Highlighting words in XOD file

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Dec 12, 2012, 4:39:14 PM12/12/12
Is there a way to highlight specific word in an xod file? So basically, I want to highlight all "investor" in an xod document. Is there a built in function to highlight it?

Yes, you should be able to highlight text on the client side. Depending on the WebViewer version you are using (HTML5, Silverlight, Flash?) please take a look at the corresponding API Reference (e.g. http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/webviewer/demo/html5/doc/index.html, http://www.pdftron.com/silverdox/documentation/Index.html  etc...).


Specifically check out classes derived from 'Annotations.TextMarkupAnnotation'. You can also do a programmatic search via DocumentViewer.TextSearchInit (http://www.pdftron.com/pdfnet/webviewer/demo/html5/doc/symbols/CoreControls.DocumentViewer.html#TextSearchInit, DisplaySearchResult etc).


Alternatively, on the server side, you can use 'pdftron.PDF.TextSearch/TextExtractor'  (from PDFNet) to search through original PDF document. There is no need to save or re-convert etc. The selection regions / highlights can be sent to the WebViewer (e.g. as an XML request) so that client can show/highlight without any heavy client-side processing. In case you don't like built-in annotations, you can implement a custom annotation (e.g. to show 'hits' etc).


So there are many options. Which one is best depends on your requirements.

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