Re: Display 3D Pdfs in Webviewer

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Nov 19, 2012, 6:59:07 PM11/19/12
You should be able to add support for 3D annotations (e.g. similar to U3D/PRC annotations in PDF):
In this case you would use WebViewer annotations API to add support for custom 3D annotations:
- Your 3D model would be stored in a separate URL (eg. in the same folder as XOD)
- Use WebGL (  or similar) to load and display 3D model.
- Your 3D object would float on top of DocumentViewer similar to other annotations. the annotation could be moved with the same tools available for other annotation types.
-  For overview of Annotation API see:
- The HTML5 SDK comes with a sample of how to implement a very basic custom annotation that you can use as a starting point for your development.

On Wednesday, November 14, 2012 6:34:04 PM UTC-8, Kevin Kuo wrote:
Hi Madalina,

Unfortunately, the WebViewer and .xod format does not support viewing 3d content.
The conversion process from pdf to xod will try to flatten the 3d content.

On Monday, November 12, 2012 7:36:51 AM UTC-8, Madalina wrote:

I have a question about the PDFTron WebViewer. We would like to know if this viewer has any support for 3d Pdfs?
Or does the .xod format support a 3d display of a pdf?

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