What are differences between cloud api and on-premises deployment

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Sep 25, 2014, 12:43:39 AM9/25/14
to pdfnet-w...@googlegroups.com
Q: curious to understand the pricing comparison between cloud api and on-premises deployment a little bit more (https://www.pdftron.com/webviewer/licensing.html & https://www.pdftron.com/webviewer/getstarted.html). 


Pricing wise there is no difference between cloud or on-premises deployment. Each option has some pros and cons and eventually they cancel out:


a) With Cloud API you do not need to run your server. So you may save a bit of money.

b) With OnPremises deployment you have full control over your hardware scalability etc (you are not sharing sever with anyone). Also your file are not leaving your corporate entity (even though cloud api offers secure processing, some companies have policies that do not allow file processing by third parties... regardless of our guarantees).

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