nSelHeight = Math.abs(this.mouseStop.y - this.mouseStart.y);
if (nSelWidth === 0 || nSelHeight === 0) { return; }
var dZoomHorz = viewportWidth / nSelWidth;
var dZoomVert = viewportHeight / nSelHeight;
var dZoom = Math.min(dZoomHorz, dZoomVert);
// Multiply the current zoom level by the size increase.
var dCurrZoom = this.docViewer.getZoom();
dZoom *= dCurrZoom;
// Use the pageToWindow function to convert the top left of the selected area
// in page coordinates to window coordinates
// then scroll to that location taking into account the scrollview's offset.
var rotation = this.docViewer.getCompleteRotation(nPageNumber);
var pagePointTopLeft;
if (rotation === 0) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.min(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.min(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
} else if (rotation === 1) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.min(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.max(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
} else if (rotation === 2) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.max(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.max(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
} else if (rotation === 3) {
pagePointTopLeft = {
x: Math.max(pageCoordStart.x, pageCoordStop.x),
y: Math.min(pageCoordStart.y, pageCoordStop.y)
var wPt = this.docViewer.getDisplayModeManager().getDisplayMode().pageToWindow(pagePointTopLeft, nPageNumber - 1);
var scrollViewOffset = scrollView.offset();
this.docViewer.scrollTo(wPt.x - scrollViewOffset.left, wPt.y - scrollViewOffset.top);
$(document).on('viewerLoaded', function() {
toolName: 'MarqueeZoomTool',
toolObject: new MarqueeZoomTool(readerControl.docViewer),
buttonImage: '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor">' + '<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/>' + '<path d="M7 14H5v5h5v-2H7v-3zm-2-4h2V7h3V5H5v5zm12 7h-3v2h5v-5h-2v3zM14 5v2h3v3h2V5h-5z"/>' + '</svg>', buttonName: 'marqueeZoomToolButton',
tooltip: 'Marquee Zoom'
readerControl.setHeaderItems(function(header) {
var marqueeZoomToolButton = {
type: 'toolButton',
toolName: 'MarqueeZoomTool'