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Users can't view typed annotation notes when using full screen PDFTron in Safari

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Elena G

Oct 11, 2016, 7:54:34 PM10/11/16
to PDFTron WebViewer
Hi, we stumbled upon this PDFTron viewer issue that is affecting our users, please take a look. Thank you!
When annotating a document in Version 10.0 of Safari (latest version) and is viewing in full screen ((using the PDFTron full screen button), when an annotation is made and a note is created, when a user types in the note, the text is not visible.

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Kristian Hein

Oct 17, 2016, 5:56:07 PM10/17/16
to PDFTron WebViewer
Hello Elena,

It appears that Safari does not allow text input in fullscreen mode. See here:

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