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filters criteria does not work on save/post of comments on note panel

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rakesh mishra

Mar 12, 2021, 6:27:36 PM3/12/21
to PDFTron WebViewer

We're facing a weird scenario where we apply some filters criteria to get specific annotations state in note panel and when try to do some modification to them (e.g. try to add/post comment to a annotation) the filter criteria does not apply any more and show all annotations.
Expected behavior is filter criteria should still be applied unless user clear the filters by himself.

How can I achieve this, because there no such api available for filters (except the custom filter) and it looks like some css issue.
Can anyone please help?


Jussi Nieminen

Mar 15, 2021, 12:06:16 PM3/15/21
to PDFTron WebViewer
Hi Rakesh,

Thanks for reaching out. I was testing this with our latest 7.3 stable nightly release. I had annotations in the document, I filtered by annotation state, and added new reply and comment and filter stayed same. In addition to that I followed my previous steps and added search filter, and still those filters were correctly kept. 

If you are not using latest 7.3 version of WebViewer, could you try with that. We've done bunch of bug fixes to notes panel after 7.2 release.

Best Regards,
Jussi Nieminen
Senior Software Developer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

rakesh mishra

Mar 15, 2021, 12:46:06 PM3/15/21
to PDFTron WebViewer
Thanks for your support really appreciate it, I digged a bit and it turns out to be bug on our end. So sorry for your inconvenience. 


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WebViewer Support

Mar 15, 2021, 12:47:40 PM3/15/21
Hi Rakesh,

Good to hear you resolved the issue!

Best Regards,
Jussi Nieminen
Senior Software Developer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

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