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WebViewer sample question (xod conversion and pdf annotation)

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Jul 30, 2013, 4:03:38 PM7/30/13


We tried the xod conversion sample along with WebViewer sample.
We converted some PDF files using the xod converter sample and display in the webviewer sample.
When display, there are inconsistencies, for examples:

PDF with Markups.  The xod file is not showing all the markups that adobe does.  Not all markups are there.   Eg. the rectangle and squiggle makrups are missing.

PDF with  Approval Stamp.   The xod file is not showing the stamp in the viewer

PDF with interactive form.  The  the xod file display is a bit different than adobe in the viewer.

PDF with digital signature field or digital signature, the xod files do not show the signature in the viewer either.


Can you tell us what do the Viewer and xod converter actually support or not supported?  Do they support the PDF input form field?  Do they support the digital signature field? Other annotations?  




Matt Parizeau

Jul 30, 2013, 7:46:39 PM7/30/13

At the moment we don't support all annotation types.  You can see which annotations are supported by going to and then selecting the annotation tab on the side panel.  We do support custom annotations however, which you can find an example for in CustomTools.js that is included in the WebViewer download package.

The WebViewer has basic forms support.  You can view to see a simple document with input fields, check boxes and buttons.  You can find more information in the WebViewer Developer Guide under the Annotations and Forms section.

At the moment digital signatures and digital signature fields are not supported by the WebViewer.

If you have some example files that don't convert as expected you can send them to describing what is wrong with the conversion and what the expected output should be.

Matt Parizeau
Software Developer
PDFTron Systems Inc.

May 14, 2014, 4:51:41 PM5/14/14
At the moment digital signatures and digital signature fields are not supported by the WebViewer.

One workaround is to "flatten" form fields during conversion, so that signatures are turned into normal content.  The downside of this technique is that it turns other form content into uneditable normal content as well.  In future versions of XOD conversion we may always flatten only signature fields, but this is not yet in place.


May 14, 2014, 5:22:00 PM5/14/14

FYI: Even with the current version of PDFNet SDK you can selectively flatten form fields, annotations and signatures before export to XOD (or anything else).

You would use pdftron.PDF.Annot.Flatten() or pdftron.PDF.Filed.Flatten() as shown in InteractiveForms sample:

If you are OK with flattening all annotations in a single shot call pdfdoc.FlattenAnnotations()
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